Thursday, December 27, 2012

I've Never Seen Barack Obama Eat Watermelon!

Real laugh riot!
But those conservatives once again bring forth their hatred of the nation's first Black president in a negative condescending and practically racist theme.

No surprise that the state of Kentucky is the hub of Appalachia. These poor ignorant ass White people fear the Godless Muslim, Socialist, Commie, Traitor And His Fat Ass Wife That Looks Like A Baboon.

See it's never us that invoke the hate, it's always them. They prove to Blacks, Hispanics and non-White Americans that Republicans aren't focused on the concerns. They're focused on dividing us with class warfare and then turn around and blame President Barack Obama for their own doing.

A Casey County man says the life-sized mannequin in his front yard of President Obama holding a slice of watermelon was meant as a joke and not a racist display.

"The way I look at it, it's freedom of speech," said Danny Hafley. "I don't know how other people will take it."
WHITE EXTREMIST Danny Hafley stands near his statue.
Hafley bought the Obama mask on sale after Halloween and put up the display around the time of November's presidential election.

The mannequin, dressed in a grey suit, clip-on tie and blue-collared shirt, was originally standing in Hafley's yard but the homeowner decided it would look better near the road.

"That's my buddy," Hafley said. "He don't talk. Don't make no smart comments. If I had a dollar for everyone who stopped and took a picture of it I'd be a millionaire."

When asked the reason behind the watermelon, Hafley responded that he thought the figure "might get hungry standing out here."

While several neighbors didn't find anything wrong with the life-sized doll and said Hafley had the right to display it, one anonymous neighbor felt others would find it racist.

"If he wants to place it someplace else that would be fine," said the neighbor. "We don't have black people in this community but I'm sure they travel this road like everybody else does. They could be offended. I don't agree with it."

The neighbor added that the figure originally had a sign asking people to pray that Obama won't destroy America.

This isn't the first time Hafley has made such a display. He pulled off the mask and unbuttoned the suit coat to show a white mannequin with a drawn-on moustache wearing a blue-collared shirt with "Stupidville Police Department' written on the right side. Hafley said he designed it after Hustonville Police Chief Fred McCoy.

"Freddy is what I named him," Hafley said.

Hafley says he doesn't plan on taking down the display until the springtime or whenever it gets him in trouble.

"He's pretty popular," Hafley said. "If he's as popular in Washington as he is here then he's a popular man."

To add insult to this conflict, his daughter took to Facebook to defend her father's blatant racism.

Karen Conley ·  Top Commenter
What an idiot.
Just another toothless, white-trash, redneck that gives Kentucky such a bad reputation.

  • Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
    This toothless, white-trash, redneck that you are referring to, served his country in the U.S. Army for 18 years and defended millions of strangers in Viet Nam. Therefore , I think that he earned his right to voice his opinions and display anything he wants.

Lou Belton ·  Top Commenter · Auburn University
and you're an ugly hog. Go on a diet fatty. (I earned the right to say that because I served in Iraq)

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
Lou Belton Did you loose your eyesight while you were in Iraq? Because I am definitely not ugly or fat. LOL Seriously, is that the best you can come up with?

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
And again, he earned his right to defend his "racist" ideas when he defended his country in Viet Nam!

Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
Mark Preston So they can then force him to remove it???? That is exactly what would happen. This started out as a political statement. He put this on display asking people to pray for America, because 4 more years with Obama as president will destroy America. He removed it a couple of weeks ago because of the holiday season. But someone made the comment that he removed it because he got scared when a car full of African American's stopped and told him to take it down. That's when he put the display back up, but added the watermelon to it.

Brandy Mitchell-Williams · Customer Service Manager at Foam Design, Inc.
What a freaking Moron!!! Angie Hafley, you're a freaking racist moron too. Like father like daughter!!

  • Valerie Smith ·  Top Commenter · Louisville, Kentucky
    Yeah right, cars full of African Americans cruise Casey County all the time! You know it's true, someone made a comment about it.

  • Glen Sault ·  Top Commenter · Naval Opthalmic Support & Training Activity
    Oh, a car full of African Americans stopped by to tell him to take his statue down. Bet they were Black Panthers, too.

  • Randall Russell · Casey County High School
    To know Danny, he wouldnt have taken it down because a car full of black folks stopped by and told him to.

