Thursday, September 17, 2020

Trump's Supporters Declare Mask Liberation!

Trump supporters are refusing to wear masks and causing havoc in the public.



An American woman who is living in Germany is facing a decade in the iron college for willingly going out to party while having symptoms of the coronavirus.

The woman works at a U.S. military vacation lodge near Munich and it has caused a diplomatic crisis and a public health emergency. The Munich public prosecutor opened a criminal investigation into the 26-year old who went out partying in the town of Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

She came from Greece with a sore throat and was supposed to be in quarantine while she awaited her test results. I guess she didn't care about the consequences.

The woman's actions has forced Edelweiss Lodge and Resort to shut down while the German government ordered the facility to be cleaned from top to bottom.

The woman infected 23 other people and exposed nearly 1,000 people to the virus through her partying.

The U.S. Department of State is monitoring the situation. The woman lost her passport and is currently in quarantine. She hasn't been sent to the iron college as of yet.

She will likely be fired out the cannon.

In Florida, a group of white people stormed down an aisle in Target demanding shoppers take off their face mask in a revolt against mandates requiring shoppers to wear them while shopping.

The group were seen shouting "take it off" while some filming them called them "fucking idiots."

Some of the people who marched through the aisles wore MAGA t-shirts and hats. They have decided to defy the COVID safety rules and telling the public that they have a right to be maskless.
Florida woman living in Germany facing criminal charges for ignoring coronavirus mandates.
While Florida doesn't have a statewide maks mandate for public places, companies like Walmart, Target, Whole Foods, Kroger, Best Buy, Publix, Food Lion and Home Depot require customers to wear them while shopping.

Customers are refusing to adhere to the store policies and are causing havoc in the name of their selfish interests.

While marching down the aisle, they were playing Twisted Sister's hit single, "We're Not Gonna Take It."

Here's more controversial videos from anti-mask wearing idiots. Mind you this is Donald J. Trump's America. We have 8.2 million people infected by the coronavirus. There are over 225,000 Americans dead from it. We have civil unrest in the country. Due to the recent shootings of people of color, there are protests in many American cities.

We have an election which is less than two months away. Foreign operatives are trying to interfere in this election to assure that Trump wins. Trump and allies are deliberately trying to sabotage the United States Postal Service by delaying mail-in voting and rolling back early voting in person dates.

Trump has hinted that he will run for a third or fourth term if he wins reelection.
Trump hosts rallies despite COVID-19 spreading.
We have uncertainty with the economy. Thanks to the coronavirus and Trump's trade war with China and the European Union, companies are finding it harder to maintain costs of operation. Companies that have been well-known with America are going out of business. As of today, we have over 35 million Americans out of work.

We have climate crisis in the country. We have wildfires in California, Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Idaho and Arizona. Hurricanes are affecting Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, Northern Mariana Islands, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Virginia. We have destructive tornadoes in Iowa, Kansas, Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, Ohio, Indiana and Arkansas. We had earthquakes in Alaska, California, New Jersey, Tennessee, Kentucky, Michigan and Nevada.

Glaciers are breaking into the ocean. The Atlantic hurricane season has surpassed its names and its approaching the Greek names.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus. Revised.

1. Wash your hands frequently. Wash for at least 20 seconds (two Happy Birthday songs).

2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)

3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.

4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals. Businesses are now issuing social distancing and will have the right to refuse service if you're not adhering to the guidelines.

5. If you're sick, please stay home. You could spread the disease to others and trust me, you could face legal ramifications if you're sick and you deliberately showing up to work.

6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.

7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this. Some states have relaxed regulations but that doesn't mean you're fully able to return to normal life. You have to stay vigilant and remind yourself that you can still catch this despite social distancing and safe sanitation practices.

8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, milk, eggs, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.

9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Meet, Zoom, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.

10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.

11. A pandemic has no timeline. The coronavirus is new and scientists are trying to figure out how to combat this.

12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders. The coronavirus spreads from human to human contact. We have no confirmation on how it made it to the United States. Don't believe what Donald J. Trump says about it coming from China. It was detected in China, then Italy and our first confirmed case was in January 2020 in the United States. We probably had thousands of people affected in 2019 and we just didn't know it.

13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime. So if people are trying to cough on you, sneeze on you, lick food products, lick toilet seats and refuse to wear masks where its required, they could face criminal charges. This is a controversial issue because some believe the mask isn't protecting them and some don't care about you or your family's health.

14. If you have signs of bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, new confusion, persistent pain in the chest, trouble breathing or blood in cough, call 9-1-1. There are mobile testing sites in your community but always check with a doctor first before getting a test at a public center. Most doctors will not take you openly without facial protection and confirmed symptoms.

15. Not all symptoms of COVID-19 are confirmed or denied. New issues keep showing up. So don't believe everything you've heard. The most common symptoms are noted above. Also please note that asymptomatic individuals are folks who have no symptoms but are spreading. Those are folks who look normal but have it and not showing signs yet.

