Showing posts with label Government Shutdown. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Government Shutdown. Show all posts

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Brent Spence Bridge Will Be Replaced!

The Brent Spence Bridge (far left) is going to be replaced. Ohio and Kentucky agreed to it being a toll bridge.

Often when I travel to Cincinnati and the suburbs of Northern Kentucky, I often would cross the Brent Spence Bridge. Interstate 75 starts from the Canadian border to the northern suburbs of Miami passes through Cincinnati. The Brent Spence Bridge has over 400,000 vehicles travel it daily.

Did you know that bridge shakes?

Well the federal government and state leaders have known that and they fear that day will come when it could collapse. So the bridge connecting the states of Ohio and Kentucky will be replaced. It will be built at a "later time".

There are some pretty concerned that the billion dollar project will require a little bit of change out your pocket.

Senators Rob Portman (R-OH), Sherrod Brown (D-OH) and Majority Leader The Turtle Mitch (R-KY) are in favor of getting that bridge replaced. They support the toll. The only one I bet will not support it is Stallmigo Rand Paul (R-KY).

Democratic governor Steve Beshar of Kentucky and Republican governor John Kasich of Ohio both compromised on giving the Brent Spence Bridge a major overhaul. They agreed that the new bridge will be huge and it may require a toll.

Interstate 71 and 75 shares connection for at least 25 miles. From Downtown Cincinnati to Walton, Kentucky. This is the beginning of improvements from metropolitan Cincinnati to Dayton.

The Dayton Daily News reports that the Kentucky and Ohio state transportation agencies will working together to develop a plan to save money on a $2.6 billion replacement of the bridge. The agencies are expected to deliver ideas by March 30 and build a financial plan for the bridge’s future by the end of this year.

Revenues from the toll charges will be split evenly between Ohio and Kentucky, according to a statement from the governors. A 50 percent discount on toll rates will be available to frequent commuters.

The governors said Wednesday they want to develop a solution to improving the bridge soon and start construction as early as 2017. A five-year delay to construction could costs taxpayers $400 million because of inflation, according to to their analysis.

Replacement of the existing Brent Spence Bridge will double the number of highway lanes from eight to 16 and is meant to improve access to Northern Kentucky and downtown Cincinnati

The Ohio River separates the states. Kentucky begins once a southbound vehicle crosses the river.

Kentucky will contribute to a majority of the project.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

They Heard A Thud!

Interstate 75 at Hopple Street is shut down for an investigation. An overpass collapsed killing a construction worker and seriously injuring a truck driver. The talk of infrastructure will be part of the president's speech tonight. 

A construction worker was killed and a truck driver was injured. The bridge that was being demolished over Interstate 75 in Cincinnati, Ohio collapsed. The Ohio Department of Transportation and Cincinnati police are investigating the incident.

About 350.000 people travel Interstate 75 through the Cincinnati area. The area is commonly congested through the northbound. The most common areas for delays on Interstate 75 is the area that surrounds Ohio State Route 126 (Ronald Reagan Highway), the Mitchell Avenue exit, the 12th Street Exit in Covington, Kentucky (the Cut in the Hill), and the Interstate 275 section in Erlanger, Kentucky near the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport.

The Cincinnati area is extremely congested. They are working on fixing this.

The Mill Creek Expressway is the official segment of the highway from the Ohio section of the Interstate 275 beltway to Ohio River.

The incident happened in an area that I am commonly familiar with. It's the Hopple Street/Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive exit. That exit is being constructed to improve the flow through the western tier and the University of Cincinnati.

The Ohio Department of Transportation is working on fixing Interstate 74 and Interstate 75 through the midtown. The elimination of left hand exits is underway. The highway is removing bridges and replacing ramps. They are extending the eight lane highway to ten lanes from the Ohio State Route 562 (Norwood Lateral) to Interstate 71.

This issue will be brought up in the president's State of The Union address. This is one of the very things that President Barack Obama's mentioned. He said that Congress has failed in passing an infrastructure bill. He's lost control of Congress to the Republicans. He signaled that he's going on the offensive. He's tired of trying to compromise with the Republicans. The insurgency is too extreme.

He will use his lame duck years battling the Republicans and force them towards concessions.

The president was in Cincinnati a few years back talking about the need to fix bridges. He mentioned the Brent Spence Bridge as one of the nation's most dangerous bridges. He said that bridge pulls nearly a million travelers and the day will come when the structurally ineffective Brent Spence Bridge could collapse.

Interstate 71 and 75 crosses that bridge. Ohio and Kentucky are trying to replace the bridge but it could cost billions of dollars. So the thought of establishing a toll is coming up in the conversation.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of the victim.

Thursday, December 11, 2014


The session of Congress is by far the worst. It's going to get even uglier now that the Republicans are in charge and they'll face the final two years of Barack Obama's presidency. The Congress is hopefully starving off a government shutdown.

With compromise being such a dirty word, I want to say the American people are not going to give Republicans much time to do nothing.

I assure you that if the Republicans win the presidency, Democrats will obstruct and throw temper tantrums. They will run to the cameras attacking the Republican president.They will do what Republicans done the moment President Barack Obama got sworn in.

In January the inept Republicans will reclaim the legislative body. They won control of the House of Representatives and the Senate. This gives the Republicans the power to pass bills at their own peril.

Those outgoing Democrats will return to the private sector or to the networks to find ways to attack the president or the Republicans who threw them out. Soon the Republicans will find themselves in charge and hopefully they'll find reasonable compromise with the president. The Republicans will now be hammered for their actions. They will get a taste of their own medicine.

President Barack Obama is not in the mood for Republican obstruction. He warned them that he's going to veto any laws that roll back progress made when the Democrats were in control.

But is there a tide turning?

The progressives along with the insurgency are not going along with the Weeper's bill. Even the senate isn't going to support Mitch McConnell and Harry Reid's bills, this next session could be even more worse.

Things will probably get done now Republicans in charge.

The Republicans can finally shut the fuck up and do something that works.

The agitators will whine regardless.

The Senate will have issued a 2-day issued extension. The House has passed the $1.1 trillion bill on slim majority 219 - 206 with 10 not voting.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Wake The F**k Up, People! Ted Cruz And Rand Paul Are Worthless Politicians!

Stallmigos: Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Rand Paul (R-KY).

I am getting tired of people like Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, and other unaccomplished lawmakers making appearances on GOP Sundays bitching and whining about President Barack Obama.

The president has given the Congress time to pass immigration reform. Unfortunately the Senate bill is dead and the House isn't taking up the issue. The president decided to go forth with executive action to curb some of the deportations of undocumented workers.

This has gotten the racist right pissed off. The Republicans are scrambling for ways to block the president. The president gave a stern response. Pass a bipartisan bill and I'll sign it.

That fell on deaf ears. So on GOP Sundays, Republicans got an opportunity to respond back.

Send Cruz and Paul to the television and radio for another round of name calling and idle threats.

The Stallmigos are thinking about shutting down the government again!

These two insurgent politicians have no legislative accomplishments but yet appeared on television and radio over 100 times. It's really starting to bug me that they book these lawmakers on and they offer nothing but conflict whenever they are given airtime.

I think that these two in particular are thinking about running for president.

Lord knows that if the country could survive a presidency from these two jackasses.

I would hate to see how the media would treat them. After all, the media has given them the opportunity to rant and rave about the president being an emperor and shredding the Constitution.

Paul came to office in 2010. He and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY, Majority Leader designate) have a somewhat testy friendship.

Cruz came into office in 2012. He got the ground running after being sworn in. He's been a thorn in the ass of both the president and the Republicans. He was responsible for the government shutdown of 2013. He makes no bones about being idolized like Jesse Helms.

Now that Representative Tom Cotton (R-AR), Representative Cory Gardner (R-CO), Joni Ernst, and Thom Tillis are jumping into the party, one could hope that the government will eventually work with the president.

President Barack Obama has ignored Cruz and Paul. The president thinks that some of the Republicans are getting tired of Paul and Cruz hogging up the spotlight.

Do you believe they are running for president? And if so, would you support these two despite them having no legislative accomplishments since being elected?

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Early Voting!

