Sunday, December 10, 2017

Bury This King!

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) gotta go. White Extremist lawmaker tweets that diversity and race mixing is bad.
Time to put pressure on him.

Rep. Steve King (R-IA) has gotten away with it far too long. This is what the Republican Party embraces. On Friday, King posted on social media another reminder to why Donald J. Trump and the Republican Party continue their march towards fascism.

Me and SB have talked about King before. Practically we're getting tired of hearing about him.

White extremists are embracing this lawmaker.

On social media, the Republican put out this tweet.

And yes this shit been going on for years.

Now there's a mounted effort to oust King from his perch.

King seems to have no care nor concern about what he's doing online.

He actually embraces the negative consequences.

Another thing, Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) will resign quicker than I thought. He will leave after the New York Times reported that Franks sexually harassed two female staffers to have his baby. Allegedly, he tried to pay $5 million to them. A little hush money.

Also, Trump also endorsed Roy Moore, an accused pedophile who said that the days of slavery were better times.

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