16. Retail is now mandating workers and shoppers to wear facial protection. If you are continuing to not follow company policies when it comes to wearing facial protection, you can be banned from their establishment. Walmart, Kroger, Target, Whole Foods, Best Buy and other companies are now requiring facial protection in their businesses.

17. Have patience with those in the healthcare industry, service industry and law enforcement. They are operating at limited staff. Those who work at restaurants, casinos, media companies, landscaping, construction and first responders are working to serve and help you. But note, that they are putting themselves at risk as well of catching the coronavirus. Respect those who have to work in this. There are companies working on producing a vaccine. They will produce a vaccine that is safe and effective before usage. See 19.
White shoppers revolt against Target's mask requirement.
18. Some hand sanitizers are considered dangerous to your health. Methanol-based hand sanitizer could be toxic to those with weaken immune systems or allergies. The Food and Drug Administration have warned of methanol contamination. Some products made in Mexico and China may be dangerous. There are some people ingesting hand sanitizer. See 19.

19. Please do not ingest or inject sanitizer, bleach or hydroxychloroquine into your body. There is no cure for the coronavirus. Scientists are working on creating a safe vaccine to treat the coronavirus.

20. Hold your state and federal lawmakers accountable for not taking the threat seriously. Donald J. Trump deliberately ignored the threat. In a series of audiotapes produced by the Washington Post's Bob Woodward, Trump was warned about the threat from the jump. He downplayed it because he didn't want to lose the trade deal and force Americans to take precautions. Now six months since declaring the pandemic we have over 225,000 dead and over 7.6 million infected. Republican lawmakers are trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and end the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act because of their stupid principles. It's important that you get go out and vote.



When you see people not wearing mask during the coronavirus pandemic, what do you think of them to be?

Patriots who support freedom of choice and do not fear the coronavirus or political correctness.
Idiots who risk spreading the coronavirus to me and many others who follow the CDC Guidelines.
White privilege at its worst. A bunch of white people who use entitlement to berate Americans because they don't like change.
People who will not be sheep to a system where we lose our freedoms.
Please Specify:

According to the CDC, there is still not enough information on antibodies for COVID-19 and whether they can prevent someone from getting reinfected. It still recommends that people with a positive antibody test follow recommendations for protecting themselves and others.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this. Take this seriously. You only have one life!

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Trump Talks Of Third Term!

Trump wants to be president for the rest of his life.
Do not take this as a joke!

Donald J. Trump wants to be president for life. He claims that he deserves a third term and people are thinking he is joking. No he is not joking. At a rally in Nevada, he was ranting about how the Democrats and the junk food media ruined his term as president. He said if he win reelection, he would declare he deserves another term as president.

If he does lose the election, he will not leave the White House and he will contest the results.

Malcolm Nance, a contributor to MSNBC as a terrorism analyst has noted that Trump's rants are not a joke. He is literally trying to undermine the results of the election if he doesn't win. If he does win reelection, he will find ways to continue on as president surpassing the 22nd Amendment which limits the presidency to two terms. The only president who served more than two terms was Franklin D. Roosevelt, who died in his fourth term.

Michael Cohen, his former lawyer and personal fixer said that Trump never jokes. He admires leaders who stay in power longer than their appointed term. Think about it, he praises Xi Jinping, Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-Un.

Trump had said that "maybe we'll have to give that a shot some day..."

Trump has conferenced with Republicans to find a way to repeal the 22nd Amendment.

Back then, Republican fought to bring forth the 22nd Amendment as a way to undermine Roosevelt's third term as president. When he died, they managed to get enough states to ratify an amendment to keep the presidency towards two terms. It often means the second term leading into a lame duck presidency.

So far, the only president who served two terms since 1951 were Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama.

Donald J. Trump has a 50% chance of winning reelection. He and Joe Biden are statistically tied.

Biden and Kamala Harris have to fight an onslaught of far-right and far-left agitators hell bent on sabotaging the election. They have to fight misinformation from leftists, right wing extremists and foreign operatives.

Trump is desperate for winning. He and the Republican Party have a "white nationalist" platform.

They are running on "law and order" and ignoring the pandemic and economy. He is ignoring the racial unrest and the climate crisis affecting the country.

Given a second term, he'll be willing stack the federal court and Supreme Court.

Barbados Leaving The Crown!

Barbados will form itself as a Republic and sever its ties to the British Crown.
The island of Barbados is an independent nation that is sovereign to the British crown. The country is considering removing Queen Elizabeth II as its head of state and become a Republic.

The government is strongly in favor of leaving British rule.

A former British colony that gained independence in 1966, the country had a formal link with the British monarchy.

"The time has come to fully leave our colonial past behind," said Barbados Governor General Sandra Mason, delivering a speech on behalf of the country's Prime Minister Mia Mottley.

"Barbadians want a Barbadian Head of State. This is the ultimate statement of confidence in who we are and what we are capable of achieving. Hence, Barbados will take the next logical step towards full sovereignty and become a Republica by the time we celebrate our 55th Anniversary of Independence."

