Showing posts with label Ann Coulter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ann Coulter. Show all posts

Friday, March 25, 2016

Playa's Cruz!

Ted Cruz posing with Katrina Pierson, a Black Republican activist. There are allegations of Cruz having an affair with her and numerous other women.

Let's get the minor stuff out of way. 

Donald Trump's odds at winning the Republican nomination is 85%. 

Chances at being the U.S. President is now sitting at 43%. 

Hillary Clinton chances at nomination is 92%. 

Chances at being the U.S. president is now sitting at 51%. 

What a person does in the bedroom is none of our business. But since we live in a country where this stuff is gold for ratings and click bait, it's a part of the daily grind. Here's my take on it. 

Who gives a crap about what someone's love life. If the person is accused or confirmed of cheating on their spouse, then that's between the person and his loved one. 

It's nothing new. The tabloids want to get into the personal business of a presidential candidate. 

It is a part of the junk food media culture to humiliate human nature. I understand that people have feelings. Love and lust are a part of the sexual induced culture that creates iconic figures like Kim Kardashian. 

Yesterday, the National Enquirer reported that the Texas senator had numerous affairs with staffers, agitators in the junk food media, a hooker and a schoolteacher. Some of the mistresses were notable for being in the junk food media defending Cruz from Donald Trump.

Notable names include Katrina Pierson, the failed Black Republican congressional candidate who became an activist for Tea Party Patriots. She was a Trump supporter before a Cruz supporter and defender.

Amanda Carpenter is a writer for Conservative Review and agitator on CNN. Sarah Isgur Flores is a Republican strategist for then failed presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's campaign were alleged mistresses.

Pierson and Flores aren't married. Carpenter is married. 

All the women accused have denied the allegations. Cruz went to the junk food media to slam the National Enquirer and Trump for spreading the false and vile nonsense.

The hashtag #CruzSexScandal is trending and it's got the nation talking. 
Amanda Carpenter, Katrina Pierson and Sarah Isgur Flores were alleged mistresses.
Matter of fact, if the allegations are true, it could damage Ted Cruz's campaign.

Ted Cruz will fall from grace like Joe McCarthy. Cruz's star power with conservatives will diminish.

And it could affect his marriage and open the door to Federal Election Commission investigations of alleged misuse of campaign money. Cruz's SuperPac agreed to pay off failed presidential candidate Carly Fiorina's campaign $500,000. Some call it "hush money". 

When conservatives were obsessing over allegations of cheating from 42, they singled him out for being a hound dog. They attack Hillary Clinton for standing by her husband despite Monica Lewinsky. To this day, some agitators (i.e. that annoying agitator Sean Hannity) will rehash the Clinton sex scandals to try to make the issue about Hillary Clinton's trust with the nation.

Now we know that Donald Trump is cheater himself. But no one seems to care about that. Trump is the frontrunner in the Republican race for the nomination and he is fighting dirty to win. He's tapped into what Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan's base of Americans.

Republicans are scrambling for a way to stop him before he clinch the nomination. The controversial business and media mogul has warned the Republicans Ted Cruz and John Kasich that "time's up". 

The dirty season begins.

If it's confirmed that Ted Cruz had numerous sexual affairs, will it damage his presidential campaign?

Oh yeah! It's over for Ted Cruz. He can't recover from this if these allegations are true.
Nope. This is tabloid speculation. There's no proof of alleged cheating by Ted Cruz.
Who cares! Whether he cheated or not, it's none of our business to go into his personal love life. That's between him and Heidi Cruz.
Poll Maker

Here's a video of a Washington Times reporter Adriana Cohen flat out going there with conservative agitator Amanda Carpenter. It caught CNN host Kate Bolduan by surprise. 

Matter of fact. Here's something that should sum up my opinion on the Cruz sex scandal.

Watch the video at your discretion. 

David Pakman gives his take on this.

Thursday, March 24, 2016

North Carolina Pass Anti-LGBT Law! Boycotts Begin!

Pressure mounts on inept governor. Pat McCroy pressured to reverse his decision on North Carolina's anti-LGBT law.

The LGBT community fought this all the way to the Supreme Court for the right to marriage and they won. They succeed in getting marriage recognized in all 50 states and 6 territories.

Now they're back again fighting battles in the old south. But this time, our friends who are transgender are fighting for the right to use the public restroom without being summoned to court.

Pat McCrory, the Republican governor of North Carolina signed off anti-discrimination law which seemingly forgot to include North Carolina's LGBT community. The House Bill 2 was signed into law this week causing a major backlash.

Now it's set off a shitstorm of controversy. McCrory actively pushed for the law because according to his supporters, they don't want a hairy face man wearing a dress entering the women's restroom being a total pervert.

The Bathroom Law as many in the junk food media call it says that it bars transgender women and men from using facilities not based on their "biologically given" sex.
North Carolina passed a law that discriminates against transgender Americans.
The resulting legislation went further. Now cities, towns, and counties can't pass anti-discrimination rules beyond a new state standard. And public schools, public college campuses and government agencies must require bathrooms or locker rooms be designated for use only by people based on their biological sex.

