Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sway Interviews President Barack Obama!

Sit-down: The President was interviewed by MTV News anchor Sway Calloway

MTV is the American television network best known for music videos and reality television is now the hub for young voters in which people are introduced to the presidential elections. MTV includes the children's and reality television network Nickelodeon as a part of their growing influence in pop culture.

The Democratic president Barack Obama goes to MTV to talk about issues and promises he'll make if he ends up winning reelection. He talks to Sway Calloway, MTV News Correspondent and host of Shade45's Sway In The Morning.

This interview may motivate people to vote. It may become a political issue when conservative fuzz about the host being a hip-hop journalist and the president playing the "base".

Already, media mogul Jay-Z is being name dropped by Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Fox News. His image is splashed on Breitbart, The Drudge Report, The Daily Caller and Fox Nation.

Any rapper who name drops the president's name will be subject to attacks from the likes of conservative agitators such as those mention earlier. Include conservative agitators Bill O'Reilly and Michelle Malkin.

They want to undermine the president's core support in Black, Latino and young voters.

All who may or listen to hip-hop music, rock music or pop music. Those who may watch Jersey Shore/Snooki & JWoww, Teen Mom, Hip-Hop Squares, Bevis & Butthead, Video Music Awards (VMA), Punk'd, True Life and The Real World.

Mitt Romney didn't appear on MTV or Nickelodeon's Kids Pick The President.

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