That anniversary will be held in November 2021.
Queen Elizabeth II is the head of British monarchy. She oversees at least 20 independent nations under her rule. Barbados is leaving that in 2021.
Buckingham Palace said the issue was a matter for the people of Barbados. Britain's Foreign Office said the decision was one for Barbados to take.

"Barbados and the UK are united in our shared history, culture, language, and much more. We have an enduring partnership and will continue to work with them along with all our valued Caribbean partners," a Foreign Office spokeswoman said.

As things stand, the governor general of Barbados is appointed by the Queen on the advice of the island's prime minister. The governor general represents the Queen at formal events such as the state opening of parliament, which was the occasion at which Mason delivered the speech on Tuesday.
Bridgetown, Barbados is the national capital of the island.
Britain played a key role in the history of Barbados, which was transformed by the Atlantic slave trade. The island was claimed for England in 1625 when Captain Henry Powell landed there.

NBC News reports that Barbados was settled and stayed in the British crown over the centuries.

The other Caribbean islands were fought over by the Spanish, British, Dutch, French and Americans.

The introduction of African slaves to work on sugar plantations brought wealth for the white ruling class.

Barbados has a population over 300,000 and is overwhelmingly people of African decent.

One famous Barbadian is Robin "Rihanna" Fenty. Rihanna is songwriter, actress, model and business mogul. She has recorded albums in Reggae, R&B, pop, hip-hop and rock.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Eve: Dr. Dre Cut Me Loose For Eminem!

Eve shares her time with Ruff Ryders and Aftermath.

BET is paying homage to the Ruff Ryders, a rap collective formed in 1998 with entertainers DMX, Swizz Beatz, The Lox, Drag-On, Cassidy, Eve, Jin, Yung Wun, Mashonda and Dame Grease.

The Ruff Ryders.
The main acts of the Ruff Ryders were DMX, The Lox, Eve, Drag-On and Swizz Beatz.

BET has been running the Ruff Ryder Chronicles. It is a five-part docuseries that covers the rise and influence of the hip-hop label

Founded by Dee, Waah and Chavion Dean, the Ruff Ryders became a management firm before a rap label. They had managed The Lox which was formed with Sheek Louch, Jadakiss and Styles P.

At one time, The Lox were a signed act under Bad Boy Records. They had an open feud with Sean "Puffy" Combs and demanded they were let go from the label.

The label also brought us DMX. The Yonkers-based entertainer blew up in 1998 when he signed a deal with Def Jam. He released It's Dark and Hell is Hot and it became a smash hit. He would become the face of Def Jam along with Jay-Z, LL Cool J, Ludacris, Method Man and Redman.

Then of course, the "pitbull in a skirt", Eve.

Listen to her albums here.

Eve Jeffers is the female MC who helped build Ruff Ryders. The Philadelphia-based rapper/actress/model/talk show host shares her experiences with the Ruff Ryders label and her disappointment with her former mentor Dr. Dre.

Eve has signed to Aftermath in 1997 and stayed on the label for nearly a year. She rejoined Aftermath in 2005 in partnership with Ruff Ryders. She left Aftermath for good in 2007. She has semi-retired from rapping to be a host on CBS' The Talk.

She started as a battle MC and used to be an adult entertainer who paid for her demo tape, bus tickets and hotel room to see Dre.

Eve, Busta Rhymes and Game joined Aftermath in 2005.
She was known as Eve of Destruction. She had a single on The Aftermath Compilation and was hoping to release an album on the label. It turns out that her frustration with Dre slow walking albums was one of the reasons she got off the first time.

She recalled that she was invited to fly out to Los Angeles to record a demo that eventually came to Dre's attention. She had a good working relationship with Dre at one time.

Things changed when Dre found Eminem.

"I would literally show up to studio session that I wasn't supposed to be at where I knew Dre was gonna be and be like: 'So, when am I recording? When are you gonna put me in a song? What's going on?'"

Eve added, "I think he got sick of that and then I got dropped eight months later... It wasn't too long after Eminem was signed that I got dropped from Aftermath, and I was devastated. I had to go back home, back to my mom's house -- I had to get back on the bus .. it humbled me."

Jimmy Iovine found a place for her. He talked to Ruff Ryders and they saw an opportunity in molding Eve into one of the greatest female rappers in modern times.

I remember them all too well. They skipped a concert in Dayton, Ohio. They were supposed to be performing with Cash Money Records (Lil' Wayne, Juvenile, Birdman, Turk, B.G. and Mannie Fresh). Cash Money performed their songs and left the stage. Fans waited for two hours to be told that the Ruff Ryders would not perform. They pretty much blew Dayton off.

I guess that became a theme of the rap group. And soon all the cancelled concerts and anctics soon caught up with the Ruff Ryders. They would soon lose their popularity.