McCrory's office released a statement Wednesday night, saying "the basic expectation of privacy in the most personal of settings, a restroom or locker room, for each gender was violated by government overreach and intrusion by the mayor and city council of Charlotte."

The governor also said the "radical breach of trust and security under the false argument of equal access not only impacts the citizens of Charlotte but people who come to Charlotte to work, visit or play. This new government regulation defies common sense and basic community norms by allowing, for example, a man to use a woman's bathroom, shower or locker room."

Lambda Legal, the American Civil Liberties Union, the ACLU of North Carolina, and Equality North Carolina condemned McCrory's action, and announced after the bill became law that the organizations are exploring legal challenges to the law.
Charlotte, NC. The largest city of North Carolina with a population of 800,000 people.
The resulting legislation is a wide-ranging measure that blocks local governments from passing laws protecting LGBT people, requires schools to designate single-sex bathrooms based on “biological sex” and preempts city policies involving wages, benefits and other workplace regulations.

"Instead of solving any real problems, the law would create new ones and could lead to intolerable and unfair conditions for transgender students who are entitled, by federal law, to a safe and equitable education," said Tara Borello, a senior attorney with Lambda Legal.

Republican majorities in the state House and Senate easily passed House Bill 2, blocking Charlotte's bathroom ordinance.

But something very unusual happened in the Senate - frustrated Democrats refused to vote on the bill, and walked out.

Republicans argued that Charlotte had no authority to approve a city ordinance allowing transgender people to use the restroom aligned to their gender identity, a move to protect transgender citizens who felt intimidated or bullied in public restrooms.

HB2 blocks the ordinance and bars any other local government from enacting a similar measure.

"It's a terrible day for North Carolina. It's a terrible day," said Serena Sebring, a member of Southerner on New Ground, a group who came to oppose the General Assembly's vote. "People are harmed, people are going to be continued to be harmed. I would say shame on this state, shame on our lawmakers."

Social conservative activist Tami Fitzgerald led the fight against Charlotte's ordinance, arguing it gave license to sexual predators to enter the ladies' room.

"We're very pleased with the outcome", Fitzgerald said following the Senate vote. "Really it was just common sense, not to allow men in the women's bathrooms".

North Carolina happened to be facing some major heat from business leaders and activists.

PayPal, Dow Chemical, the NBA, the NCAA, Google and other businesses oppose North Carolina’s new anti-LGBT law.

The NBA All Star Game will be held in Charlotte for the 2016-17 season. They could pull out if the governor stands firm on his decision.

So it's back to the old ways of the Republican Party. The culture war is back in full swing.

Monday, March 14, 2016

Conservative Outrage Over Malia And Sasha Dressing Nice!

When President Barack Obama invited the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau to the White House for a state dinner, the Obama daughters were there. They had their first experience at a gala such as a state dinner.

They were lovely teenage girls becoming beautiful women. President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama should be very proud of these two.

It seems like Donald Trump's biggest supporter decided that no one is spared. Not even Obama's children. It's duly respected that politicians and pundits stay away from the children. I guess the rules were thrown out the window when Trump complained that political correctness makes America look "weak."

So I happen to click on the link and it directs me to the story published by Yahoo! Style about the president's daughters. The president gave an emotion salute to his daughters.
The dresses that the Obama family wore drove conservatives nuts!
The Obama family will hang around for awhile. Until Sasha graduates from high school, they'll stay in Washington, DC. Malia will be heading to Brown University in the fall.

But what drew attention was the price of the dresses they wore.

Okay, here we go......cue the conservative outrage!

For one thing, Lauren Tuck consider the price of the Obamas dresses, "politics". What does Malia and Sasha Obama have to do with politics?

Besides the trolls who came from underneath the bandwidth bridge, here's a San Francisco news agitator who decided to throw her two cents into the conversation.

Kristen Sze went to social media to question the decision to have the Obama girls wearing such expensive dresses.

That invited a slew of social media assholes who complained that the Obamas were acting like "ROYALS" spending on the taxpayer's dime.

Of course, you'll hear the racial slur tossed around somewhere.

The girls wore Naeem Khan pieces, with Malia sporting one from 2015’s pre-fall collection and Sasha choosing a more recent dress from Khan’s resort 2016 collection. Whether they purchased or borrowed the dresses — which did the job of getting Khan in the news regardless — is unknown. What is known is that people have reacted negatively to learning the retail prices of the dresses.

Last time, conservatives complained about the president being cheap. They went bonkers over the fact that the president gave Queen Elizabeth II, an iPod.

So here's a poll for you.

Should the junk food media lay off Malia and Sasha Obama?

Yeah. Malia And Sasha Are Not Running For Office!
Freedom Of Speech. Who Invented A Rule Saying We Can't Criticize?
quiz maker

Here's  the videoes courtesy of the White House.

