Matthew Owens was allegedly beaten by a vicious mob, after
which someone uttered the words, "Now that's justice for Trayvon."
I'm not one to judge this incident as a hate crime. I seen the website where this man was featured. There's a charge of domestic violence on this person a year ago. That doesn't matter though! But what matters is those who attack this man should be arrested. What matters is the ongoing conflict that circulates around the Trayvon Martin shooting. What matters is the conservatives trying to crank up fake outrage to an incident.
One could wonder if the gentleman Matt Owens said something offensive provoking an attack!
Right now, the conservatives are riled up about this! They're online foaming at the mouths screaming about how President Barack Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder are ignoring this possible "hate crime".
I can see that every conservative word salad will always include: A racial slur. Ways to say a racial slur without it being flagged. Obama-related themes. Mentions of Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, the SPLC or the NAACP. Trayvon Martin. Firearm rhetoric. Political hot potatoes. MSNBC. CNN. Chants of liberal media.
The Blaze, The Daily Caller, Michelle Malkin, The Drudge Report, Twitchy, and The Gateway Pundit are already circling the wagons with this story.
While a news reporter was getting ready for her report, an angry parent goes towards the cameras. The Black woman demands the reporter tell the truth about this gentleman and acknowledge that he provoked the incident by threatening them with knives and shouting racial slurs at the teenagers.
First things first. We are a polarizing nation. This Trayvon Martin controversy has a major split between race, gender, and political standings. Those who view this case in favor of Trayvon Martin felt this teenager was wrongfully targeted and killed for what was perceived to be a racially profiling incident. Those who view this in favor of Trayvon Martin, feels that systematic incidents in which Blacks are killed by an offender that is non-black are given leniency while those who are Black face harsher penalties for the very crimes committed. Those who view this case in favor of George Zimmerman felt the young man was wrongfully accused by the media for defending himself from a teenager who was roaming the neighborhood without mentioning he lives there. Those who view this in favor of George Zimmerman felt that even though this tragedy could have been avoided, Zimmerman had no choice but to shoot the the teenager because he felt his life was in danger.
Remember the Chris Rock rule: "There's some [Blacks] who push forward. There's some [Blacks] who send us back!"
Today's actions sets us back! In no way, Americans should act like this. No matter what the outcome, we all as Americans must practice peace and restraint. Being violent isn't going to solve problems. It's only going to kill someone and land those who committed the act in prison.
Why on earth would his brother go to a conservative radio show to rant off about an apparent utter of slain teenager "Trayvon Martin" by an assailant?
Just like every [White and even Black] conservative man! When there's an incident that involves a White person, they're screaming: "See. This is what the liberal media isn't telling you! They talk about Trayvon Martin but void the fact these 'Obama supporters' are violent towards white citizens and Eric Holder isn't concerned about us but his 'borthas'!"
Matthew Owens mugshot from 2011. |
I urge you conservatives to put away your hate, ignorance and stupidity. Cause you may feel comfortable in the presence of a home computer, but you realize that if you want to rile up people with this, try harder! Take it to the streets.
Go to the cities and their neighborhoods you claim are crime ridden Democratic strongholds. Go into these neighborhoods with your tea party rhetoric, Obama Derangement syndrome-themed rants and see if someone will notice!
They'll probably call the police on you! Hopefully [urban dwellers] avoid whooping a conservative's ass for the ranting and raving!
The story courtesy of WKRG-TV 5 CBS and the Associated Press.
MOBILE, Alabama --
Wednesday 12:45 a.m.Mobile police did not make an arrest before the end of the day as they expected. But police are in the process of serving warrants.
Neighbors say Matthew Owens chased off a group of black kids with kitchen knives after the boys lost a basketball in his sister's yard. He was attacked by as many as 20 people with chairs, pipes and paint cans a short time later.
Based on the accusations forom angry neighbors, News 5 did some digging and learned Owens has a violent track record. The Mobile County Metro Jail log shows police have arrested Owens numerous times over the past 12 years for things like domestic violence, assault and sex abuse. His first arrest was November 4, 1990 for assault. The last time officers transported Owens to jail was last March on a domestic violence charge.
Regardless of what happened Saturday night leading up to the beating, police and most people would agree that it is not an excuse to put Owens in the ICU.
