Mediaite: Alveda King Calls Trayvon Martin’s Death A ‘Late Abortion’ On Fox News
King was reacting to a clip of MSNBC host Rev. Al Sharpton at a recent rally for Martin where he called for the immediate arrest of alleged shooter George Zimmerman. “Lock him up,” demanded Sharpton.
King, a conservative and pro-life activist, took issue with the tone of Sharpton’s rally. “I’m asking that we remember that Trayvon Martin’s family is grieving right now. And in the midst of their grieving, they don’t need a lot of anger and fear surrounding that. Certainly, Trayvon Martin – a young man cut down in his prime – I would say because of my ministry ‘aborted late.’ A late abortion.”
“America’s youth are now an endangered species,” said King. “And so we must answer this non-violently. Not with rage and not with anger. Not by playing the race card.”
“If my uncle, Dr. Martin Luther King were here today, or my dad, Dr. A.D. King, they would ask us to seek justice but to temper that with mercy,” said King. “I’m asking Rev. [Jesse] Jackson, Rev. Sharpton to remember Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. To remember non-violence.”
Alveda King is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. But since the death of his widow, Coretta Scott King, out of the woodwork, this person comes forth with the claims her "Uncle Martin" was a lifelong Republican. This narrative of Martin Luther King, Jr. being a Republican is the new theme of conservatives. They ignore the teaching of King but yet claim him as one of their own. I am guessing after the death of Yolanda King, the eldest daughter of the Martin Luther King, Jr. her three surviving cousins are feuding over control of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, Alveda King moves to the front of the line with her experiences as a member of the legendary family. But her presence in the Civil Rights movment is no way the teaching of Martin Luther King, Jr.
The Republicans would love to say that King was a "communist" if he was alive. Republicans settled for the first Black president, Barack Obama. If people like Joseph McCarthy was alive today, he would be getting top booking on either Sean Hannity's programs or airtime with Glenn Beck. Alveda is standing in for him. She was brought to presence at the Restore Honor event in August 2010 when Glenn Beck and Sarah Palin were the featured speakers as well as sponsors of the event. While Alveda speaks on her pro-life, anti-gay, and anti-Black stances her cousin Martin Luther King, III is with the family of Trayvon Martin seeking justice.
This woman is a panderer to the most extreme of human beings. She wrapped her name around a legacy to promote herself as the counter-savior to "Civil Rights leaders" like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.
Since she's single and all why don't she hook up with Jesse Lee Peterson and they can live in hate together. They are the Black versions of conservatives who masquerade under the shield of Civil Rights. These guys are no different than those firebrands who wrap their asses and eventually their necks around the American flag in defense of these ridiculous culture wars.
Alveda King shares the same bigoted views of someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. But she's supposed to get a pass for being a "Black woman" who happens to be conservative?
She plays the race card and gender card only when it's a luxury to her.
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