Sunday, January 17, 2016

Do You Actually Take Cruz Seriously?

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) is by far one of the most divisive politicians elected to the Senate. He's pretty much a gadfly to many lawmakers from both chambers.

For a relatively unaccomplished lawmaker, Ted Cruz spends a large amount of time talking nonsense.

Cruz's appearance on GOP Sundays was a "victory lap" for him. Some Republicans say that Cruz and rival Donald Trump had a great night. Many politicos are saying that it may shape up to be a "two man" race.

So as he appears on the syndicated right wing news channel's Sunday, he talks to Chris Wallace about the real important issues.

Of course, Cruz being the showboating lawmaker makes the conversation about Trump, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

When confronted on controversial issues that his rivals will likely bring up in the election, Cruz said that it's part of the junk food media's attempt to distract from the real issue of Obama's failures.

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