Tuesday 8:35 p.m.Mobile police tell News 5 they still hope to make an arrest in the Matthew Owens case before the end of the night.
Owens was beaten Saturday night in front of his home on Delmar Drive. Witnesses, including Owens sister, say 20 black people attacked Owens with pipes, paint cans and chairs. Owens is still in ICU at USA Medical Center. Weaving in and out of consciousness, Owens told his brother Lloyd, "Don't let me die."
Police continue to downplay the Trayvon Martin connection to the beating. But a neighbor confirms what his sister told News 5. The neighbor, too scared to go on camera, told News 5's Lauren Vargas that they heard one of the suspects say "This is justice for Trayvon" as she drove away.
Tonight, an angry mother who lives on the street told News 5's Blake Brown that the kids who live on Delmar Drive are the real victims.
"Every single day it's a problem with Mr. Owens concerning our kids," Lemica Whisenhunt. "All these kids do is shoot basketball. We keep 'em in the yard. They don't bother anybody. We'd rather them play basketball than to be around here vandalizing, breaking into people's homes. We try to bring our kids up the right way and show people that all black kids are not bad."
Tuesday 7:30 p.m.Tensions are running high on Delmar Drive.
Before Lauren Vargas' live shot on News 5 at 5:00, a black woman who lives on the street started yelling at Lauren saying the kids are the real victims.
Tuesday 6:00 p.m.
From his hospital bed and weaving in and out of consciousness, Matthew Owens told his brother Lloyd, "Don't let me die."
Lloyd taked to The Schnitt Show about Saturday's attack on Delmar Drive that landed him in the ICU. Click here to listen to that interview.
Earlier today, Todd Schnitt interviewed News 5's Blake Brown.
Tuesday 3:10 p.m.Mayor Sam Jones is urging the public not to jump to conclusions and to wait until the investigation is finished.
“Police will certainly explore a racial motive if the evidence supports it,” said Jones. “This type of mob violence will not be tolerated. If people think we are going to tolerate that to bring attention to some national event, they are sorely mistaken. They will be arrested and prosecuted for assault or whatever the appropriate charge may be," he said.
Tuesday 3:05 p.m.News 5's Lauren Vargas spoke with a neighbor who also heard a member of the mob that beat Matthew Owens say "Now thats justice for Trayvon."
That backs up what Owens' sister, who witnessed the attack from her house across the street, told News 5. Ashey Parker calls it "the scariest thing I have ever witnessed."
Owens' brother, who does not want to be named because he fears for his safety, told News 5 the mob showed up in 3-4 cars full of people.
Tuesday 2:55 p.m.
The Matthew Owens beating case is the focus of The Schnitt Show, a nationally syndicated radio show. Listen live
News 5's Blake Brown was interviewed by Laura Ingraham on her nationally syndicated radio show. Click here to listen to the interview.
Tuesday 12:35 p.m.
Mobile police expect to make arrests in the Matthew Owens beating case today.
Owens is in critical condition at USA Medical Center, three days after police say he was beaten by "multiple people" armed with chairs, pipes and paint cans Saturday night in front of his house on Delmar Drive.
Police are downplaying the Trayvon Martin comment, but the family insists one of the attackers said "Now thats justice for Trayvon" after the attack. Trayvon Martin is the unarmed teenager police say was shot and killed February 26 by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman in Samford, Florida.
Monday 6:55 p.m.
Mobile police need your help to catch a mob that beat Matthew Owens so badly that he's in critical condition.
According to police, Owens fussed at some kids playing basketball in the middle of Delmar Drive about 8:30 Saturday night. They say the kids left and a group of adults returned, armed with everything but the kitchen sink.
Police tell News 5 the suspects used chairs, pipes and paint cans to beat Owens.
Owens' sister, Ashley Parker, saw the attack. "It was the scariest thing I have ever witnessed." Parker says 20 people, all African American, attacked her brother on the front porch of his home, using "brass buckles, paint cans and anything they could get their hands on."
Police will only say "multiple people" are involved.
What Parker says happened next could make the fallout from the brutal beating even worse. As the attackers walked away, leaving Owen bleeding on the ground, Parker says one of them said "Now thats justice for Trayvon." Trayvon Martin is the unarmed teenager police say was shot and killed February 26 by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman in Samford, Florida.
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