The Ruff Ryders would soon be overshadowed by 50 Cent, a grimy Queens rapper who signed to Dr. Dre in 2003 and released Get Rich or Die Tryin'. By that time, DMX was having going through mental illness and drug abuse. Eve was doing movies and modeling. She married a billionaire and has became a favorite daytime talk show host. Swizz Beatz found himself in love with Alicia Keys and his growing production credentials. The Lox was being anchored by Diddy's contract and it led to them paying $1 million to get off it. Ruff Ryders didn't succeed with Jin and Cassidy's releases although they were critically acclaimed albums.

So the Ruff Ryders went back to management and sports. It launched a motorcycle club, a foundation to help young Black and Latinos get into business and scholarships.

Ruff Ryders is still around. They still the streets. Eve is by far one of the best female rappers.

Cardi B Drops An Offset!

Rappers Cardi B and Offset split.

The feud between Candace Owens and Cardi B continues on. The far-right agitator will find some way to score a cheap shot at the entertainer. It seems like personal matters at home came to a head.

The entertainer is filing divorce from rapper Offset after three years of marriage.

The frontman for the Migos has been cheating on her since marriage and has been accused of sexual abuse. The 28-year old rapper has four children including one from Cardi B (born Belcalis Marlenis Almánzar).

On Wednesday, Cardi B filed for divorce in Atlanta citing a marriage that is "irretrievably broken" and says "there are no prospects for a reconciliation."

The rapper born, Kiari Kendrell Cephus has history of cheating.

Reps for Cardi B and Offset did not immediately respond to request for comment.

Listen to their albums here.

The two split was inevitable. The rapper basically got caught with his pants down. He was caught in a sex scandal where a sex tape was made with another woman in 2017 shortly after they got married.

"No, it's not right for a NIGGA to cheat ... But what you want me to do?" Cardi wrote on social media back in 2018. "Go fuck me another NIGGA?" Start all over again and get cheated on again? This shit happens to everyone and I be too, you too...People handle they relationship different so."

The couple reconciled. Around April 2018, Cardi went to Saturday Night Live for a performance and announced her pregnancy to Kulture Kiari, the two year old daughter of the couple.

Cardi got into heated fights with women who slept with Offset.

In August 2018, she was involved with two bartenders in New York City. She attacked one of the women after she was accused of sleeping with Offset.

She still is facing criminal charges for that incident. She pled not guilty in the matter.

Offset literally begged for her forgiveness back when she first considered leaving him. The two were spotted recently before the latest allegations.

Offset has always been considered a terrible person. He has a history with adultery and domestic violence. He is the jealous type. I can only imagine if Cardi B decides to find another man and starts a relationship with her and his daughter.

Like most cheaters, they want their cake too. So don't be surprise when Cardi B and her new man start showing pictures of them with Kulture.

Trump Gets A Town Hall Without Softballs!

Trump gets a town hall where the questions weren't Sean "Softball" Hannity pitched.

ABC News and Donald J. Trump hold a town hall in Philadelphia. It didn't offer the "Softball" Hannity questions or relentless praise of "your favorite president."

George Stephanopoulos hosts the town hall with Trump.

Trump didn't expect the questions to be hard. He also didn't expect some of the people to not be supporters of him. He had to defend the controversial Bob Woodward interview in which he downplayed the threat of the coronavirus. He will immediately dismiss the town hall as a "setup" and claim that the questions were provided by Democrats.

Trump maintained that he closed the borders to prevent the virus and still blames China for its handling of the virus.

Stephanopoulos who tested positive for the coronavirus himself, stopped him from running on about how he took the threat serious. The ABC News host reminded Trump that he himself was calling the coronavirus a "Democrat hoax" and said he is on tape telling Woodard that he "played down" the virus. He quickly pointed out that Trump praised Chinese president Xi Jinping and said that he had had control of the coronavirus before the pandemic. Stephanopoulos even pointed out that Trump said it would "go away."

He also faced questions about race relations, crime and the handling of the coronavirus.

Trump continues to say he didn't want the country to panic over the coronavirus.

Here's things Trump has the country panic over.

The election results.
A Netflix movie called Cuties.
Cops being killed by Black people or immigrants.
Immigrants killing American citizens.
Muslims who plot terrorist attacks.
Joe Biden.
Bernie Sanders.
The Squad.
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer
Crime in Chicago.
Barack Obama.
Hillary Clinton.
Hillary Clinton's emails.
Trump's supporters getting vilified by protesters.
Rioters breaking into stores and burning property.
The way the media treats him, Republicans and conservative agitators.

Yet, the coronavirus, a deadly disease is something we shouldn't panic over. After all, he rarely wears a mask in public. He mocks Biden for wearing them in public. He doesn't believe the scientists or medical professionals. He denies its climate change that led to the spread. Trump believes we shouldn't shut down the country again if there's another outbreak.

With 8.2 million infected and over 225,000 Americans killed from the coronavirus, Trump continues to believe he's handling the pandemic better than his predecessor. After all, he's blaming Obama for the coronavirus and accuses Biden for not issuing a federal mandate to wear masks (even though Biden isn't the president).

