A scene from the movie Higher Learning where lead actor Michael Rapaport portrays Remy, a White student in his first year at a university goes wrong. After a spurn of rejection, the student becomes a Neo-Nazi. |
The George Zimmerman trial has opened up Pandora's Box. It's now all out in the open. WHITE EXTREMISTS are happy that he walked and their sharing that on the racist watering holes and conservative blogs. Each racial extremist in the conservative movement have concluded that if President Barack Obama and the "race hustlas" didn't get involved, Zimmerman wouldn't have been on trial in the court of public opinion.
Conservatives are seriously disturbed. They don't see the facts and they've concluded that shooter's side of the story is enough to have him found NOT GUILTY in the murder of Trayvon Martin. See a dead body can't tell a tale. It's going to be a dead body today, tomorrow and forever after.
Quick question: Why don't you leave a name so we can actually have a serious discussion?
Anonymous said...
You ignorant racist! Yeah I bet you have better things to do than burn your shit hole city down.. Standing in the welfare line nigger? Get yo pathetic black ass back to scrubbing dem toilets!
12:53 AM
First thing that I would say to this comment: Look in the mirror and see that ignorant racist is you!
Hold on a second, why would we need a safety net? Because we write on a blog!
Bullshit. I can't imagine ever thinking that writing an opinion requires us to have welfare!
Do you know what welfare is?
I bet you have family members who are welfare. And besides more WHITE PEOPLE apply for social safety nets. You don't obviously know about the gap between gender and race. Obviously you can't understand that people losing their homes, jobs and savings due to this crappy economy. The Republican House has stalled and the Democratic Senate has blocked legislation. The president presented three jobs bills to Congress and yet nothing is getting done. The cost of living has risen on fuel, energy, food and supplies for home repair.
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Busta Rhymes plays the role of Dreads in the movie Higher Learning. He is fighting against a group of students who have ties to White supremacists. |
You don't know anything about equal pay. You know that women are discriminated far more than a Black man or White man. Nope, you didn't because you wouldn't be saying such ignorant things.
If you actually took the time to read a book or know a person, you would know that Latina and Black women are discriminated far more in hiring and equal pay than White women. White women are discriminated in promotions, hiring and equal pay far more than White men.
White men are likely not to be profiled. They're always looked upon as "heroes", "stronger" and "decision makers".
When it comes to Black, Latinos and Muslims, we're looters, rioters, "natural born criminals", ignorant, terrorists, "illegals" and "every racial or religious slur".
Scrubbing "dem" toilets. Like you haven't scrubbed a toilet at your job or at your home. Be serious, idiot!
If I was scrubbing toilets, today I've removed a turd! That turd left a stink on our blog and I had to clean it up, literally!
Another thing, what's a shit hole? Is your pathetic life in the shit hole?
I see that it probably is because you're on here rambling about us. It must sting to read an honest opinion. We're not afraid to speak our minds as you're not afraid to leave a racial slur and blatant ad hominem attacks upon me and S. Baldwin.
We don't burn shit holes. We burn people like you! The reactionary WHITE EXTREMIST whose "glorified ignorance" is masqueraded as patriotism. We know that White people are reactionary.
YOU PEOPLE can't stand being called racist. You probably have friends, family members or a co-worker that's a person of color. You wouldn't dare say this type of stuff to that person's face. You fear being laid out on the ground or you may do something that may end landing you in the situation that George Zimmerman faced. I dare you pull a gun out on an unarmed person! I bet there's a chance you probably won't walk like this Zimmerman idiot.
Ice Cube, Busta Rhymes and Omar Epps from Higher Learning, a 1995 movie about college students learning the social ills of society. |
Conservatism is dose in the bigotry of someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. It's the truth. You can't hide behind pioneers of change because you believe they stand for the good of all. Conservatism was never a part of Civil Rights.
I repeat: CONSERVATISM will never be a part of CIVIL RIGHTS, ever!
Hey stupid, George Zimmerman may have walked free after murdering that child, but he can't live a normal life without fearing. That foolish man will always fear that he may ended up being killed because someone else "STOOD THEIR GROUND!"
Why prove our point about WHITE EXTREMISM?
You're obviously are a White male. We don't see much change in your skin color, your political beliefs and the reactionary judgment of others you don't know personally. You're only human as I am!
We all have a little bigotry in us. I can't stand conservatives. Does that make me a bigot towards someone's political standings? Yeah.
I am still neutral on most political themes, but this Trayvon Martin situation has finally pushed my button. I have exhausted my patience for conservatives, libertarians and extremists.
I am tired of stupidity. I've said it too many times. Ignorance brings the worst out of me! And believe me I am very tired of it.
We respect open discussion on issues, but that doesn't mean we're going to allow your blatant ignorance to reign on the pages of Journal de la Reyna without a proper and meaningful response.
Ice Cube appears on Lench Mob Records, LLC/EMI.
Busta Rhymes appears on Cash Money Records/Universal Republic.
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