Monday, May 20, 2013

Pew: You Black Folk, Lie, Cheat And Steal Elections!

Polling company generates talking point about high Black turnout. Republicans continue to discredit Black voters as race obsessed and "gubmint" dependents.

The Pew Research Poll which is one of the many polls that got it wrong on the election made a shocking theme to the rise in the Black voter participation and the high turnout in last year's election.

For the first time in American history, the Black voter turnout surpassed the White voter turnout.

What helped President Barack Obama succeed in trouncing that perennial loser Mitt Romney, was the non-White vote. That means it was a heavy turnout of Black and Hispanic voters.

The Republicans publicity tour is to regain what little they've had in minority support. They haven't tried nor succeeded in dealing with issues facing Black America.

All the Republicans done was say Benghazi, Obama witch hunts and Obama phones.

Of course, these issues haven't put food on the plate. With the rising cost of food, fuel and heating oil, many Americans are turning to food banks and food stamp assistance. The Republicans want to cut entitlements and severely dent the safety nets because they're obsessed with watching videos from Loserville or the links from The Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall.

These issues don't help Black and Hispanic Americans find work. Yet, the Republican Party complains constantly about how high Black unemployment is overwhelmingly high and they haven't passed one law that benefits.

These issues that the Republicans are harping on doesn't benefit in the area of interest of Black America or the general public.

These issues only achieve short term success among the ever so annoying right wing agitators from the talk radio and blog circuit. Continuously denying reality, conservatives are rallying for President Barack Obama's impending "impeachment" over these controversies.

By the Republicans taking the bait on these "scandals", they're reckoning with the loss of a voting block.

The Hispanic vote is very important as the Black voter. The Black voter is probably a permanent voting block for the Democratic Party. The Democrats are working hard to pass immigration reform. The Republicans are trying to push even more intrusive laws to stop Blacks from voting, undocumented workers from achieving citizenship, and LGBT community from marriage. They want to get into a woman's legs to prevent abortions. But yet when a woman has many children out of wedlock, the Republicans call them "gubmint" dependents and sluts.

Pew Research Center produced the talking points to those condescending White Republicans and their Black conservatives allies. They wrote that the Black vote could have been overwhelming due to inconsistencies in the highly populated Black areas.

The Census Bureau made big news last week when it reported that the black voter turnout rate (66.2%) exceeded the white voter turnout rate (64.1%) for the first time ever in 2012. But a closer look at the numbers raises some intriguing questions.
Valued and never taken for granted.
It’s possible that the lines may have first crossed in 2008. But it’s also possible they may not have crossed at all.

Let’s start with the second scenario. It’s based on data that suggest that last year, blacks may have been more inclined than whites to report that they voted when in fact they didn't. This is known as a “social desirability bias,” a familiar concern among survey researchers.

So they're saying "social desirability bias". Meaning that Blacks turnout because they were inspired to have the first Black president. Yeah, that's true.

Never in history, you would see such a turnout for the Black candidate. There have been many Black politicos who would run for president and never achieve the goal of being the nominee of a national ticket.

Only Barack Obama managed to beat back Hillary Clinton, a heavily favored Democratic candidate to become the nominee and eventually the president. Clinton being a face familiar in the White House as the former first lady, and later U.S. senator had huge Black support.

Until the Iowa caucuses, Clinton had almost 80% of the Black vote. But when Obama won the Iowa caucus, many Blacks started to notice. Obama managed to pull in Black voters after South Carolina win. Since then, the Obama campaign made it a top priority to help first time Black voters turnout for him. And in 2012, he to keep his supporters rallied up, despite pessimism.

Pew stated: [Might this be] because non-voting blacks were more eager than non-voting whites to tell survey takers that they voted for the first ever African-American president? While there’s no way of knowing for sure, the data are suggestive. When we plotted the state discrepancies in 2008 and 2004, we found a similar pattern, but we also found the racial skew was stronger in 2008 and 2012, the two elections in which Obama was on the ballot, than in 2004.

