Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Benghazi. Show all posts

Monday, October 19, 2015

Who Really Deserves The Blame For 9/11?

Donald Trump has pissed off the establishment. The Republicans believe that Trump went out of line when he went after George W. Bush.

Trump basically said that 9/11 happened under Bush's watch. Gasp, he stepped on the third rail. Now he's facing a backlash from his brother, contender Jeb Bush.

Bush slammed Trump for being a publicity hound. Jeb is stern on this belief that his brother "kept us safe". Jeb is now raising money off the Trump comments. He hopes to show Republicans that Trump is a buffoon who can't lead the nation in the wake of a tragedy.

Republicans will never admit blame for their fuck ups. September 11, 2001 and August 29, 2005 were some of the country's worst disasters on American soil. The attacks and Hurricane Katrina were under Bush's watch. These disasters among the two wars, the economic collapse that led to a recession, and inept leadership in Washington got Republicans kicked out of Congress. It led to Barack Obama winning the White House.
They can't catch a break.
And ever since Barack Obama became the president, Republicans claim the country is "less safe" under his leadership.

When it comes to the blame game. Who's gets the blame the worst attack in American history?

Don't you know that it's Bill Clinton's fault?

He deserves the blame. He allowed al Qaeda mastermind Osama bin Laden escape Sudan. This is what that annoying conservative agitator's balking about. He even has a video saying that Clinton admits he was the one who let bin Laden escape.

Nevermind Richard Clarke's warning being ignored by Bush, Dick Cheney, then FBI chief Robert Muller and then National Security Adviser Condolezza Rice.

Nevermind that Clinton took consideration with al Qaeda after the first attack on the World Trade Center. He vowed to track these extremists down. The embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania were a reminder of al Qaeda's presence. The USS Cole bombing happened in 2000. Clinton wanted to take them down. But according to the Republicans, that was the dog chasing the tail.
Seven times so far and yet nothing incriminating. Republicans spent over $5 million on these hearings.
Republicans were more focused on impeaching him over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.

In 2011, Osama bin Laden was killed in a raid. When the nation heard the news of his untimely demise, Republicans were quick to congratulate George W. Bush. They slammed President Barack Obama for "dancing in the end zone".

The Republicans and that network were demonizing Bill and Hillary until they got out of the White House. Barack and Michelle final years in the White House are being demonized by the network.

Everything and anything is being criticized by these profit rage hypocrites.

Here's the flash poll.

Which president deserves the blame for 9/11?
Barack Obama
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton
Poll Maker

Now the network that devoted to blaming the Benghazi attacks solely on Hillary Clinton is now trying to rewrite history. According to the conservative agitators in the junk food media, they claim that Clinton gave a stand down order during the September 11, 2012 tragedy.

Hillary Clinton will appear at a House Select Committee this week to testify to why she used her personal server instead of a government server. Many in the junk food media have now dismissed the Republican-led committee as a partisan witch hunt.

The cat came out the bag when Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went on that annoying conservative agitator's program to declare that the committee was devoted to destroying Hillary's bid for the White House.

Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is dismissing the notion the debate is partisan. He went to the junk food media to tell the public that he demanded those not involved in this committee hearing to "shut up".

Trump is still the front runner. Even though the junk food media is getting tired of him and Ben Carson, the media loves this stuff.

Jeb Bush is trying to save his struggling campaign. That network and House Republicans are trying muddy up Hillary Clinton's presidential run for partisan gains.

Your thoughts on the matter? Post comments below.

Come On Joe, Are You Running?

Vice President Joe Biden is still debating on whether he will run for president or not.

The junk food media says that the decision will come on Wednesday. Will Vice President Joe Biden run for president?

Here's a quick poll.

web polls

Democrats are wondering if the possibility of Joe Biden entering the clown car could spell trouble for the two front runners, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Hillary Clinton.

The right hand man for President Barack Obama has been really quiet on his intentions. Usually around early months, the candidates declare their intentions to run.

The Democrats have a really weak field. Given that Hillary Clinton is the most strongest of the Democrats, her flaws have given an opportunity to Bernie Sanders. Sanders who is an independent who caucuses with the Democrats is the insurgent candidate. He is a Democratic Socialist and a progressive. He is one of the most vocal opponents of corporate greed. He often sides with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) on many issues facing the middle class.

Sanders wins support from marijuana supporters, non-religious,  young voters and progressives.

Conservative Democrats, the LGBT community, unions, working class Democrats and women favor Clinton over Sanders.
Pick one.
I don't know who's got the best advantage in winning the Black or Hispanic vote!

Right now, I am not inspired any of the Democratic candidates running. I am certainly not inspired by the Republicans. The Republicans are too damn extreme.

Biden entering could hurt Clinton. Many supporters of Biden think he can suck some of Hillary Clinton's most moderate supporters. Biden is pretty much straight forward on his views. He hasn't shift his views. The race could become a little more interesting if Biden does run.

I have a feeling that Biden might not run. Given the dysfunction in Congress and the utter stubbornness of some towards the president, many view Biden being a "third term" of Obama.

Biden will be 72 years old. He will be a perennial candidate if he chooses to enters the race.

Bernie Sanders is 75 years old.

Hillary Clinton is 69 years old.

Hillary Clinton so far leads against all the Republican candidates. That includes the insurgent candidates Donald Trump and Ben Carson.

Saturday, October 17, 2015

Trump: Under Bush's Watch, 9/11 Happened! It's The Truth!

It's gotten ugly in the race. Trump goes on the third rail.

Donald Trump is still the front runner. It's a shocking to the establishment that a reality television star is trouncing the favorite sons. Jeb Bush, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio and even Ted Cruz are taking nosedives while Trump, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina continue to soar.

Republicans are feuding with one another. The fights are ugly and the possible nomination of Trump may spark a boycott within the party.

Trump is never apologizing for anything. He's went after a lot of people. But one person, Republicans seem to still respect is 43.

Trump went into sensitive territory. He managed to tell the truth about the handling of terrorism.

The Politico reports that Trump gave an interview to Bloomberg. The clown went right into it.

“I think I have a bigger heart than all of them," Trump responded. "I think I’m much more competent then all of them. I mean, say what you want, the World Trade Center came down during [George W. Bush's] time.”

Ruhle interjected: “Hold on, you can’t blame George Bush for that."

“He was president, OK? Don’t blame him or don’t blame him, but he was president," Trump continued. "The World Trade Center came down during his reign. If you look at Sandy Hook, those people are still begging for help."

