Tuesday, April 03, 2012

It's Only Gun Rights For Whites! Gun Control For Blacks and Latinos! Because They're Shooting Each Other! Aren't They?

Once again, the National Rifle Association is scaring up fundraising. The gun rights organization already expects President Obama to win reelection and they're out to get more money from those Elmer Fudds who think that "Big Ear Jungle Bunny" is coming for their guns.

As a concealed carry firearm owner who is an American voter, I have to share my thoughts on the gun control rumors being spread by two gun lobbying groups. They are attempting to generate revenue off the fears of a liberal Black president's attempt to "take their guns!"

I am amazed about how the conservative media loves to justify the killing of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin to events that have nothing to do with the controversy in Florida. I am at the point where I almost demand President Barack Obama give his "A More Perfect Union" speech once again.

This leads to the National Rifle Association's attempt to scare up fundraising. The gun rights organization already expects President Obama to win reelection and they're out to get more money from those Elmer Fudds who think that "Big Ear Jungle Bunny" is coming for their guns.

But ever since Barack Obama won the 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections, many gun owners got the fear of the liberal Black man working behind the scenes to tear apart the Second Amendment of The U.S. Constitution. With sales of firearms up, many believe that a second term of Barack Obama is the potential doom of the average flag waving, gun totting, freedom fry eating patriot. With Americans more concerned with unemployment and the economy, guns and religion are taking a backseat. But in order to stay relevant, NRA president Wayne LaPierre wants to make sure that his members are afraid of Barack Obama. Again let me repeat myself on the issue. Gun sales are up. I mean there's more people getting concealed carry permits and the firearm industry is doing fine so far. Republicans are rallying the base. And another silly culture war over gun control will certainly get some votes.

U.S. Congress and even President Barack Obama continues to give the gun owners what they want. According to Time magazine, the President has also expanded gun rights by signing laws that allow the possession of firearms in national parks and on Amtrak. And yet, he can't get a nod from the National Rifle Association because those measures were tucked into broader bills the president liked. "He has a failing record when it comes to gun rights, and that's what our members and gun owners and hunters across the country know," says NRA public-affairs director Andrew Arulanandam. "I also think they don't trust him." 

The recent shooting in Oakland, California at Oikos University, the shooting of Trayvon Martin, the shooting at Chardon High School in Ohio, and the Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords shooting doesn't seem to budge Congress to vote for gun control. So I don't understand why they believe that President Barack Obama is coming for the guns? If he was to take their firearms, would these tragedies happen or be prevented?

So it brings me to the notion of why conservatives bring up Black-on-Black crime and Black-on-White crime. Every time a controversy involving a racial aspect arises, conservatives point fingers at President Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, and Jesse Jackson for fanning hate on White people and screaming "racist" at every conservative white person who doesn't agree with them. This is constantly played upon those who continue to fan their "grandiose" to be "patriotic".

Seeing this controversy is not going away, gun right advocates are going to make this another attempt to rile up their brainless supporters to give money to the NRA or Gun Owners Association. They know that riling up people who own guns is the key to get them out to vote. They've been very successful at it for thirty years.

President Barack Obama has more important things to worry about. The rising prices of fuel, the economy and unemployment are the things that keep the president's job approval low. Gun control is the least of the president's concerns. Even though his liberal base is advocating for stronger gun regulations, President Obama urges them to avoid the notion of guns (at least until his second term).

Most White conservative males are obsessed with firearms and kill in the name of a religion, politics, or unjustifiable events. When you see Blacks, Hispanics/Latinos, or even Muslims with firearms, you people scream at the top of your lungs about how it's our faults for most of America's crime and you want control over us, but never control over you!

The foresight of Republicans is basically to tear apart an enemy. That enemy is President Barack Obama. This crazy game of baseless ignorance solely lies within the Republican and its allies in the conservative movement. 

Once again this "Black on White, Hispanic/Latino on White, Muslim on White", "Obama is a Muslim Nigger Commie Socialist" theme is another example of the messed up culture war the Republican Party (or allied to the conservative movement) continue to bring upon those who tend to be rational. 

But after telling you more than once, it's not true, these people turn around and make more narratives that totally distract the real reason why this country is so screwed up in the first place!

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