Trump faced questions from a supporter who is a diabetic. His name was Paul Tubiana who voted for him in 2016 and was on the fence about voting for him again.
Trump supporter says that he's left him behind.
"I'm a conservative, pro-life and diabetic. I've had to dodge people who don't care about social distancing and wearing face masks ... I thought you were doing a good job with the pandemic response until about May 1st. Then you took your foot off the gas pedal. Why did you throw vulnerable people like me under the bus?" said Tubiana.

Well, we really didn't Paul," said Trump.

"We've worked very hard on the pandemic. We've worked very hard. It came off from China. They should have never let it happen.

Stephanopoulos stopped him from rant. He reminded that Trump said it would "go away."

"It would go away without the vaccine, George, but it's going to go away a lot faster with it," said Trump to Stephanopoulos.

"It would go away without the vaccine?" said Stephanopoulos.

"Sure, over a period of time. Sure, with time it goes away," said Trump.

"And many deaths....." said Stephanopoulos.

"And you'll develop --- you'll develop herd -- like a herd mentality. It's going to be -- it's going to be herd-developed, and that's going to happen. That will all happen,' said Trump. "We're very close to having a vaccine. If you want to know the truth, the previous administration would have taken perhaps years to have a vaccine because of the FDA and all the approvals. And we're within weeks of getting it ... Could be three weeks, four weeks."

Trump faced a question from a woman who supported Hillary Clinton. She was diagnosed with sarcoidosis and said each year she's paying a hefty out of pocket copay.

"From the day I was born, I was considerable uninsurable. That disease started in my skin, moved to my eyes, into my optic nerves, and when I went to graduate school, into my brain .... and should preexisting conditions -- which Obamacare brought into -- brought to fruition be removed .. within a 36 to 72-hour period, without my medication, I will be dead."

Trump tried to inject that he won't allow preexisting condition to be removed but was quickly stopped by the woman.

"Please stop and let me finish my question, sir."

"We are not to hurt anything having to do with preexisting conditions. We're not going to hurt preexisting conditions. And -- in fact, just the opposite," Trump said. "If you look at what they want to do, where they have socialized medicine, they will get rid of preexisting conditions."
Black woman told Trump to stop interrupting her while she spoke.
"If you look at what they want to do, where they have socialized medicine, they will get rid of preexisting conditions," said Trump.

Stephanopoulos injected: "Number one, Joe Biden ... ran against Medicare for All in the [Democratic] primaries ... But much more importantly, Obamacare guaranteed people with preexisting conditions could buy insurance, guaranteed they could buy it at the same price as everyone else, guaranteed that insurance companies couldn't put a lifetime limit on those benefits."

Stephanopoulos noted that Trump is seeking a full repeal of the Affordable Care Act through the Supreme Court.

Trump claims that he has a plan. After three and a half years of promises, Trump said that if he's reelected he will come up with a healthcare plan "none the likes you've ever seen."

Trump brought up Dr. Anthony Fauci, the medical specialist who he's feuding with.

According to Trump, he said that Fauci believe he's doing a great job on handling the pandemic.

He said that "some people" say not to shut down businesses to spread disease transmission. When he declared the pandemic, Trump immediately put the responsibility on the state governors.

Washington, California, Virginia, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Nevada, Connecticut, Ohio, Illinois, Colorado, Michigan, Minnesota,Wisconsin, Massachusetts, Maryland and North Carolina quickly shut down their states.

Trump got fed up with the coronavirus wrecking the economy. He tweeted the "LIBERATE" nonsense which led to his supporters to gather to the state capitols and berate police officers and governors to open up their states. And of course, they were armed as well and no police officers used tear gas or force against them. It only happened when Black Lives Matter went to the streets.
Black pastor tells Trump that he's doing far worse than Obama in handling racial issues and economic issues.
A Black voter tells Trump that his Make America Great Again slogan is "TONE DEAF" and tells him, "you haven't acknowledged there's a race problem in this country" -- Trump just downplayed it by saying, "There's none with me."

"When has America been great for African Americans in the ghetto of America? Are you aware of how tone deaf that comes off to the African American community?" said Pastor Carl Day, a Philadelphia religious leader and activist.

"Well I hope there's not a race problem. I can tell you, there's none with me," Trump said. "Well, I can say this, we have tremendous African American support. You've probably seen it in the polls. We've done extremely well with African Americans, Hispanic Americans at levels you've rarely seen a Republican have."

Day voted for Jill Stein of the Green Party in 2016. He said that he has no interest in Trump or Biden.

Day said to Trump, things are the same as they are now! Trump contested the remarks. He said that (before the pandemic) African Americans were doing well under him.

"You look just prior to this horrible situation coming from China, when the virus came in, that was the -- probably the highest point, home ownership for the Black community, home ownership, lower crime, the best jobs they've ever had, highest income, the best employment numbers they've ever had."