  • Elizabeth Nicole Parlato ·  Top Commenter
    Angie Hafley Stevens oh my god lol. yeah sure youre right, he has the right to make himself look like a racist idiot (just like you do) but we also have the right to call him out on being a piece of human trash. a car full of black people, omg lol. Serving in vietnam doesnt give him some kind of shield that keeps people from calling out what a hateful bigot he is. Are you from that area too?? is everyone there so hopelessly racist?

Steven Eric Richardson · US Navy Electronics Technician School
He's just asking for a brick to be thrown though his window.

  • Angie Hafley Stevens · National College of Business & Technology
    You are probably correct. But you know what? At least he is man enough to stand up for what he believes in. He is prepared to face whatever consequences this may bring him. This was originally displayed during election time with a sign that read, "4 more years of this will destroy America." It wasn't until someone else tried to turn it into something racist, that he added the watermelon. It wasn't racist views that started this whole thing. It was his fear of "Godless" man being elected as our president again. He believes in God and believes that God should be an important part of our government, school, daily lifes, etc. He believes in our constitutional rights (all of them........freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to bear arms, etc)

It's proven time after time that Americans are so fucking stupid! !t's unbelievable at times. Once again White extremists online and in the general public figure these negative stereotypes of Black people being chicken bone sucking, watermelon eating, purple drank slurping, welfare grabbing, gubmint gibb mes is true! They think the Black people voted for President Barack Obama so they can get their Obama Phones and Obama Money!

They attack hip-hop music for embracing in the gun culture. But when a White mass shooter kills Americans, it's not about the guns it's about the man. They want gun control over Blacks, Hispanics and Muslims. But never the White guy. It's gun rights for them.

That is the reason to why Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending idiots liberals paint them out to be!

Fontella Bass Passes Away!

Fontella Bass passes away. Her famous single Rescue Me hit the charts in 1960s.
You may of heard of the famous song, Rescue Me and wondered who sung that one?

Well today, you'll get an opportunity to know who the singer was! Today she passed away at the age of 72.

Fontella Bass, a St. Louis-born soul singer died Wednesday night at a St. Louis hospice of complications from a heart attack suffered three weeks ago, her daughter, Neuka Mitchell, said. Bass had also suffered a series of strokes over the past seven years.

"She was an outgoing person," Mitchell said of her mother. "She had a very big personality. Any room she entered she just lit the room up, whether she was on stage or just going out to eat."

Bass was born into a family with deep musical roots. Her mother was gospel singer Martha Bass, one of the Clara Ward Singers. Her younger brother, David Peaston, had a string of R&B hits in the 1980s and 1990s. Peaston died in February at age 54.

Bass began performing at a young age, singing in her church's choir at age 6. She was surrounded by music, often traveling on national tours with her mother and her gospel group.

Her interest turned from gospel to R&B when she was a teenager and she began her professional career at the Showboat Club in north St. Louis at age 17. She eventually auditioned for Chess Records and landed a recording contract, first as a duet artist. Her duet with Bobby McClure, "Don't Mess Up a Good Thing," reached No. 5 on the R&B charts and No. 33 on the Billboard Top 100 in 1965.

She co-wrote and later that year recorded "Rescue Me," reaching No. 1 on the R&B charts and No. 4 on the Billboard pop singles chart. Bass's powerful voice bore a striking resemblance to that of Aretha Franklin, who is often misidentified as the singer of that chart-topping hit.

Bass had a few other modest hits but by her own accounts developed a reputation as a troublemaker because she demanded more artistic control, and more money for her songs. She haggled over royalty rights to "Rescue Me" for years before reaching a settlement in the late 1980s, Mitchell said. She sued American Express over the use of "Rescue Me" in a commercial, settling for an undisclosed amount in 1993.

"Rescue Me" has been covered by many top artists, including Linda Ronstadt, Cher, Melissa Manchester and Pat Benatar. Franklin eventually sang a form of it too – as "Deliver Me" in a Pizza Hut TV ad in 1991.

Bass lived briefly in Europe before returning to St. Louis in the early 1970s, where she and husband jazz musician Lester Bowie raised their family. She recorded occasionally, including a 1995 gospel album, "No Ways Tired," that earned a Grammy nomination.

