Showing posts with label Mo Brooks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mo Brooks. Show all posts

Thursday, August 14, 2014

The Haters Got Shut Down!

One website that promotes hate got shutdown. But how many more would spawn after it?

When the haters are trying to take you down!

What do you do?

You got to laugh at the haters. They are obsessed with trying to "expose" me. They would make derogatory images of me and thousands of others just for "fun". The racist right and their allies in the insurgent Republican Party have long looked upon Blacks as "criminals", "animals" and "vermin".

They can't stomach a browner nation. They know that as long as Barack Obama is in the White House, they would use this as a recruitment tool for their movement. It would be considered a compulsive disorder among the extremists. They have to create websites devoted to trashing those who aren't like them. Their movement is to create more Cliven Bundys, J.T. Readys, Craig Cobbs, Glenn Fraizer Millers, Wade Pages, Jared and Amanda Millers.

They have websites that cater to their radical views. The social networks are trying their hardest to purge the haters. But for one hater gone spawns ten more.

You gotta admit that for over five years I've often talked about issues involving my community, the government and junk food media. Every issue sprinkled on YouTube and through Blogger.

Often I would get haters responding to my blogs and my videos on YouTube.

There was this hater who went by the name........ Nah, I am not going to give you the name.

I don't want to give this asshole anymore attention than what he needs.

He would go onto YouTube spamming in the comment section with NIGGER this, NIGGER that!
Toby As A Pimp Lawn Jockey
This is what the asshole would do for a living. He would use Fireworks 4.0 to post my face to objects. He was obsessed with me because he could never win a debate. This asshole would create a website devoted to trashing me and other Black people.
Call Blacks every racial slur out of the book. He would often be banned for his comments. Yet he would once again troll again causing more havoc to every Black or Latino YouTube user.

He would bait me and others into a hostile debate over his website, his many allies in the racist right and those who call him out on his bullshit.

He would later create a website that covers news events that involves Blacks. He would also obsess with me by making silly photos using my image. He wasted more time attacking me more than those who attacked him.

Somehow I must really pissed him off. I often would go specifically after this one. This one would troll me more than any other asshole.

Today, I was expecting this asshole's website covering the situation in Ferguson, MO. After all this asshole obsesses with Blacks and seeing the rioting happening over there, the racist right couldn't resist putting its input into it.

I used Google to search the web for this website. Alas, it's gone. One of the blogs I support got a cache copy of this website. I will link it but I will not give you the name of the website (just in case the spamming of racial slurs would fall upon her blog).

Although I will no longer address this asshole or his allies, I want you to understand that there's ways to beat them without even going after them.

First make sure that if you're on those social networking websites, make sure you don't accept "EVERYONE" as your friend.

Second, make sure you're pictures are private and don't allow "EVERYONE" to see them. Cause a hater would spent their time trying to intimidate you by creating fake profiles and using your image in derogatory themes.

Third, don't engage with the hater. The hater loves for you to respond.

Fourth, delete comments that are offensive. Me and S. Baldwin been here for years blogging about issues. Some issues are controversial. Some are spiritual. Some may inspire you to think. Others may rile you up. That's perfectly fine.

We are here on Journal de la Reyna using our "freedom of speech" to talk about issues.

Some may not like that. That's fine.

We don't condone every anti-website that spends their times attacking someone.

We're not like that. Every story that I've post comes with a wittiness and willingness to express an honest take on the current issues.

I don't see nothing wrong with discourse. Does it mean we have to read it?

Again, we don't have give anyone a forum to soapbox insults, racial slurs and random spamming.

We're not in the business of this back and forth with people who have no direct ties to us. We are not in the business to respond to a person who has to subject us with insults upon our character, this blog or the supporters here.

If you have a problem with the blog, that's your opinion. But as far as it goes, we're not going anywhere and as long as I'm still here, there will be more posts on Journal de la Reyna.

So once again, why are you bothering us? As far as I'm concerned, the only racist here is you!

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Obama: The GOP Continues To Build Themselves Around Stupidity!

On camera it's friendly. But these two really can't stand each other.

If I was the President Of The United States and I gotten the treatment from those of the opposing party, I would gladly tell them to draw them "a penis and stick it up their ass".

I don't tolerate being the president of millions of Americans and my opposition constantly attacking me and not offering anything to better the nation.

I am not the first Black president. I may be the next one if the party nominates me and the American people vote for me. But as of today, I am just another arm chair warrior. A warrior who complains just like those who attack President Barack Obama.

