Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama Race Speech: Making White People Feel Safer by Telling them That Its not "Only" Their Fault

So far Barack Obama has not failed to disappoint in regards to his willingness to kiss the big fat ass of White sentimentality in America. Mr Obama it seems will go to any embarrassing length to play the “good guy” apologetic, no-hurt-feelings Negro of so many an exotic Sidney Poitier dream so many White folks dream of at night. While they sleep soundly secure in the fantasy of the epic sonnet to global White Power by Rudyard Kipling, the reality of White supremacy and its negative effect on no-European societies go unmentioned and unnoticed by the White colonialist mind. No wonder, to face such horrors is self-incriminating and the sense of justice all men feel when confronted with the genocidal actions of one people against another indeed do demand justice.

For Barack Obama to plead with the White American population about their dream for a race-neutral United States that utilises theological-corporate Europocentric values and objectives as the sole fundamental litmus test for universal understanding while himself a very public victim of White American racism is appalling. Not that my analysis nor the deconstructions of my brothers and sisters observing this minstrel show will mean much outside of the African community. We do not own major media. We do not even own the creative expression packaged and marketed around the world for the direct benefit of the White businessmen who own and jealously guard the means of production. Our opinions, when it comes to critiquing the colonialist government and society that claims dominance over us, are limited not just by our lack of access to technology, but the reluctance Whites have in listening and reading to voices that do not reinforce their sense of entitlement and authority over the entire world. It is the proverbial sea in which we all swim. White makes right, no matter what the circumstances.

The fact that Mr. Obama is acting like a sucker by punking himself out on international news media to the sheer delight of the liberal White representatives is not a minor thing to us. Unlike the Hon. Min. Louis Farrakhan and his own pastor Reverend J. Wright, Obama is enthusiastically handing over his manhood, and I’ll say it the way I feel it, his African manhood, to the White American public, a population that has hated and fought the Black man and woman from attaining any sense of measurable dignity by any means necessary. And the fact that White people in the United States have always scuffled and without a doubt continue to resist acknowledging the damage that they as a society have and continue to be responsible for is a moral crime that their own twisted version of Palestinian theology promises will be accounted for in the afterlife.

This was the message behind Pastor Wright’s much reported sermons and African people still able to function after four hundred years of genocide know it when they hear it. At some point Mr. Obama hear it too. Is it that the gleam of being the “first” Negro in the White House is too strong? Are Black people in America that politically shallow?

When one looks at Condi Rice and Colin Powell and especially Supreme Court house-negro Clarence Thomas we must as reasonable people of conscience say yes. Their records of support staff for White Power in the United States make this clear as does their silence on race issues. Mr Obama has made his contribution to the “race problem” by taking any responsibility for White American racism and ethnic bias away from White people. For Barack Obama, racism in the U.S. is an equal opportunity endeavour:

Obama Race Speech: Read The Full Text - Politics on The Huffington Post: "Just as black anger often proved counterproductive, so have these white resentments distracted attention from the real culprits of the middle class squeeze - a corporate culture rife with inside dealing, questionable accounting practices, and short-term greed; a Washington dominated by lobbyists and special interests; economic policies that favor the few over the many. And yet, to wish away the resentments of white Americans, to label them as misguided or even racist, without recognizing they are grounded in legitimate concerns - this too widens the racial divide, and blocks the path to understanding."

“Legitimate concerns?” Mr. Obama actually defended White racism as ‘legitimate concerns’ held by a wide swath of Americans. How else should a person of colour perceive such a statement? Barack Obama has cast his lot with White America and in no uncertain terms. Even to the point of patently excusing the historical marginalisation and murder such attitudes encompass.

Why not just hand the Ku Klux Klan a medal for upholding the best aspects of American White fears and the collective inability of the colonial White mind to accept responsibility for mass destruction of the non-White planet? He might as well, the White mainstream media in particular the liberal “alternative” sectors are already praising this sermon to the American White man and Israeli as “groundbreaking”, “illuminating” and “historic”. Why wouldn’t they? He provided more than enough grease to ease their public sodomy of him and by fiat, each and every African in America.

Barack Obama is not my candidate, nor is he the candidate of any self-respecting African living in the United States.

The Angryindian

Pictures From the Atlanta Tornado

The Pictures tell about the severe damage resulted from the deadly tornado in Atlanta last Friday. I was there when it happened. It's mindboggling!