It begins again. The opportunity to make your voice be heard began on October 5.

The state of Ohio advocates early voting for this U.S. Midterm election. Are you going to vote?

It's really important.

Seriously, it's important.

These elections are very important for the determination of who controls state governorships and federal office.

There's about 36 governorships on the line and Republicans have a big stake in the elections.

The Democrats have a razor thin majority in the U.S, Senate and there's 33 senate seats up for this election with the majority being in the South. All 435 congressional seats along with the four delegates from the U.S. territories are up for reelection. The Resident Commissioner for Puerto Rico (an elected U.S. Representative who serves four years) will be up in 2016.

Republicans have a chance to take back the U.S. Senate and win full control of Congress.

The Democrats may have a chance to unseat unpopular Republican governors. It's matter up to you to change the demographics.

Of course, I want you to know that you have to be 18 to vote. You have to have a valid identification.

You have to make sure you know where you local polling station is?

Ex-felons are allowed to vote in Ohio. You must register to vote.

I know the talk and quite frankly, I don't want to hear it. I want you to know that a vote can change the dynamics of this country.

My ancestors fought and died for the right to vote. I don't want to disappoint my family by not turning out to vote.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Digging The Grave: Oklahoma Man Buries Obama!

article image

The state of Oklahoma is solid red. There's no chance that a Democrat could win a seat in a deeply conservative, energy rich and cattle fed state. Besides Texas, the state of Oklahoma has a high uninsured rate.

Because the good folks in Oklahoma City are spooking their residents into thinking that Obamacare is an evil being sent from the depths of hell to destroy the very lives of White America.

That's probably why when Republicans can feel giddy is the recent polls and political forecasts.

For you see, Republicans could win back the Senate therefore having complete control of Congress.

And with that complete control of Congress, they will be more actively opposing President Barack Obama. Even threats of impeachment could happen once again.

Anyway here's the run down. I looked at my social networking profile and saw an article from Opposing Views. That told of a woman's concerns that her neighbor's freedom of speech masquerading as a Halloween display has gone too far.

Jamilla Phillips of Edmond says she was shocked to see the Obama tombstone in her neighbor’s yard as part of his Halloween display. The tombstone features President Barack Obama’s name with a question mark where his date of birth should be.

“I was absolutely offended,” said Phillips, who is new to the neighborhood, to KOCO News. “He is the president of the United States, and it actually is about respect. It’s a total respect thing because this person is still alive.”

Dwayne Dockens, who made the tombstone, says it has been featured in his yard for the last three years and he has never gotten any complaints about it. He claims he made it a few years ago when the issue of the president’s birth certificate was a hot topic.

“And we made all these ourselves, so just thought it was kind of humorous and, you know, went ahead and put him in there as well,” said Dockens.

Dockens says his intention wasn’t to offend anybody, but he still isn’t sure that he’s willing to take it down.

Phillips worries that the tombstone is sending a bad message to children.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Waste Not War Not!

The United States prepares for a long war against a faction of terrorist calling themselves the Islamic State of Iraq of the Levant. Most media call it the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria.

The inept Congress passed the resolution to give the president the power to arm the Syrian rebels.

Before they take off once again for their umpteenth vacation they granted the president power to take the United States back into Iraq and possibly Syria.

The Syrian rebels have a beef with it ruling leader Bashar al-Assad and are fighting for the removal of the dictator.

President Barack Obama backed into a corner by the whiny fear mongering assholes of the junk food media. They fear the Islamic State. A bunch of men who are conservative Sunnis who are fighting against the West.

The West is planning on a coalition of Middle Eastern countries to take on the terrorist group.

The bill passed 73 to 22, and heads to the White House, where President Barack Obama, who ran as an anti-war president, is likely to sign it. It allows Obama in effect to begin hostilities against an enemy in Syria, relying on the war declarations passed with the authorizations to use military force in 2001 and 2002 that targeted al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein.

Lawmakers and the White House agree the AUMFs are outdated -- some members don’t even think it’s constitutional for the president to apply them to current military operations against ISIS -- and need to be modernized.

Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.), who made the case for the majority, acknowledged that the Senate needs to hold a broader debate, and a vote, on a new war authorization. Durbin said he expects that to happen only after lawmakers return from the elections in November.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The Racist Right's Obsession With The 20th Century!

This is what the racist right does for a living. They fixate on the past and not the future of America.

In a nutshell, no matter what President Barack Obama does, the racist right will complain about it.

Listen to the racist right. The word vomit they're spewing is overwhelmingly stuck on the past. They put the fear into the minds of those who already have a hatred of race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

If America elects a Republican president, the condescending liberals will find ways to destroy the legacy like the racist right's attempts on Obama.

They will often dig out their asses some theme of the previous century. No matter what is done, the junk food media will compare it to something done by a previous president or liken it to some major event in history.

We're coming up to the 13th year and second year of September 11. The first disaster happened in 2001 when Americans witnessed the first commercial airplane go into the World Trade Center setting off a chain of events that led to the rise and fall of George W. Bush.

The racist right is still fumed up over the condescending liberals constant attacks on Bush. They figured if they can take Bush down, they can do this to Obama.

Unaware that if the next president is a Republican, the Democrats will continue the obstruction and even create more condescending liberals on radio and television bashing the Republican president.

According to some of the racist right agitator's is the first Affirmative Action president. Cause in their minds, Obama cares only about Black people.

In the word's of that jackass on radio, "I hope he fails!"
An unaccomplished politico who earned the title of being a powerful force in the insurgency.
The racist right believes that the president executive actions are kind of like being a dictator. So far they believe that he's done things like Adolf Hitler. He could be like Fidel Castro.

Hell they compare him to some of the 20th Century's past presidents. According to the racist right, Obama is like Jimmy Carter on domestic policy. He is like Richard Nixon on presidential powers.

He is a socialist according to the agitators.

He's a racist say the Black conservatives who think his radically liberal policies destroyed Black America.

He's this. He's that.

He's Obama (not Barack) according to the most annoying conservative agitator on television and radio.

Where's his birth certificate?

When will he admit that the IRS targeted the insurgency?

When will the president admit that he wasn't prepared to handle ISIS?

Why isn't the American people getting answers on Benghazi?

Why is the president bowing to foreign leaders?

Why does Obama continue to support criminals like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown?

What happen to the "Summer of Recovery"?

"We're right," scream the pompous assholes who whine on the blogs.
This is the Republican Party's most powerful ally, An old man who spends a few hours on radio bitching about America's future under a Democratic president. He and a few others are obsessed with Obama. They can't go one minute without dropping his name.
Okay we're less than a few months from the U.S. Midterm elections. The Democrats despite their attempts to get things done are going to suffer. The president is a real drag on them. They have little chance of holding on. They can't get things done. And the policies that could help the middle class are getting blocked by the Republicans.

The potential for a sweep in the U.S. Senate is likely. The Republicans need at least seven seats to win back control of the Senate and overall the full impact of Congress. The insurgency isn't as powerful as they used to be. They're just a nuisance to the establishment. But overall, the enthusiasm gap is very wide for the Republicans. They are more enthusiastic in voting because they just can't stand Obama.

The inept House of Representatives will still be in control of the Republicans.

The morons in the U.S. Senate will continue to block policies by the inept House.

The insurgency is running to cameras instead of to their constituents.

The Stallmigos and the old guards of the Establishment get more coverage on television, radio and the blogs and yet the racist right complains and bitches about the media being liberal.

The dark horse money is being poured into shadowy groups that paint a candidate like an enemy of the state.
Loserville and one of its chief resident's Steve Doocy have driven the narrative of conservative outrage.
Conservative outrage is overwhelming. It's a compulsive disorder caused by the very agitators of the junk food media saying things to piss off Americans who just view things so narrow minded, facts are liberal lies according to them.

If you look at the outcome, Republicans can smile. But overall, the American people hate them.

They hate them so much, at this point, they don't care whether they run Congress or not!

That's what got the Democrats in a vine. The Democrats failed on the message of working for the middle class. They could fix the problems despite having a few months of a super-majority.



Politics is so toxic in Washington. The threats of a government shutdown are happening over again.