Bass was inducted into the St. Louis Hall of Fame in 2000.

Funeral arrangements for Bass were incomplete. She is survived by four children. Bowie died in 1999.

GOP: Tokens Please!

Republicans are propping up Tim Scott as their new shield against charges of racism and extremism.

Republicans never cease to amaze me about how many shiny coins they find in the gutter. They're already playing racial politics with the latest appointment to a late senator's seat.

They're bragging about them being the party with at least a Black member in the senate.

But the Democrats can brag about having the first Black person elected twice to serve as President of the United States.

Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
To be blunt, I knew this would happen. Hawaiian governor Neil Abercrombie is catching flack from the conservative media for appointing a successor of the late Daniel Inouye, the nation's longest serving senator.

The veteran of World War II, Medal of Honor who was an amputee served as a senator for Hawaii since 1963. He died in late December, and the governor had to appoint a person to finish his term. Abercrombie appointed lieutenant governor Brian Schantz to replace him. Congresswoman Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) won a U.S. senate race and will become the first Hawaiian female senator and Asian American woman to serve. Daniel Akaka, a moderate Democrat is retiring from the senate and Inouye declared that he would run in 2014, before his death. The conservative media rancor started when the dying senator wanted freshman Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa (D-Hawaii) or another woman to take his seat. That was ignored by the governor. The Republicans are crowing about politcial cronyism

I knew it was going to happen that the Republicans prop up Tim Scott! The South Carolina congressman is now going to replace Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina). Scott is an African American who ran under the Tea Party flank. He is going to be the only Black member of the Senate. He refuses to join the Black or Hispanic caucuses. Scott is going to be the Republican "NEXT BLACK HOPE". Soon you'll hear talk about a "real Black man" running for president.

Minus Herman Cain and Alan Keyes!

The Democrats scoffing at this one! They're probably lining a serious contender against Scott. They're likely going to appoint a Black candidate to run against Scott.

Retiring senator Jim DeMint and replacement Tim Scott are conservative Republicans. Scott promised to carry the mantle. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is the country's most controversial politician. He is the king of gridlock.
But I am hearing Mark Bellings, a stand-in for Rush Limbaugh today whining about the Republican Party's lack of diversity. He is bragging about the pick of Scott and elected member Ted Cruz, a Canadian born Hispanic legislator who becomes the newest senator from Texas. The conservative agitator wonders why since the Democrats are all about diversity, why isn't there any members of the senate from their party being Black!

Well for one thing, Harold Ford lost after a GOP ad featuring a scantly clad woman told Ford to "call me!"

Kendrick Meek was running a three man show against former Republican Charlie Crist and Republican Marco Rubio. Crist was the pick of President Barack Obama and former Bill Clinton. They were hoping that Meek dropped out. Meek refused and continued on to defeat.

Roland Burris was swamped in the Republican witch hunt over Rod Blagojevich. The former Illinois governor had tried to bribe potential picks for the president's former senate seat. Burris served the remaining three years of senate before retiring. The seat went to moderate Republican Mark Kirk, a Congressman from the state.

Every Black legislator who wanted to run for senate was either nominated for the respectful party but was handed a defeat after bitterness and unease from the voting public. Conservative Republicans and some Democrats harbor views that show bigotry towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

The Democrats have at least more members of Congress who are Black. When Scott takes seating on January 3, 2013, that leaves Republicans without a member of Congress being Black.

It's a lose-lose situation for the Republicans. Regardless of what they do.

He/She/They Said What???

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

President George H.W. Bush Fighting For Life!

George H.W. Bush, the 41st President Of The United States is in a Houston, Texas hospital. It's confirmed that his health is failing! We here at Journal de la Reyna wish him a speedy recovery.

The oldest living president is in intensive care in a Texas hospital with family. Former president George H.W. Bush, his son former president George W. Bush, first ladies Barbara and Laura are there.

George Herbert Walker Bush became the 41st president after beating Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis in a landslide election. Bush served two terms as Vice President under 40th president Ronald Reagan. Bush served one term as president and paved the way for his son, George W. Bush to become the 43rd.
The former president celebrated his 85th birthday skydiving with CNN/HLN anchor Robin Meade.
Former president George H.W. Bush spent Christmas in a Houston hospital with a rising fever, his office confirms.