Maximum Sentences Handed Out In Megan Williams Case

Hat tip to What About Our Daughters

Monday, March 17, 2008

EURweb.com - DIDDY AND BIGGIE KNEW ABOUT TUPAC ATTACK: LA Times article points finger at Combs and Notorious B.I.G. in 15 Year-old assault.

EURweb.com - Black Entertainment | Black News | Urban News | Hip Hop News: "*New evidence has linked two associates of entertainment mogul Sean 'Diddy' Combs and the late Christopher 'Notorious B.I.G.' Wallace to the 1994 beating of iconic rapper Tupac Shakur.

The article, written by Chuck Phillips on the L.A. Times website reveals that although Combs and Wallace knew about the Shakur ambush before it happened, there is no evidence that supports that they were involved in the actual attack.

The story claims that Combs was present in the Quad Recording Studio with at least two dozen Bad Boy Records Associates when the assault took place ten floors down in the lobby.

Shakur was pistol-whipped, shot five times and left for dead outside a New York City recording studio.

'It was supposed to just be a beating but it turned into a shooting because Tupac pulled a gun,' Philips said."

Georgia cop killer denied new trial - UPI.com

Georgia cop killer denied new trial - UPI.com: "ATLANTA, March 17 (UPI) -- The Georgia Supreme Court said Monday it would not order a new trial for convicted cop killer Troy Anthony Davis.

Davis was sentenced to death in Chatham County for the murder of Savannah Police Officer Mark Allen MacPhail, The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported.

Since his trial 17 years ago, seven prosecution witnesses have recanted their testimony, the newspaper reported.

Writing for the majority, Justice Harold Melton said the court could not 'disregard the jury's verdict' in the case."

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Health | 1 in 4 teen girls has an STD, study says | Seattle Times Newspaper

Health | 1 in 4 teen girls has an STD, study says | Seattle Times Newspaper: "FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — More than one in four teenage girls is infected with common sexually transmitted diseases, federal researchers reported Tuesday. Almost half of black teens were infected.

Young women ages 14 to 19 in 'alarming' numbers are contracting human papilloma virus, chlamydia, genital herpes and trichomoniasis, a common parasite, said Dr. Sara Forhan, a researcher at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) who led the study team."

Madonna - Like A Prayer (1989)

last night p.diddy ft keyshia cole


aaliyah tribute-breaks my heart

Tribute to Baby Girl and Jessie Davis.

jessie davis ultimate tribute vid-emotion

sistine chapel michelangelo

Michelangelo's finest creation.

Remembering Chandra

Tribute to Imette St. Guillen

Obama - Meet Michelle Obama

The Coup Magazine: STD Infection Rates High Among Black Young Women

The Coup Magazine: STD Infection Rates High Among Black Young Women: "In a recent study conducted by federal health officials, the first of its kind on a national level, in fact, researchers discovered that one in four young women, ages 14 to 19, are infected with one of the following diseases or viruses: human papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, genital herpes, and/or trichomoniasis. While some diseases, such as chlamydia, can be treated, if caught in its early stages, as to not lead to additional bodily harm, others, such as HPV, can mean life-long consequences, including genital warts and even cervical cancer. Unfortunately, black young women, despite their relatively small portion of the entire U.S. population, were found to have contracted the aforementioned diseases/viruses/infections at the highest rates:"

Nearly half the African-Americans in the study of teenagers ages 14 to 19 were
infected with at least one of the diseases monitored in the study — human
papillomavirus (HPV), chlamydia, genital herpes and trichomoniasis, a common
parasite. The 50 percent figure compared with 20 percent of white teenagers,
health officials and researchers said at a news conference at a scientific meeting in Chicago. The two most common sexually transmitted diseases, or S.T.D.’s, among all the participants tested were HPV, at 18 percent, and chlamydia, at 4 percent, according to the analysis, part of the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey.

As if we are living in parallel universes, black women both here and abroad are experiencing high rates of STD infection, yet when reviewing the research, I wondered what was missing? Where is the follow-up discussion here regarding the partners of these young women, and their demographic information? Had their male partners ever been incarcerated? Were they older than the young women? What were the class levels of the respondents? What was the sex education, if available at all, like in the schools of the respondents? What were the households of the respondents like and did they discuss sex with their parent(s)? Did they have easy access to contraception or even women's health resources? Had the young women ever experienced sexual assault?