That was aimed Jeb Bush. Bush is struggling in the polls. He was the "favorite son" of many in the establishment. But since Trump joined the race, the establishment candidates took a nosedive.

This feud between Bush and Trump has gotten the junk food media's attention.

According to the Republicans, you can't blame Bush for 9/11. It wasn't his fault. Of course, you can't blame him for missing the urgent memos about foreign terrorists plotting an attack on the United States.

 9/11 was Bill Clinton's fault. He failed to understand terrorism. He was busy messing around with interns at the White House. He let our embassies and USS Cole get attacked.

Clinton ignored Osama bin Laden.

When the first attack on the World Trade Center happened, Clinton was not doing his job.
No comment.
Truth is that nine months into George W. Bush's first term, the world saw the World Trade Centers, the Pentagon and a piece of rural Pennsylvania go up in flames. The flames of terrorism happened under Bush's watch.

After the tragedy, the president and Congress mounted war. We soon went into war with Afghanistan and later into Iraq. We were under the impression that Bush "kept us safe".

When Bush won his second term, a horrible hurricane struck the Gulf coast. Hurricane Katrina came to shore and destroyed New Orleans. We were under the impression that Bush "kept us safe".

Those events are examples of Bush keeping us safe. Of course, Republicans will always resort to finding fault in Benghazi over 9/11.  For Republicans and their conservative allies, Benghazi was a bigger disaster than 9/11.

Former president George W. Bush decided to stay out of the race. He's "endorsed" Jeb. But in reality, he's painting and keeping his distance from the political theater.

Friday, October 16, 2015

The Fox In The Hen House!

The right wing network got embarrassed by this phony analysis. 

It seems like Hillary Clinton got her groove back. The junk food media declared Clinton the winner of the Democratic debate. The debate has gotten her out of the slump.

When everyone thought that it could be over for her, she bounces back.

The Democrats were praising her and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for hammering Republicans.

Sanders gave Clinton the best defense by saying "no one gives a damn about your emails!"

I agree. It's not a real issue. It's a fucking distraction. But to the Republicans and their allies in the junk food media, full steam ahead.

Clinton is preparing for her arrival to Congress for her testimony on the emails and server. But she will be prepared to fight the Republicans. After all, they gave her enough ammunition to fire back at them.

The Republicans are upset that their goal to take Clinton down is falling apart. They blame the establishment for failing to stop her.

The Majority Leader (for now) Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) let the cat out the bag. He appeared on that annoying conservative agitator's program. He declared that the House putting the Benghazi panel together managed to take Clinton's polls down. The Democrats seized upon the comments. The junk food media said that it's a wrap, the Republicans can't deny this anymore.Then a couple of Republican appointed investigators have decided to air out their grievances about how Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is making this a totally partisan issue.

Then of course there's this guy. Wayne Simmons.

Simmons claimed he was a former CIA operative who served in some real dangerous missions.

He would appear on that network as a "terrorism expert". He would devote his time to trashing President Barack Obama. He said that Obama has "no spine" and would resort to insulting his leadership as commander-and-chief.

It turns out the network that's totally devoted to exploiting Benghazi hired this guy. The feds decided to pull curtain back and hook him. He's being charged with some real serious shit.

If convicted, Simmons could face decades in federal time out for all counts, including 20 years for wire fraud, 10 years for major fraud against the U.S, and 5 years for false statements.
Roger Ailes is the president of the right wing network. His underlings didn't vet the fraud.
As part of the indictment, Simmons is also accused of defrauding a victim out of $125,000 in a real estate-related scam.

The network's spokeswoman told CNN that Simmons was an "unpaid guest" and never a host for the station, and declined further comment. He was a paid commentator that was on that network since 2002.

Does this network vet guests or commentators?

CNN pointed out that Simmons had a pattern of making “extreme and factually dubious” claims about terrorism, including a claim in January that there were “at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the United States.”

He also denied waterboarding was torture and said that Obama was a “novice who lacked a spine,” according to CNN.

Officials told that network that there had been suspicions about Simmons’ resume which were stirred when questions were raised with various government agencies about his statements.

Thursday, October 08, 2015

McCarthy Bows Out!

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) is dropping his bid to be House Speaker and giving up his role as Majority Leader.

I don't think he's resigning from Congress, but he certainly not going to be the House Speaker.

In a secret ballot committee vote, Republicans select who's going to be their choice for the speaker.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) figured he didn't have enough support from fellow Republicans to become the new House Speaker. He formally withdrawn from the nomination. He also will end his bid as Majority Leader.

A big blow to outgoing House Speaker, Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) who resigns at the end of the month. Boehner complains that the members of his own party are too extreme.

The members say that he "caves" to President Barack Obama.

The insurgency and establishment are displaying a full scale civil war within the Republican Party.

McCarthy cites conservative uproar over his Benghazi comments as a reason for him dropping out.

Last week, McCarthy gave Hillary Clinton a bone and she's ran with it. McCarthy appeared on that annoying conservative agitator's program to show and prove. He promised that Republicans will get tough on Obama. He said that Clinton's missing server and her struggling in the polls were a result of Republicans pushing this through the election.

He said that the committees spearheaded by Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) made Hillary Clinton struggle in her presidential campaign. That launched a Democratic platform demanding the Republicans end the partisan debate over Benghazi.

Now Republicans are seething at McCarthy for giving the Democrats an opportunity to prove they're inept.

Rep. Jason Cheffettz (R-UT) and Rep. Daniel Webster (R-FL) have promised to usurp McCarthy if he won the nomination. I guess they got what they wanted.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) isn't keen on either of them. He said they all are inept. He refuses to endorse Chaffettz and Webster.

Jordan is mad at Chaffettz for stripping Rep. Mark Meadows (R-NC) from a committee seat.

Many Republicans see Webster as inept if he becomes a House Speaker.

Sunday, October 04, 2015

Secret Service Was Caught Putting An Insurgent Lawmaker's Business Out There!

Jason Chaffetz, official portrait, 111th Congress.jpg
Insurgent Rep. Jason Chaffetz ordered an investigation into misconduct by the U.S. Secret Service. Some members snooped on him.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) is an insurgent lawmaker. He announced his run for Speaker of the House. Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) already blew it when he appeared on that annoying conservative agitator's program saying that the Benghazi committee was deliberately destroying Hillary Clinton's bid for president.

Chaffetz is a relatively annoying insurgent lawmaker who thinks the "government is too big".

Yet, Chaffetz gets a paycheck from this "big government". Chaffetz wants to be elected on this cutting government agencies and Planned Parenthood.

