Wednesday, October 10, 2012

I've Never Seen Barack Obama Eat Watermelon!

But these bastards are attempting a NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama. And to make matters worse, Mitt Romney is openly embracing these racist ass folks for political gamesmanship.

You wonder why Republicans have trouble courting Blacks and Hispanics?

Here's the rundown of the situation. A California woman seen an offensive anti-Obama display in which the owner of the house put forth an empty chair, a yellow rope (noose), a couple of watermelons and the GO BACK TO KENYA (AFRICA) rhetoric alongside his Mitt Romney/Paul Ryan political signs.

You would think these people would use their freedom of speech at the ballot box! But alas, these fools would rather boggle us down with this hateful rhetoric under the blessings of the American flag!

The Huffington Post report that a spate of symbolic protests against President Barack Obama that have featured empty chairs and racist imagery continued this week in California, with an arrangement featuring a noose, watermelons and a birther sign.

"Go back to Kenya you idiot," reads the message, set up to resemble a teleprompter along a remote road in Santa Clara, Calif. A short distance away sits a wooden chair, presumably a reference to actor Clint Eastwood's now-famous takedown of Obama at the Republican National Convention. Two watermelons have been placed on the seat of the chair, and a noose has been slung around its frame. A sign supporting GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney has been erected on the fence behind it.

California's KTVU reports that the display was first brought to their attention by a community resident who posted an image of the arrangement to Facebook. The station has since interviewed property owner Blake la Beck, who declined to comment, but claimed the display speaks for itself.

Racist rhetoric has also emerged this election season in more direct attacks on the Obama campaign. Last week, a vandal spray-painted the words "Muslim Lier (sic)" (intended to be "Liar") on a large banner outside a campaign office in Des Moines, Iowa.

Get ready for some of the most hateful rhetoric to come forth. These images are NSFW (Not Safe For Work). Please use discretion when you're looking at these.

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