Monday, March 18, 2013

CNN Acting Like Fox News!

Letting that perennial loser Mitt Romney act a fool and now Steubenville! Candy Crowley: What's going on with you?

The Steubenville rape trial has concluded and the teenagers Trent Mays and Ma'lik Richmond will spend a portion of their lives in the juvenile iron college. At least until their twenties.

The Ohio rust town became the center of a national scandal that involved rape and cover up by local officials.

It got mainstream coverage after the hackivist group Anonymous hacked into the suspect's social networks.

The two star high school football standouts were charged with delinquent rape and were sentenced to the juvenile iron college.

Fredricka Whitfield
Hopefully, the victim will move forward with her life. This incident tore the rust belt city best known for its star high school football team.

CNN was once the most respected news organization in America. It's so lagging in ratings, the network has to revamp its image or face certain disconnect. The new president Jeff Zucker is cleaning house. He's getting rid of the old guard and replacing it with fresh faces. Some are coming from ABC, NBC and CBS.

The old guard are certain to fly right or get the papers.

Candy Crowley, Poppy Harlow and Fredricka Whitfield, you better get in line or else you're getting the pink slip.

The controversy brewed up with the CNN anchors throwing their sympathies to the convicted teens.

When Candy Crowley went to covering the breaking news on the verdict she made the comments that attracted the ire of the media watchdogs.

The New York Observer reports that  Candy Crowley and Poppy Harlow spent their segment exploring the effect the conviction would have on the "star football players, very good students," now that their "promising futures," as Harlow put it, will involve a stint in juvenile hall and a lifetime as registered sex offenders.

Let's remind these women that the teens "RAPED" a drunk teenager. The teenager didn't had to be sexually assaulted by these guys. Whether she was drunk or not, they took advantage of her.

Her life will never be the same. Why are we blaming the victim?

What makes it's so bad, her former friends have turned on her!

Two former friends threatened her online and they'll be facing the judge shortly.

State attorney general Mike DeWine warns that this is far from over. That "NO SNITCHIN'" stuff ain't going to fly with him. He will pursue other charges against teenagers who refused to assist in the case.

Poppy Harlow
Also what this attracts is conservative ire and White supremacists. The fact that one of the accused is Black and the young girl is white will certainly rile these extremists up! 

This would lit up their forums with ugly racial slurs, word vomits about Black on White crime, and of course an Obama name drop! This will be a reason for these extremists to paint Blacks as sex crazed NIGGERS who voted for that MUSLIM SOCIALIST WHO DISGRACED THIS COUNTRY with his GUBMINT GIVEAWAYS. 

The conservative/white supremacist bubble will name drop Obama, Attorney General Eric Holder, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Trayvon Martin in their word vomits. 

White supremacists already label Black people as "animals", who obsess with their women.

Despite this incident, I think they've should have been charged as adults. They should have been found in adult court for this incident.

Thousands of women, young and old are brutalized in rape. And to make this clear, this is human rights abuse that continues to spread. I haven't posted about the incident in India. A woman was gang raped and murdered by ten men. One of the main attackers was awaiting trial. While in custody, he committed suicide.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our prayers to the victim of this tragedy. No one should be brutalized by anyone.

In other words, I say "RAPE IS RAPE".

Please let the Republican Party and its conservative allies understand that!

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