The threats of impeachment to Obama are growing.

The threats of rolling back progress is likely happening cause of the Supreme Court being to the racist right and the state governors are mostly Republican.

My question to you.

What has the Republican Party done overall as elected members of Congress?

Friday, August 01, 2014

Dog Days Of Summer!

No good news for President Barack Obama is helpful for a Republican sweep of Congress.

The president is down in the dumps. It's seems like the bad news is getting worse for Mr. Obama.

Unemployment has ticked up slightly. But don't threat none it's seems like a good thing. The month of July netted over 200,000 jobs and the rate went up to 6.2%.

The Associated Press reports that a sixth straight month of solid 200,000-plus job growth in July reinforced growing evidence that the U.S. economy is accelerating after five years of sluggish expansion.

Employers added 209,000 jobs last month. Though that was fewer than in the previous three months, the economy has now produced an average 244,000 jobs a month since February — the best six-month string in eight years.

At the same time, most economists don't think the pace of job growth is enough to cause the Federal Reserve to speed up its timetable for raising interest rates. Most still think the Fed will start raising rates to ward off inflation around mid-2015.

The Labor Department's jobs report Friday pointed to an economy that has bounced back with force after a grim start to the year and is expected to sustain its strength into 2015. Economists generally expect it to grow at a 3 percent annual rate in the second half of this year after expanding 4 percent in the second quarter. Consumer spending is rising, manufacturing is expanding rapidly and auto sales are up.

"There is no doubt that the economy and the labor market have been strengthening," said Sung Won Sohn, an economist at California State University's Smith School of Business. "People are rejoining the labor force. All these factors point to moderate, but sustained economic growth in 2014."

Speaking with reporters Friday afternoon, President Barack Obama declared that the economy "is clearly getting stronger. ... Our engines are revving a little bit louder."
Congress goes on vacation leaving a mess of responsibilities on the table. Unemployment is one of the country's most important things.
In an encouraging sign, more people without jobs have started to look for one — a shift that nudged up the unemployment rate in July to 6.2 percent from 6.1 percent in June. Most of those who began searching last month didn't find jobs. But the increase suggests they're more optimistic about their prospects. The jobless aren't counted as unemployed unless they're actively seeking work.

Americans' paychecks, though, are barely growing. That helps give the Fed leeway to keep its benchmark short-term rate near zero without worrying so much about higher inflation.

Investors were unimpressed by Friday's data. The Dow Jones industrial average fell 69 points, and broader indexes also dropped. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note dipped, suggesting less concern about a Fed rate increase.

Encouragingly, a higher proportion of July's job gains were in higher-paying industries. That's a shift from much of the recovery, which has been marked by outsized gains in lower-paying fields such as restaurants, retail and home health care aides.

Manufacturing added 28,000 jobs in July, the most in eight months. Construction added 22,000 and financial services 7,000, its fourth straight gain. Accounting, bookkeeping and computer networking jobs also showed gains. And architectural and engineering jobs jumped 8,800, the most since January 2007.

"This is particularly important for new college graduates as it suggests that the market for individuals with higher education is finally firming," said Diane Swonk, chief economist at Mesirow Financial.

Job growth is pushing up wages in some sectors. But the increases haven't been widespread.

Ted Toth, vice president of a factory in Pennsauken, New Jersey, that makes parts for satellite, radar and GPS systems, says he has four available jobs that pay from $20 to $32 an hour. But he hasn't been able to find employees qualified to fill them.

His company, Rosenberger North America, raised wages 6 percent earlier this year to fend off efforts by competitors to poach its employees.

"Everybody's stealing from each other," he said.

As hiring has increased and more people have begun seeking work, the proportion of working-age adults who either have a job or are looking for one rose slightly in July from a 36-year low to 62.9 percent. It was the first increase in four months.

The number of unemployed rose 197,000 to 9.7 million. Nearly three-fourths of that increase represented people who resumed their job hunts after previously giving up. The number of people who were unemployed because they had been laid off actually declined in July.

The lack of significant pay increases for most Americans has been a factor hobbling the recovery. Higher pay is needed to fuel consumer spending, which makes up nearly 70 percent of economic activity.

In July, average hourly earnings ticked up just a penny to $24.45. That was just 2 percent more than it was 12 months earlier and was slightly below inflation of 2.1 percent. In a healthy economy, wages before inflation would rise 3.5 percent to 4 percent annually.

Pay has failed to accelerate in part because many Americans are still uncertain about the economy's long-term health, said Mike Schenk, a senior economist at the Credit Union National Association.

Schenk expects wages to pick up once the unemployment rate falls to around 5.5 percent — a level at which some businesses will have to increase pay to keep workers and some employees will be more confident asking for a raise.

"People are still bruised," Schenk said. "I don't think they feel comfortable, generally speaking, walking in and asking for raises at this point."

Many more people are either out of work or are underemployed than the unemployment rate indicates, economists note. That can also keep a lid on pay.

Richard Moody, chief economist at Regions Financial Corporation, notes that 7.5 million Americans who are working part time would like full-time work, up from 7.3 million in January. An additional 2.2 million have stopped searching but would take a job if available.

On top of the 9.7 million people the government counts as unemployed, an additional 9.7 million either want a job or would like more hours. Combined, the three categories make up an "underemployment" rate of 12.2 percent.

That "is still far above any level that could be considered normal in a healthy labor market," Moody said.

Those are the kinds of figures that Fed policymakers were reviewing at a meeting this week, after which they concluded that "there remains significant underutilization of labor resources."

The challenge for the Fed is timing when to raise short-term rates. If it moves too soon to raise rates, the Fed risks choking off early signs of rising wages. If it acts too late to raise rates, it risks causing inflation to surge.

Zach Pandl, a strategist at the financial firm Columbia Management, expects the Fed to start raising rates next spring.

"Wages are a lagging indicator, always the last piece of the puzzle in a recovery," Pandl said.

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Obamacare Got Knocked Down By Federal Judges!

Conservative judges strike down the subsides for the Affordable Care Act.

The president's signature law is under fire once again by the activist court. A three-judge panel ruled in Halbig v. Burwell that people in the 36 states that use the federal health insurance exchange are ineligible for subsidized insurance. The decision would also affect those who purchased insurance through the exchange but don't receive subsidies, as reneging on the payments would lead to a rapid increase in insurance rates for everyone.

Raymond Randolph, a Bush, sr. judge.
The White House said Tuesday the decision will be appealed to the entire D.C. circuit court -- what's known as an en banc review -- where Democrats hold a majority that is nearly certain to overturn the GOP judges' aggressive move. The next step could be the Supreme Court, which already upheld the Affordable Care Act in a separate case two years ago.

The two judges seized on text within the law that said subsidies would be provided to people who purchased insurance on exchanges established by the states. But 36 states declined to set up their own exchanges, and chose to rely on the federal government's exchange instead. Because the law doesn't specifically say that people who bought insurance on the federal exchange also get subsidies, the law's opponents argued that therefore such subsidies are illegal.

"The problem confronting the [ACA] is that subsidies also turn on a third attribute of Exchanges: who established them. Under section 36B, subsidies are available only for plans 'enrolled in through an Exchange established by the State under section 1311 of the [ACA],'" the majority opinion ruled, rejecting the counter-argument that other portions of the law specifically say that a federal exchange set up for a state is by definition a state exchange.

Thomas Griffin, W.'s appointed judge.
Halbig v. Burwell is a lawsuit that challenges the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. A July 8, 2014 Washington Post article described it as being "the next big Obamacare case." On June 30, 2014, the Los Angeles Times said that compared to the recent Burwell v. Hobby Lobby ruling, it was "a far more fundamental challenge to Obamacare."

The lawsuit challenges the power of the federal government to spend money on subsidies for policies that were purchased at the federal exchange. The plaintiff claims that the text of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act only allows federal subsidies for exchanges that were "established by the State under Section 1311."

The Washington Post reported, "Section 1311 instructs states to create exchanges. Federal exchanges are established under Section 1321 of the Act." Subsidies for citizens in 34 states are at risk, because people in those states signed up under the federal exchange.

This is an ongoing situation, we here at Journal de la Reyna will continue to cover this controversy.