Tuesday, March 01, 2016

Super Tuesday Is Going To Be A Blood Bath!

It's going to be a brokered convention.

Did you know that Donald Trump ran for president in 2000?

He was running for president under the Reform Party.

This is Trump's second time running.

So that means that Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, John Kasich, Rick Perry, Rick Santorum, Jim Gilmore, and Mike Huckabee are perennial candidates. They ran for president and failed the first time.

Only Clinton and Trump are succeeding in winning.

Trump was a member of the Reform Party and tried to secure the nomination. He bounced out the group when he heard David Duke was endorsing the Reform Party's nominee Pat Buchanan

Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio pounced on the Duke endorsement. The New York Times have secret recordings of Trump complaining about politicians and his stances on issues. The Republicans are hoping that the Times will release the tapes to damage Trump. They also have Trump on tape saying he denounced Duke back in 2000.

Paul Ryan, the Speaker of House said that Trump isn't representing the Republican Party. He said that Trump's impact could damage the brand.

Republicans are divided over the possibility of Trump being their nominee.

I hear that Sean Hannity and Ann Coulter ain't kicking it no more. The two bombastic agitators got into a huge social media spat. The annoying conservative agitator was pretty clear in 2013 about immigration. But I guess when the harpy grabbed the soundbites to prove that, Hannity returned to social media to blast her for bringing up that. Coulter basically slammed Hannity for being a hypocrite and opportunist for the Republican elites. Hannity says that Coulter was a huge Chris Christie fan before she turned Donald Trump.

Hannity allowed Trump to bash Megyn Kelly, Chris Wallace and Roger Ailes on television.

Bill O'Reilly had lost custody of his children. In a New York court, he and his ex-wife Maureen McPhilmy had a nasty fallout over his children. The children said that Bill-O was abuse to their mom and he didn't want to spend time with the family. He's too obsessed with trying to defeat President Barack Obama and it's not what the family supports. This has taken O'Reilly off his game.

I hear that Rush Limbaugh, Roger Ailes and Fox executives talked with Marco Rubio about the immigration reform bill. Rubio was hoping to court Limbaugh, Ailes and that right wing network's blessing. Limbaugh dismissed the notion he supports Rubio's immigration reform and blast the people who covered the story.

I hear that kookspiracy nuts Roger Stone and Alex Jones are warning that if Rubio fails, the Republican donors will call upon perennial loser Mitt Romney to join the race. Roger Stone's obsession with Bill Clinton alleged affairs have risen back to the surface. Stone is a Trump supporter and was urging him to use this as a play to stop the accusations of Trump being a sexist.
Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich, Ben Carson, Donald Trump fight for delegates in these states and the U.S. territory of American Samoa. Trump is leading in almost all the states. Texas and Arkansas are competitive between Cruz and Trump. Rubio has to win a state to contiue. Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders also have to win states to stay in.
I hear that Republican senators are refusing to support a Trump nomination. Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) is refusing to support any of the candidates. He said that if Trump wins the nomination, he will leave the party. He doesn't want the party to be associated with White extremists such as David Duke.

NASCAR has endorsed Trump for president.

Trump booted out Black audience members and the Secret Service slammed a photographer on the ground. The junk food media also report that this happened before the Hannity taping.

Rubio is flopping. His attacks on Trump have backfired. Many conservatives have stated that Rubio's off message and this deliberate approach to win is pathetic.

The House's insurgent lawmakers are bucking the party and are endorsing Trump for president. Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) and Rep. Tom Marino (R-PA) also backed Trump on Monday, becoming the third and fourth GOP House members to do so. The others are Reps. Duncan Hunter (R-CA) and Chris Collins (R-NY). They join former Alaskan governor Sarah Palin, Sen. Jeff Session (R-AL), Maine's Paul LePage and New Jersey's Chris Christie as Trump's biggest endorsements.

Today is primary day. Super Tuesday 2016. The participating states include Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado (with caucuses), Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota (with caucuses), Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, and Virginia. Additionally, Republican caucuses are being held in Alaska and Wyoming. One participating territory is American Samoa.

It's likely Trump and Cruz will win. Cruz will not take a majority of the delegates in Texas. He doesn't have 50% of the vote in the state. He's struggling to make it over 40%.

If Trump carries a huge majority of states and awarded a majority delegates, he will become the presumptive nominee.

By the way, all the Hillary Clinton emails are out! The Democratic candidate's emails became a controversy because she used a private server instead of a government server. Conservatives say that she should be indicted for this. It's highly unlikely.

We'll keep you posted on the results! GET YOUR ASSES OUT THERE AND VOTE!

Saturday, February 27, 2016

Melissa Harris-Perry Abruptly Quits MSNBC!

Melissa Harris-Perry dropped from MSNBC.

Looks like your #Nerdland may be over at MSNBC. It seems like Melissa Harris-Perry abruptly parted ways with the network. The network has primarily been focused on the 2016 presidential race and its given fodder time to covering the campaign rallies of Donald Trump, Marco Rubio, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders.