To better understand these patterns, we computed a “correlation coefficient,” which measures the relationship between two phenomena of interest—in this case, the over reporting of turnout in a state (the difference between the estimated and official voter turnout rates) and the share of a state’s adult population that is black. Our analysis finds a positive correlation of .52 (on a scale of -1 to 1) in 2012, .54 in 2008 and .41 in 2004. If we remove the two biggest outliers in the scatter plot analysis—Mississippi and Washington—the overall correlation remains positive, but it is only about half as large.

It’s also important to note that some states with small black populations over-reported, while a few states with large black populations under-reported. For example, the Census Bureau estimated that New Mexico’s voter turnout rate was 61.6%, compared with the official tally of 55%. New Mexico has a small share of blacks (2.7%) in its voting eligible population. On the other hand, the Census Bureau findings from Maryland, which has an age-eligible electorate that is 29% black, suggest that respondents under-reported their turnout by 2.5 percentage points.

Finally, it is also worth noting that just because voting was more widely over-reported in states with higher African-American populations, there is no way of knowing if blacks or non-blacks were more likely to over-report. This correlation is intriguing, but not definitive. In addition, one should keep in mind that the Census Bureau’s findings from individual states are subject to margins of error that may account for some of the apparent discrepancies in estimated and actual turnout rates.

Bottom line: This analysis doesn’t prove the Census Bureau’s finding is wrong. Nor does it negate the long-term turnout trends, which show that black turnout has been rising since 1996. It may, however, merit an asterisk alongside the claim that blacks turned out at a higher rate than whites in 2012.
Black conservatives constant whine about President Obama not caring about the Black community.
But wait, what about the first scenario—the possibility  that this milestone actually occurred in 2008, not 2012?

That assessment is based an analysis that removes from the pool of eligible voters all adults who have been disenfranchised as a result of felony convictions, something the Census Bureau does not (and cannot) do. According to the Sentencing Project, an advocacy group, nearly 6 million adults are ineligible to vote for that reason, a disproportionate share of who are black. If you recalculate turnout rates after removing those disenfranchised voters, then 68.5% of eligible blacks voted in 2008, compared with 67% of eligible whites, according to Bernard L. Fraga, a political scientist studying at Harvard. The Census Bureau, by contrast, had 66.1% of whites voting that year, compared with 64.7% of blacks.

So pick your data source and write your own history

No Pew, you get this straight, for over 50 years, the Black community fought their asses off to vote.

I mean Republicans aren't the NEW BLACK.

We just need to take a chill and understand that we are American too. We're not second class citizens those in the conservative/white supremacist bubble made us out to be.

We just broke the color barrier. The first Black president in modern history. No one would expect this could happen this fast. Right into the 2000s, our first Black president. Yeah, there's a monumental significance in the Black community. No doubt about it. But to discredit the high turnout to just "us Black folk" voting on race is another reason why there's no place for Black people in the Republican Party.

So take your statistics and condescending rhetoric and sample polls somewhere else!

We don't believe you and we'll keep proving you wrong.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Police Botched Up Hostage Situation Kills Andrea Rebello!

A young woman was killed by police in a botched up hostage situation. Andrea Rebello, her twin sister and their roommates were held hostage by Dalton Smith. He was killed along with the young woman.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to Andrea Rebello.

What's going to burn up the conservative/white supremacists watering holes is the death of a young woman who was held hostage by this knothead. This knothead was a parolee who spent a segment of his young life in the iron college for the very same disease that led him to take her and roommates hostage.

Dalton Smith took advantage of the young women's failure. Their failure was to lock their car and house doors. The crime of opportunity was having young girls with their guard down.

The drinking and partying while the robber takes an advantage of their guard being down.

The New York police were caught in a no-win situation.

The Huffington Post and Associated Press report that Nassau County police are pretty torn that this situation didn't go well. They were hoping that the situation would end peaceful.

The two were killed early Friday by a Nassau County police officer who fired eight shots at the masked man, hitting him seven times but also accidentally hitting Rebello once in the head, Nassau County homicide squad Lt. John Azzata said Saturday.

Smith was holding Rebello in a headlock and pointing a gun at her head before he turned his gun at the officer, Azzata said, prompting the shooting.
Waiting for answers, a family devastated over the death of young woman. Twin sister,  Jessica is torn about losing her best friend and the rock of her life.
"He kept saying, `I'm going to kill her,' and then he pointed the gun at the police officer," Azzata said.