Trump boasted that if Day went back six or seven months "that was the best single moment in the history of the African American people in this country, I think -- I would say."

Day would again question why Trump continues to use Make America Great Again, and then described the conditions of the "ghettos," with drugs and guns, which Black Americans have historically been redlined into."

"And we have not been seeing a change, quite frankly under your administration," Day said. "Under the Obama administration, under the Bush, under the Clinton, the very same thing happening."

Day then pointed out that while Trump had talked about people officers "choking" -- often his explanation for why unarmed Black Americans are being shot at a disproportionate rate -- "You have yet to address and acknowledge that there's been a race problem in America."

Let's just be clear, ABC and Trump agreed to a town hall. He went to a crucial state that he needs to win the election. He wanted to prove to the country he's ready for the tasks if given a second term.

He once again proves that he spins, blames and denies reality. Trump and his allies want to make sure Democrats are discourage from voting. He doesn't care about people catching the coronavirus. Trump, Mike Pence, their allies in the junk food media and Republicans can get a test without any issues.

We are in a fucking coronavirus pandemic. We have civil unrest from coast to coast. We have natural disasters getting worse. We have an economic crisis in the country. All this while we're only less than a few months from Election Day.

Black people are getting fed up with this.

We protest.

We call for justice.

We call for peace.

We call for change in the way police handle situations.

We say we all want to go home.

We register to vote.

And nothing ever changes. It's getting to a point where now, if more Black men and women are killed by police, there's going to be someone who harbors hatred towards law enforcement plotting to assassinate police officers at their weakest points.

It touches the nation's politicians, entertainers, athletes, social media activists and families of the victims. We see these incidents over and over again. Never in my life, have I seen this much brutality from police towards people of color.

Trump, himself had told cops to rough up people.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Louisville Sums $12 Million To Breonna Taylor's Family!

Settlement for Breonna Taylor's family and Kenneth Walker.

No amount of money will bring back Breonna Taylor.

It's been six months since the March 2020 shooting where three former Louisville Metro cops opened fire on a registered EMT and her boyfriend after they did a no-knock warrant in an attempt to conduct a drug raid.

Greg Fischer, the mayor of Louisville-Jefferson County has formally apologized to the family and the city settled with the family one of the largest payouts to a victim of police violence.

The family of Breonna Taylor will receive $12 million. They will pressure Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron to pursue charges against the three officers and their supervisor.

Cameron, an African American Republican and rising star among the ranks of coonary is slow-walking and facing heat from protesters to do something about it.

The U.S. Justice Department and FBI are working in unison with Kentucky State Police in determining charges against the cops.

As part of the settlement, the city agreed to establish a housing credit program as an incentive for officers to live in the areas they serve; use social workers to provide support on certain police runs; and require commanders to review and approve search warrants before seeking judicial approval, among other changes.

"Justice for Breonna means that we will continue to save lives in her honor," said Tamika Palmer, Taylor's mother. "No amount of money accomplishes that, but the police reform measures that we were able to get passed as a part of this settlement mean so much more to my family, our community, and to Breonna's legacy."
Tamika Palmer with Ben Crump address the media. Palmer said that justice isn't done until they criminal charged and convicted.
A spokeswoman for the mayor's office confirmed the $12 million settlement is the highest-ever paid by the city. Family attorney Benjamin Crump called the payout "historic" and said he believed it is one of the largest amounts ever paid out for a Black woman killed by police in the US.

Mayor Fischer said the city is not admitting wrongdoing in the agreement.

"I cannot begin to imagine Ms. Palmer's pain," Fischer said. "And I am deeply, deeply sorry for Breonna's death."

The settlement comes more than six months after Louisville Metro Police officers broke down the door to Taylor's apartment and fatally shot her while executing a late-night, "no-knock" warrant in a narcotics investigation.

The fatal police shooting has led to months of protests in Louisville and across the country under the overarching Black Lives Matter movement against anti-Black racism and police violence. Since her death, the police chief was fired in June after a separate police shooting, and the Louisville City Council passed "Breonna's Law," which banned no-knock search warrants.

Still, none of the officers involved in the flawed raid has been charged with a crime.

On Tuesday, Crump, attorney Lonita Baker and Palmer continued to push for criminal charges against the officers involved.

"It's time to move forward with the criminal charges, because she deserves that and much more," Palmer said. "Her beautiful spirit and personality is working through all of us on the ground, so please continue to say her name: Breonna Taylor."

Taylor's boyfriend, Kenneth Walker who said he believed the home was being broken into, shot and injured an officer, and police killed Taylor in the return fire. There is no body camera footage of the incident, police said.

Until Freedom, a social justice organization that has protested in Louisville, released a statement reacting to the settlement.
The three cops are still not charged yet.
"No amount of money will bring back Breonna Taylor," the group said. "We see this settlement as the bare minimum you can do for a grieving mother. The city isn't doing her any favors. True justice is not served with cash settlements. We need those involved in her murder to be arrested and charged. We need accountability. We need justice."