The study raised more questions than it gave answers, but hopefully, there will be an extensive overhauling of the way we educate our youth when it comes to sex and their bodies. If not, I could only imagine the numbers getting worse.

- Wendi Muse

MRSA Superbug Infections Now Killing More Americans than AIDS

MRSA Superbug Infections Now Killing More Americans than AIDS: "An antibiotic-resistant strain of the common staph bacteria is now responsible for more deaths in the United States than AIDS, according to a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 'This is a significant public health problem' said CDC medical epidemiologist Scott K. Fridkin. 'We should be very worried.'

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) is a variant of a common bacteria species that normally causes easily-treated staph infections. While staph infections are not usually life-threatening, if untreated they can cause wounded flesh to necrotize (die), leading to painful and disfiguring abscesses. In severe cases, the bacteria can spread to other parts of the body, such as joints, bones, lungs, blood or other vital organs. This can cause potentially fatal complications, and patients so infected must be given intensive care immediately."

Blogspot: Friends of Leonard Peltier: U.N. Panel Finds Two-Tier Society

Blogspot: Friends of Leonard Peltier: U.N. Panel Finds Two-Tier Society: "UNITED NATIONS, Mar 11 (IPS) - The United States government is drawing fire from international legal experts for its treatment of American Indians, Blacks, Latinos and other racial minorities.

The U.S. is failing to meet international standards on racial equality, according to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (CERD) based in Geneva, Switzerland.

Last Friday, after considering the U.S. government's written and oral testimony, the 18-member committee said it has found 'stark racial disparities' in the U.S. institutions, including its criminal justice system.

The CERD is responsible for monitoring global compliance with the 1969 Convention on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, an international treaty that has been ratified by the United States."

Sunday, March 09, 2008

Body of model found in Paris river - CNN.com

Body of model found in Paris river - CNN.com: "PARIS, France (AP) -- The body of Katoucha Niane, one of the first African women to attain international stardom as a model and a vocal opponent of female genital mutilation, was found in the Seine River, police said Friday."

The Emergence of the Contemporary “New Negro”

UK Indymedia - The Emergence of the Contemporary “New Negro”
Barack Obama and the Immaculate-Genocide of the African-American Male

"Whites should not tyrannize over [blacks], for their disease should entitle them to a double portion of humanity. However, by the same token, whites should not intermarry with them, for this would tend to infect posterity with the 'disorder'... attempts must be made to cure the disease."

- Dr. Benjamin Rush, signatory of the Declaration of Independence and abolitionist

Before I get deep into yet another article on the much ballyhooed “promise” of the ‘Barack Obama for President Movement’ sweeping colonial America, I am keenly aware of a pressing need to be candid with the reader, if only to assuage a mild sense of personal guilt. Firstly, regular readers of my newswire Inteligentaindigena Novajoservo should be aware by now that I as an individual I do not vote in American elections. As an Aboriginal human being indigenous to North America and unwillingly subject to colonialist domination under the political entity known as the United States, I choose not to authenticate the Euro-American claim to this landmass nor my person by legitimising their system of power. So I have no particular love nor preference for any political affiliation associated with the narrowness of American politics.

Secondly, for a variety of reasons and chiefly due to an innate sense of solidarity with my fellow blood-brothers in the Diaspora, while I do not support Obama or his candidacy, on principle I had so far stuck to my decision not to write anything that may in any way jeopardize his race for the White man’s house. With a heavy heart recent events have forced me to reconsider my position and my allegiance to someone in which even I, if only fleetingly, could envisage would bring some pause to the madness of the first world as it applies to the rest of the human community.

There are two distinct actions on the part of Barack Obama that I personally find disgraceful coming from an African, especially an African running for president of the United States. Foremost in my mind is his very public rejection of the Honourable Min. Louis Farrakhan for the crime of expressing his support for the ‘Obama for Change’ campaign. This move on his part was as Uncle Tom-ish as one could get without breaking a chorus of "I Wish I Was in Dixie". Barack has gone above and beyond in making the point to Goy and Zionist America and in no uncertain terms that he did not, wished not and sought not any form of endorsement or sustenance from Minister Farrakhan or the rank and file membership of the Nation of Islam.