Chaffetz is the type of lawmaker who is obsessed with cutting agencies. Remember this is the lawmaker who openly bragged about cutting the State Department's budget. The budget that led to lack of security at embassies and consulates. That led to the Benghazi tragedy. That led to the blame game against President Barack Obama, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Clinton.

The U.S. Secret Service was going to put the lawmaker's business out there. Joe Clancy, head of the Secret Service has formally apologized to the lawmaker.

The Secret Service put out some embarrassing stuff about the insurgent lawmaker. The lawmaker was none too happy about it. He wants some heads to roll.

Homeland Security released a report recently stating some disgruntled Secret Service members were searching up Chaffetz's files. He once tried to become an agent.

CNN reports that Director Joe Clancy said in a statement he was first aware of the "speculative rumor" of members of his agency discussing Chaffetz's records on March 25. Previously, Clancy said he first heard about the information from the media April 1.

Clancy said when he first heard the information it was "not credible and was not attributed to a source of information or indicative of any action."

An investigation released Wednesday by the Department of Homeland Security found that a top official at the agency encouraged colleagues via email to release records on Chaffetz contained "some information that he might find embarrassing needs to get out."

The Daily Beast shortly thereafter reported that Chaffetz had been rejected in 2003 by the agency he now oversees as a committee chairman.

Clancy said he didn't learn until later that Secret Service employees had accessed the private records of Chaffetz, and leaked that he applied unsuccessfully for a job at the agency.

"I feel it is extremely important to be as accurate as possible regarding my knowledge of this matter and I have personally spoken to Chairman Chaffetz to advise him of the additional information that I provided to the Inspector General," Clancy said.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Hillary Clinton: It's The Vast Right Wing Stupidity!

Hillary Clinton slams Republicans and that network for Benghazi witch hunt.

This slip up by the Republican Majority Leader shows the public that the GOP is inept in governing!

Matter of fact, this could rebound Hillary Clinton's struggling campaign. She's not really struggling but the way the junk food media puts it, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is catching up. Vice President Joe Biden can join the CNN debate anytime he wants.

Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy and old. Whatever, however and whenever!

If the junk food media is so fucking liberal, why does that network lead in ratings?

If the junk food media is so fucking liberal, why is President Barack Obama still stuck in 40s?

Damn it, the junk food media isn't liberal. It's a part of a well oiled machine in which collects revenue from partisan debates, sensationalism, and repetitiveness.

The Republican slip of the tongue came from a California lawmaker.

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) went to that annoying conservative agitator's program last night. He is jockeying for House Speaker.  He explains to the annoying agitator that Hillary Clinton's slide in the polls were caused by the House Select Committee on Benghazi and the classified server.

He basically said that Republicans were devoted to pushing this Benghazi nonsense until the election.

“Everybody thought Hillary Clinton was unbeatable, right?” McCarthy said on that network. “But we put together a Benghazi special committee, a select committee. What are her numbers today? Her numbers are dropping. Why? Because she’s untrustable.”

Despite Clinton being cleared of any wrongdoing, the Republicans are now focused on her server.

Already fucking up!
They gave the talking points to the junk food media. They ran with it. Now in October, Clinton will head back to Washington to testify again about Benghazi and the server.
Clinton used her private email instead of a government sanctioned email. She said that no classified information was leaked to the press. Clinton admits that she had failed in transparency. Giving her potential run for president, she should have saw this coming. The Republicans are relentless in their "fact finding" missions.

The slip of the tongue caught wind at the Hillary Clinton campaign. The campaign slams McCarthy and Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) for playing politics on the blood of Americans killed in the September 11, 2012 attack.

Brian Fallon, a spokesman for Clinton, called McCarthy’s remarks “a damning display of honesty by the possible next speaker of the House. Kevin McCarthy just confessed that the committee set up to look into the deaths of four brave Americans at Benghazi is a taxpayer-funded sham. This confirms Americans’ worst suspicions about what goes on in Washington.”

As you know, the country's worst attack on soil happened under a Republican president. September 11, 2001 is memory to the Republicans. The still act like their policies were beneficial to the country.

If you are debating over which event was the worst, you would pick 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina.

Compared to Benghazi and the BP Oil Spill, Bush would lose this debate hands down.

We gave Bush a second term because of his "keep us safe" policies.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Cry Boehner Once Again Blames Obama For The Inept Congress!

Republican lawmaker John Boehner (R-OH) cries to CBS about Barack Obama.

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is the current head of the House of Representatives. The Weeper of the House once again appears on GOP Sundays to discuss the latest issues facing the country. Of course the Weeper would dodge controversial statements about Donald Trump, oppose the Iran deal, immigration reform is on the back burner but of course its not his fault. No mentions of highway funding or "Where's the jobs" plan.

Of course the Weeper pulls President Barack Obama out of his pocket.

Congress job approval is 11% under the Republican leadership. The Republicans have the most to fear this coming election. The Supreme Court ruled that states can impose independent agencies to establish redistricting and make more competitive seats. By 2020, some districts held by Republicans will no longer be White majority. Some of the most competitive districts held by Republicans have a stronger Black and Hispanic voter base.

The Congress hasn't really done much this session other than take too many vacations.

John Dickerson who replace Bob Schieffer recently is getting the Weeper on to talk.

I'm putting his statements in lament's terms.

Iran: I would applaud Obama if the U.S. walks away from Iran talks.

Boehner on Trump's remark on illegal immigrants from Mexico killing and raping Americans: I don't support his comments. I have to listen more to him before I make a decision.

Benghazi: I will do everything in my power to see that this investigation will net results. The Benghazi tragedy has once again become a Republican rally cry for trying to take down Hillary Clinton.

Bernie Sanders: The most liberal member of the senate. He and Hillary are out of touch with the rest of America. The Democrat (sic) Party is not willing to work with the American people to find the right solutions for America.

Immigration reform is something I want to do, but Obama is not willing to work with us. Obama's executive orders are unconstitutional.

Sunday, May 03, 2015

Weeper John Boehner Is A Scarecrow Without A Brain!

Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) sits down with Chuck Todd to discuss the first 100 days of the 114th Congress.

The House Speaker (or I meant the Weeper) appears on GOP Sundays to pat himself on the back after a contentious 100 days. He pats himself on the back for stalling President Barack Obama's second term agenda.

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) is the currently doing his best to say it's not his fault for the turmoils in Baltimore, the lack of progress in Congress, and the legislative split between him and the Republicans.