The Louisville Metro Police Department declined to comment. The police union did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

One officer, Brett Hankison, was fired in late June for "wantonly and blindly" firing 10 rounds into her apartment, then-interim Louisville Police Chief Robert Schroeder wrote.

An attorney for Hankison and Sgt. Jonathan Mattingly, who also fired his weapon during the incident, declined to comment on the settlement. CNN has reached out to an attorney representing Officer Myles Cosgrove, the third officer involved in the shooting.

A grand jury has been empaneled to investigate the shooting, though an announcement has not been made about those proceedings.

Cameron is expected to announce a charging decision soon. He has declined to provide a specific timeline.

"My office is continually asked about a timeline regarding the investigation into the death of Ms. Breonna Taylor. An investigation, if done properly, cannot follow a specific timeline," Cameron tweeted last week.

Black people are getting fed up with this.

We protest.

We call for justice.

We call for peace.

We call for change in the way police handle situations.

We say we all want to go home.

We register to vote.

And nothing ever changes. It's getting to a point where now, if more Black men and women are killed by police, there's going to be someone who harbors hatred towards law enforcement plotting to assassinate police officers at their weakest points.
Justice for Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and everyone who was a victim of police violence.
It touches the nation's politicians, entertainers, athletes, social media activists and families of the victims. We see these incidents over and over again. Never in my life, have I seen this much brutality from police towards people of color.

Trump, himself had told cops to rough up people.

Okay, you far-right agitators are starting to piss us off. You have the audacity to sit here a post images of Black men with firearms and knives in order to justify the reasons of police to shoot and kill. Just last week, you have two fucking white terrorists shoot protesters in Kenosha, Wisconsin and Portland, Oregon.

The police practically allowed the Kenosha shooter walk away after he shot and killed two people.


Still, we see another incident where the police kill a man and someone films it. It hits social media and goes viral. They tell us to not rush to judgement. You're only getting one side of the story. But when the world see the unprecedented killing of a citizen supposedly being detained by police, you're not going to believe the bullshit a cop's gonna tell you.

Trust me, I don't believe the cop's version.

We're going to send a message this election year.

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Everytime a person of color is shot and killed by the police, the far-right wants to look up the criminal history of the suspect.









We haven't forgotten about the many mass shootings in the United States. COVID-19 doesn't stop individuals from picking up firearms and killing others.

The "Queen" Of California Was Deplaned Because She Couldn't Use The Restroom!

A Black woman was escorted off a Spirit Airline flight after she got upset over a white attendant shoving her.

Black airline passenger declares herself the "Queen of California" after a loud rant on a Spirit Airline flight last week. The unidentified passenger was recorded during a racially tinged rant while not wearing a mask.

According to a report, the plane had landed in Sacramento when the woman got up to use the restroom at the back of the plane.

In the video, a flight attendant is seen arguing with the woman about needing to get to her door. The altercation appears to begin when the flight attendant attempts to move past the passenger in the aisle and she says, "don't push me."

"Ok, excuse me, I need to get," the flight attendant can be heard before she appears to push the woman's backpack.

"Did you see what she did? She put her hands at me. She wants me to go to jail, y'all. See how she's antagonizing me?" the woman says.

The woman continued to claim that the flight attendant was "getting aggressive" with her as she refuses to move out of the aisle.

The clip continues on with the woman yelling about "white privilege" with another passenger seated.

"What do I got to listen to? Are you my boss? You're White privilege, you are not my boss. Sit down! You are White privilege, sit down! You wait for me to get to my bathroom. Have respect for me," the woman is heard saying.

"You have a mask on, you're in the government, too, you're confined, and you don't have White privilege anymore," the woman says. "I'm a Queen from California."

While being escorted off the flight, the passengers can be heard applauding and laughing. The woman was launching into a rant about GOD and how the people are trying to take her down.

Spirit Airlines did not comment to Fox News or any junk food media outlet about the rant.

I can only assure you that the woman is probably banned from flying Spirit Airlines. She wasn't doing anything that posed a threat towards the safety of passengers. However, her behavior was intolerable and the airlines can do what they please.

You know what bothers me .... White nationalists.

I don't support far-right extremism in the United States. We elected Donald J. Trump and Mike Pence as a perfect example of white nationalism and far-right extremism. We have a global pandemic which is killing over 225,000 Americans and yet these assholes online are more concerned about some disgruntled Black woman on an airplane. They more concerned about two LAPD cops being shot by some Black terrorist and practically ignore the white terrorists who shot cops just last week.

I'm so hoping the year will be over with. I hope that we have President-elect Joe Biden.

If Trump win reelection, there will be more extremism and possible racial violence.

Kanye West Stomps His Feet And Pouts!

Kanye West angry that no one is listening to his shit. 
With Keeping Up With The Kardashians being cancelled, the reality television family will hopefully spend time trying to keep Kanye West from damaging their brand even further.