He even went so far to do the good darkie dance during the televised democratic debate in Cleveland, OH last week with media-whore number one MSNBC moderator Tim Russert getting in his face with questions, accusations really, about the public NOI endorsement. Instead of challenging Mr. Russert on why this question is not asked of the republican John McCain who grandly accepts endorsements from the likes of evangelical hate-monger John Hagee who calls for open warfare between American Christians and Muslims, he allowed Russert to berate him incessantly on the issue...

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Missing girl, Chioma Gray may be in Mexico

For those that may have forgotten Chioma Gray of Oxnard California has been missing since December 13 2007 and is believe to have been avbducted by a man named Andrew Tafoya. There have been several rumors recently including one back in February that placed her in Portland Oregon. Now authorities believe she may be in Mexico. Click the link below to read an article on how Chioma's mom Franciene Blacks feels that police mishandled the case from the beginning especially by not issuing an Amber Alert:


Thursday, March 06, 2008

Charles Knipp and His Hateful Stereotyping of Black Women

The media focus their so-called ire at Imus and hip hop in general didn't focus on this scummy comedian by the name of Charles Knipp who use a mythical, stereotypical Black female alter-ego, Shirley Q. Liquor in his many stand up comedies around the country. This man is getting away with making money and jokes at the expense of Black women. Black women have been viciously stereotyped for centuries and to this very day. Here comes Mr. Knipp who have no compunction in manufacturing tired, destructive anti Black women hatred that haunted America. We hear enough from media pundits and politicians who make their living off of telling the general public what they want to hear about Black women.

Where's the outrage, people?


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Robert Downey Jr. Plays Black Man In New Film - Entertainment on The Huffington Post

Robert Downey Jr. Plays Black Man In New Film - Entertainment on The Huffington Post: "f you don't recognize that African-American actor standing between Jack Black and Ben Stiller, there's a good reason: He's white. In Tropic Thunder, an epic action comedy co-written and directed by Stiller, Robert Downey Jr. plays Kirk Lazarus, a very serious Oscar-winning actor cast in the most expensive Vietnam War film ever. Problem is, Lazarus's character, Sgt. Osiris, was originally written as black. So Lazarus decides to dye his skin and play Osiris, um, authentically. Funny? Sure. Dangerous? That's an understatement. ''If it's done right, it could be the type of role you called Peter Sellers to do 35 years ago,'' Downey says. ''If you don't do it right, we're going to hell.''"

Aaliyah - Are you that somebody

Links for March 5, 2008

Here a just a few links for March 5, 2008:

Ann has written a post on the Sean Bell case

Brother Abagond has a post on why society hangs on to stereotypes of Black women.

State of Black America 08 focuses on Women

The State of Black America, "In the Black woman's Voice."

The 2008 edition of the State of Black America report is subtitled "In the Black Woman's Voice." As the subtitle suggests, the report provides the black female perspective of the challenges that currently confront women of color in America. To read a summary of the report that focuses on issues facing black women such as education, employment , housing, and more please click the link below:


Tuesday, March 04, 2008



Even White Supremacists Don’t Hate Obama
by Michael Crowley
David Duke: “I don’t think Obama will be any worse than Hillary or John McCain”

The New Republic

by Michael Crowley
Even white supremacists don’t hate Obama.

David Duke was on the phone, talking about Barack Obama. Yes, that David Duke: After a query lodged at his website, the infamous ex-Klansman had responded via a mysterious e-mail address–he appeared in my inbox as “info45.” (Duke regularly changes address to combat hate mail–the kind he doesn’t like, that is.) Duke said he was traveling in Europe, where he often meets with fellow Holocaustdeniers, and agreed to discuss the possibility that the United States might soon elect a black president.

Bloody Flag

Putting it mildly, one would not expect Duke to applaud this development. During Jesse Jackson’s 1988 presidential campaign, after all, Duke said Jackson’s election “would be the greatest tragedy ever to befall this country.” Warning that “the white majority in this country are losing their rights,” Duke announced his own counter-candidacy, one whose main purpose seemed to be hounding Jackson.

Yet, far from railing at Obama’s rise, Duke seems almost nonchalant about it. Self-described white nationalists like himself, he explained cordially, “don’t see much difference in Barack Obama than Hillary Clinton–or, for that matter, John McCain.” Sure, Duke considers Obama “a racist individual,” citing his Afrocentric Chicago church. But soon the founder of the National Association for the Advancement of White People was critiquing Obama as overhyped and insubstantial in terms you might hear from, say, Clinton strategist Mark Penn. “They say he’s for change. What change? He’s become almost a cult figure. I don’t see any shining light around Obama’s head. I don’t see any halos,” Duke said."