The host says that the network scrapped the show for political coverage. She is not happy about it.

She posted on her official social media page and the websites picked up on it.

Dearest Nerds,

As you know by now, my name appears on the weekend schedule for MSNBC programming from South Carolina this Saturday and Sunday. I appreciate that many of you responded to this development with relief and enthusiasm.

To know that you have missed working with me even a fraction of how much I've missed working with all of you is deeply moving. However, as of this morning, I do not have any intention of hosting this weekend. Because this is a decision that affect all of you, I wanted to take a moment to explain my reasoning.

Some unknown decision-maker presumably Andy Lack (of NBC News) or Phil Griffin (of MSNBC), has added my name to this spreadsheet but nothing has change in the posture of the MSNBC leadership team towards me or towards our show. Putting me on air seems to be a decision being made to save face because there is a growing chorus of questions from our viewers about my notable absence from MSNBC coverage. Social media has noted the dramatic change in editorial tone and racial composition of MSNBC's on-air coverage. In addition, Dylan Byers of CNN has made repeated inquiries with MSNBC's leadership and with me about the show and what appears to be its cancellation. I have not responded to reporters or social media inquiries.

However, I am not willing to appear on air in order to quell concerns about the disappearance of our show and our voice.

Here is the reality: our show was taken - without comment or discussion or notice - in the midst of an election season. After four years of building an audience, developing a brand, and developing a trust with our viewers, we were effectively and utterly silenced.

Now, MSNBC would like me to appear for four inconsequential hours to read news that they deem relevant without returning to our team any of the editorial control and authority that makes MHP Show distinctive.

The purpose of this decision seems to be to provide cover for MSNBC, not to provide voice for MHP Show. I will not be used as a tool for their purposes. I am not a token, mammy, or a little brown bobble head. I am not owned by Lack, Griffin, or MSNBC. I love our show. I want it back. I have wept more tears than I can count and I find this deeply painful, but I don't want back on air at any cost. I am only willing to return when that return happens under certain terms.

Undoubtedly, television nurtures the egos of those of us who find ourselves in front of the bright lights and big cameras. I am sure ego is informing my own pain in this moment, but there is a level of professional decency, respect, and communication that has been denied this show for years. And the utter insulting absurdity of the past few weeks exceeds anything I can countenance.

I have stayed in the same hotels where MSNBC had been broadcasting in Iowa, in New Hampshire, and in South Carolina, yet I have been shut out from coverage. I have a PhD in political science and have taught American voting and elections at some of the nation's top universities for nearly two decades, yet I have been deemed less worthy to weigh in than relative novices and certified liars. I have hosted a weekly program on this network for four years and contributed to election coverage on this network for nearly eight years, but no on on the third floor has even returned an email, called me, or initiated or responded to any communication of any kind from me for nearly a month. It is profoundly hurtful to realize that I work for people who find my considerable expertise and editorial judgment valueless to the coverage they are creating.

While MSNBC may believe that I am worthless, I know better. I know who I am. I know why MHP Show is unique and valuable. I will not sell short myself or this show. I am not hungry for empty airtime, I care only about substantive, meaningful, and autonomous work. When we can do that, I will return - not a moment earlier. I am deeply sorry for the ways that this decision makes life harder for all of you. You mean more to me than you can imagine.

Yours always,


It seems like MSNBC is sticking to the liberal agitators of the primetime. Chris Matthews, Chris Hayes, Rachel Maddow and Lawrence O'Donnell are stable for the time being.

MSNBC is turning into strictly news format. After it took a rise in 2013, it sank again in the ratings.

CNN is still cruising in the second place spot. But Fox News is beating the networks in a 2:1 margin.

I've always enjoyed Melissa Harris-Perry's show. What could happen now that she's departed from the network in such a fashion. Will you watch the network?

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Drudge Turns On Cruz And Rubio!

Trump got a friend in Drudge.

Conservatives are mounting a war within itself. The Republican Party's extremist wing is going gaga for Donald Trump. The White extremists are down with Trump. David Duke, a former Grand Dragon of the Klan has endorsed Trump.

Another figure in Trump's corner, is the reclusive conservative agitator Matt Drudge.

Drudge joins Ann Coulter, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Jr., Joe Apraio, Dennis Rodman, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, Alex Jones and Sarah Palin as fans of Trump.

Drudge is pushing kookspiracies about Hillary Clinton's health. He is trying to turn the narrative that Clinton's emails are as "HUGE" as Watergate.

His conservative Craigslist pulls 745,000 visitors a day. He is basically running the game in Republican politics. He's mainly responsible for the race stories and Trump themed stories.

Just a few moments ago.

Michael Tomasky of The Daily Beast is basically saying that Drudge is giving Trump favorable stories. Drudge is taking a populist stance towards politicians.

Is The Drudge Report In The Tank For Donald Trump?

