U.S. senate candidate Tommy Thompson is doing damage control after his son invoked birtherism. |
Perennial candidate Tommy Thompson is like Mitt Romney in a way. He's a moderate Republican. He was a one of the longest serving governors of the state. He knew how to build bridges as moderate Republican in a Democratic state. He served as Bush's secretary for the Department of Health and Human Services. And he wanted to be the President of the United States. He ran for president in 2007. He managed to get out early after polls showed him trailing badly against Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) and Mitt Romney.
He's running for an open U.S. Senate seat being vacated by longtime member Senator Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin).
He faced a tough primary against a former congressman, a state House speaker and millionaire hedge fund owner.
The most conservative opponent Mark Neumann, the former congressman was the most suitable candidate by right wing members Senators Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), Mike Lee (R-Utah), and Pat Toomey (R-Pennsylvania). Thompson managed to outspend him and eventually won the nomination.
Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) is his opponent. She came from behind and is leading in some polls. If elected she will be the first openly gay woman to serve as a member of the U.S. Senate.
That has the Republicans investing money in this state.
Current governor Scott Walker was an embattled Republican. After he stripped collective bargaining rights from the public sector unions, the people of Wisconsin fought back against him. They managed to help the Democrats take control of the Wisconsin state senate and recalled a few state senators and judges. They tried to recall Walker but it failed. Walker won the election and became the rally call for the Tea Party and embattled Republicans. It also gave him, Romney and his running mate Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) a boost in the state. Ryan was picked as the vice presidential nominee by Mitt Romney. It put Wisconsin in play. A state that's longtime been a Democratic stronghold is now a toss up!
President Barack Obama's job approval is the upper 40s and lower 50s as of right now! The unemployment rate has went to 7.8% this month and Republicans are in denial.
So in the past couple of weeks, Romney and Ryan have plans on taking Wisconsin away from the president.
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Congresswoman Tammy Baldwin (D-Wisconsin) is running for retiring U.S. Senator Herb Kohl (D-Wisconsin). If elected she will be the first openly gay woman to be seated as Wisconsin's newest senator. |
Romney has gained a small lead in the national polls. And that has the president's campaign team on the defensive. Vice President Joe Biden stellar performance at his only debate has stopped the bleeding of the disastrous performance by the president at his first debate. The president's strategy is to win early voters and encourage younger and minority voters back to the polls. That's so far working, but not a big as his 2008 victory.
Overall, Wisconsin U.S. Senate race is toss up leaning towards Baldwin. So far Thompson's lackluster appeal to conservatives has him struggling for some much needed fundraising. Baldwin has outraised the former governor in 2:1 ratio.
This week also marks another chapter in the NIGGERIZATION of the president.
Tommy Thompson's son Jason made some offensive comments at a Republican fundraiser that Mitt Romney can send President Barack Obama back to Chicago or rather
"We have the opportunity to send President Obama back to Chicago - or Kenya," said Jason Thompson, a private attorney and son of U.S. senate candidate Tommy Thompson.
This was in the presence of the Republican national chairman, fellow Wisconsin native Reince Priebus.
Jason Thompson's comment about Obama prompted laughs from the crowd, with one woman jokingly adding, "We are taking donations for that Kenya trip."
The Milwaukee Sentinel-Journal reports that For years, a fringe group of Obama critics has promoted the discredited "birther" argument that the first-term Democratic president was not born in the U.S. Though Obama's father was Kenyan, the White House released Obama's birth certificate last year showing he was born in a Hawaii hospital on Aug. 4, 1961.
Jason Thompson, 38, has been actively involved in his father's bid for an open U.S. Senate seat, representing the campaign at some events. Running against Thompson is Democratic congresswoman Tammy Baldwin of Madison.
A Baldwin spokesman declined to comment on the video.
At an evening news conference in Wauwatosa, the former four-term governor - known for committing his share of verbal gaffes over the years - initially deflected a question from No Quarter about the video.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Thompson said.
About an hour later, however, Thompson's staff sent an email addressing the controversy.
"The Governor has addressed this with his son, just like any father would do," said the campaign statement. "Jason Thompson said something he should not have, and he apologizes."
Priebus and Courtney did not return calls.
During the same Sunday news conference, Thompson had his own slip of the tongue when talking about his Democratic opponent.
A reporter asked Thompson about Baldwin's statements Sunday at the Jewish Community Center in Milwaukee, responding to allegations that she has flip-flopped on imposing sanctions on Iran.
Thompson called Baldwin's explanation "the lamest excuse I've ever heard." He then went on to call her "anti-Jewish."
Only later did he backtrack when the same reporter asked him if he meant what he said.
"She's anti-Israel," he clarified.
Back in 2007, Thompson had to apologize for telling a Jewish group that earning money was "part of the Jewish tradition." He made the remark to the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism while running unsuccessfully for president.
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