Monday, March 03, 2008

Happy Nappy Head: A Black Woman's Perspective on Race, Politics And Interracial Relationships

Happy Nappy Head: A Black Woman's Perspective on Race, Politics And Interracial Relationships: "It's not hard to find myself asking 'what the hell is going on' when confronted with images of black women on BET, MTV, and the internet acting like they have 'gone wild.' It's easy to put blame on the rappers and other purveyors of 'smut.' They do have a great burden to carry, I acknowledge. Unfortunately, there is no mistaking the fact that some black women are willfully and intentionally playing into a harmful stereotype that really and truly embarrasses us all.

You might say 'these women don't represent me!' Yes they do. We know the reality of the situation. People will make excuses for 'Kirsten' and 'Madison' showing their tits and making out on a bus in front of a camera for Joe Francis' 'Girls Gone Wild' all day. They were just 'experimenting!' They were just 'drunk.' They are good girls! After all, they go to Arizona State University or UCLA! They have bright futures ahead of them and all that."

Double Consciousness: Live from New York, Here's Your Saturday Night Minstrel Show!

Double Consciousness: Live from New York, Here's Your Saturday Night Minstrel Show!: "From Aretha Franklin to Star Jones, Kenan Thompson is no stranger to making a spectacle out of the large black woman. The fictional character of Virginiaca Hastings literally takes the cake as Kenan's most minstrelesque role on Saturday Night Live.

This is not merely a matter of dressing in drag, but a much deeper racist and sexist mockery of the hypersexualized black woman."

Mainstream Beauty Standard for Black Women by Abagond

Sad, but true.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Meghan Williams Family Says Sentence Too Light

Thanks, Ann. I can't believe this evil judge gave those "human beings" a light sentence. That's satanic injustice. Meghan Williams deserves her due and all the evil judge gave those evil people a hand slap. If that's not a slap in the face to all Black women in America, then what is?


FEBRAURY 28, 2008
Associated Press Writer
CHARLESTON, W.Va. (AP) — The parents of a black woman who was allegedly tortured by six white men and women in Logan County are lashing out at the county’s prosecutor for not demanding harsher penalties.
Matthew and Carmen Williams held a news conference Wednesday at the First Baptist Church in Charleston to voice their frustration with Logan County Prosecutor Brian Abraham.
“We were OK with the first two deals that (Abraham) made with Alisha Burton and George Messer, but then he started getting up to plea deals with Karen Burton and Frankie Brewster,” said Carmen Williams, referring to four of the defendants. “I think they should have gotten, to be honest, life in prison. We were very dissatisfied.”
Her 20-year-old daughter Megan Williams was allegedly held captive at Brewster’s trailer in Big Creek for days last summer, forced to eat feces, sexually assaulted and stabbed. Megan Williams was rescued Sept. 8 after an anonymous caller alerted deputies.
Karen Burton, her daughter Alisha Burton, Brewster and Messer all were initially charged with kidnapping, which carries a maximum life sentence. Alisha Burton and Messer each pleaded guilty to kidnapping and assault but received 10-year sentences. Karen Burton and Brewster pleaded guilty to lesser charges.
“To me, what’s going on here is a slap in Megan’s face. Not mine, but Megan’s. They promised her one thing, and then destroyed it,” Matthew Williams said before breaking down into tears and leaving the podium.
Abraham said all six defendants were given identical charges before the investigation was complete, and that those charges were never intended to stand throughout the criminal process.
“Each defendant will be held accountable for his or her personal actions in the case,” said Abraham. “I have and will base all of my decisions on the evidence that the investigation has revealed.”
The Williams family said the 49-year-old Brewster’s sentence could be especially light. Brewster pleaded guilty to second-degree sexual assault, which carries a 10- to 25-year prison term. Her sentencing hearing is scheduled for March 12.
Karen Burton, 46, of Chapmanville, pleaded guilty to malicious wounding, assault and violating Williams’ civil rights. If served consecutively, the charges could result in 30 years in prison. Karen Burton was the only defendant charged with a hate crime.
Burton’s sentencing is set for March 3 at the Logan County Courthouse. The Williams family urged protesters to attend that hearing. They plan to organize a car pool to depart from First Baptist Church at 8 a.m. that day.
“We want to impact the city of Logan with our presence, and we want to see justice served,” said Bishop James Carter, the family’s pastor.
Felony charges including kidnapping and sexual assault are pending against Brewster’s son, 24-year-old Bobby Brewster of Big Creek and Danny Combs, 20, of Harts. A seventh defendant, Karen Burton’s son, Linnie Burton Jr., 21, was indicted on a misdemeanor battery charge.
At Wednesday’s news conference, Abraham was also criticized for not providing consistent information to the family about plea agreements.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Record-High Ratio of Americans in Prison - Examiner.com