Hell Yeah,  Matt Drudge Is A Cheerleader For Trump!
What! You're Crazy! The Drudge Report Is Fair To Ted Cruz And Marco Rubio!
I Rather Click On Conservative Review!
I Rather Click On The Huffington Post!
Poll Maker

Drudge is basically throwing Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and Ben Carson under the bus.

Trump is basically leading in a majority of the Super Tuesday primary states. Even in Texas, a state that Ted Cruz is devoting his entire campaign into, Trump is either leading or statistically tied to Cruz. The controversial senator is hoping that a key endorsement of Texas Republican governor Greg Abbot could slow Trump's lead in the state. He also facing a handful of birther lawsuits from kooks. Trump and Rubio managed to tarnish Cruz as a liar and it's stuck to him like glue.

Trump is leading in Florida, that's Rubio and Carson's backyard. The lead is huge and it's possible that Carson's implosion and Rubio's lousy record as a senator the reasons to why they're not even close to Trump.

Even in Ohio, Trump is beating John Kasich, the current governor of the state. Beetle Bailey Kasich, is hoping that people see him as the viable choice. After all, he's a "moderate". Kasich is being hammered for signing off a law stripping funds from Planned Parenthood. Also he is being hit for being a sexist for saying that women might as well be in the kitchen.

The Drudge Report is working overtime trying to get Trump nominated and elected as the president.

It's time to start treating Donald Trump as a threat to the nation. We can't allow this extremist win!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

A Lot Of Angry Faces!

The Southern Poverty Law Center released its Intelligence Report this week. The report states that there's a rise in extremism.

At the peak of President Barack Obama's first term and reelection bid, there were over 1,000 active hate groups in the United States.

It was trending downward for a moment. But unfortunately the rise in Republican rhetoric has driven the hate groups back out and they're on the move once again.

Should I blame the agitators of politics and media?

Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Rick Santorum, Mike Huckabee, Rush Limbaugh, Fox News, World Net Daily, Matt Drudge, Alex Jones, Michael Savage, Michelle Malkin, Bill O'Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Lou Dobbs, Bill Cunningham, Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, Pam Geller, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity have often been cited as influences to anti-gubmint rhetoric.

They have driven the narrative that America is going down the shithole. They said #BlackLivesMatter is anti-cop. They believe that Obama's doing more for Blacks, Muslims and illegal immigrants. They believe the Republicans are giving Obama what he wants. They believe Muslims are infiltrating our country. They believe Republicans are weak and timid.

But are they responsible for the actions of those who may commit an act of terrorism?


Well, maybe.....

We may not like the divisive rhetoric but unfortunately, they're not endorsing the actions of anti-government extremists. They do look the other way when these extremists carry out actions that could be deadly acts of terrorism. These guys are so obsessed with "radical Islam".

The Southern Poverty Law Center says that there's nearly 900 groups.

Mark Potak wrote that anti-government militiamen, white supremacists, abortion foes, domestic Islamist radicals, Neo-Nazis and lovers of the Confederate battle flag targeted police, government officials, black churchgoers, Muslims, Jews, schoolchildren, Marines, abortion providers, members of the Black Lives Matter protest movement, and even drug dealers.

They laid plans to attack courthouses, banks, festivals, funerals, schools, mosques, churches, synagogues, clinics, water treatment plants and power grids. They used firearms, bombs, C-4 plastic explosives, knives and grenades; one of them, a murderous Klansman, was convicted of trying to build a death ray.

The armed violence was accompanied by rabid and often racist denunciations of Muslims, LGBT activists and others — incendiary rhetoric led by a number of mainstream political figures and amplified by a lowing herd of their enablers in the right-wing media. Reacting to demographic changes in the U.S., immigration, the legalization of same-sex marriage, the rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, and Islamist atrocities, these people fostered a sense of polarization and anger in this country that may be unmatched since the political upheavals of 1968.

He added, that Donald Trump's demonizing statements about Latinos and Muslims have electrified the radical right, leading to glowing endorsements from white nationalist leaders such as Jared Taylor and former Klansman David Duke. White supremacist forums are awash with electoral joy, having dubbed Trump their “Glorious Leader.” And Trump has repaid the compliments, retweeting hate posts and spreading their false statistics on black-on-white crime.
The Bundy family was busted in Oregon after a month long stand off in Burns. Ammon and Cliven are facing serious federal charges. They could end up getting LIFE in federal time out.
Cliven Bundy and his sons Ryan and Ammon are held on federal charges for threatening law enforcement. After last month's standoff in Oregon, Bundy was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) at the Portland International Airport while he was on his way to support the standoff at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge. He faces federal charges related to his own standoff with the Bureau of Land Management in 2014.

In a 32-page criminal complaint, federal prosecutors charged Bundy with one count of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States, one count of assault on a federal officer by use of a deadly weapon and aiding and abetting, two counts of use and carrying of a firearm in relation to a crime of violence and aiding and abetting, one count of interfering with commerce by extortion and aiding and abetting, and one count of obstruction of the administration of justice and aiding and abetting.