Spokesman Jim McGrath said in a statement Wednesday evening that doctors have put Bush in the intensive care unit and on a liquid diet.

“Following a series of setbacks including a persistent fever, President Bush was admitted to the intensive care unit at Methodist Hospital on Sunday where he remains in guarded condition,” McGrath said. “Doctors at Methodist continue to be cautiously optimistic about the current course of treatment. The President is alert and conversing with medical staff, and is surrounded by family.”

The 88-year-old has been in and out of Methodist Hospital since early November, battling a severe cough. In recent days, he has been undergoing physical therapy to rebuild his strength. Doctors expected he would be able to go home for Christmas, but Bush developed a fever that has left him weak.
President Barack Obama meets with former President George H.W. Bush and former Florida governor Jeb Bush.
On Christmas Day, the former president ate Chinese food with family members in the hospital.

Bush’s fever is being treated with Tylenol, according to the AP, but doctors haven’t figured out the cause. Meanwhile, the cough that brought him to the hospital has improved.

Bush held the presidency from 1989 to 1993. The oldest living president, he marked his 85th birthday in 2009 by skydiving.

Arrest The Media!

David Gregory shows NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre a magazine clip. The conservative extremists are demanding for David Gregory to be charged with a crime. The DC police are investigating if the NBC host violated the law.

Conservative Extremist agitating continues online and in the mainstream. The gun debate continues to rile up the advocates for control and supporters for rights.

The National Rifle Association and Gun Owners of America had a media blitz and it only drew more controversy.

President of the NRA, David Keene was on CBS's Face The Nation to defend the gun rights organization.

NRA spokesperson Wayne LaPierre went on NBC's Meet The Press.

President of GAO, Larry Pratt goes on Piers Morgan on CNN and later The Bill Cunningham Live On Sunday Night Program.

Each of them defended the firearms and blame the entertainment industry. Each of them singled out President Barack Obama, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-California), the Brady Gun Control advocates and of course the mainstream media for politicizing regulations on firearms.
David Keene with Bob Schieffer.

Last Friday, the NRA responded to the Sandy Hook tragedy and the mounting criticism. LaPierre demanded that the Congress take action by having armed guards in America's schools. He pointed out that mental illness, video games like Mortal Kombat, Grand Theft Auto, Kindergarten Killer, and Resident Evil are corrupting the minds of sick individuals and the media for mention the name of the killer at Sandy Hook Elementary.

David Keene goes on Face The Nation and argues with host Bob Schieffer over the notion to reinstate a law that bans assault weapons.

Unsurprisingly, he came out swinging against tighter laws on guns.

"We will continue to oppose a ban on semiautomatic weapons," he said. ""These aren't military weapons," Keene continued. "If we equipped our army with the AR-15, we'd be beaten by every Third World - you know, every Third World dictatorship in the country. Military weapons are fully automatic weapons, and that's illegal. You don't get those. That's not what we're talking about."

Host Bob Schieffer asked Keene if he thought NRA's policies were at least partially responsible for the recent gun violence.

"We don't think they have," he said. "We're living in a country, a free country, where people have a right to express their Second Amendment rights."

When Schieffer said that it's easier to get a gun in the United States than a driver's license, Keene responded, "There' s a difference between a driver's license, driving is a privilege, and owning a firearm, which is a constitutional right."
Piers Morgan slams WHITE EXTREMIST Larry Pratt over gun laws.
"I'm not saying that every mental patient is a potential killer. I'm not saying that everybody that watches a video is a potential killer. That's not true. But neither is, everybody who owns a gun is a potential killer," he said."The fact that something is misused, whether it's a baseball bat, or the mass killing in a Chinese school with an axe and a knife, doesn't mean that you ban baseball bats, axes and knives or guns."

LaPierre's presser flopped. Many in the media were angered by his contentious blaming of others. He didn't get to the point of why should Americans own high capacity firearms such as the one used in Sandy Hook and recently Wesbter, New York.  The media hammered him for being more focused on guns than those who were lost. So in order to get clarification, he appears on Meet The Press with David Gregory.