A loaded 9 mm handgun with a serial number scratched off was found at the scene, police said.

Nassau County Police Commissioner Thomas Dale said he had traveled to Rebello's Tarrytown, N.Y., home to explain to Rebello's parents what happened.

"I felt obligated as a police commissioner and as a parent to inform them as soon as all the forensic results were completed," Dale said.

The veteran police officer, who was not identified, has about 12 years of experience on the Nassau County police force and previously spent several years as a New York City police officer, Dale said.

The officer is currently out on sick leave. He will be the focus of an internal police investigation once the criminal investigation is completed, which is standard police procedure in any officer-involved shooting, the commissioner said.

The shooting came just days before the school's commencement ceremonies, which are scheduled for Sunday.

A university spokeswoman said students will be handed white ribbons to wear in memory of Rebello. The shooting, which took place just steps from campus, has cast a pall over the university community as it geared up for commencement.

Earlier Saturday, police announced that Smith, 30, had been wanted on a parole violation related to a first-degree robbery conviction. A warrant was issued for Smith on April 25 for absconding from parole, police said.

Smith had what police described as "an extensive criminal history," which included arrests for robbery in the first degree in 1999, promoting prison contraband in the second degree in 2000, robbery in the first degree in 2003, assault in the second degree in 2003 and robbery in the second degree in 2003.

Rebello was in the two-story home in Uniondale, N.Y., with her twin sister Jessica, a third woman and a man when Smith, wearing a ski mask, walked into the house through an open front door, Azzata said.

The door was left open after someone had moved a car that was blocking a driveway, Azzata said.

When Smith entered, he demanded valuables and was told they were upstairs, Azzata said.

Dalton Smith, the suspect was killed in shootout.
Smith, apparently unsatisfied with the valuables upstairs, asked if any of the four had a bank account and could withdraw money, Azzata said. The intruder then allowed the unidentified woman to leave and collect money from an ATM, telling her she had only eight minutes to come back with cash before he killed one of her friends, Azzata said.

The woman left for the bank and called 911, according to Azzata.

Minutes later, two police officers arrived at the home and found Rebello's twin sister Jessica running out of the front door and the male guest hiding behind a couch on the first floor, Azzata said.

One of the officers entered the home and encountered Smith holding onto Rebello in a headlock, coming down the stairs, Azzata said. Smith pulled Rebello closer and started moving backward toward a rear door of the house, pointing the gun at her head before eventually threatening the officer, Azzata said.

The Rev. Osvaldo Franklin, who gave Rebello and her twin their first communions, on Saturday night told The Associated Press their mother, Nella, couldn't even speak to him earlier in the day.

"She was so devastated," said Franklin. "She's just crying. We have to pray for Andrea, to pray for Jessica because she needs help."

Franklin said a funeral is scheduled for Wednesday at Teresa of Avila Church in Sleepy Hollow, N.Y., and will be in Portuguese.

"The family's a very good family, they have very good values," he said. "They are a very good, very devoted family."

GOP Sundays!

If the Sunday news programs would talk about military sexual assaults, crumbling infrastructure, the budget deficit and unemployment decreasing, they would force Republicans to drop their obsessions with repealing Obamacare, the Benghazi consulate attack, the IRS probing scandal and the Justice Department's phone records scandal.

Why is that the Republican legislators, conservative agitators and policy wonks featured on the Sunday news programs?

Shouldn't these bible thumpers be in church?

I always assumed they thought those hippie Democrats would be spending their days on Sundays smoking a bong or something?

For the most part, I've seen more visuals of Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, House Speaker) Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin, former vice presidential nominee), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), Congressman Tom Cotton (R-Akansas), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), and Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California) on the television rambling on and on about President Barack Obama.

I am tired of these constant appearances by these annoying legislators. They are driving the Republican Party right into the toilet along with the rest of the turds.

It's like Democratic lawmakers are on whenever they're defending the president or sulking over a legislative defeat.

The Republicans get 3:1 airtime when there's a controversy. I mean how many times have I've heard Benghazi or Watergate from one of these Republican politicos?

How many times have I heard from Republicans stating that the president is "covering up" and this is "impeachable"?