Bundy made his first appearance before U.S. Magistrate Judge Janice M. Stewart in the U.S. District Court for the District of Oregon in Portland on February 11. He sought court-appointed counsel.

At a detention hearing on February 16, Stewart ordered Bundy to be held without bail, citing the serious nature of the charges and the risk of flight.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled for the next week.

The charges alone could put the Bundys in the federal time out for 20 years to LIFE.

Cliven, Ammon and Ryan Bundy along with Brian Cavalier, Blaine Cooper, Ryan Payne, Jon Ritzheimer, and Neil Wampler are innocent until proven guilty.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Nikki Haley Endorses Marco Rubio!

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) is fighting against Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) for the second spot.

Rubio scored a huge endorsement today. The governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley came out in favor of him. She also bucked front runners Donald Trump and Cruz for being too divisive.

Haley is a rising star in the Republican Party. She bucked her own party when it came to the Confederate flag. The governor faced pressure from the families of the victims killed at Emanuel AME Church and  #BlackLivesMatter.

In July, the state officially removed the flag from the state grounds. The governor won praise from Democrats and Republicans for taking a

Rubio gets the approval of South Carolina's Nikki Haley.
Haley along with Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) believe that Rubio can bring the Republicans together.

Jeb Bush who was hoping for Haley's endorsement was none too happy about it. Bush felt that she made a huge mistake in endorsing Rubio.

Bush has been hammering Rubio, Trump and Cruz for having no experience. He's so far trailing either in fourth place or fifth place.

Dr. Ben Carson and John Kasich are stumbling in the national polls.

Carson's last stand could be in South Carolina. If he doesn't finish strong he may eventually drop out.

Kasich's second place victory in New Hampshire was a bump that all but disappeared. He's signals he'll carry the contest to Super Tuesday, Ohio and Florida.

The country's most nastiest agitator went to social media to blast Haley. The ignorant woman thinks that American-born Nikki Haley is an immigrant.

The South Carolina primary is on Saturday. It looks like Trump may pull a strong victory in the state.

But don't count out polls. Rubio and Cruz are both competitive challengers.

Sunday, February 07, 2016

Anthony Anderson: Stacey Dash Is An "Ann Coulter Dipped In Butterscotch"!

Anthony Anderson roasted Stacey Dash.

The creator and star of the hit ABC comedy black-ish went there. Anthony Anderson is the star, co-executive producer of the Kenya Burris show about a Black upscale father trying to get his suburbanite children hip to the "Black experience".

Anderson took a shot at his former friend in the entertainment industry after she made some stupid ass comments last month. And the actress clapped back at him.

Washed up actress and political agitator Stacey Dash once again stirred the pot of shit and cause another controversy.

There's a movie that's going to have a White actor play the role of Michael Jackson, sparking outrage among entertainment industry. British actor Joseph Fiennes. The movie (Elizabeth, Michael & Marlon) is facing harsh scrutiny.

Dash on the other hand, applauded the notion of a White guy playing the iconic pop star. By the way, Michael Jackson is Black and he's always identified himself as such. Although his antics were much tabloid sensation, Michael had a legacy and people respected it. Some will always judge him as a molester of children and a wack-a-doodle.

But his own children will judge him as a great father and a humanitarian to the world.
Most of Black America views Stacey Dash as "clueless".
Anderson had enough of Dash acting "clueless". So at the NAACP Image Awards, Anderson clapped at her. “Everybody give a round of applause for Stacey Dash,” the host joked on Friday. “What the hell is she doing? Doesn't she know that the Fox network is using her? She's just an Ann Coulter dipped in butterscotch.”

“Baby, don't let 'em use you,” he continued. “Come back to the black people and get back to work on some of those beautiful C-movies that you used to do!”

Anderson also made several pointed jokes about the diversity in the audience, a not-so-thinly veiled reference to the #OscarsSoWhite controversy.

“Look at all of these beautiful shades of people in the audience. Hollywood needs to know that this is what diversity is supposed to look like,” he said during his opening monologue. “I love seeing all these faces; black people working.”

“Everybody keeps saying it’s a comeback,” he added. “But hell, don't call it a comeback — we've been here for years.”

He also addressed Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, who made waves when they announced a boycott of the Oscars.

“Will and Jada are in the audience tonight,” Anderson quipped. “Hell, they better be here after all this ish they started.”

As for Dash, she shot back at Anderson on Twitter on Friday night, saying, “Well it’s funny how woman who weighs 105 wet! Can get grown a– men to act like llittle girls! Haha.”

Also Janet Hubert went into the spotlight again. She ripped Dash for being a media ho.

The full video of the NAACP Awards is available for the time being.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ann Coulter Calls Nikki Haley An Anchor Baby!

Agitator calls Nikki Haley an "anchor baby".

So I guess she's no longer a part of the insurgency.