Gregory criticized the NRA for allowing their blind support of more firearms! He tried to press him on what could the NRA do to prevent mass shootings, LaPierre dodged it. He held up a magazine clip from a high powered firearm. Asking him what could he do to prevent those from entering the hands of possible shooters.

LaPierre continues to distract the issue and the interview ended on a sour note.

Well here in the online world, The Daily Caller and numerous other conservative extremist websites balk on David Gregory breaking the law. I guess in the District Of Columbia, it's against the law to have possession of a high powered magazine clip. Washington, DC Metro police are aware of requests made by NBC News to hold a magazine clip, but it was denied at first. It was later confirmed that Gregory had permission from the ATF and local authorities. Although this matter is an open investigation, it's probably not likely that Gregory will get charge with a crime.

The commentator used an empty magazine clip as a prop to describe to the audience how a high capacity clip works inside a firearm.

Gun Owners of America president Larry Pratt on the other hand got his ass handed to him by British tabloid journalist Piers Morgan. The CNN host interviewed the WHITE EXTREMIST over the past week. Piers Morgan, a longtime advocate of new gun laws, has spoken out strongly in favor of gun control and the two got into it. Pratt went on to argue that gun laws promoted violence because people are unable to defend themselves, and said that gun bans in other countries have not affected violent crime rates.

Morgan said that was not true, and could not hold himself back. “You’re an unbelievably stupid man, aren’t you?” he said.

“It seems to me you are morally obtuse,” Pratt calmly responded. “You seem to prefer being a victim to being able to prevail over the criminal element. I don’t know why you want to be the criminal’s friend.”

“What a ridiculous argument," Morgan shot back. "You have absolutely no coherent argument. You don’t actually give a damn about the gun murder rate in America.”

The conservative extremists are fumed up! Alex Jones and his paranoid freaks of the internet went to the White House petition website demanding that Morgan should be deported for attacking Second Amendment. The petition is over 75,000 signatures as of today.

Quick summary of the Second Amendment:

As passed by the Congress: A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

As ratified by the States and authenticated by Thomas Jefferson, Secretary of State:
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.

This is how WHITE TERRORISTS act. In their sick minds, they think they're protected from criticism. They put on this phony "patriotism" act to defend the indefensible. They don't understand the real message to the Second Amendment. All they know is that the amendment gives them a right to bear arms. All they understand is that if they can have the freedom to be the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending idiots, it's perfect fine with them. But how dare those dirty, race baiting, no job having, liberal hippies want laws to take our guns.

If you happen to be a White guy, you're entitled to have a firearm. But say if you're either a Black, Hispanic or even a Muslim, you have no business owning a firearm according to those in the extremist media.

You wonder why they always attack hip-hop music?

You wonder why they want all the "illegals" to depaorted?

You always wonder why they call Muslims terrorists?

Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement harbor bigotry towards a person's race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings.

Gunman Kills NY Firefighters And Sister!

Gunman: The gunman, identified by police as William Spengler opened fire as soon as the firefighters arrived, killing two firefighter volunteers

Ever since the reelection, conservatives and extremists were buying up firearms in bulk. The National Rifle Association weekend talk show blitz was a disaster. They continue to blame entertainment and President Barack Obama for the Sandy Hook shooting. The conservative agitating media continues to poke the bee's nest of violence. First The Drudge Report, Breitbart, Fox Nation and The Blaze post up controversial stories that paint Blacks and Hispanics as the enemy. The readers look at these stories and begin tossing a word salad. They're sending more threatening and offensive statements online. Some comments appear to show racism at its finest.

The Republicans are atone to their concerns and are continuing this ongoing gridlock with the nation's debt ceiling and are stubbornly taking us the fiscal cliff. The sequester possibility is decreased to at least 43% in likely passing. The possibility was 57% at the time.

The newest tragedy starts Webster, New York. The people of the small town are mourning this holiday! A gunman who had no business holding onto a firearm started a massive fire and then launched an assault on firefighters.

Two firefighters were killed. We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those who were lost in this senseless tragedy. The Telegraph reports this tragedy. The Associated Press and Rochester Democrat also provide all the information to this story.

William Spengler, 62, armed himself with three weapons, including a Bushmaster assault rifle - the same type of weapon used by Sandy Hook Elementary shooter Adam Lanza - and set his house afire to lure first responders into a death trap.