How many times have I heard from those agitators on the radio and over at Loserville say that the president is a 20th Century fear theme?

Republicans are overreaching. The very mention of impeachment over issues such as those are an example of the bitterness they have against the president. That's probably why their sacrificial lamb was sent back to La Jolla, California with his dancing horses.

The Republican Party may energize the conservative/white supremacist base with these short term distractions, but will this backfire?

I see the very same theme over and over again!

Like a dog with a bone in its mouth, the Republicans can't let this bone go!

The president's grassroots campaign is active daily. The Republicans forgotten they shouldn't reckoned with a community organizer. Clearly, the president will have to campaign throughout his second term to beat back the onslaught of ignorance and deception by the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party would rather spent their time harping on scandals and not infrastructure, that's them!

The Sunday news programs haven't brought up issues such as the Democratic Party's push for jobs, tax reform, unemployment numbers decreasing, the budget deficit decrease, the healthcare reform law and military rapes.

The continuous shootings in America, the delays at airports, the crumbling of train tracks, bridges, sinkholes on highways, and the continuous reports of military ineptness (due to sexual assaults) are huge problems.

But that's not ratings worthy or newsworthy. Unless a tragedy unfolds.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our prayers to the injured in Connecticut. There was a major train derailment that stalled a line between New York City and Boston.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Conservative Outrage Over Obama Using Marines For Umbrella Service!

Conservatives are upset over the president using Marines to help himself and the Turkish prime minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan out of the rain. The president was making a speech in the Rose Garden during a rain storm.

Seriously, this is one of the many "non-stories" I happen to click upon when I look at That Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall Hoping It Will Stick. I mean even Talking Points Memo, a liberal agitating blog went out their way to even cover this waste of time.

First things first, President Barack Obama is the Commander-and-Chief of the U.S. Military.

He is the top commander of the United States Armed Forces. He orders Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to direct the army, navy, air force, the coast guard, and the marines. The president is the overseer of the lives of those civilians who volunteer their service for the safety of our nation and allies abroad.
Nothing will satisfy the conservatives.
Here's where the phony outrage and word vomit starts.

Some conservatives are calling into to question if the president violated the Marine protocol for allowing military usage during press conferences.

The Daily Caller (known as The Daily Nothing) pushes the conspiracy about the abuse of political power.

The Daily Nothing reports that the commander in chief of the American armed forces today forced a violation of Marine Corps regulations, so he wouldn't get wet.

According to Marine Corps regulation MCO P1020.34F of the Marine Corps Uniform Regulations chapter 3, a male Marine is not allowed to carry an umbrella while in uniform. There is no provision in the Marine Corps uniform regulation guidelines that allows a male Marine to carry an umbrella.

Nevertheless, during a press conference under a light drizzle with Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan this morning, President Obama allowed the First Head to be protected from the elements by an umbrella held by a male Marine corporal.

They claim that not even the President of the United States can request a Marine to carry an umbrella without the express consent of the Commandant of the Marine Corps, according to the Marine Corps Manual.

Okay, so the president (the leader of the United States and commander of the United States Armed Forces) has to get approval from a member of the Marine Corps?

Yeah right!

This is an example of the ankle biting nonsense the conservative agitators waste their time on. I would rather they spent their time on trying to win back an audience of voters who mostly despise them as a bunch of racist idiots who sole goal is to destroy President Barack Obama.

“I am going to go ahead and ask folks, why don’t we get a couple of Marines – they’re going to look good next to us – just because I’ve got a change of suits but I don’t know about our prime minister,” President Barack Obama said as two Marines appeared at the podiums with umbrellas. “There we go. That’s good.” He gestured to the soggy press corps, adding, “You guys I’m sorry about.”

And apparently the half-term former Loserville resident would take to Twitter to express her outrage about how the American president would make our troops hold his umbrella.

Good grief.

Go For Broke...

The biggest jackpots are coming from two multi-state lotteries.


Another lazy Saturday, what I am I to do?

Well let's play the lottery!

Guess what?

About 70% of the United States plays the Mega Millions and Powerball. It happens especially when the jackpots cross over $200 million. I know that I'm not going to win the lottery but I'm willing to take a risk at least to feel like a winner!