The Republicans and their allies once again obsess with a law that benefits millions of Americans who can't afford insurance. This ruling could affect over 4.7 to 10 million who already signed for the federal assistance in healthcare coverage.

Monday, June 30, 2014

It's A Man's World!

The five dicks of law.

The United States Supreme Court really set the country back. In order to protect the alpha White male, the five conservative justices pulled the plug on women's reproductive rights and the labor unions.

Women who want birth control will be able to get it, except from businesses like Hobby Lobby and Chick-fil-A the winners of this lawsuit.

Burwell (Sebelius) v. Hobby Lobby is a landmark decision by the United States Supreme Court case concerning whether the Free Exercise Clause of the U.S. Constitution and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) can exempt a closely held company from federal government regulations requiring employers to provide contraceptive coverage to their female employees. The case upheld for the first time a closely held corporation's ability to claim a religious belief.

The case is a reaction against a requirement deriving from the Affordable Care Act. It could have widespread impact on the issue of whether companies can be religiously exempt from any federal law that protects the interests of other individuals.

The case was previously titled Sebelius v. Hobby Lobby. Sylvia Burwell was automatically substituted as petitioner when she was approved by the United States Senate as Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services after being nominated by President Barack Obama to replace Kathleen Sebelius following her resignation on April 10, 2014.

Harris v. Quinn was a United States Supreme Court case regarding if public employees can be compelled to pay union dues. The case was specifically about eight home health care workers, generally family members of patients, who were receiving Medicaid funds to provide care for the patients.

The Court ruled that the workers could not be compelled to join the union, on the grounds that they were not fully-fledged state employees, as they are hired or fired by individual patients - though paid via Medicaid. The ruling did not invalidate compulsory union membership for the larger population of public employees, but Alito's majority opinion did argue that Abood v. Detroit Board of Education was erroneously decided.

Supreme Court job approval

Saturday, June 28, 2014

Obama: If [Weeper] Boehner Spent More Time Working Than Crying Maybe We Could Get Things Done!

If the president wanted to be really disrespectful to Boehner, he would have told the junk food media that the Weeper needs to stop spending taxpayer money on those awful tans. He's starting to look Blacker than Obama.

President Barack Obama scoffed at the notion of the most inept House Speaker's threat of a lawsuit over the executive decisions being made.

The president knocked this lawsuit as a "stunt" to impress the insurgency and their goal is to BLACK everything he does!

Oops, I meant block!

In a much televised interview with ABC News host George Stephanopoulos, the president states that Congress is a train wreck and he welcomes the Speaker and Republicans to compromise on some his policies.

President Barack Obama on Friday said he wasn't going to apologize for his use of executive power.

Boehner officially announced he would introduce legislation in the coming weeks that would authorize the House General Counsel to sue the Obama administration and "compel" the president to enforce existing law. Without citing the specific executive orders he found troubling, Boehner named health care, energy, foreign policy and education as areas where the president has "repeatedly run an end-around on the American people."

“You notice that he didn't specifically say what exactly he was objecting to,” Obama said in the interview. “I'm not going to apologize for trying to do something while they're doing nothing."

Often stymied by a recalcitrant Congress, Obama declared 2014 a "year of action" and issued executive orders on immigration, the federal minimum wage and federal pay discrimination. His Environmental Protection Agency further plans to unveil unprecedented regulations to curb greenhouse gas emissions from coal-fired power plants. But the moves have infuriated Republicans, who say the president is unlawfully bypassing Congress.

"We elected a president, Americans note; we didn’t elect a monarch or king," Boehner wrote in the memo.

Obama said he was forced to take action because Congress refused to do its job.

"What I've told Speaker Boehner directly is, if you're really concerned about me taking too many executive actions, why don't you try getting something done through Congress?" Obama said on ABC. "The majority of American people want to see immigration reform done. We had a bipartisan bill through the Senate. And you're going to squawk if I try to fix some parts of it administratively that are within my authority, while you are not doing anything?"

Congressman John Boehner (R-OH) is probably one of the worst leaders to hold the House of Representatives. As House Speaker, Boehner has been pretty tied up in a pretzel over how he handles business.

Washington, DC is in a gridlock. Republicans and their insurgency have been at odds with one another over how they could oppose the president.

Since he's gotten into office, the Republicans have been obstructive to his agenda.

When Boehner won another term as House Speaker, he told the Republican caucus that he is "done" with President Barack Obama. He couldn't trust him.

So now that the president and the Democrats go at it alone, these very same Republicans run to cameras on Breakfast Chats, GOP Sundays and every social network they can dig their claws in.

They hand those conservative agitators talking points and let them go to town on every proposal or even an ounce of bipartisanship from fellow Republicans. They trash the proposals or fellow Republicans for even having the decency to work with "that guy".

They don't understand that if the Democrats fall back into the minority, they'll become just as aggressive as the Republicans. Trust me: They will find ways to undermine a Republican president.

The choices of candidates are even weaker than before. They fear Hillary Clinton so much, they'll find everything to destroy her.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Which Side Are Conservatives On?

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is the most ineffective leader ever. The Ohio lawmaker has been the head of the House of Representatives for quite some time now. But as leader of the House, the Republicans have been undermining President Barack Obama at every turn.

Now all of sudden, it seems like the Speaker of House has pissed off his conservative allies.

He is expected to win this week with the May primaries. But has Ohio and practically the rest of the nation had enough of the tear-jerker?

On That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website, it screenshots the weeper and it says it's mocking his fellow colleagues on immigration reform. He was in Liberty Township a few weeks ago and he was jokingly mocking some in the Tea Party about their refusal to do immigration reform and a raise in the minimum wage.

Yeah, the minimum wage and immigration debates are very important. But to the Republicans, its just another attempt for the Democrats to save grace in the wake of another thumping.

Obama wins the election. Conservatives call it an epic disaster.
Orange is the new Black.
Obama speaks on the arrest of Henry "Skip" Gates. Conservatives say that Obama hates the cops.

Obama speaks to high school students. Conservatives call it indoctrination.

Obama goes on vacations and golf outings. Conservatives call it grandiose spending.

Obama says about Trayvon Martin could have been one of his sons. Conservatives are now trying to link every Black criminal to the deceased teen.

Obama does executive orders. Conservatives call him a dictator.

Obama signs the law to allow all Americans access to healthcare. Conservatives bully the Republicans to repeal the law 50 times.
Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Jason Chaffettz (R-UT).
They praise foreign leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin over President Barack Obama.

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.... Over and over again. No smoking gun in the situation in Libya but yet the Republicans and their conservative (racist right) allies are double down on this instead of jobs in America.

Again they're so fixated on this. But we can't talk about the massive attack on American soil on September 11, 2001. The failed policies that lead up to the attacks on New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

Oh, but what difference does it make? Nearly 3,000 lives to four. And yet, George W. Bush never was impeached, attacked by the victim's families on his negligence.

This week bores another waste of taxpayer dollars. The Republicans are expected to vote on a select committee into the issue with Benghazi.

Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group obtained documents through the Freedom Of Information Act claiming that the White House withheld information. Based on the documents they claim that the talking points about a "spontaneous" protest actually being a terrorist attack.

California Republican Darrell Issa has ordered Secretary of State John Kerry to appear in Washington.
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ).
Republicans, understand something. While Benghazi was a horrible tragedy it didn't amount to the epic disasters on American soil.

Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001 were the most epic disasters ever.

Superstorm Sandy would only top that. President Barack Obama was prepared.

Yeah, Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Darrell Issa. You guys been on GOP Sundays along with the weeper bitching constantly about how Obama, could of, would of, and should of done.

But here's the problem with you guys. At least President Obama isn't hyping up for war like you warturkeys!

Boehner, you suck as a lawmaker. I can testify for it. For I once was a part of your congressional district and believe me I wish there was someone better than the Orange.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The New Yorker Mocks Boehner, Cruz And McConnell!

Republicans are going to be pissed. The New Yorker makes light of the president's successful signup of 7.1 million enrolled to the Affordable Care Act.

Sam Stein of the Huffington Post had posted that the White House managed to succeed the goal of enrollment despite it's shaky start. The Republicans despite the achievement vow to repeal the whole law.