Thomas Friedman gets the president to lay out his frustration against his opposition. The New York Times gets the opportunity to let president vent off.

The president lays the track on Iraq, Russia, Israel, the Republican Party, the outcome of this year's midterm and his legacy.

The Republicans will certainly take offense to the criticism. After all, they wasted no time going after the president when he authorized an airstrike against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

He labeled the Republicans and the insurgency a bunch of extremists.

“If you look at the Democratic consensus, it’s a pretty common-sense mainstream consensus. It’s not a lot of wacky ideological nonsense.”

Friday, August 08, 2014

Stick To Being Washed Up, Victoria Jackson!

Nutbag tried to run for politics and lost.

The insurgency's maven of comedy wanted to win a Republican primary in the good ole state of Tennessee.

Damn shame, those Tennessee folk hate Hollywood coming to their backwoods.

Victoria Jackson, who calls herself a proud member of the insurgency, moved to Thompson's Station last year and said she filed as an independent to run for the Williamson County Commission because she's "very disappointed with the Republican Party."

The Tennessean reports Jackson received 632 votes. Two others received more votes: Judy Lynch Herbert with 1,422 and Betsy Hester with 1,380. The County Commission has two commissioners in each of its 12 districts.

Jackson had made appearances at multiple political events in Middle Tennessee since making her home there.

So I guess that ukulele string broke during her campaign stomp.

She represent the many extremists in the insurgency determined to undermine the president.

She had the audacity to call him a racial slur. She's long past her time. Her baby voice is highly annoying.

Victoria Jackson should be added on the blog Washed Up Celebrities. After all, what has she done that's talented.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Ohio Cops Kill Crazed Gunman At Walmart!

Police investigate officer involved shooting at a Walmart in Beavercreek, Ohio.

This event happened while I worked at my job last night. I just barely got word of the tragedy that occurred at a Walmart in Dayton, Ohio.


The nice guy would be the [person] who was rejected from a job, a relationship or experience family issues.

The nice guy would be isolated, reclusive and often a giver. When the nice guy is spurn, the nice guy would snap. They would commit acts upon others including themselves.

The gunman or victim would get apparent sympathy from some but condemnation from the world.

Say if this was a mass shooting. If this was a mass shooting, obviously you will get wall to wall coverage on the cable news and local news. The junk food media will obviously make some mistakes on the situation.

The agitators would make it a political issue. Some would call for gun control. Others would call for arming civilians. Some would blame liberals for being wussy advocates for the deranged. Some would blame conservatives for being idiots with blinders whenever a mass shooting happens in suburbia. The blame game is often a play in political theater.

The possibility of a shooting in a large gathering place is not rare! It's obvious a part of the growing problems with firearms and the deranged.

This lone gunman who went into Walmart while people were shopping. The gunman waved the gun around but never fired. The Beavercreek Police came in a hurry to the location. They ordered the gunman to disarm but he ignored their words. They used deadly force. The location of where the shooting occurred probably happened in the front.

This occurred at 8:00 pm Tuesday night. The gunman would later be shot and killed by Beavercreek police.

Not often a situation would happen in Beavercreek. We all as Americans never would expect this thing to happen. We normally live and do daily routines without thought of an active shooter.

Who would have thought an active shooter situation happening in one of world's largest retailer?

Matter of fact, if this happened in your own community?

These things happen! We never know when a person would snap. The family of the suspect tells the junk food media that they never would have expected him to do something like that. They could fathom a young man doing something like this. His actions lead to the death of an innocent woman.

On top of that, he's going to bring the asshat Colin Flaherty back into the spotlight. He loves stories like this.

Black on White crime is sugar to conservatives and White extremists. They bemoan that the junk food media ignores stories like this because they want to drive a narrative that Blacks and Latinos aren't racist.

The extremists claim that the media is liberal and against conservatives and White people. They figure that the suspect (i.e. Black man) is an Obama supporter, the "bad guy and good guy with a gun" narrative.

Stuff like this already pop up on That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website. This stuff will link to the White extremists websites.

Flaherty is a White extremist who contributes to World Nut Daily. He wrote a book called White Girl Bleeds A Lot and he is chronicling every criminal incident in which a Black or Latino harms White people. Just this week an Alabama lawmaker said that White people are under attack.

Insurgency endorsed lawmaker Mo Brooks (R-AL) caused a firestorm earlier this week when he told Laura Ingraham that liberals and the Democratic Party wanted "OPEN SEASON" on Whites.