Record-High Ratio of Americans in Prison - Examiner.com: "NEW YORK (Map, News) - For the first time in U.S. history, more than one of every 100 adults is in jail or prison, according to a new report documenting America's rank as the world's No. 1 incarcerator. It urges states to curtail corrections spending by placing fewer low-risk offenders behind bars.

Using state-by-state data, the report says 2,319,258 Americans were in jail or prison at the start of 2008 - one out of every 99.1 adults. Whether per capita or in raw numbers, it's more than any other nation.

The report, released Thursday by the Pew Center on the States, said the 50 states spent more than $49 billion on corrections last year, up from less than $11 billion 20 years earlier. The rate of increase for prison costs was six times greater than for higher education spending, the report said.

The steadily growing inmate population 'is saddling cash-strapped states with soaring costs they can ill afford and failing to have a clear impact either on recidivism or overall crime,' the report said."

Juan Williams on Michelle Obama

America's Newsroom

Royale Somalia: Somali elders in Ohio for Obama

Royale Somalia: Somali elders in Ohio for Obama: "I heard that a lot of Somali elders in Ohio who are also American citizens would be going to caucus for Obama , dressed like that notorious photo. Ohio has a large Somali community around 20 Thousand. Ohio also has large African community from West Africa."

Monday, February 25, 2008

Obama Photo in Turban, Robe Causes Stir

The Associated Press: Obama Photo in Turban, Robe Causes Stir
WASHINGTON (AP) — A photograph circulating on the Internet of Democratic Sen. Barack Obama dressed in traditional local garments during a visit to Kenya in 2006 is causing a dustup in the presidential campaign over what constitutes a smear.

The Associated Press photograph portrays Obama wearing a white turban and a wraparound white robe presented to him by elders in Wajir, in northeastern Kenya. Obama's estranged late father was Kenyan and Obama visited the country in 2006, attracting thousands of well-wishers.

The gossip and news Web site The Drudge Report posted the photograph Monday and said it was being circulated by "Clinton staffers" and quoted an e-mail from an unidentified campaign aide. Drudge did not include proof of the e-mail in the report.

"I just want to make it very clear that we were not aware of it, the campaign didn't sanction it and don't know anything about it," Clinton spokesman Howard Wolfson said in a teleconference with reporters. "None of us have seen the e-mail in question. If anybody has independent reporting that they've done on it I would welcome it."

McLaughlin echoes smear of Michelle Obama: "You don't think she's a black militant?"

Media Matters - McLaughlin echoes smear of Michelle Obama: "You don't think she's a black militant?"
During the February 24 edition of the syndicated program The McLaughlin Group, referring to Michelle Obama, host John McLaughlin asked Chicago Tribune columnist Clarence Page: "Do you think Michelle -- do you think she leaves the impression -- not mine, but I've heard this -- that she has a chip on her shoulder?" Page responded: "I think that's BS. You know, people say that she's got a chip on her shoulder. That's like, well, she's been the B-word, which is a classic, you know, epithet against women whenever they sound aggressive or they really state their mind. ... Maybe I know her too well. She doesn't have a chip on her shoulder." McLaughlin then asked: "You don't think she's a black militant?" Page replied: "A black militant? Well, I'm a black militant, John, and the Tribune hired me anyway. Seriously." Several media figures have recently suggested that Obama has a "chip on her shoulder," including VDARE.com contributor Steve Sailer, who wrote that Obama "sounds like she's got a log-sized chip on her shoulder from lucking into Princeton due to affirmative action."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pan-African News Wire: Pennsylvania Court Rejects Appeal By Mumia Abu-Jamal

Pan-African News Wire: Pennsylvania Court Rejects Appeal By Mumia Abu-Jamal: "The struggle to free world-renowned journalist and political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal continues after Pennsylvania’s racist courts again ruled against him on Feb. 19, rejecting an appeal filed by his lawyers on his behalf.

