Saturday, February 11, 2023

Conservative Outage Over The Proud Family Keeping It "Louder And Prouder!"

The far right goes bonkers over Disney's The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder.

The far right hates critical race theory. They want American children in school to learn American history taught the way they've been taught. 

To be white and right.

They believe that teaching actual events in America will make white children feel bad about how they treated people of color. To this day, we still endure this.

Things that get the far right so riled up.

Black Lives Matter.

Indigenous people and their demands for their land to be returned.

Immigrants who are not from Europe.

Palestine and the rights to boycott Israel for inhumane actions.

Reparations for decedents of African slaves who built American government buildings.

Gay rights for the right to donate blood, adopt children, make out in public and have transgender Americans play sports that match their gender.

You can watch The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder on Disney+ and also The Disney Channel and Disney XD. It stars Kyla Pratt, Tommy Davidson, Paula Jai Parker and Jo Marie Payton.

The series is a revival of the animated sitcom of the early 2000s. It was confirmed in 2019 that Disney wanted to revive the series and it confirmed the original cast (with the exception of troubled actor Orlando Brown) would return.

It has already been greenlighted for a third season after its successful first season and it is currently airing its second season. Apparently one episode has the far right angry.

Cue the conservative outrage.

This is the stuff that keeps these idiots awake. A cartoon catered to a general audience of African Americans, Latino, queer and teen viewers.

It appears the far right was riled up over a Juneteenth performance by Penny Proud (Kyla Pratt), Dijonay Jones (Karen Melina White), Zoey Howzer (Soleil Moon Frye), LaCienega Boulevardez (Alisa Reyes) and Michael Collins (EJ Johnson). In the clip, the characters said that "slaves built this country" and they call for reparations.

The song, “Slaves Built This Country,” references the history of slavery in America and states that America has not yet “atoned” for its history. Additionally, it points out how oppression still existed even after slavery was abolished in the form of segregation, Jim Crow laws, and the prison system. It also points out how figures like Harriet Tubman, Nat Turner, and Frederick Douglass often get glossed over while Abraham Lincoln gets sole credit for ending slavery.

Conservatives claim the animated series is anti-American, anti-white and woke.

A series of noise makers on social media as well as Fox have called for boycotts and cannon firings of Disney executives.

Folks who claim they watched the show before but hate the revival are Russian trolls devoted to amplifying the minimal outrage the far right is exploding over.

Mind you the same folks who are upset over The Proud Family and Chrissy Teigen are celebrating washed up celebrity Roseanne Barr's trashy comeback.

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