Of course, all fingers goes to President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton. He can't muster enough responsibility to say that Republicans slow walking is causing friction within the party.

He is opposed to the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare).

He is opposed to the Six Party talks proposal to Iran.

He is still invested in Benghazi because of revelations of Hillary Clinton scrapping her server. The weeper knows that Hillary had to wipe the server clean because of her CIA files and the fact that consulate was a part of the clandestine organization. Boehner knows that there's no evidence of a stand down order in the 2012 attack. But in order to continue this farce, he will try to force her off the campaign trail to speak openly about CIA secrets.

He ain't got any ideas to repeal the ACA. He ain't got a plan for Baltimore despite the protesters outcry towards Washington, DC's failure to invest in urban centers.

He also has to answer to the allegations of one of his Secret Service detail leaving a loaded in the men's restroom.

Boehner has to juggle his tissue boxes to appeal to the base, the insurgency and the disgruntled Democrats who are spineless and worthless. He needs Democrats to pass some of the most controversial bills. Such as funding the Department of Homeland Security.

Boehner took a lot of flack for allowing its passage despite the insurgency's outcries of trying to stop the president's executive order on immigration.

Boehner is from West Chester, Ohio. The 8th Congressional District represents the areas surrounding suburban Cincinnati, Dayton and Springfield.

He claims that he's for the American people. Wrong!

Boehner doesn't listen to his constituents.

He and his lobbyist buddies are the crown jewel of Washington, DC.

Friday, April 10, 2015

Over The Hill!

Hill buzz.

Hillary Clinton will formally announce her run for president on Sunday says the junk food media.

She will make the announcement in Brooklyn. She has released a video this week to make the news.

The Democratic Party has strong support for her over the rest of the clowns who may jump in.

Martin O'Malley, Jim Webb, Vice President Joe Biden, Lincoln Chafee, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) are the most mentioned rivals Clinton could face.

I seen her in Dayton in February 2008. Clinton stomped for the Democratic nomination. She came to Wayne High School in Huber Heights. She was accompanied with former governor Ted Strickland and former congressman Tony Hall.

I asked her about that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity and that turd Dick Morris and their obsession with name dropping her.

She replied, "They're really scared of me!"

She fought hard against Barack Obama. But lost. This cause a bit of friction with the Democrats.

Republicans were trying to seize on the opportunity to grab voters. The junk food media spent a majority of time rambling about how Hillary was going to sabotage Obama's campaign.

The Clintons threw their full support for Barack Obama. They told her supporters that having another Republican in the White House could be dangerous to America.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) or perennial loser Mitt Romney tried to seek opportunity by bringing up Hillary's name.

They wanted to break up Barack Obama's strengths. They failed and eventually lost. Both lost to landslides. Obama gave Hillary an opportunity to grow. He appointed her as Secretary of State.

He may have encouraged her to run after he finished his second term.

Now on the matter of her other problems. The Republican Party and the clowns who are running for the nomination.

You got the Stallmigos, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) in the race. Potential clowns include Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL), Insurgent Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA), Gov. Scott Walker (R-WI), Gov. John Kasich (R-OH), Rick Perry, Jeb Bush, Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, and George Pataki are considering jumping into the clown car.

At age 67, Hillary Rodham Clinton will be once again running for the Democratic nomination.

She is the former Secretary of State under President Barack Obama. She is the former U.S. Senator from New York. She is the former First Lady of the United States.

She is a perennial candidate.

She will be facing the onslaught again.

The racist right will first tag her as the second coming of Barack Obama. They will question her age, temperament, legacy, and her accomplishments as Secretary of State and U.S. Senator.

Then they will bring up Benghazi. The Republicans spent more time investigating the 2012 incident in September more than they've spent trying to investigate 9/11 in September. They will bring up Bill Clinton and his potential cheating on her. Then they'll complain about the emails and the missing server.

They are obsessed with Jeffery Epstein, some Democratic bundler who got time in the iron college for molesting young immigrant girls. They want to tag Bill to it because of this ridiculous "guilt by association".

Then they'll bring up her record as Secretary of State. From Russia to Iraq, Afghanistan to Benghazi.

Matter of fact, they'll bring up Chelsea and her family, Monica Lewinsky, Whitewater, Vince Foster, Juanita Brodrick, Kathleen Willey, Paula Jones and Bill's misdeeds.

The vast right wing conspiracy is back and they're going to be even more aggressive.

That old fart, the conservative Craiglist, Loserville and the agitators are going to be covering it.

Will you support another run for Hillary Clinton?

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Cheers & Jeers!

The president and Congress hear the cries. The president acts out on his word. Republicans vow to fight.

Republicans vow to fight the president every step of the way. During this lame duck session of Congress, the outgoing Democrats are probably going to the networks or private practice. Some may even jump onto the agitator radio circuit.

President Barack Obama delivered his statements Thursday. He told the nation that he's going to enact executive orders in the wake of the failure to pass comprehensive immigration reform.

Immigration advocates and some undocumented workers and their families are praising this decision.

Tonight the president announced his plans to use his executive action to ease up on deportation.

This plan will assist about 1/3 of the undocumented migrants who already been in the country for nearly five years will be exempted. This is brought

The Benghazi select committee spurred by conservative agitators and Republican lawmakers netted again no fault towards the president, Hillary Clinton and CIA.

The Benghazi attack happened on September 11, 2012 when four Americans were killed after a militant group run up on a CIA-sponsored consulate. They used the cover of an anti-Muslim movie to draw an attack on the facility. The mastermind is held in American custody. The racist right has used this as a tool to Republicans win control of Congress. They were trying to find outrageous conspiracies and discredited individuals as

The Ferguson decision will be coming soon and the president urges calm to the residents of the metro St. Louis area.

The nation awaits to hear the fate of the Ferguson officer Darren Wilson.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

New York Post Goes Below The Belt Again!

The former Secretary of State and potential candidate for president is a grandma.

Hillary Clinton is pleased to announce that her daughter Chelsea welcomes her first child to the world.

Charlotte Clinton Mezvinsky is born. Mark Mezvinsky is a proud dad. He and his famous wife (a former first child) are now first time parents. Congratulations to them both.

Hillary and former president Bill Clinton are a much talked about couple.  The racist right hates them.

The racist right really hates the Obamas, but so far the hate for the Clintons has gotten the Rupert Murdoch tabloid piss poor on this special occasion,

What are your thoughts to the cover?

Is this freedom of speech offensive or justified?

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Conservatives "REALLY" Hate Muslims!

