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Courtesy of MyRightWingDad, a website devoted to collecting the most extreme right wing emails. |
Yeah, it was bound to happen! Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement found a way to make the case for President Barack Obama using the "race card" in regards to the latest incidents that involved racial intolerance.
When was the last time President Barack Obama said something in regards to racial issues?
To a conservative, everyday. To the rest of America, not often! Not at all.
The recent incidents in Chicago in which a young Black man accompanied with a juvenile beaten up and robbed a young White man. The incident in Mobile, Alabama in which a White man threatened a group of Black teenagers. That incident turned violent when the teenagers called their parents, and soon they've beaten the White man nearly to death. The incident in Tulsa, Oklahoma in which a two men, one being a in grief over the loss of his girlfriend and father, went into a neighborhood where Blacks lived and shot them randomly. The incident killed three innocent citizens. And the most famous incident, a young man shooting an unarmed Black teenager. These incidents are simmering up the "long hot summer"!
This is an election year, and Republicans are going to play dirty! They've found their nominee. The nominee and his advisers will waste no time trying to go after President Barack Obama's record for the sluggish economy. The nominee's advisers will use every tactic to distract, deviate and dog-whistle White voters to oppose President Barack Obama.
The Republican nominee will try to paint himself as the "grown up in the room". He will paint his background as a tale of his experiences and try to make the case that President Obama is inexperienced, out of touch, and he's gotta go!
The Republican nominee will waste no time trying to cater to the extremists within in his political party. This happen when John McCain secured his nomination, and picked Sarah Palin as his running mate.
Former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney will be the presidential nominee for the Republican Party.
Mitt Romney served one term as governor of the state of Massachusetts. And during his time as governor, he allocated a pretty much moderate record on most issues. As he prepares for the eventual capture of delegates to cling the Republican nomination, he's preparing for a nasty campaign against President Barack Obama.
This will be a dueling challenge to inspire those who turnout in droves to vote for Barack Obama. It's not going to be an easy challenge this time. During the 2010 United States midterm elections, Republicans swept back into the House of Representatives and state/territorial governorships. The Republican goal: undermine the core of Obama's base. They are willing to make this case by attacking President Barack Obama on issues such as his "coolness".
If one can't understand the right's Obama Derangement Syndrome, then you're lost in the transition.
If a person holds views that are bigoted towards race, gender, sexuality, religion, nationality, political and economic standings, then this person is either criticized as an extremist. This contributes to the reactionary, racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophoic, ignorant, condescending, overreaching, idiotic, pain inducing rants one says online or in the public forum.
Race-baiting is tool used when a conservative is upset over an incident when a Black person is killed by a white person. Race baiting is when a conservative sends a racist email attacking President Barack Obama and his wife First Lady Michelle Obama and the person who sent it was caught. Conservatives blame President Barack Obama, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and Attorney General Eric Holder (all prominent Black men) for incidents that they can't control. Or blaming them for seeing justice for incidents that are looked under the radar.
Playing the victim card or the race card is usually a strategy when a conservative's rant goes to the extreme. Thus leading to tragedies in schools, public venues or attempts at harming innocent victims.
And just like every [White and even Black] conservative man! When there's an incident that involves a White person, they're screaming: "See. This is what the liberal media isn't telling you! They talk about Trayvon Martin but void the fact these 'Obama supporters' are violent towards white citizens and Eric Holder isn't concerned about us but his 'brothas'!"
I urge you conservatives to put away your hate, ignorance and stupidity. Cause you may feel comfortable in the presence of a home computer, but you realize that if you want to rile up people with this, try harder! Take it to the streets.
Go to the cities and their neighborhoods you claim are crime ridden Democratic strongholds. Go into these neighborhoods with your tea party rhetoric, Obama Derangement syndrome-themed rants and see if someone will notice!
They'll probably call the police on you! Hopefully [urban dwellers] avoid whooping a conservative's ass for the ranting and raving!
You notice a pattern.
The Republicans know they're not going to secure the Black vote. They are giving up on it. What they're going to is work hard to bring Hispanics/Latinos and mostly White voters to the Republican Party.
So in order to do that! The Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement want to create controversies in which racial injustice towards White people is unnoticed by the media and in turn it riles up votes.
The strategy works. It's noted as the "Southern Strategy".
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