However, his supporters are still awaiting a separate, major ruling from the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit that will determine if he is granted a new trial, has his conviction overturned, or sees the death sentence reinstated.

Abu-Jamal was convicted, in a political frame-up and a thoroughly corrupt trial, of killing police office Daniel Faulkner in 1982.

The appeal that was rejected on Feb. 19 by the Pennsylvania Supreme Court had challenged a 2005 ruling against a Post Conviction Relief Act (PCRA) petition filed on the case."

Obama may face grilling on patriotism - Yahoo! News

Obama may face grilling on patriotism - Yahoo! News: "WASHINGTON - Sen. Barack Obama's refusal to wear an American flag lapel pin along with a photo of him not putting his hand over his heart during the National Anthem led conservatives on Internet and in the media to question his patriotism. Opponents of Sen. John Kerry proved in the 2004 election that voters are sensitive to suggestions that a candidate is not sufficiently patriotic. The Democratic presidential nominee's campaign was torpedoed by critics of his Vietnam War record called the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, even though he won multiple military honors and was lauded by his superiors."

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The Black Commentator - The Biggest Lie Ever Told: Today’s Republicans Need to Stop Claiming to be the Party of Lincoln - Between the Lines By Dr. Ant

The Black Commentator - The Biggest Lie Ever Told: Today’s Republicans Need to Stop Claiming to be the Party of Lincoln - Between the Lines By Dr. Anthony Asadullah Samad, PhD, BC Columnist: "Every time I hear Republican Candidate John McCain refer his party as the “Party of Lincoln,” I wince. It is probably one of most factually inaccurate references in politics today. In fact, if you were to measure it against some of the biggest lies ever told, it would be right up there with the great “old lies” like Columbus discovered America and Lincoln Freed The Slaves, or the new lies like Smoking doesn’t kill (one of the greatest lies) and “I did not have sex with ‘that woman,’ Ms. Lewinsky!” Save those lies; the Republican party as the “Party of Lincoln,” is the biggest lie ever told.

The only thing today’s Republican Party has in common with the Radical Republicans of the 1850s and 1860s is the name. It’s like saying the Ford at the turn of the 1900s is the same car Ford makes in the 2000s. Or the Jeffersons of 18th Century (related to Thomas) is the same Jeffersons (related to George) of the 20th Century. Both the face and the mindset are different."

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Wampum: So exactly what did she say?

Wampum: So exactly what did she say?: "This morning, the Huffington Post reported Ms. Obama's remarks thusly:

'For the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country,' she told a Milwaukee crowd today, 'because it feels like hope is making a comeback.'

Which, frankly, doesn't sound as bad as when I heard only the initial clause. However, the Telegraph has this quote, which feeds my sense of dread:

Speaking at a rally in Milwaukee, she said: 'Hope is making a comeback and, let me tell you, for the first time in my adult life I am really proud of my country. Not just because Barack is doing well, but I think people are hungry for change.'

Ironically, Fox solves the mystery of the discrepancy."

Faith Evans- You gets no Love

Video of the Day: Faith Evans' "You Gets No Love"

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Forgotten Child of Pamlico County

SHAWANDA LETISHA JOHNSON - Unwanted and unloved - Forgotten in life and forgotten in death - This is her story and it is a real tragedy. I hope we never, ever forget her again. This is for you, SHAWANDA, with love... KWH

John Singer Sargent

The Age of Elegance: The Paintings of John Singer Sargent. Enjoy!

Aaliyah - We Need A Resolution

Music Video of the Day: Aaliyah - We Need A Resolution Music Video

Anti-HIV gel fails key trial in S. African women - AIDS- msnbc.com

Anti-HIV gel fails key trial in S. African women - AIDS- msnbc.com: "The first anti-AIDS vaginal gel to make it through late-stage testing failed to stop HIV infection in a study of 6,000 South African women, disappointed researchers announced Monday.

The study was marred by low use of the gel, which could have undermined results, they said. Women used it less than half the number of times they had sex, and only 10 percent said they used it every time as directed."

Monday, February 18, 2008

Missing black girl, Christina Chery found!