Brigitte Gabriel is an anti-Islamic extremist who gets frequent airplay on Loserville and CNN.

You listen to the conservative agitators in the junk food media and you'll hear them bitch and bemoan about "radical" Islam and the president's inept response to the crisis in Iraq. Also you hear the ramblings about how you can't trust Muslims in the general public from the likes of Brigitte Gabriel.

Brigitte Gabriel gets a lot of airplay with those in the racist right. You hear her go on and on about how Muslims are extremists and these leaders in Washington aren't striking against them hard enough.

A week ago, at the Heritage Foundation's panel on Benghazi, an American Muslim woman was asking the question about hate crimes against her and others. Conservatives ducked the question and attacked her.

Media Matters for America which monitors misinformation and extremism from conservatives reports that the event was led by Andrew McCarthy, a conservative commentator and former federal prosecutor who recently released a book claiming that President Obama's response to the Benghazi attacks constitutes an impeachable offense. Several panelists at the forum have long records of inflammatory rhetoric about Islam.

Dana Milbank of the Washington Post reports that Saba Ahmed, an American University law student, stood in the back of the room and asked a question in a soft voice. "We portray Islam and all Muslims as bad, but there's 1.8 billion followers of Islam," she told them. "We have 8 million-plus Muslim Americans in this country and I don't see them represented here."

Panelist Brigitte Gabriel of a group called ACT! for America pounced. She said "180 million to 300 million" Muslims are "dedicated to the destruction of Western civilization." She told Ahmed that the "peaceful majority were irrelevant" in the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, and she drew a Hitler comparison: "Most Germans were peaceful, yet the Nazis drove the agenda and as a result, 60 million died."

"Are you an American?" Gabriel demanded of Ahmed, after accusing her of taking "the limelight" and before informing her that her "political correctness" belongs "in the garbage."

"Where are the others speaking out?" Ahmed was asked. This drew an extended standing ovation from the nearly 150 people in the room, complete with cheers.

The panel's moderator, conservative radio host Chris Plante, grinned and joined in the assault. "Can you tell me who the head of the Muslim peace movement is?" he demanded of Ahmed.

"Yeah," audience members taunted, "yeah."

Ahmed answered quietly, as before. "I guess it's me right now," she said.

As hateful as they are, we must understand that Muslims reject terrorism.

Why don't conservatives reject the extremism coming from those who are anti-government?

Why don't conservatives reject the hateful rhetoric of some who have hatred towards Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims and those who are LGBT?

Here's the video of Heritage Foundation's panel and their insult towards Ms. Ahmed.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Benghazi Suspect Tells Junk Food Media That The Anti-Islam Video Pissed Him Off!

Benghazi suspect was pissed off about the anti-Islamic movie Innocence of Muslims.

The New York Times once again helps debunk this ongoing nonsense being spread by conservatives.

They report that hmed Abu Khattala was always open about his animosity toward the United States, and even about his conviction that Muslims and Christians were locked in an intractable religious war. “There is always hostility between the religions,” he said in an interview. “That is the nature of religions.”

During the assault on the American diplomatic mission in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of Sept. 11, 2012, Mr. Abu Khattala was a vivid presence. Witnesses saw him directing the swarming attackers who ultimately killed Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans.

Afterward, he offered contradictory denials of his role, sometimes trying to say that he did not do it but strongly approved. He appeared to enjoy his notoriety.

Captured by military commandos and law enforcement agents early on Monday, Mr. Abu Khattala may now help address some of the persistent questions about the identity and motives of the attackers. The thriving industry of conspiracy theories, political scandals, talk show chatter and congressional hearings may now confront the man federal investigators say played the central role in the attack.

Despite extensive speculation about the possible role of Al Qaeda in directing the attack, Mr. Abu Khattala is a local, small-time Islamist militant. He has no known connections to international terrorist groups, say American officials briefed on the criminal investigation and intelligence reporting, and other Benghazi Islamists and militia leaders who have known him for many years.

In several hours of interviews since the attack, Mr. Abu Khattala was happy to profess his admiration for Osama bin Laden and other leaders of Al Qaeda. He insisted that American foreign policy alone was to blame for the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. But he remained a distant admirer of Mr. Bin Laden’s organization, having spent most of his adult life in and out of jail for his extremism under Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi.
The FBI is still seeking information in regards to those involved in the September 11, 2012 attack.
Even by the standards of Benghazi jihadists — and even among many of his friends — Mr. Abu Khattala stands out as both erratic and extremist. “Even in prison, he was always alone,” said Sheikh Mohamed Abu Sidra, an Islamist member of Parliament from Benghazi who spent several years in prison with Mr. Abu Khattala.

Although widely seen at the attack, Mr. Abu Khattala made no attempt to flee. The safest place for him may have been Benghazi, where Libya’s weak central government feared exerting its authority because of the superior power of the local Islamist militias.

Mr. Abu Khattala’s neighbors and other residents of Benghazi were apparently unaware of his capture, perhaps because they assumed he was caught up in other fighting in the city. A renegade general has been waging a local campaign against Islamist militants such as those in Ansar al-Shariah and Mr. Abu Khattala.

In interviews after the news emerged, two Benghazi residents said they had last seen Mr. Abu Khattala on Sunday. A neighbor in the el-Leithi district said he had seen Mr. Abu Khattala leaving his house alone in an Afghan-style jallabiya, with a Kalashnikov rifle slung over one shoulder and a Belgian FN rifle over the other.

“Then he walked deep into el-Leithi,” the neighbor said. “We haven’t seen him since.”

Since the 2012 attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, the conservatives decided to hang that rope around the neck of the president and Hillary Clinton instead of the mastermind who committed the act.

Conservatives believe that President Barack Obama was incompetent in handling this event. After all he was on the election trail and it happened to by September 11. Obviously that is a symbolic day in America.

Benghazi is a beautiful seaside city.
In 2001, we saw one of the worst attacks on American soil. The United States went to war in Afghanistan and later Iraq on the whims of the War on Terror.

The event in Benghazi was a part of multiple sparks of anger overseas. The social networks were lit ablaze when a mysterious man released a movie trailer online called the Innocence of Muslims

Over here in the United States, we became more hateful towards Muslims. Did you know there were 20 reported crimes of anti-Islamic hate in the United States?

It's driven by the angry voices of the conservative agitators who have a strong resentment towards race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, disability, political and economic standings.

Read the latest from the New York Times on the controversy.

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

U.S. Special Ops. Capture Benghazi Suspect And Conservatives Are Still B**ching!

The attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi nets arrests.

I just about had it with these armchair pansies bemoaning President Barack Obama and former State Department secretary Hillary Clinton's handling of the 2012 attack on the United States consulate in Benghazi, Libya that led to the death of four Americans.

Make this clear, September 11, 2001 was the worst attack on American soil. It occurred during the first term of George W. Bush. If Republicans were so concerned over the handling of national security, they should have looked at Bush during the first nine months in office.

The conservative media is such a bunch of hypocrites.

They support the terrorists more than the president. I mean this capture can bring closure to the families who lost their love ones during that night on September 11, 2012.
Undated photo of Ahmed Abu Khattala.
Conservatives are so worked over the fact that President Barack Obama managed to win reelection despite holding total responsibility for the death of ambassador Christopher Stevens.

Republicans are by far the worst when it comes to national security. They claim they're more tougher on national security but yet allows extremism to continue to exist in America with letting mentally insane individuals purchase firearms.

They allow people to continue to march with degrading images of the president and openly threaten law enforcement with the "tree of liberty" nonsense.

They conspire to destroy those they deem inferior to their radical Christian beliefs.

They can't even fault the terrorists responsible for the deaths of four Americans. They rather blame the president and Clinton for this than the mastermind who was responsible for this.

The Associated Press reports this capture of the Ansar al-Sharia leader will be tried in American courts.

Republicans want this man to be placed in GITMO.

Obama administration officials said Ahmed Abu Khattala, a senior leader of the Benghazi branch of the terror group Ansar al-Sharia in Libya, will be tried in U.S. court. He was captured by U.S. forces on Sunday and is being held in an undisclosed location outside of Libya, according to the Pentagon press secretary, Navy Rear Adm. John Kirby.

White House press secretary Jay Carney said the capture makes clear that the U.S. is fulfilling its pledge to bring to justice those responsible.

"The capture of Abu Khattala is not the end of that effort but it marks an important milestone," Carney said.

Stevens was the first U.S. ambassador to be killed in the line of duty in more than 30 years.

Last year, the U.S. filed charges against Khattala and a number of others in a sealed complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Washington. However, until now, no one had been arrested in the attack in which a group of militants set fire to the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi.

The Obama administration has come under intense criticism from Republicans for being unable to apprehend those responsible for the attack.
GOP Sundays with Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
According to a U.S. official, the operation that captured Abu Khattala was planned over a long period of time and executed by U.S. special operations forces. The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity because he wasn't authorized to disclose sensitive details by name, said the operation was conducted in conjunction with the FBI.

In the immediate aftermath of the stunning attack, political reaction formed along partisan lines that hold fast to this day.

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney and others said President Barack Obama had emboldened Islamic extremists by being weak against terrorism. But the public still credited Obama with the successful strike against al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden a few months earlier in Pakistan.

The accusation that took hold was a Republican charge that the White House intentionally misled voters by portraying the Benghazi assault as one of the many protests over an anti-Muslim video made in America, instead of a calculated terrorist attack under his watch.

Obama accused the Republicans of politicizing a national tragedy. He insists that the narrative about the video protests was the best information available at the time.

After 13 public hearings, the release of 25,000 pages of documents and 50 separate briefings over the past year and a half, the arguments are the same.

Of course with this capture comes the claim that he was in open light. After all he gave interviews to the junk food media.

So what?

Osama bin Laden, Ayman al-Zarhiri, Adam Gadahn, Anwar al-Awlaki and Samantha Lewthwaite gave interviews with the junk food media too.

bin Laden was killed in 2011 after U.S. Special Forces made a surprise attack on his home in Pakistan.

al-Awlaki was killled in 2011 after a U.S. drone fired upon his vehicle in Southeastern Yemen. It killed him and one of his oldest sons.

The other three are still active and still have access to the junk food media.

It doesn't matter where they're located if they're convicted of funding and aiding terrorism, the United States and its allies will do their best to capture these people.

They don't have to fire a gun. They get others to do their dirty work. Kind of like Republicans and Democrats who serve in Congress and not on the battlefield.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Limbaugh Piss Parade On #BringBackOurGirls!

The big asshole on the racist right is obsessed like his Republican brethren on Benghazi. He and the racist right can't stand the president and the first lady. No matter what they do, he'll piss parade on it.

The conservative agitator pissed that First Lady Michelle Obama sent a tweet and expressing her outrage to Boko Haram's callous kidnapping of young schoolgirls.

The First Lady went to Twitter.

The terrorist group massacred school teachers and the kidnapped young girls.

The leader is promising that these young girls will be sold into sex slavery.

Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan has ordered the Nigerian military to go after the extremists. He also applaud the U.S., Britain and Franch intelligence authorities for getting involved.

The racist right is all upset over the selfie by the First Lady's posting on the social networks.

Well lets first start with this conservative asshole.
That asshole said that the low-information universe -- will say, "Oh, Mrs. Obama! At least they care, and at least they're trying to do something."
He went to radio last week to declare that it was pathetic for people to use the hastag .

I can't believe this. We are one of the few people talking about the 300 or more Nigerian girls kidnapped by Boko Haram, which, when I hear that name I think of A Whiter Shade of Pale, Procol Harum.  That's not who it is. This is a terrorist bunch. Hillary's State Department refused to designate them a terrorist bunch.

From The Daily Beast: "Hillary’s State Department Refused to Brand Boko Haram as Terrorists -- Under Hillary Clinton, the State Department repeatedly declined to fully go after the terror group responsible for kidnapping hundreds of girls." And that means they are what?  They're African.  They're black.  It's a strange article to see in The Daily Beast. You think maybe The Daily Caller or Breitbart, but this is in The Daily Beast.

On the activism of First Lady Michelle Obama.

Like the guy at Mozilla, Condi Rice at Rutgers, things like that, and it's all made possible by [President Barack and First Lady Michelle] Obama. Every bit of it. And he cites a specific -- it's all emanating from universities, and he cites a specific compromise ruling at a specific university involving Title IX that sent the signal to every university in the country that they are free to engage in this fascistic behavior. So that's coming up, too.

But this picture is of the first lady. It's about what Boko Haram did, and it is a plea to try to get the kidnapped girls returned.  This is Mrs. Obama in the diplomatic reception room in the White House. I've been there many times. It's one of those popular entrances used for diplomats, guests, friends, and so forth. 

You go through the diplomatic reception room, take a left, and there's the elevator to the residence.  It's real close there. It's where Obama comes out and gets in the helicopter, all the presidents do.  That's the diplomatic reception room, most cases. That's where the picture is taken, looks like. 