South Carolina's Nikki Haley decided to follow the trends of hashtag activism by signing off the removal of the Confederate flag from state grounds. She along with Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) and Rep. Mark Sanford (R-SC) joined in unison as they finally caved over the controversial flag being waved.

In the wake of the Charleston massacre, the Republican governor heard the rally cries of #BlackLivesMatter and the families of the victims. She felt that the time is now for South Carolina to turn a page against an ugly history.

Nimrata Randhawa Haley is one of the youngest governors in the nation is born to Indian parents. She is very vocal in the Republican Party and is floated as a potential vice presidential candidate.

She is married to her husband Mark and has two children. She identifies as Christian but sometimes practice Sikh with her family.
The Queen of Mean.
She became governor of the state after then-governor Sanford resigned from the governor's mansion after he admitted he used taxpayer's in his affair.

Haley was rewarded with the Republican response.

Of course, the governor went after President Barack Obama. But what caused conservative outrage was the ding at Donald Trump, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-SC) and probably Rep. Joe Wilson (R-SC).

Her response didn't go so well for the racist right. It's resident rube is conservative agitator Ann Coulter. She wasted no time going after First Lady Michelle Obama. But she saved the best for Haley.

Coulter is no stranger to ignorant and downright stupid remarks is so fucking confused about Haley.

She doesn't know that Haley was born in South Carolina and is an American citizen.

Coulter doesn't give a fuck. She hates political correctness and she a huge fan of Trump. Matter of fact, that annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity and the old fart Rush Limbaugh are ass-kissing Trump.

They rather have a blowhard than a blow over.

About Joe Wilson. He's a South Carolina lawmaker who represents the 2nd Congressional District. He represent Columbia and southwestern tier. Wilson became famous for yelling "You Lie" at President Barack Obama during his Joint Session of Congress Speech (similar to the State of the Union).

Tuesday, November 03, 2015

Fans Of The View Call For Cannon Fire!

Calls for a cannon fire plague entertainer Raven-Symone.

One too many slips now has the former child star facing a backlash.

Raven-Symone (Pearman) started co-hosting The View in April. She was formally introduced to the program during the Fall season. Now six months in, many fans of the daytime talk show are calling for her removal.

In the wake of Officer Slam, the entertainer said the cop went out of line when did his take down of the teen. However, she slammed the teen for not listening to the cop.

She basically said that the teen should have put her damn phone up.

Officer Slam (formerly known as Ben Fields) was fired out the cannon last week.

I've heard a handful of students weren't happy about his cannon fire. The conservative agitators were promoting the counter-protest. Some students walked out of class in support of the now former South Carolina deputy for the Richland County sheriff's department.

There's a petition calling for ABC to fire the entertainer out the cannon. So far they see the entertainer as a goldmine. They consider her the Black version of Rosie O'Donnell.

The five most outrageous comments.

1) Defending Officer Slam
2) Watermelondrea
3) I'm A Celebrity And I Take Selifes
4) Defending a Spanish host after he called First Lady Michelle Obama an "ape"
5) $20 Harriett Tubman

On, there's a petition calling for a cannon fire. So far over 135,000 people signed on to the petition. I am guessing that Raven-Symone signed it too as a middle finger to those who want to throw "political correctness" around.

Che Scott-Heron, the U.K. woman who started the petition, wrote on the petition's website that Raven's statements only hurt the black community.

"African Americans and black people around the diaspora need a voice representative of their views and not a voice representative of what white people want us to say." Heron wrote. "We need strong black role models in prominent positions on television and Raven-Symoné cannot provide that. That is why I ask that we petition to remove her from 'The View.'"

As the daytime talk show enters its 19th season, ratings are down. CBS daytime's The Talk enters its 6th season within striking distance of The View. The second quarter ratings bested The View.

By the way, the third worst person to host a cable news show got a petition calling for his cannon fire. Don Lemon also faced a backlash after he got a kick out watching Officer Slam flipping the teen.

Who is a hot mess?
Rachel Dolezal
Stacey Dash
Miley Cyrus

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Paul Ryan: I Hope I Don't End Up Like Dennis Hastert And John Boehner!

No easy decision for Wisconsin's Paul Ryan.

The failed vice presidential nominee is likely to become the next Weeper of the House. The controversial decision to place Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) in the position has many in the junk food media wondering if the party is capable of governing.

In the beginning, Ryan refused the position. He knew that the insurgents would attack him if he decides potential bipartisanship with Democrats and the president. He said that he wanted most of his party to support him.

He said that he doesn't want to travel constantly like Boehner. He still has children that are young and they always come first. Ryan doesn't want the spotlight on him. He believes that if he can't cut it as the Weeper of the House, his ambitions (i.e, governor or presidential aspects) could be ruined.

He actually loves his job being the head of the Ways and Means committee.

Rep. John Boehner (R-OH) give the middle finger to his fellow Republicans this month when he announced an abrupt resignation. That sparked a civil war within the party.