Great News. Christina Chery a 16 year old girl from Everett Massachusetts who had gone missing in Queens NY on December 28 2007 is home and safe after making her way to a NY Police Station. To listen to my interview with her mother in which she let's us know a little about Christina's ordeal and how Christina is doing just click the link below:


Mariah Carey - We Belong Together - Subscribe Now

Video of the day: Mariah Carey's "We Belong Together"

Dunbar Village Meeting Today

Dunbar Village Meeting, Monday, February 18,2008- Sharpton to Attend

Thanks, Ann.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Blue-collar suburbs mourn NIU victims

Blue-collar suburbs mourn NIU victims

CICERO, Ill. - The middle-class Chicago suburbs that send their sons and daughters to Northern Illinois University struggled Sunday with the closeness of the country's latest massacre — this time the gunman grew up among them, in a community some consider "Mayberry."

Parishioners at Our Lady of the Mount Catholic Church in blue-collar Cicero, on Chicago's southern fringe, prepared for the funeral of Catalina Garcia, the youngest of four children of parents originally from Guadalajara, Mexico. They're longtime parishioners at Our Lady of the Mount, a tight-knit group of low and middle-income families, many of them young, with some older Czech and other immigrants.

The Garcias were the "typical Mexican-American family," working low-wage jobs to help put their children through school, Jaime Garcia said Sunday on the porch of the family's two-story red brick home.

"My parents came here to better their lives," he said. They worried more about their children getting caught in gang crossfire at home than away at college "in the cornfields" of DeKalb.
"It's like the all-American dream cut short," he said.

Investigators still haven't determined what set off 27-year-old shooter Steven Kazmierczak, who killed five students and injured more than a dozen other people with a shotgun and pistols and took his own life, Kazmierczak grew up to the west, in Elk Grove Village, and played saxophone in the school band. He spent time in a mental health facility in his late teens, and police have said without elaboration that he had stopped taking some kind of medication in the days or weeks before the shooting.

"I couldn't believe coming from a place like Elk Grove he could do that," said Judy Glomski, who has lived in Elk Grove Village for 39 years. "It's just a friendly town. I guess there are sick people everywhere."

Kazmierczak attended NIU, studying sociology. Three semesters back, he transferred across state to the more prestigious University of Illinois in Champaign. Most students and professors on both campuses remembered him as a promising student.

Some NIU parents took the shootings as a call to action, speaking out for stricter gun control in hopes the tragedy would propel the issue into the presidential campaign. Connie Catellani, a Skokie physician whose 22-year-old son is an NIU senior, helped organize a weekend news conference with other NIU parents.
"It's sickening. What are we supposed to do, surround college campuses with barbed wire and metal detectors?" Catellani said Sunday.

Her son, Tony Skelton, was in art class when the shootings occurred. Catellani heard about the shootings from a friend, but was unable to reach her son for more than an hour.

"It felt eternal," she said. "And at the end of it, I was overjoyed to hear from him and all I could think was a lot of parents are not going to get this kind of phone call."

At least six people remained hospitalized Sunday, with three in serious condition. The other three were in fair condition. A seventh patient, who had been upgraded from serious to fair condition Saturday, was transferred from Advocate Good Samaritan Hospital, spokeswoman Laura Taylor said Sunday.

In addition to Garcia, the dead were Daniel Parmenter, 20, of Westchester, Ill., Ryanne Mace, age 19, of Carpentersville, Ill., Julianna Gehant, 32, of Mendota, Ill., and Gayle Dubowski, age 20, last of Carol Stream, Ill.
Parmenter stood six-feet-plus and played rugby and football. He also was quiet, studious and introspective, recalled Joe Morgan, who served as his confirmation mentor at Christ Church in Oak Brook for nine months when Parmenter was a high school freshman.
"He was a big kid who was gentle," Morgan said.

The shooting recalled another senseless modern tragedy that struck the congregation, who arrived for services in the soaring, modern sanctuary Sunday under steady rain and a driving wind. One of the church's pastors, Jeff Mladenik, was a passenger on one of the planes flown into the World Trade Center by terrorists on Sept. 11, said the Rev. Daniel Meyer, senior pastor.
"You're not meant to offer platitudes, you simply offer love," Meyer said.

At First Baptist Church in DeKalb, members passed pinned-on red ribbons for a morning service.

The Rev. Joe Sanders prayed for the NIU community and the victims' families and asked God to help Kazmierczak's family cope with the attack and their own grief of losing a son: "We want God to be merciful and gracious to them."


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