I just think this is pathetic. I'm just stunned. We got 300 Nigerian girls kidnapped by an Al-Qaeda group, and nobody cared or talked about it for a while. Hillary wouldn't call 'em a terror group. 

Now, all of a sudden, for some reason, we're on a big push to get 'em back and this is how...? Well, you can't read the writing. It's a plea for people on Twitter to get in gear and bring the girls back.  It's #BringBackOurGirls.

 Apparently there's a Twitter... What do you call 'em, handle?  It's the number sign
"BringBackOurGirls." It's a hashtag, okay.

Anyway, there's Mrs. Obama looking sad and grim, and the sad thing here is that the low-information crowd that's puddling around out there on Twitter is gonna think we're actually doing something about it. 

Is that not pathetic?  What the hell message does that send? Imagine if bin Laden were still alive. Imagine Ayman al-Zawahiri. Can you imagine? They're laughing at this over in the huts and so forth wherever they are.  It is just unbelievable.  #BringBackOurGirls. They're Nigerian, unless there's something that we don't know.

But are we really this powerless?  The correct way to look at this is the audience that will see it -- the Twitter, low-information universe -- will say, "Oh, Mrs. Obama! At least they care, and at least they're trying to do something."  If somebody -- sadly, unfortunately -- had a family member kidnapped, this is might be what they would do, right?

National Screwview went to task. This glorified b----, Christine Sisto wrote that [everyone] can breathe a sigh of relief. Our girls will be returned because Michelle Obama has tweeted a picture of herself looking sad and holding a sign.

This b---- added, how does the United States react to this terrible neglect of human rights, brought about by a group that is evil personified?
Christine Sisto
National Screwview writer Christine Soto claims that First Lady Michelle Obama's activism is pathetic.
“Holding up a sign that says something profound while looking solemn” is a popular trend in the Twitter-verse, especially on websites like The Huffington Post and BuzzFeed that specialize in “Click here!” journalism. The content tends to be short, often written in a “listicle” format. It features some kind of schmaltzy human-interest story or liberal political message, and the headlines often claim that the content of the article is “hauntingly beautiful” or “powerful” or will “take your breath away” or “make your day.”

If [First Lady] Michelle Obama had held up that sign and then scheduled a trip to Nigeria, or spoken to the families of the kidnapped students, or met with President [Goodluck] Jonathan, urging him to take action, or donated some of her personal money to a Nigerian non-profit,  her gesture might have been credible.

Okay, b----!

As you probably Google yourself to find out who's talking shit about you, listen here!

Here's what you and your racist right friends would do next!

You will say that First Lady Michelle Obama (by the way) would spend taxpayer money to travel over to Nigeria to say a speech about nothing. You would say that she would take vacations.

You can't be satisfied!

You and that asshole on radio are so fucking lucky. You live in country that gives you the freedom to piss parade on every attempt to do something good. Just like your , the American people feel very concerned about these young girls.

The world has condemn this horrible event. I know you and that conservative asshole do have some sympathy towards this event. But to turn every freaking thing like this into politics, you people are pathetic.

Pope Francis even went to the social networks to show solidarity.

Are you going to complain about Pope Francis jumping into the campaign?

The Republican Party and its allies of the racist right have created so many controversies, President Barack Obama's allies can't stop them all at once.

Republicans aren't capable of fixing the economic turmoils. Although the Republicans do share at least some of the sympathy for this event, they really have no compassion for these young girls.

This is a part of the ongoing culture war that continues to tear the party and America apart. No longer I will sit here and watch this stuff continue.

As long as I am alive, I hope the best for those young girls. They didn't deserve this type of fate.

I will continue to stand independent of the situation and offer my honest opinion of issues that matter.

Thursday, May 08, 2014

GOP Fundraising Off Benghazi!

We need answers!

We need your money so we can get the answers to why four Americans were killed on September 11, 2012. It's essential that we, the Republican Party succeed in making President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton responsible for the deliberate cover up of Benghazi.

Right off the bat, the Democrats are saying this Benghazi tragedy is being used to rile up votes for the Midterm. They're correct.

Because the Republicans jobs plan is mainly to save theirs.

Republicans are once again investigating the lead ups to the terrorist attack on the American consulate in Libya.

That killed Libyan Ambassador J. Christopher Stephens and three other men.

Republicans once again waste our taxpayer dollars on a committee hearing that might net them little to nothing. The committee being led by politico Trey Gowdy (R-SC) is going to be partisan event.

The National Republican Congressional Committee is raising money off this.

Weeper of the House, John Boehner (R-OH) was asked three times about fundraising emails sent by the National Republican Congressional Committee that sought to capitalize on this week's announcement of a select committee to investigate the Benghazi attacks.

"Our focus is on getting the answers to those families who lost their loved ones. Period," Boehner said.

Boehner was pressed again on why the NRCC, the committee charged with helping to elect Republicans to the House, is using the issue as a fundraising opportunity.

"Our focus is getting the truth for these four families and the American people," Boehner said, only to repeat the line moments later when another reporter raised the same question.

The NRCC has thus far refused to back down from fundraising campaigns related to Benghazi. Andrea Bozek, the group's communications director, said the Obama administration had been dishonest with the American people about the attacks, which occurred on an American diplomatic mission.

The conservatives are pushing Republicans into these investigations into just about everything.

They found Lois Lerner in contempt of Congress. The partisan vote concluded with Republicans finding that the former IRS head was responsible for denying Tea Party groups applications.

Democrats are mum on boycotting the whole ordeal.

Monday, May 05, 2014

Benghazi: The Never Ending Story!

South Carolina politico Trey Gowdy (R-SC) will be the lead in the investigation of Benghazi.

When the Republicans are talking about jobs, they're actually meaning "save" their jobs!

Vance McAllister, Michael Grimm, and Trey Radel are under fire. These Republicans done so much damage to the party. But these issues will be ignored for the most ridiculous issues in America.

For example, did you know it cost millions of dollars for an investigation?

This unprecedented amount of money being wasted on a tragedy that occurred nearly two years ago merits a response. The reason for this response is the constant theatrics created by those Republicans in the House.

They know there's no more evidence in this case. But since the Tea Party (far right/racist right) is obsessed with this nonsense, they'll be more committees and witch hunts against President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

House Weeper John Boehner (R-OH) proposed a committee chair for this investigation into Benghazi. He appointed the far right politico Trey Gowdy (R-SC) as the chair.
Benghazi U.S. Consulate attack on September 11, 2012 killed four Americans.
Okay on September 11, 2012, the Middle East was upset over an American video that surfaced on the social networks depicting the Prophet Mohammad in a negative light.