And have nothing to replace it.

Last Tuesday, the president made a speech in the Rose Garden.

"Last night, the first open enrollment period under this law came to an end," President Barack Obama said. "And despite several lost weeks out of the gate, several lost because of problems with the website, 7.1 million Americans have now signed up for private insurance plans through these marketplaces. 7.1."

"In these first six months, we've taken a big step forward, and just as importantly, this law is bringing greater security to Americans who already have coverage," he added.

The president also hit back at critics of the law, saying the problems they predicted haven't come to pass.

"There are still no death panels, Armageddon has not arrived," he said. "The debate over repealing this law is over. The Affordable Care Act is here to stay."

The release of the latest enrollment figure represents a high-water mark for the legislation, which stumbled dramatically out of the gate amid technical problems plaguing the insurance exchange website. The total of 7.1 million people is slightly higher than the Congressional Budget Office's initial estimate that 7 million would sign up during the six-month open enrollment period.

They make light of the president and his opponents on the cover.

The cover includes: House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Minority Leader (Senator) Mitch McConnell (R-KY), Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN). For you see, they've opposed the healthcare law and were the most vocal agitators in the media.

So what's your take on the cover?

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Cause you know we just discussed the Breitfart News cover of Minority Leader (Congresswoman) Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Governor Jerry Brown (D-CA) being photoshopped to controversial celebrities Miley Cyrus and Arnold Schwarzenegger, a former governor himself.

The artist Barry Blitt told the New Yorker, “I enjoyed drawing Ted Cruz, John Boehner, and Michele Bachmann as petulant children—and I especially wanted to draw an open-mouthed Mitch McConnell being spoon-fed his meds.”

Do you believe the cover is tasteless or relevant?

Are the Republicans going to use Obamacare against the embattled Democrats?

Will the success help the president's job approval?

Sunday, January 05, 2014

Stallmigo Sues Barack Obama!

Hypocrite sues the president over NSA. Stallmigo Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) supports the NSA.

The Kentucky stallmigo is such a nuisance. He has no legislative accomplishments and yet he, Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Mike Lee continue to be in the headlines. Conservatives rally behind a bunch of unaccomplished legislators who get paid a 6-figure salary to bitch about how President Barack Obama going against the U.S. Constitution.

Stallmigo Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has decided to take his fight against Obama to court. It deals with the National Security Administration. Paul claims that the NSA is spying on Americans.

This lawsuit allows the American people to join together in a grassroots manner against President Obama’s NSA with a sitting U.S. Senator at the helm. Two prior class action lawsuits were filed in June. Classes have not yet been certified in those cases.

The focus of the lawsuit will be how the NSA's actions violate the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution.

The lawsuit will target the NSA’s metadata program.
President Barack Obama does get really annoyed with Republicans. Especially when they distract the public with issues that have nothing to do with the economy.
Via Paul’s campaign website, more than 300,000 Americans have already indicated they will sign up for the suit when it is officially filed in D.C. District court. Americans can join the lawsuit by visiting Paul’s website.

The class action suit from Sen. Paul against the president comes on the heels of two different conflicting court rulings in individual suits against the NSA, with one court ruling that the NSA was within its bounds to spy on

Americans shortly after a different court ruled the NSA’s actions were unconstitutional. The conflicting decisions all but guarantee an eventual Supreme Court-level case on the matter.

He considers himself to be a Tea Party follower, who wants smaller government.

Paul has said that he identifies as both a "constitutional conservative" and a "libertarian conservative."

Since the leaking of NSA documents from Edward Snowden, the kookspiracy is all upset over this.

They want the president to be impeached over this.

I am guessing these so called American patriots are willing to sign up for Blogger, YouTube, Facebook, SnapChat, Twitter, all the online dating websites, their favorite email service, Netflix, their phone contracts and online employment agencies.

Obviously their information is tracked by the NSA when signing up for a job or looking on your favorite social networking website.

They're just paranoid over things that has nothing to do with what the NSA is doing.

It's just another example of extremism from the lunatics who are so determined to undermine President Barack Obama at every whim.

Understand it's about race. Not about the U.S. Constitution.

The Stallmigos are a bunch of right wing agitators who rose to power by being more stupider than Palin Da Ass.

Rand Paul is no patriot. He's an annoying serial agitator, just like his father!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Yearly Wrap Up!

Hey, we're closing the year with so many things and I wanted to share them with you.

Here's my top things I've talked about this year.

Second term curse.
1. President Barack Obama's second term.

Who thought this would be easy?

President Barack Hussein Obama found that his second term is more difficult than his first term. He caught the second term curse very early. He first term began successes like his healthcare law, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the Nobel Peace Prize and nomination of the first Latina to the Supreme Court. Not to mention his successful reelection. The country experienced Obama-mania. Things were good those first four years.

But in the middle of his first term, the Republicans won power in the House of Representatives. Then you have a Republican governor putting their finger in his face. You had a politco yell "you lie" during a State of the Union Address. And of course, the umpteenth chants of impeachment during his term from Republican politicos.

Then came the talk about Trayvon Martin, the Benghazi consulate attack, the BP Oil spill, the Harvard Police scandal, the Sandy Hook shooting, the Aurora shooting, the Tucson shooting and every mention of golf outings.

The NSA scandal, the IRS scandal, the Obamacare rollout was a bust, the failure of passing gun control laws despite two mass shootings, and the government shutdown drove the president's job approval to its lowest ever.

Golf outings, vacations, selfie pictures are the most memorable of his harshest critics.

The Independent's Rupert Cornwell wrote this time a year ago, Barack Obama was on the brink of becoming the 16th American president to win two successive elections. A couple of days later, perennial loser Mitt Romney was soundly defeated, and chastened Republicans, it was imagined, would retire to lick their wounds. Backed by a another solid popular mandate, it was said, Obama had a rare opportunity; a 12- or 18-month window in which to push through his agenda and build a legacy for the ages, free of the pressure of ever running for election again.

He says that the junk food media rehashes the talk is of the "Curse", its a supposedly immutable truth of presidencies.

Cornwell noted that the Curse's poster-child has been Richard Nixon, forced to resign less than two years after one of the greatest landslide victories in US history.

I understand that the second term spells disasters for most presidents, but honestly, would you allow a tone-deaf Congress rule things when you won on the narrative of the helping the middle class?

2. George Zimmerman's verdict.

From coast to coast, many Americans reacted to the matter.

I am pretty sure that Black America was really pissed about this verdict. I wasn't surprised that the verdict inspired an extremist to react towards someone! See they're talking about this stupid knockout game, a theme common of the racist right. They're claiming that Black youth are knocking out White people for no freaking reason. Sad ain't it!

Trayvon Martin's death is the new Emmett Till. The racist right would rather blame the victim and tarnish his name instead of questioning the motives of the shooter.

White conservatives were so gleeful about George Zimmerman being found not guilty. You can see it on the social networks. You can see it on the blogs. You'll hear about it with your White conservative friends, co-workers and family members.

These racial extremists in the conservative movement are so happy about the decision, they'll chant NIGGER for every Trayvon Martin tweet. They'll post every NIGGER/RACE HUSTLER for every President Barack Obama, Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. They'll say that they want RACE RIOTS to spook the White people to vote the Democrats out of Congress.

There were protests after the decision. They've been mostly peaceful at best. Again, debunking the conservative media's stroking of "race riots" and "retaliation against White people" meme.

George Zimmerman's life isn't going to be the same. He can't live a normal life. The man will live the rest of his "freedom" in hiding. Zimmerman now fears for an apparent revenge by a Black or Hispanic man who may take a choice to "Stand [Your] Ground".

Since the verdict, Zimmerman been in the news for assaulting and threatening to shoot his wife and his new girlfriend. Those charges were dropped. Then of course, his brother Robert, Jr. and unofficial spokesperson Frank Taaffe were making racially insensitive comments. 

And to end the year, Zimmerman sold his own artwork for $100,000.
Congress has low approval from the general public.
3. Government Shutdown. Who would of thought history would repeat itself. Republicans have once again pulled the trigger and misfired? They thought the president would cave to their demands. Nope.