Rapper turned political candidate Kanye Omari West, 43 is still running for President of the United States. And yes, he's still trying to make music and production. The entertainer who is a registered Republican in Wyoming is running as an independent to siphon votes off of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.

West openly supports Donald J. Trump for president.

He is mentally ill and people have been trying to stop him from destroying his career.

He hasn't spoken to Jay-Z, Beyonce, John Legend and Common in years. So I am assuming that their relationship with Yeezy is strained.

Now as he is pouting about being kicked off the ballots in Wisconsin, Ohio, Virginia and California, West is now saying he won't release any new music on Def Jam and Universal music until he is free from his label.

West wants out the deal with Universal Music Group and Sony/ATV Music Publishing.

"I'm not putting no more music out till I'm done with my contract with Sony and Universal," he wrote in a since deleted tweet. "On God ... in Jesus name .... come and get me! 'I need to see everybody's contracts at Universal and Sony,'" said the rapper.

West has called himself the "New Moses"

"I'm putting my life on the line for my people. The music industry and the NBA are modern day slave ships. I'm the new Moses."

He continued to discuss his possible departure from Universal and Sony in another tweet.

He aimed at J. Cole and Drake. West and Pusha T are engaged in a publicized feud with Drake.

"I need a publicly [sic] apology from J. Cole and Drake to start with immediately ... I'm Nat Turner ... I'm fight for us. I'm not industry bro ... I don't care ... I'm in service of Christ .. We need world healing... I miss my brothers .... I refuse to argue with Black men on labels we don't own ... even Twitter."

West has a public feud with the two rappers. At some point, J. Cole and Drake looked up to West as a mentor and had collaborated with him in the past.

Kanye is on the ballot in 12 states. He can do some damage to Biden if he peels off a fraction of votes.

Shady Stalker!

Stalker came to Slim Shady's neighborhood.
An intruder tried to get into Eminem's home in suburban Detroit.

A real "stan" tried to the enter the property of Marshall Bruce Mathers III, known professionally as Eminem. The 47-year old rapper was at home when this stalker came onto the property more than once this year.

Eminem was awaken to discover this mentally ill fuck standing behind him.

The rapper thought he was initially his nephew, but it turned out to be a stranger who entered the property with intention to harm him and his family.

A Macomb County sheriff's deputy said that Em was wondering why this fuck was on his property.

Stalker tried to infiltrate Eminem's home.
The fuck said that he was there to kill him. So of course, Em's security grabbed him and detained him until the law arrested him.

The suspect appeared in court to hear the charges. He is charged with home invasion, malicious destruction of property and trespassing. He was shackled up and grown a beard while in county lockup.

The suspect is going to face years in the iron college if convicted of this.

Em lives in Clinton Township, Michigan in Macomb County. The rapper lived in a gated community and his security found the suspect on property. They asked the suspect what he was doing on the property. The suspect gave him a false name and claimed that he was a nephew of the rapper.

The law said that once on Eminem property, the rapper said the suspect was acting like he was on something. He told the suspect to get the fuck of the property. He took from the property to the gate when the suspect tried to wrestle security. He grabbed a brick and threw it at a window of the rapper's home.

He tried to get back into the home by climbing into the broken window. He would injure himself upon climbing into the window.

The suspect appears to be homeless and mentally ill didn't have a weapon on him. But given the possibility of the suspect harming Eminem, his family and security, the suspect could face up to 20 years in the iron college if convicted in Michigan.

In other news, his Em's old nemesis, Raymond "Benzino" Scott was busted for trying to scrap with his baby mama's new boyfriend. The 55-year old rapper got upset over Althea Hart's new boy.

Althea has left the limelight to settle for a better life. She got a new man and she's doing fine.

Benzino, the former co-owner of The Source Magazine and self-proclaimed "savior" of hip-hop attacked the 2018 Chevy Silverado of the new man. The new man saw the little man get into a rage about her dumping his broke ass.

He hit the vehicle with two fists and injured himself. At first he denied he did damage to the vehicle but obviously, his swollen hands told different tale.
Eminem and his security detained a stalker.
He was charged with disorderly conduct and criminal damaging.

Apparently while in lockup, the little rapper got mad when a person called him, "the worst rapper in the world" and they got the scrapping. Apparently, he hit the guy and the guy bit him and wedge a tooth mark inside his skin. Now the rapper has to get a tetanus shot and STD testing.

Benzino was best known for getting into a highly publicized feud with Eminem. He attacked Em for "culture stealing" from Black entertainers. He and his white co-owner Dave Mays tired to call Eminem a racist.

Benzino's allies are Nick Cannon, Lord Jamar, Joe Budden, Noreaga, Canibus, Machine Gun Kelly and Ja Rule.

Eminem destroyed Benzino, The Source and those who supported him. Benzino has continued to fall further from grace. He had a brief stint on Love & Hip-Hop Atlanta. He had a couple of local seafood restaurants in Atlanta. They have shut down due to poor management.

He also was condemned for making a racist rant towards an Asian American cop when was arrested.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


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