Two firefighters were shot dead and two others are hospitalized. Spengler killed himself as seven houses burned around him Monday.

On Tuesday, it was revealed that a body - believed to be his sister Cheryl Spengler - was found in the charred rubble of his home.

Police lieutenant Mike Chiapperini (left) and Tomasz Kaczowka, (right) a 911 dispatcher, who had both volunteered with the West Webster fire department tragically died in the shooting
Tomasz Kaczowka was killed in ambush.
Cheryl, 67, lived with William at the home he burned down early Monday in Webster, New York.

A family friend of William Spengler says he 'couldn't stand' his sister and said the two had a difficult relationship.

Police have not confirmed for certain that the charred remains are Cheryl's, but it is believed she died in the house.

Police are investigating whether a fight with her sparked the shocking violence - which took place just ten days after the elementary school shootings in Newtown, Connecticut.

William Spengler has a history of brutality against his family. In July 1980, he beat his 92-year-old grandmother Rose Spengler to death with a hammer. He served 17 years in prison after pleading guilty to manslaughter. He was released in 1998.

Authorities believe he used an assault rifle to kill Webster police Lieutenant Mike Chiapperini, 42, and Tomasz Kaczowka, 19, a rookie 911 dispatcher who was best friends with Lt. Chiapperini's son.

Spengler, who shot himself dead after a brief firefight with police, is a convicted felon and cannot legally own a gun in New York.

However, somehow, he was able to obtain an assault rifle - the same type of weapon that was used to murder 20 first graders and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School on December 14. Police say Spengler also had a handgun.

Roger Vercruysse, who claims Spengler was a good friend when they lived next door in Webster, a Rochester suburb, said Spengler 'couldn't stand' his sister, Cheryl Spengler. Police were unable to locate her since the home she shared with William Spengler was burned down.

Mr. Vercruysse said Spengler 'loved his mama to death.' Arline Spengler died in October, and Mr. Vercruysse wonders what effect that had on her 62-year-old son. He says he thinks William Spengler 'went crazy' after she died.

Police say they don't have a motive for the killings on the shore of Lake Ontario.

However, the Rochester Democrat and Chronicle reports that detectives believe a fight between William Spengler and his sister Cheryl, whom he lived with, could have sparked the horrific violence.

The victims, Lt. Chiapperini and Kaczowka, were public servants who bravely volunteered to be firefighters in their off-hours.

Lt. Chiapperini was a community leader who was heavily involved as a volunteer firefighter and had held nearly every post at the fire house. He even trained Mr. Kaczowka, who spent three years of high school training in the department's Explorer program.

In addition, two full time fire men, Joseph Hofsetter and Theodore Scardino were shot and wounded by the gunman and are currently in nearby Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester, along with John Ritter, an off duty police officer who was hit by shrapnel from the volley of bullets.
Police lieutenant Mike Chiapperini (left) and Tomasz Kaczowka, (right) a 911 dispatcher, who had both volunteered with the West Webster fire department tragically died in the shooting
 Lieutenant Mike Chiapperini was killed in ambush.

Mr. Hofsetter, who is also a full-time firefighter with the Rochester Fire Department, was hit once in the pelvis and the bullet lodged in his spine, authorities said. Mr. Scardino was hit in the chest and knee.

All three men are in a guarded condition according to West Webster fire Chief Gerald Pickering, who confirmed that there was only one gunman and that it appears the fire was started as a trap.

'It does appear it was a trap set for first responders,' said a visibly emotional Pickering at a press conference this morning.

'These people wake up in the middle of the night to fight fires, they don't expect to get shot.'

Monday's shooting and fires were in a neighborhood of seasonal and year-round homes set close together across the road from the lakeshore. The area is popular with recreational boaters but is normally quiet this time of year.

'We have very few calls for service in that location,' Pickering said. 'Webster is a tremendous community. We are a safe community, and to have a tragedy befall us like this is just horrendous.'

O'Flynn lamented the violence, which comes on the heels of other shootings including the massacre of 20 students and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

'It's sad to see that that this is becoming more commonplace in communities across the nation,' O'Flynn said.

