Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The Barr Is Closed!

Mr. Toad on Capitol Hill.
The disgraced toad-looking Attorney General William Barr was called out by Robert Mueller after the fool released that four page summary about Donald J. Trump playing with the Russians.

The Washington Post had the bombshell news come out last night shattering Trump and the far-white's talking points. Trump was not exonerated.

Today, Barr has to testify at the Senate panel today and he is likely going to get softballs thrown at him by the Republicans and spitballs by the Democrats.

Barr is risking a contempt charge. He is refusing to testify in the House committee on the investigation.

You are hearing the impeach Trump and Barr on social media.

Most Democrats are enthusiastic about firing Trump out the cannon. But will overreach be the Democrats downfall?

Anyway, the testimony is on now.

Watch live.

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