Thursday, July 11, 2024

A Shooting On "Blacks For Trump" Agitator's Property Leads For Calls Of Eviction!

And they say they're not in a cult. Blacks for Trump agitator is getting on his neighbors' nerves.

Michael Symonette (aka Maurice Woodside) is a con artist who is most famously known as the "Blacks for Trump" guy. He used to travel across the U.S. to Donald J. Trump campaign rallies. He was the weird Black man who used to be rooting on Trump's idiotic rants.

We haven't seen much of him at these rallies.

Now we know why.

Winners and losers of 2024.

He is struggling to keep his property and the state of Florida have exhausted the excuses and they serving him an eviction and seizure of his property.

So instead of fixing the issues and maintaining his property in good order, he continues to host pedophile parties where situations escalate into gun violence. A shooting at his property now has neighbors in his northwest Miami-Dade County wanting him gone for good.

Symonette said Sunday’s shooting at “Boss Mansion” was staged by Miami-Dade County officials with the aim of taking away his home.

“They tried to have a stage shooting again,” said Symonette.

According to police, the shooting occurred at the weekly parties, thrown by Symonette’s Boss Group Ministries, after two subjects opened fire on people having a party behind the home on South River Drive, near 150th Street.

The gunfire resulted in one man being rushed to the hospital. He is expected to be OK.

But on Tuesday, verbal fireworks popped off as Symonette said he wanted to clear the air by claiming that the shooting did not happen.

“He shoots in the air. This guy, who was supposed to be shot, guess what’s strange about this guy, I walked over to him and I said ‘Man, you got shot?’ He said ‘No man, I just hurt my hip off the jet ski,’ and he was soaking wet so I believed that. Some girls were trying to act like he was shot and he was pressing his shoulder. I said ‘Where did he get shot at?’ and when they lifted it up, there was no blood, no hole, no nothing.

In exclusive video, obtained by 7News, a group of girls surround a man laying down as they tell him to ‘talk to us. Don’t fall asleep.’ Cellphone video showed people arguing before a man wearing orange grabbed at his waistband. A second man was seen with a gun in full view while the man in orange began running and shooting. The video recorded over 50 shots that rang out at the party.

Still, Symonette said his parties are the safest place one can be.

“This is the safest place you can be. That’s why people wanna come here cause we have a safe haven,” he said.

Also on Tuesday morning, 7News obtained Miami-Dade County eviction papers against the home that was filed in June.

The eviction order is the latest development in a lengthy foreclosure battle that has spanned close to 15 years.

According to the order, it reads “YOU ARE COMMANDED to remove all persons from the following described property in Miami-Dade County, Florida.”

But Symonette said the papers aren’t valid.

This dude is almost 70 years old.

“Just because you want the property, you just gonna come take our property,” he said.

He added that bankruptcy and other legal filings is what’s stopping the county from taking away his home. He said he will stay in the house until the law allows.

When pressed on the facts of the case by 7News, Symonette said he believed that the whole situation was “fake and staged.”

“They tried to lie cause we know that our…” said Symonette before he was pressed by 7News reporter Sheldon Fox.

“Why are you making this political? I don’t understand” said Fox.

“Because I want to. This is my interview,” said Symonette.

“Just give us the facts of the case,” said Fox.

“I just gave you the facts. I don’t need to talk to you. I don’t even know you,” said Symonette.

“You called the news conference,” said Fox.

“OK, let me talk then,” said Symonette. “This is not babbling. I’m telling you what happened.”

Symonette said he tried to go to the hospital on Monday night to see the status of the wounded man.

“I wanna know if he’s OK,” said Symonette.

“So, was it staged and fake or are you trying to go visit him in the hospital?” said Fox.

“Yeah, I wanna see if he’s actually shot,” said Symonette.

Neighbors told 7News that this is not the first shooting that has happened at the home and said that their complaints about their neighbor have not been addressed.

“This neighborhood becomes a mess because of these people here,” said Erika Willingham after this recent shooting. “This is a residential area and it’s not supposed to be like this. I pray they burn it down.”

When asked to comment on his neighbors’ concerns, he said “I sympathize with them.”

In 2022, one person was fatally shot and three others were injured during a party at the home.

According to Miami-Dade Police, a fight broke out between a 22-year-old man and a 24-year-old man during that party.

Symonette also spoke to 7News following the 2022 incident.

“I wasn’t even here last night because I wasn’t throwing a function last night,” said Symonette.

In the last 14 years, Symonette has challenged the foreclosure and other eviction orders.

As of Tuesday evening, no arrests have been made in Sunday’s shooting.

If you have any information on this shooting or the subjects’ whereabouts, call Miami-Dade Crime Stoppers at 305-471-TIPS. Remember, you can always remain anonymous, and you may be eligible for a reward of up to $5,000.

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