Webster, a middle-class suburb, now is the scene of violence linked to house fires for two Decembers in a row.
A Bushmaster Assault Rifle - The same weapon used by Sandy Hook Elementary shooter Adam Lanza and William Spengler who shot two firefighters Friday
The Bushmaster AR 15 flying off the shelves of gun stores in the United States.
In the aftermath of the burning fire, 33 residents were evacuated from the picturesque lakeside community as fire chief's allowed the fire to burn unchecked destroying four homes and damaging 4 others.

'All of our thoughts and prayers go to the families and friends of those who were killed in this senseless act of violence,' New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said in a statement.

Joseph Hofsetter was injured in the shooting and was rescued by a police SWAT team in the town of West Webster
Joseph Hofsetter was shot and injured.
'The contributions made by the fallen and injured officers in Webster will never be forgotten,' said New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman.

'As this investigation unfolds, we stand with our partners in law enforcement to ensure that lethal weapons are out of the hands of dangerous people, so that the brave New Yorkers who risk their lives every day to protect us are not exposed to additional danger,' he added.

'There's a heightened awareness to this kind of violence in light of what happened in Connecticut,' said Maggie Brooks, leader of the local administration in Monroe County, the area which includes Webster.

'We have first responders and we have families who are in pain and crisis today and we need to, as a community, keep them in our thoughts and prayers,' Mrs Brooks said, adding that it was a 'very, very difficult day.'

One neighbor who was walking her dog at the time of the shooing said that she saw a car driving away from the scene at around 90 miles an hour.

She said the car was being driven erratically by a male driver and it is believed that the occupant was fleeing the incident
A gunman has reportedly shot and killed two men and injured another two in the town of Webster, New York in an incident this morning
The shooter William Spangler wanted to kill as many people as he could.
'It's just a miserable thing to happen this time of year, any time,' Assemblyman Mark Johns, who represents the district and said he was friends with at least one of the victims, told WHEC.

'People who volunteer to come down and help others, to be shot at, wounded, killed. It's terrible.'

Of course these senseless tragedies happen in the suburbs. They managed to make the national news. Everyday a shooting happens and some make the 5pm news or the national news.

In Pennsylvania, a gunman last week killed four people before killing himself.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 24, 2012

Yeah, The NRA Took A Self Inflicted Bullet In The Head!

David Keene and Wayne LaPierre may have inflicted more harm!
Republicans and their conservative agitators rush to the defense of the gun organization. Wayne LaPierre and David Keene go onto the television to defend themselves from harsh criticism by gun control advocates.

“If it’s crazy to call for putting police in and securing our schools to protect our children, then call me crazy,” LaPierre told NBC’s David Gregory. “I think the American people think it’s crazy not to do it. It’s the one thing that would keep people safe and the NRA is going try to do that.”

President Barack Obama has tasked Vice President Joe Biden with the job of consulting with members of the Cabinet and outside organizations to come up with legislative proposals by next month.

When asked about this initiative, LaPierre said, “if it’s a panel that’s just going to be made up of a bunch of people that for the past 20 years has been trying to destroy the Second Amendment, I’m not interested in sitting on that panel…. The NRA is not going to let people lose the Second Amendment in this country.”

While they were shooting off their mouths, two New York firefighters were killed.

A petition was posted by extremists on the White House website. They're petitioning for deportation of British entertainer Piers Morgan. The CNN anchor and Britain/America's Got Talent host was the scorn of gun nuts because of his harsh criticism of the NRA.

David Gregory and President Barack Obama were scorned by conservative agitators for having protection for their children. The NRA was criticizing the president for having armed protection!

The NRA only solution to the problems of the world, get more guns! MORE GUNS FOR THE WHITE GUY AND NO GUNS FOR THE BLACKS, HISPANICS, AND MUSLIMS!

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Sunday, December 23, 2012

CNN Anchor: Should We Should Profile White Men?

Don Lemon is a rising star on CNN. The network that is trailing behind the partisan tabloids news channels MSNBC and Fox News.

Lemon is the weekend news anchor. Last year, Lemon came out as a Black gay man and wrote a book on his life struggling through molestation. In his memoir, Transparent, released in May 2011, Lemon acknowledges publicly that he is gay and discusses colorism in the black community, racism, homophobia, and the sexual abuse that he suffered as a child.