The Powerball jackpot is over half a billion dollars. It's likely going to be over $800 million by jackpot tonight. The jackpot continues to rise without notice and now that California joined the Powerball (and Florida joining Mega Millions), the odds are even more greater than the amount of cash we spend to play.

You're odds are 1:175. That's 175 million in other words.

That's about the odds of being the U.S. President.

That's about the odds of being in a lightening strike or being stuck in a elevator with a person who smells really bad.

In 45 states with the District of Columbia and U.S. Virgin Islands play the Mega Millions and Powerball.
A lot of middle class Americans flock to the convenience store to play the lottery when jackpots reach a record amount.
With the huge jackpot such as this Powerball drawing, many Americans are dreaming of a life away from the job. A dream to take a vacation to a place they've always wanted to go.

The impact of being a millionaire comes with a price. You could blow money fast in a few years. Believe me there have been many Americans who lavish in luxury only to be broke in less than 10 years.

Of course, if you're the lucky one. You already know that many friends and family members will be on your case. You will be bothered by almost everyone in the junk food media.

Believe me I am a single man and I bet you my former friends, girlfriends and family members I don't speak to will come out of the woodwork. They'll act like everything is cool and I am all giving!

Say if you're in the group pool. If you're in the pool and your group won, that one person who didn't play will try to sue the group for a portion of the earnings.

Hey, if you're a single person (not married), you'll be getting requests from suitors. Of course, if you're separated from your spouse or have children, expect the domestic family courts to take a lump out of your winnings.

The IRS and state taxes will be paid immediately upon the victory.

It may take up to a year before you collect the first lump sum of payment. Each winning Mega Millions and Powerball ticket carries a lump sum cash payment option.
The Powerball White Ball numbers 1 to 59 and the Powerball numbers 1 to 35.

Earlier this year, North Carolina Republicans were trying to pass legislation to prevent citizens who are on income assistance from playing the lottery.

Last year a young woman named Amanda Clayton won the Michigan Lottery and was on public assistance.

She ended up dying of a drug overdose according to news sources.

Best advice for all who win the lottery, is keep a cool head.

The first thing you do is write your name down on the back of the winning ticket. Say if you lose the jackpot ticket! If you have forgotten to sign the ticket and it gets lost, then it's your word against the winner's.

Second, make sure you cancel out your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube or any other social networking website your on. That's the next thing that happens when you're a winner.

Third, you cancel your phone number and limit your email intake. Obviously you'll be swamped with phone numbers and well wishers asking if you're willing to shelve out a little cash.

Fourth, hire a qualified lottery attorney. Make sure you have a qualified attorney who specializes in handling large sums of money. Don't assume every attorney is well respected in handling your financial earnings.

Fifth, don't quit a job until you are sure you've won the lottery. Don't rush to judgment about being a lottery winner. Sometimes a person who wins the lottery never expects it to happen so don't sit around the house hoping the day will come you'll be the millionaire.

Sixth, pay off debts to college loans, house, billings, and credit cards.

Seventh, invest your money in a trust fund if you have children or family members you can trust if you should die.

Eighth, have fun with your earnings. Don't blow it on things that obviously will attract negative attention.

Ninth, be humble. Cause money will change a person when they're rich.

Lastly, The Have-Nots Will Always Try To Make You Feel Guilty About Winning. Ignore Them And Be Happy About Your Success.

The factoid about the Mega Millions and Powerball.

The Mega Millions is played in 45 states, the District of Columbia and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

The cost of playing a Mega Million ticket is $1. The ticket comes with a Multiplier (except in California).

The multiplier is an extra play. It cost $1 dollar per line on the unit. The multiplier gives a player up to 4 times the prize amount for each win. The player can win $250 million to $1 million (if you score 5 out of 5 without the Megaball).

The jackpot starts at $12 million.

The drawings are on Tuesday and Friday night at 10:59pm EST.

The Mega Millions ticket cannot be canceled.

Powerball is played in 45 states, The District of Columbia and the Virgin Islands.

The cost of playing a Powerball ticket is $2. The ticket comes with the Power Play (except in California).

The Power Play cost $1 dollar. There is a set prize amount for Power Play addition. You can earn up to $1 million or $2 million upon the Power Play (if you score 5 out of 5 without the Powerball).