The Innocence of Muslims was an anti-Islamic movie and it caused demonstrations and violent protests against the video to break out on September 11 in Egypt and spread to other Arab and Muslim nations and to some western countries. The protests have led to hundreds of injuries and over 50 deaths

"The trailer opens with scenes of Egyptian security forces standing idle as Muslims pillage and burn the homes of Egyptian Christians. Then it cuts to cartoonish scenes depicting the Prophet Muhammad as a child of uncertain parentage, a buffoon, a womanizer, a homosexual, a child molester and a greedy, bloodthirsty thug."

Obtained by Wikipedia, the situation turned into a deadly even in Libya. The attack in Benghazi, Libya, started when heavily armed attackers killed the U.S. Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and three other Americans on September 11.

President Barack Obama, Vice President Joe Biden and members of his administration were at Andrews Air Force Base to pay their respects to the four Americans who were killed in Libya. Then secretary of state Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice, then UN Ambassador now National Security Adviser were in attendance.
Some U.S. officials, speaking under anonymity, said that they believed the Benghazi attack was coordinated and planned in advance, and not prompted by the film.

Al-Qaeda has indicated responsibility and said it was in revenge for a U.S. drone strike which killed Libyan Abu Yahya al-Libi, an al-Qaeda leader.

The role of the video in motivating the attack quickly became an ongoing dispute in the American political arena. Numerous eyewitnesses reported that the attackers said they were motivated by the video.

The Benghazi investigation is on. Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC).
Though Libyan officials initially stated that hundreds of protesters had been present before the attack, later investigations by the U.S. government concluded that no protest took place prior to the attack.

These investigations indicate that the notion of Benghazi protests originated from within the intelligence community and the Central Intelligence Agency due to the concurrent worldwide violence and protests resulting from the film Innocence of Muslims.

Subsequent investigations by the U.S. State Department; by the House of Representatives committees on Armed Services, Foreign Affairs, Intelligence, the Judiciary, and Oversight and Government Reform; and by the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence determined that there was no protest and that the attack was a planned terrorist attack launched by Islamist militants. These investigations indicate that the notion of Benghazi protests originated from within the intelligence community and the Central Intelligence Agency due to the concurrent worldwide violence and protests resulting from the film Innocence of Muslims.

I am for one tired of hearing about Benghazi. This event didn't occur in the United States. The CIA screwed up on the talking points. September 11, 2001 was probably way more worse than Benghazi. They are still trying to figure answers to why this event happened on American soil.

Republicans can't seem to let Obamacare, Benghazi and the president is....whatever go!

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney and National Security Adviser Susan Rice.
The Democrats to win the House of Representatives is a long shot. This should be easy. I mean Congress has a record low job approval under the weeper. The weeper knows that his days as leader are numbered.

The potential for a Democratic sweep is unlikely because of those dumbass Republican governors and state lawmakers who gerrymandered districts to make it totally harder for Democrats to pickup seats. You have to be as crazy as a Republican now to win.

Democrats have a plan but no action. They can talk about how Republicans wasted millions by shutting down the government, repealing a law that's been in effect for over four years, blocking minimum wage, blocking equal pay for women, blocking immigration reform, and these stupid committees on nothing and still get ignored by the junk food media.


Which Side Are Conservatives On?

House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) is the most ineffective leader ever. The Ohio lawmaker has been the head of the House of Representatives for quite some time now. But as leader of the House, the Republicans have been undermining President Barack Obama at every turn.

Now all of sudden, it seems like the Speaker of House has pissed off his conservative allies.

He is expected to win this week with the May primaries. But has Ohio and practically the rest of the nation had enough of the tear-jerker?

On That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall's website, it screenshots the weeper and it says it's mocking his fellow colleagues on immigration reform. He was in Liberty Township a few weeks ago and he was jokingly mocking some in the Tea Party about their refusal to do immigration reform and a raise in the minimum wage.

Yeah, the minimum wage and immigration debates are very important. But to the Republicans, its just another attempt for the Democrats to save grace in the wake of another thumping.

Obama wins the election. Conservatives call it an epic disaster.
Orange is the new Black.
Obama speaks on the arrest of Henry "Skip" Gates. Conservatives say that Obama hates the cops.

Obama speaks to high school students. Conservatives call it indoctrination.

Obama goes on vacations and golf outings. Conservatives call it grandiose spending.

Obama says about Trayvon Martin could have been one of his sons. Conservatives are now trying to link every Black criminal to the deceased teen.

Obama does executive orders. Conservatives call him a dictator.

Obama signs the law to allow all Americans access to healthcare. Conservatives bully the Republicans to repeal the law 50 times.
Representatives Darrell Issa (R-CA) and Jason Chaffettz (R-UT).
They praise foreign leaders like Benjamin Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin over President Barack Obama.

Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.... Over and over again. No smoking gun in the situation in Libya but yet the Republicans and their conservative (racist right) allies are double down on this instead of jobs in America.

Again they're so fixated on this. But we can't talk about the massive attack on American soil on September 11, 2001. The failed policies that lead up to the attacks on New York, Washington DC and Pennsylvania.

Oh, but what difference does it make? Nearly 3,000 lives to four. And yet, George W. Bush never was impeached, attacked by the victim's families on his negligence.

This week bores another waste of taxpayer dollars. The Republicans are expected to vote on a select committee into the issue with Benghazi.

Judicial Watch, a conservative legal group obtained documents through the Freedom Of Information Act claiming that the White House withheld information. Based on the documents they claim that the talking points about a "spontaneous" protest actually being a terrorist attack.

California Republican Darrell Issa has ordered Secretary of State John Kerry to appear in Washington.
Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and John McCain (R-AZ).
Republicans, understand something. While Benghazi was a horrible tragedy it didn't amount to the epic disasters on American soil.

Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001 were the most epic disasters ever.

Superstorm Sandy would only top that. President Barack Obama was prepared.

Yeah, Lindsey Graham, John McCain and Darrell Issa. You guys been on GOP Sundays along with the weeper bitching constantly about how Obama, could of, would of, and should of done.

But here's the problem with you guys. At least President Obama isn't hyping up for war like you warturkeys!

Boehner, you suck as a lawmaker. I can testify for it. For I once was a part of your congressional district and believe me I wish there was someone better than the Orange.


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