Conservatives were rooting for a government shutdown. They believe government was too big and they wanted a major slim down of the government. The 16-day government shutdown gave credence to Republican showboating.

One in particular was the closing of veteran memorials and national parks. The Republicans didn't think that the government had a right to shutdown parks. They believe the president was being hateful and downright mean to veterans of war. They would tear down barriers and berate park rangers to get their way.

They would piece meal policies to make it seem like they really cared about opening the government.

Do you believe that for those days the government being shutdown, it cost $24 billion!

And of course it caused a crazed situation around the U.S. Capitol. A woman would try to run down people before they opened fire on her.

This month closed out a year with Congress having the worst job approval ever. They rank favorably above the root canal extraction. The Kardashians are more popular than a lawmaker.

Senator Patty Murray (D-WA) and Congressman Paul Ryan (R-WI), former vice presidential nominee have worked out a deal to prevent another government shutdown. But with a debt ceiling debate in the coming months, will we see another game of chicken being played by Republicans in the House?

The Stallmigos. Senator Mike Lee (R-UT), Rand Paul (R-KY), Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Ted Cruz (R-TX).
4. The Rise Of Stallmigos. The four Republican Senators who managed to shake things up like Mama Grizzly. The unaccomplished members of the U.S. Senate.

Could you imagine one member who refuses to stand down?

One man who challenges his own party on policies.

One member who inspired the government shutdown.

Did you know that a Texas politico came close to being Time's Person of The Year?

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is the only Republican that excites the base. The conservatives love the confrontational approach against the president. Cruz who is floated around as a potential candidate for president has plans to renounce his Canadian citizenship.

Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has inspired a filibuster over the nomination. Cruz would later follow over the defunding of the Obamacare law.

Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) would jeopardize his street cred over immigration reform.

Salon wrote about the Tea Party (and the Stallmigots).

The Tea Party is less popular than ever, with even many Republicans now viewing the movement negatively. Overall, nearly half of the public (49 percent) has an unfavorable opinion of the Tea Party, while 30 percent have a favorable opinion,” the Pew Research Center.

They concluded with a 10 point list to why the Tea Party is in decline.
1. They really don’t care about America as a nation. For the past 25 years, Pew said that polls routinely find that about 55 percent of American voters want representatives in Congress to put local concerns ahead of “what they think is best for the country.” Tea Partiers disproportionately take that view. “Among Tea Party Republicans, fully 76 percent say members should vote against a bill their constituents oppose, even if he or she thinks it is in the best interest of the country,” Pew said. “Just 22 percent say the lawmaker should prioritize the national interest.”
2. Forget national solutions to national problems. Since three-quarters of Tea Partiers value a confederacy of GOP-run provinces more than an effective national government, it’s not surprising that they are always talking about making government smaller. But, as Pew found, that rhetoric means dismantling big public programs and overlooking public needs that were behind their creation in the first place.
“A driving attitude of the Tea Party is a belief in smaller government,” Pew said. “Fully 92 percent of Tea Party Republicans prefer a smaller government with fewer services, just 5 percent want a bigger government. Among non-Tea Party Republicans, a smaller government is preferred by a less one-sided 67 percent to 28 percent margin.” Tea Partiers tend to be older, whiter and wealthier than other Republicans—and other Americans, Pew said, which fits their self-centered, gated-community mindset.
3. They don’t believe in new government debt. Despite all the warnings by economists and even foreign leaders, such as Italy’s prime minister speaking at the White House on Thursday—who feared a default would raise global interest rates and spark a downward spiral—69 percent of Tea Parties said it was “not essential” to raise the U.S. debt limit, Pew said. That was 25 percent higher than “non-Tea Party” Republicans, Pew said.
4. They think Wall St. should be deregulated. Even though 2008’s global economic collapse started on Wall Street with bad bets by investors on the U.S. housing market, 79 percent of Tea Partiers say that government had gone too far with “regulating financial institutions,” Pew said. That was 26 percent higher than non-Tea Party Republicans.
5. They hate Obamacare. This is no surprise, of course, because the Tea Party crusade to repeal or defund the Affordable Care Act was the spark and rallying cry behind the government shutdown. Pew found that 95 percent of Tea Partiers opposed Obamacare, compared to 80 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans.
6. They’d gut Social Security and Medicare. Pew found that 73 percent of Tea Partiers would cut funds to these retirement programs to pay down the federal debt, which, again, is consistent with their “I’ve got mine; go get yours” mentality. Notably, Pew found that 46 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans said funding those entitlement programs was a more important priority than paying down the federal debt.
7. They Also Want To Outlaw Abortion. Pew found that 64 percent of Tea Parties want abortion to be illegal, compared to 51 percent of the rest of the GOP. While some polling firms have said that the Tea Party’s libertarian leanings are at odds with the evangelical wing of the party on this issue, Pew’s findings suggest overlap on the rightwing fringes—where evangelicals now are identifying themselves with the Tea Party movement.
8. They Oppose Same-Sex Marriage. Here too, there seems to be a blending of the libertarian and evangelical right, as 69 percent of Republicans who identified with the Tea Party opposed same-sex marriage, compared to 54 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans.
9. They want more oil and gas drilling. Tea Partiers have railed against climate change science and government responses because they feel it will bring more federal regulation of consumers. Pew found that 73 percent of Tea Partiers want to “expand traditional energy,” which means oil, gas and fracking, compared to 53 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans who want to “develop alternatives.” 
10. They want more guns in America. Pew found that 93 percent of Tea Partiers say it’s important to “protect gun rights,” compared to 29 percent of non-Tea Party Republicans who said it was more important to “control [gun] ownership” than protect gun rights.
So I guess this Midterm is coin toss! I am hoping we get inspired. We need to put the Republicans back into the minority. They've wasted their time fighting battles of the past. It's time to move forward. It's essential to get things done.

5. The Hip-Hop Meltdown. 

Did you hear talk about Lil' Wayne almost dying?

Did you know that Kendrick Lamar and Chris Brown called out Drake over his "pop rap" style?

Did you know Jay-Z and Beyonce were in Cuba?

What about Snoop Dogg changing his name to Snoop Lion?

Did you hear about DMX being on Dr. Phil?

Well there were so many things happening in the hip-hop community.

Many of the entertainers offered 2013 with the most outrageous behavior. Start with Rihanna being caught smoking a joint and fingering off the people. She has gotten a whole lot of sympathy post the incident.

But the more I've seen, the less I like about her. Her former boyfriend Chris Brown got in trouble more than enough times. He attacked Frank Ocean. He and his crew threw bottles at Drake's crew and injured people with flying glass. He would get into a fight in Washington, DC. He would put up ugly painting on his property in Los Angeles, pissing off his neighbors. His latest album tanked. And he said he'll retire if he gets in trouble.

We're waiting on you Mr. Brown.

Beyonce and Jay-Z are the power couple. Unlike Kanye West and Kim Kardashian, I have more respect for Queen Bey and Hova. They keep their business out of the media. They may end up being involuntarily caught up in something like using stock footage of 1986 NASA Challenger tragedy in music videos, the Cuba vacation or sponsoring a company that profiles its customers.

What makes them so cool is the fact they release digital albums without even announcing them publicly.

Jay-Z did it first with his Magna Carta....Holy Grail this year. Beyonce did her self-titled album this month.

Both albums went platinum.

Kanye and Kim welcomed their first child. The junk food media was shocked by the name of their daughter. The couple named their child North. And the outrageous marriage proposal came this year.

Eminem returned for the highly anticipated Marshall Mathers 2 LP which brought fans back the darker and more edgier style the rapper was known for. The Marshall Mathers 2 LP was the most successful album this year. This doesn't match the Marshall Mathers LP, the top selling hip-hop album of the previous decade.

Lil' Wayne released I Am Not A Human Being II. During his album release, he was in trouble for rapping on Future's Karate Chop Remix saying he'll beat that pussy like it was Emmett Till. That got him dropped from Mountain Dew. Then they told that he had a codeine induced seizure where it nearly cost him his life. He caught flack for accidentally stepping on the American flag.