The drawings are on Wednesday and Saturday night at 10:59pm EST.

The Powerball ticket cannot be canceled.
Game on!
The highest jackpot ever to be reached was 657 million in 2012 by the Mega Millions. It was won in three states.

The second largest jackpot to be reached was 596 million in 2012 by the Powerball. It was won in three states.

Currently, the Powerball jackpot is To Be Announced. The current jackpot can change without notice. If the jackpot should surpass the current highest jackpots, it will be the largest in American history.

Loserville Adds A Resident!

Funny, that's how we describe these guys over at Loserville!

The former Florida politico known for saying the most outrageous things. He was aided by That Guy Who Helped Obama Win. Now together they'll be on cameras bashing President Barack Obama.

Now that guy will have former Florida congressman, Black Republican Allen West to the roster of his right wing carnival.

We may have remember the former congressman from Florida for being an advocate of the Tea Party Movement.

West, a former army colonial who was discharged after there were accusations of him abusing detainees in Iraq.

West was propped up as the "new Black" in the Republican Party. He and Tim Scott became the first two Republican members of Congress since J.C. Watts, Jr., a Oklahoma Black Republican who served through the late 1990s.

Scott became the U.S. Senator of South Carolina in 2013.

There are no Black members of the U.S. Congress serving in the Republican Party.

Loserville decided to hire this ex-politico to rant and rave about how he's a "real Black man" and that "Communist" Barack Obama should be impeached.

Are the people over at Loserville grooming him for bigger office?

They've hired former Massachusetts Republican senator Scott Brown to the roster.

Friday, May 17, 2013

Cold Heat!

Dayton, Ohio nightclub is facing heat literally!

A little local news from my community. The suburb of Huber Heights, Ohio is known as the community with the most brick homes in the nation. The community sits in northeastern Montgomery County and extends into portions of Miami County. The city is facing a battle with local nightclub that's been the center of a huge controversy.

The nightclub is known as The Heat. The nightclub is under fire for advocating continuous problems within opening hours.

It seems like the nightclub is a popular establishment. They've managed to book some B-list celebrities to their establishment. Last year, the nightclub hosted rappers 2 Chainz and Future for its inaugural opening events.

Future appears on A1/Freebandz/Epic Records.
2 Chainz appears on Def Jam Records.

The nightclub managed to succeed in getting its liquor license back. After a long bitter fight with Huber Heights city leaders, the owner of club Jessica Kennedy managed to get the Ohio courts to favor their case for establishment.

Now only a few weeks after Kennedy got her victory to open business, here come a tragedy.

You know the knot heads of the community continue to push all "us Black folk" down. They just can't keep their egos outside. It's apparent even in a suburban nightclub where security was at its highest, guns are plentiful.

Of course this incident spooks the sleepy residents of Huber Heights. Many think that if they want this type of drama, they'll move to Dayton.
Charles Bell III was killed. The man leaves behind a daughter. The family demands answers to how this man who would help those in need be killed.
I hear this stuff especially from conservative minded individuals who believe the Black men are "natural born criminals". Despite all the changes to keep patrons safe, a shooting that kills two men and leaving one injured.

Huber Heights police said the shootout early Saturday left 25-year-old Charles Bell III and 20-year-old Keenan Moore dead. The shooting started after a fight spilled out into the parking lot of the Heat Nightclub, which is located in a strip mall among other businesses.

When the local junk food media covers it: It riles up the community.

Now it's likely the nightclub will be permanently shut down.

Ron Fisher, the mayor of Huber Heights and Montgomery prosecutor Matt Heck are vowing to make this establishment a distant memory.

So far they've succeed in getting a temporary injunction to have The Heat shut down for a few weeks.

A judge for the Montgomery County Court ordered an immediate shutdown of the establishment until the city and owner get their paperwork. The city must prove to the court that The Heat is a nuisance and a danger to the community. Kennedy must prove that she can continue operating a business minus the violence.

So far, there's talk around my community about it!

If you're interested in this, visit the Dayton Daily News website and view a timeline of how The Heat managed to fight back the city and the shooting.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the families of Charles Bell III and Keenan Hall.


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