The Drudge Report hypes up a controversial statement made by the anchor on racial profiling.

Lemon was asked by a Twitter follower on the recent Sandy Hook shooting. Lemon commented on recent mass shootings being caused by White men aged 18 - 25.


Many conservatives claim that some of Lemon's statements come off as anti-White. Lemon feuded with Eddie Bishop, the Black anti-gay pastor caught in a gay scandal and actor Jonah Hill after the entertainer snubbed him in Ohio. Lemon made controversial statements in the past and this one will be ringing the bells of Newsbusters, Breitbart, The Daily Caller and The Blaze.

The anchor brushed off criticism.

Recently, former CNN anchor T.J. Holmes was stopped by the South Carolina police.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

[These Racist Conservatives] Complain About Obama Taking Vacations!

President Barack Obama enjoys shaved ice with daughter Malia. Conservatives fume up over the president taking a vacation. Once again, another lame NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama by those in the extremist conservative media. Matt Drudge leads the way to racial ignorance.

The fiscal cliff showdown continues. In Washington, DC, the partisan gridlock is so unprecedented.

President Barack Obama and the Congressional Republicans are odds over the Bush tax cuts. The Republicans want to keep the tax cuts permanent for all Americans. President Barack Obama wants the tax cuts to expire for those making over $250,000. The Republicans want a trillion in spending cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets). The president wants all on the table cuts (i.e. domestic safety nets, defense cuts, and budget reduction). They can't get to an agreement!

The Republicans are losing the battle. The public wants tax rates to go up on the rich. The president won the narrative and his job approval is showing that. Currently his job approval is 57% according to Gallup. The rising in job approval gives the president the edge. A CNN/ORC poll says that the Republicans are too ideological! Basically extreme in the way of governing. That's not good for them.

They're actually trying to refocus their narrative. They're trying to distance themselves from the extremists in their party. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of the House) shown signs of trying to put the brakes on the Tea Party. Some Republicans are venting off frustration over Tea Party members being stripped of committee chairs. The PLAN B bill was a total failure. The Republican leader couldn't gather enough of his party to vote on the bill. The bill would raise taxes on those making $1 million or more. The Republicans pretty much boxed themselves in. The president now controls the message!

President Barack Obama can say that Republicans would rather have everyone pay higher taxes because of their refusal to compromise. The fiscal cliff (sequester) will take effect on January 1, 2013. The defense cuts, safety net cuts, the student loan rates, the tax rates will be affected.

Many Americans are getting frustrated with passing legislation at the last minute. The backlog is great. The U.S. Postal Service, a farm bill, and Hurricane Sandy disaster relief were stalled by Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) and other Tea Party endorse members. Our milk prices could go up beginning in February. The total destruction of Atlantic coast has families scrambling for federal aid. Republicans want no part of it because of a few earmarks slipped into the bill.

PLAN B failed and Speaker Boehner was handed an embarrassment. He's fumed up and teared up. The 112th Congress has proven to be one of the worst under his leadership. Now as Boehner, Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) and members of the House and Senate recess for the holiday break, the president also takes a break. The president left out Friday night for his vacation home in Hawaii.

The Congress will return on December 27, 2012 for a few more days of gridlock. It's a 57% chance they'll have a compromise by the end of the year.

Anyways, The Drudge Report. The conservative agitator's website attracts White extremists!

They're fumed up yet again over the president taking a vacation. It seems like they probably never take a vacation from complaining! These individuals are the most dumbest bunch of human excrement.

Once again you'll read the word salad of ignorance. The first thing is the blatant disrespect of the president. Then they'll fume up on birther nonsense. And lastly they'll complain about why it's the president's fault for not getting things done.

The president does deserve a vacation. The 2012 U.S. presidential elections were one of the most partisan and costly events ever! Republicans have pissed him off with the fiscal cliff and his nominations. The Republicans are still upset over Mitt Romney being beaten down by the president. The conservatives don't understand the duties of the president. It's a everyday routine for President Barack Obama. The president's duties are 24/7. The president gets daily briefings! He is updated on the status of the nation, wherever he goes. No matter what he does, White extremists will complain!

Hawaii is where his family lives. He's entitled to see his family.

Republicans legislators are going to home too!

Aren't you complaining about that?

I guess not!


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