Then there was talk about tension between him, Nicki Minaj and Drake. Then of course he's released the Dedication 5 mixtape which surpassed over 1 million downloads.

Drake released the Nothing Was The Same album. This along with Eminem and Jay-Z's albums were probably the only top selling hip-hop albums. The Canadian rapper/singer/entertainer has brought the swag back.
Drake and Kendrick Lamar
He's been very busy establishing his own label OVO Sound. He still riding with Young Money/Cash Money for the time being, but there's probably tension with the labels. I mean he's been the only rapper who manages to attract stans from both borders. He gross about $20 million in record and ticket sales.

So much popularity, Kendrick Lamar had to get involved. Lamar goes after J. Cole, Mac Miller, Drake, Pusha T and others on Big Sean's Control single. The rapper pissed off a lot of rappers by releasing that mega diss. I mean it's was the best diss I've heard in some time. But from the subliminal attacks from J. Cole and Drake aiming back, the microphone is still hot after Kendrick Lamar touched it.

Kendrick Lamar was bold enough to say fuck perennial loser Mitt Romney. That song was recorded during 2012. It was a scrapped single on B.o.B's album and it was pushed back because Atlantic knew that the single would carry controversy. The racist right would go after President Barack Obama because of it.

Kanye West released Yeezus.

Juicy J had his first commercial success by releasing Stay Trippy.

2 Chainz released his sophomore album B.O.A.T.S. II.

The Game leaves Interscope and jumps onto the Cash Money/Young Money label. Some consider the move a disaster for the troubled rapper. But since he's trying to stay relevant, I guess he made the right decision.

T.I. has left Atlantic Records after 10 years with the label. He would find home with Columbia Records. And during his reboot of the Grand Hustle label, his protege Doe B was gunned down this month.

Snoop Dogg releases his first reggae album.

Gucci Mane gets fired from his own label. Starts a feud with his labelmate Waka Flocka Flame. And caught a federal case when he bugged out in Atlanta. His career is on the line if he is found guilty of carrying a firearm while being a felon.

Nelly works with Honey Nut Cheerios. His fifth album M.O. was a total flop.

Atlanta rapper Future and pop singer Ciara are getting married soon. The rapper rose to fame by rapping on autotune hooks and having catchy singles. His sophomore album was pushed back in 2013. It will probably be released in February. He, Miley Cyrus and many rappers endorsed  the controversial Molly craze that has they're inspiring their stans to ecstasy and drinking codeine flavored Sprite.
Rick Ross and Future.
Rick Ross made the list of the year. He, Wale and Meek Mill put out very decent albums. They did better on their mixtapes than their albums, though.

Rozay was nearly killed after he was driving in his hometown of Miami. He pissed off the Gangsta Disciples after rapping a verse dissing them. He recruited Meek Mill, Gunplay, Omarion, Stalley, French Montana, Wale and DJ Scream to his upstart Maybach Music Group label.

The rapper has seen the county lockup for brawling and acting a fool.

Rozay also rap a verse on Rocko's U.N.E.N.O. single where he put a molly in her cup and hit that when she passed out. It got him dropped from Reebok.

On the bright side, his album God Forgives, I Don't went gold in 2012. And his new album Mastermind was supposed to be release this year. It's pushed back for a release in 2014.

Is there anything I missed, let me know! Cause these entertainers were featured on Journal de la Reyna.
The racist right's fight against affordable healthcare.
6. Obamacare malfunction. Did you know the Republicans tried to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act over 40 times?

The Republicans were lockstep in trying to defund, repeal, and threaten impeachment over the president's signature law. The law is supposed to help Americans get affordable health insurance.

The fights throughout 2009 to 2012 were suppose to be over. The Republicans lost the battle in 2012 when the Supreme Court ruled it to be constitutional.

It didn't stop Republicans from continuing their fight against it. Leading the way was Michele Bachmann, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and Darrell Issa. Each Republican had some issue with it. Whether truthful or not, it was something that got them flocking to the television.

When October came, the Stallmigos were threatening to shut the government down if the president refused to defund the healthcare law. So as the government shutdown, the Obamacare rollout started.

It was a total disaster. The website was crashing and the people weren't going to jump onto the website.

Republicans worked overtime to scare up citizens.

Out of nowhere some crazy ass White people would say they weren't getting Obamacare coverage. They would run to Loserville and CBS News to cry about how Obamacare is dangerous and people should avoid it.

So with all the fuzz about the healthcare law rolled out and the president's credibility takes a nosedive.

Before the end of the year, the White House can say they've managed to rebound from the rollout.

Over 1.4 million people have enrolled in the month of December. The Healthcare Marketplace is nearly operational and Congress is calling for investigations in the company that handled the website in earlier runs.

Still a rough ride is ahead. Republicans signaled they'll use Obamacare around the necks of Democrats.

Republicans will hope people will ignore their lackluster achievements and focus solely on the healthcare law.

7. Christopher Dorner Shooting Massacre. LAPD is one of the finest law enforcement agencies in the country. But however, its one of the infamous for its tactical strategies against gangs and motorist.

One former cop, Christopher Dorner was livid over his apparent firing. So instead of moving on to other agencies, he plotted revenge on his superiors. He would pick off members one by one.

A manifesto posted on Facebook, which police say was written by Dorner, declared "unconventional and asymmetric warfare" upon the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), their families, and their associates, until the LAPD admitted publicly he was fired in retaliation for reporting excessive force.

In two separate incidents during the manhunt, police shot at three civilians unrelated to Dorner, mistaking their pickup trucks for the vehicle being driven by Dorner. One of the civilians was hit by the police gunfire, another was wounded by shattered glass, and a third individual was injured when police rammed his vehicle and opened fire on them.

His first target was a woman named Monica Quan, the assistant head coach of a woman's basketball team at Cal State Fullerton. She was the daughter of a retired superior who defended Dorner when he was getting his walking papers.
Monica Quan and her boyfriend/fiance Keith Lawrence were killed by Christopher Dorner.
Keith Lawrence, Quan's boyfriend was killed as well. Lawrence was a police officer at the University of Southern California. They were planning on getting married this year.

Dorner managed to take his rampage through the hills of Los Angeles and managed to kill two officers as they approached his vehicle.

While on the run, the FBI issues a high maintenance warning to residents. He was a suicidal and considered extremely dangerous.

Dorner would be sought after for over four days. Many people called this murderer a "hero" because he stood up for the "little guy".

Were these people standing up for Monica and Keith? I mean they were innocent victims of a crazed man who thought the LAPD shafted him over his performance.

Dorner was caught up in the woods. He was stationed in a shack. And as the LAPD and ATF were approaching, Dorner went out firing. So they've returned fire. Somehow the gunfire started to cease and then all of sudden smoke comes out the shack. Either they shot Dorner to death or he managed to commit suicide by set the shack on fire. He knew that he wasn't going to go out like punk. He knew what he was doing.

During the month of January this was the biggest story. During that time a young Chicago girl was murdered after she attended Obama's second inauguration.

8. Ohio Rape Story: Over in Steubenville, Ohio. A young girl is raped by two star football players. The townspeople knew about it, but no one decided to respond to the situation appropriately.

Ma'lik Richmond and Trent Mays were popular students at the school.

Who would of thought that one night of drinking and partying would land these two in some hot water?

I mean c'mon guys, are you that stupid?

Apparently so.

The young girl was so intoxicated, the guys didn't care whether she was even alive when they had sex with her. Regardless of what that young girl did, these two men should have used proper judgement when getting involved with a person.

The coaches and superintendent knew about the situation and got sacked.

The jocular attitude of the assailants was documented on Facebook, Twitter, text messages, and cell phone recordings of the acts. The crime and ensuing legal proceedings generated considerable controversy and galvanized a national conversation about rape and rape culture.
Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond in juvenile court for rape of West Virginia girl.
Two students and high school football players, Ma'lik Richmond and Trent Mays, both 16 at the time of the crime, were convicted in juvenile court for the rape of a minor. Additionally, three other adults have been indicted for obstructing the investigation into the rape, while Steubenville's superintendent of schools has been charged with hindering the investigation into a rape that took place earlier in 2012.

Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine wanted to sweep the town of all its elected leaders. Because apparently, some of those partying teens were the sons and daughters of local leaders.

Hackivist group Anonymous got the ball rolling and made it a national story. Trust me, it would have been swept under the rug if it wasn't for them.

The judge tried Mays and Richmond as juveniles and adjudicated them "delinquent beyond reasonable doubt," the juvenile equivalent of a guilty verdict. Each defendant received the minimum sentence for their convicted crimes, with the possibility of remaining in juvenile detention until age 21.

The judge set the minimum sentence of one year for Richmond, who was found guilty of penetrating the girl while she was unconscious. Mays, who was found guilty of penetrating the girl while she was unconscious and disseminating pornographic pictures of her, was given the minimum sentence of two years.

Because the girl was a minor, Mays was charged with and convicted of the dissemination of child pornography, which is the reason for his additional year in juvenile detention. Whether or not Mays and Richmond will be added to the sexual-offenders registry depends on a future hearing to evaluate their behavior once they have turned 21

This tragedy will be a memorable moment in 2013.

9. Blood Brothers: Hannity and Drudge.

I've frequently talked about these two. These two were the most annoying and most notorious race-baiters of all time this year. Matt Drudge (who I refer to as That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall) has driven the narrative of Black on White crime. His news agitator The Drudge Report is the gateway to outright racist comments that come from readers who click on the links posted.

Online racism is very prominent in the links to local news stories that are ginned up by The Drudge Report.

It's proven that for every 100 comments, there's at least 75% of them being racist or downright stupid.

He's been granted the best year for gaining over 1.3 billion clicks this year. The worst for being an aggregation of the right wing hate.

Sean Hannity (who I refer to as That Guy Who Helped Obama Win) is a serial name dropper. He can't go one minute without mentioning Barack Obama's name. I mean in a single sentence, you'll hear the name. It's like he has ADHD whenever he's talking and ranting about how the government is bad under Obama's leadership.

It comes as no surprise that most of the daily rants from Hannity comes from The Drudge Report.

While crime in America is slightly down, there's talk about these events. I mean who would of thought that one man and his small team of trash sniffers would profit off the rage of White America?

Who would of thought, that the most annoying conservative agitator to be demoted after five successful years of being a solo act?

10. Boston Marathon Bombing. Tragedy happened on April 15, 2013. The Boston Marathon went so far without any problems. Until we gotten to the finish line. And boom, two packages go off injuring hundreds, killing three people. Two men who were just as normal as you and I, were the masterminds of this horrible event.

The bombs exploded about 13 seconds near the finish line on Boylston Street.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) took over the investigation, and on April 18, released photographs and surveillance video of two suspects.

The suspects were identified later that day as Chechen brothers Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev. Shortly after the FBI released the images, the suspects allegedly killed an MIT police officer, carjacked an SUV, and initiated an exchange of gunfire with the police in Watertown, Massachusetts. During the firefight, an MBTA police officer was injured but survived with severe blood loss. Tamerlan Tsarnaev was shot by police and then run over by his brother Dzhokhar and died. Dzhokhar was injured but escaped.
Boston Marathon suspects Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev.
Dzhokhar was later found hiding in a boat, badly wounded but alive. He was treated for injuries and hauled off to the federal time out. He will be on trial in the coming year for a destructive murder charge. He will likely get the gas chamber if found guilty.

Now as Russia prepares for the Winter Olympics, many radicalized terrorists will try their best over there to blow up stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if one was to strap themselves with a detonator and blow up around a mass population here in the United States.
Mission Accomplished.
11. Edward Snowden. This is the one guy most are undecided on. Is he a hero or a traitor? While taking a posh job at the NSA, Snowden managed to grab a lot of secrets and decided to leak it out to the press. He wanted to be a hero to the libertarian movement by telling the world, the America is listening to your conversations. He managed to elude the feds by taking temporary asylum in Russia. If he was caught, he would have suffered a fate like Bradley (Chelsea) Manning.

Snowden's release of classified material was called the most significant leak in US history by Pentagon Papers leaker Daniel Ellsberg. A series of exposés beginning in June 2013 revealed Internet surveillance programs such as PRISM, XKeyscore and Tempora, as well as the interception of US and European telephone metadata. The reports were based on documents Snowden leaked to The Guardian and The Washington Post while employed by NSA contractor Booz Allen Hamilton. By November 2013, the Guardian had published one percent of the documents, with "the worst yet to come".

A subject of controversy, Snowden has been variously called a hero, whistleblower, a dissident, a traitor, and a patriot. According to Snowden, his "sole motive" for leaking the documents was "to inform the public as to that which is done in their name and that which is done against them."

The disclosures have fueled debates over mass surveillance, government secrecy, and the balance between national security and information privacy. Six months after the NSA revelations began, Snowden declared his mission accomplished, citing the international debate sparked by his leaks.

A federal judge in December 2013 ruled that the government had "almost certainly" violated the US Constitution by collecting metadata on nearly every phone call within or to the United States. Less than 2 weeks later, a different federal judge ruled the surveillance program was legal, raising the likelihood that the constitutionality of the program would ultimately be decided by the Supreme Court.

Snowden is considered a fugitive by American authorities who have charged him with espionage and theft of government property.

By standards of the FBI, Snowden is considered armed and dangerous and potential flight risk.

Snowden is hoping to seek asylum in Germany and the Brazil. He is giving all the information to those who are willing to know.

Do you believe Edward Snowden did the right thing or caused a danger to those in the espionage industry?

12. Knockout game.

This was getting play in the white extremist circles. Some asshat went on That Guy Who Helped Obama's right wing carnival to promote this book about "us Black folks" participating in this "knockout game".

We "Black folk" are trying to destroy White America with the five finger roll.

The young Black youth are running amok in America laying the five finger roll on the faces of unsuspecting White folks. This is the new game sponsored by Trayvon Martin and President Barack Obama says those in the conservative media.

This Asshat Colin Flaherty wrote this book White Girl Bleed A Lot and it outlines all the "statistics" about "us Black folks" being the racist, violent, hateful, and destructive entities of our country.

Asshat Colin Flaherty claims he's an author of a book I've never heard of. He believes that racial violence is an everyday thing. He is contributor to WorldNutDaily. So obviously he'll "brag" about being some award winning writer who gets airplay on many news outlets. Whenever on a right wing media outlet this asshole talks about "racial violence (aka Black folks and the rest of America ignoring him)".

Asshat Colin Flaherty, the new Breitbart.
Of course this new theme is welded in the minds of White people. This so-called knockout game has became the issue of the  year. I mean from hearing talk about it, one is to believe that "US BLACK FOLK" are wild savages. We're just randomly knocking out White people and taping it on YouTube.

I mean from the kid getting beaten up on the bus and to random people getting knocked out in urban areas.

Serious injuries and even deaths have been attributed to the "knockout game". While news sources report that there has been an escalation of such attacks in late 2013, with some identifying it as a hate crime and/or a crime requiring new targeted legislation, some media analysts have cast doubt on this and have labeled the trend, although not the reported attacks themselves, a myth or an example of panic.

Many assaults are committed by youths.

In the coverage of the attacks in 2013, some on the racist right have focused on racial factors, alleging that the crimes are being committed primarily by African American youth and criticizing the media for ignoring the alleged racial nature of these attacks.

Critics often note that this righteous worry is nothing more than political dog whistle. Some of the handful assaults does not make it a trend, nor does a bunch of kids saying they were playing the "knockout game".

From every aspect of America, crime happens. No matter what statistics the racist right post, it doesn't determine the intelligence or aspects of criminal behavior.

I know that criminals look at opportunity, not race! I don't determine who commits a crime.

Crime is based on the product of the environment.

Conservatives are simple minded individuals. They show such disdain for President Barack Obama and the Black community.

So this is probably why they harp on the knockout game!

Is it possible that this is becoming a trend.

Well I'm done ranting for 2013. We're beginning a new year. Hope the best for all the readers here at Journal de la Reyna. If you have any other things you want to talk about in 2013. Send some feedback and I'll add more to the list.

On behalf of me and S. Baldwin, we thank you for reading and hope that you continue to bring us positive feedback on the latest things going on.


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