In the beginning Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) wanted the position. But when he went on that annoying conservative agitator's program to declare that Hillary Clinton's decline was due to Republicans pressuring her on Benghazi, he was slammed for putting their business out there.

Ryan who was hammered for his Project to Prosperity bill is now hoping for Republicans to guide him through another stand down with  President Barack Obama and the next president.

Ryan was picked by perennial loser Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential elections.

The insurgent wing concludes that Ryan is "establishment". Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) isn't keen on Ryan. He and many of the insurgent "Freedom Caucus" wants Ryan to give them more input in bills and floor time. Ryan refuses to concede to Republican insurgent demands.

Conservatives also slam Ryan as being a "squish". The AM agitators like Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin and Michael Savage calling the party to resend the thought of Ryan being the House Weeper.

Before Boehner leaves Washington, he wants to thumb one more in the eye of the insurgents. He and Majority leader Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) will rally members to pass a bipartisan budget and raise the debt ceiling for two years.

The budget deal and debt ceiling are going to likely be passed despite the obstruction from the insurgent wing of the Republican Party.

Ryan doesn't like the budget, but he will vote for it. Ryan also support rival Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) when he issues an impeachment hearing for the IRS head. Expect this controversy to go nowhere.

Meanwhile, ex-House Weeper Dennis Hastert plead guilty to lying to the FBI, wire fraud and extortion. He was caught up in a "hush money" scandal. He was secretly paying off his mistress. The mistress is a male prostitute he once mentored as a wrestling coach.

By taking the plea deal, he may end up getting up to six months to five years in federal time out for every charge.

Ryan hopes that his term as House Weeper doesn't become another disaster.

Friday, September 25, 2015

Conservative Outrage At Pope Francis! Seriously, The Pope!

Pope Francis delivers a speech at the Joint Session of Congress.

Getting upset over the most trivial things is something that runs common among conservatives.

When Pope Francis delivered a Joint Session of Congress, many Republicans sat and grumbled as he delivered issues that involved climate change, nuclear weapons, immigration and the repeal of the death penalty.

Many conservatives have the nerve to call The Pope, a "Marxist". For what reason?

Because some of his stances are considered liberal. You're overracting to this?

It would be funny if it wasn't sad to have this type of behavior expressed as a foreign leader who devotes his life towards peace. I guess in the minds of those self-serving conservatives, peace is blowing the hell out of those evil "MUSLIMS".

The Pope sympathizes with the poor and the needy. He knows the decline in the church. The church's decline is due the young losing faith in religion.

He is hopeful to change this around.

His mission is to bring to light the plight of the poor. His speech included a mention of the poor and how we can improve our lives. He also condemned those who were involved in the priest scandal. He promises to reform the Catholic church.

They even got upset at President Barack Obama for "bowing" to The Pope. Matter of fact, the airplane carrying the Pope was delayed a few minutes because of the U.S. Secret Service demands to wait until the president made it.

Conservatives getting upset at The Pope is pathetic.

The Pope was invited by the weeping Rep. John Boehner (R-OH). Boehner got really emotional after he gave Pope Francis a handshake.

Earlier this year, Boehner invited Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu without notifying the White House. In March, the controversial leader tried to influence Congress to not support the Six Party Iranian nuclear deal.

The nuclear deal was authorized on September 17.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Trump: I'll Take Hannity Over The Rest Them!

Trump would rather go on this ass kissing agitator's program. The Donald is feuding with that network again.

Trump is once again aiming at that network. The network's GOP Sunday show and its primetime line up keeps lining up anti-Trump commentators who continue to denounce his "serious" bid for president.

Trump aimed at The Three Couch Nuts (Brian Kilmeade, Steve Doocy and Elisabeth Hasselbeck), the Smirking Chimp (Chris Wallace), Screeching Greta (Van Sustern), Bill O'Reilly (aka O'Loofus) and Megyn Kelly (aka The Outrage Princess) for allowing washed up pundits like Karl Rove, George Will and Charles Krauthammer on their programs.

Trump hasn't fully boycotted that network. He still has love for a few of them agitators on that network. Trump would rather gamble his chances on that ass kissing annoying conservative agitator Sean Hannity.

Trump believes that annoying conservative agitator will give him an opportunity to speak.

Out of the primetime line up, that annoying conservative agitator has been very kind to Trump and every Republican running.

Everyone except Jim Gilmore went on that annoying conservative agitator's program.

The network is easing up on Trump coverage. After the dust up in Ohio, Trump singled out Megyn for the reasons to why he avoids many appearances on that network.

Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton has froze out that network after lackey Ed Henry's disrespectful outburst towards her.

Clinton has appeared on CNN, CBS and ABC recently. She is making appearances on NBC and other outlets. No word on a GOP Sunday appearance on that network.

Megyn who is fuming over the "bimbo" comment is very eager to have him on to discuss these issues with her and the network.

Trump made an appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert.

As expected, Colbert gave him the works.


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