Tuesday, December 05, 2017

SCOTUS Rubs Trump's Ban!

The Supreme Court is just as bad as Trump.

The world should impose a ban on stupidity. Anyone who believes that "Greatest Bestest Country in the World" is the United States should be banned from traveling.

Yeah, we just got word that the Supreme Court on Monday allowed Donald J. Trump to impose this "Muslim/I hate countries that hate me" ban.

This third version hits at six Muslim majority countries.

People from Chad, Libya, Yemen, Iran, Somalia and North Korea will be blocked for up to 90 days. The ruling allows the Trump team to impose more bans.

The 7-2 majority said that those who come to the United States from the banned list must have a bona fide relationship with family members living here.

Bans are stupid.

Americans who support Trump could be banned entry if the inept leader continues to piss off world leaders.

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