To make matters worse, this incident happened in the community where its residents aren't supportive of public transportation. They were aggressively against it because they believe it brought crime and riff raff to the community.

The crazed gunman was named John Crawford II. 
John Crawford killed in Walmart shooting
Crazed gunman was identified as John Crawford II of Fairfield, Ohio.
He was the one who was going around the store causing a panic in which it caused Beavercreek police officers to use deadly force. We are learning more about the officers, the victim and the suspect.

A woman who was there at the Walmart had died. She wasn't shot but apparently she was shocked and may of had a medical emergency. We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those lost in this senseless tragedy.

Beavercreek, Ohio is the controversial suburb of Dayton. Last year they were making so much noise about the Greater Dayton Regional Transit Authority coming out there. They claimed that the public transit would cause so much trouble for the Pentagon Boulevard region.

The residents were upset that Route 1 would land near The Mall at Fairfield Commons and other establishments. They believe that crime would come if the bus comes to town.

Somehow I don't think this person was on the bus when he started shooting in the Walmart.

The Associated Press reports that the Montgomery County coroner's office investigator Jim Fannin said Wednesday that the 22-year-old John Crawford was fatally shot at a Walmart in the Dayton suburb of Beavercreek on Tuesday night.

Fannin says a 37-year-old Angie Williams who was in the store at the time also died, but it was due to a medical condition. Nobody else was hurt.
Angela Williams (center in pink shirt and black vest) died after collapsing during a shooting incident at the Beavercreek Walmart.
Dayton Daily News and Associated Press released photo of a victim. Angela Williams passed away after having a medical shock and heart attack.
Beavercreek police say the man was shot at around 8 p.m. after waving a rifle-type weapon around inside the store. Officers shot him after he failed to comply with verbal orders. He died later at a hospital.

No names have been released.

Walmart spokeswoman Brook Buchanan says the company is working with police and may have a statement later Wednesday.

Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Insurgency Republican Believes There's A War On Whites!

Another stupid White Republican blaming plight for the decline.

The Republican Party is a majority White person party. They can't deny the fact that 90% of the political party is catered to a majority of White, Christian, male and rich individuals.

It seems like the insurgency is a prime example of the reactionary outrage by Whites. The founding of the movement came during the failed presidential bids of perennial loser Ron Paul. It took off when some CNBC asshole ranted on television about Barack Obama's policies and motivated by one bitter cable news network devoted to tormenting the new president.

Now six years later, the insurgency is still around. It took out Reps. Eric Cantor (R-VA) and Jack Kingston (R-GA). It almost ended the career of Senator Thad Cochran (R-MS) and it looks like its apparently going to win some more primary victories in the coming month.

The constant racial agitation from the insurgency forces me and S. Baldwin to call it as the last remnants of American racism. Every accusation drives the insurgency bananas. They don't like being called racist.

They really believe that the president and his supporters are the true racists. We're  too extreme and should be charged for treason. They seriously believe that President Barack Obama should be impeached.

Just because the inept Congress refuses to pass a comprehensive immigration law and the president is using his Executive Orders to get the ball rolling. That's a crime according the "you can't fix stupid crowd!"

Here's a lawmaker from the insurgency who thinks its legal to discriminate against Whites.

Meet Mo Brooks, an Alabama lawmaker who has ties to the insurgency. He's the guy holding the Alabama 5th congressional district since 2011.

Brooks went on The Laura Ingraham Show and Ingraham played Brooks a clip of Ron Fournier warning that the Republican Party could not survive as the "party of white people."
The insurgency's newest ally/
Brooks responded: "Well, this is a part of the war on whites that’s being launched by the Democratic Party...And the way in which they’re launching this war is by claiming that whites hate everybody else. It's part of the strategy that Barack Obama implemented in 2008, continued in 2012, where he divides us all on race, on sex, greed, envy, class warfare, all those kinds of things." 

The comment drew considerable comments and controversy. For example, The New Yorker stated: "White reactionaries in the 19th century imagined that abolishing slavery would turn white people themselves into slaves, and the concept of white subjugation was transferred into such things as black suffrage, civil rights, and so on. The war on whites has raged continuously in the right-wing mind for more than two centuries."

When asked about the comment later that day, Brooks repeated the clam of a "War on Whites", stating: "In effect, what the Democrats are doing with their dividing America by race is they are waging a war on whites and I find that repugnant."

Damn could this be the moment another Todd Akin opened his mouth let his foot and ass right in?


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