Wednesday, September 07, 2022

Washed Up 45 And Moron Vance Will Rally Around Ohio State Buckeyes Football!

Washed Up 45 comes Vance's rescue.
I put the Ohio senate race in TOSS UP.

Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH) is putting so much distance from the mainstream Democratic Party, you might confuse him as a Republican. The moderate Democrat is not campaigning with President Joe Biden or gubernatorial nominee Nan Whaley. He said he's cool on the assistance on Democrats given that Ohio swinged to Washed Up 45 heavily in 2016 and 2020. Even Ryan's own district flipped to the former president.

So instead of campaigning on Biden accomplishments, Ryan is touting how he's not the Squad or Biden.

He is saying he isn't for culture wars and he will take on China. Blah, blah, blah....!

I will support him but I will be on his ass if he becomes Sen. Karen Manchin (D-WV) or Sen. Karen Sinema (D-AZ). I will call him a Karen if he disappoints me.

Anyway, his rival, Moron Vance is struggling. 

So he will be participating in a rally with Washed Up 45. They will hold a rally in Youngstown in an attempt to bait Ryan. 

Ryan gave up his congressional district to run for the senate.

Ryan hit back by trolling. He said why would Vance want to campaign when the Ohio State Buckeyes are holding a home game?

No. 3 Ohio State is playing against Toledo and it will be another packed house in Columbus. More people will watch the game than a Washed Up 45 rally with the same losers like Michael the Black Man. That would be the guy who wears the Blacks for Trump shirt and usual background distraction.

Ryan is working hard to court Ohio voters.

Vance will visit Columbus in three weeks for a campaign fundraiser hosted by owners of the Columbus Crew professional soccer team. Team supporters are unhappy and see it as a reversal from previous decisions to avoid politics.

Ohio is attracting national attention as GOP groups pour money into the U.S. Senate race to boost Vance, who has trailed behind Ryan in fundraising. Republicans also expressed concern over the summer that Vance wasn't campaigning enough and allowing his opponent to dominate the airwaves.

Had they stuck with Karen Mandel or Karen Gibbons, the Republicans would have put more funding into the campaign. The Vance campaign is now doing what Nina Turner had done, throw everything to the wall hoping it will stick. They doing it with that dingbat Mehmet Oz and Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. and idiot John Fetterman.

I have the Pennsylvania race as LEAN DEMOCRAT.

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