Wednesday, January 16, 2013

NRA Got The Ringing In Their Ears!

The president will deliver his proposals to the nation today and it's going to have some major gridlock in Congress. President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will address a group of survivors and their children. The one thing that's riled up the conservatives is the fact the president is using children in his speech to the nation.

The National Rifle Association didn't waste much time to attack the president.

The first thing they've gone after was his children.

Now seriously, he's the freaking President of The United States!

He happens to be the first Black president in a very toxic political environment.

If one thing hasn't soaked in these heads is the fact that many Americans want stricter gun laws! They want the mentally insane and disturbed to not own firearms! They want to close gun show loophole! They want to have reasonable solutions to gun control! That may include limiting how many rounds go into a magazine!

Then these extremists rush to grab more guns! It's almost a shame that even though gun sales are up, Republicans and their conservative allies will spook the Elmer Fudds into believing that Big Ear Jungle Bunny is coming for their guns.
Take a shot at the children of President Barack Obama! - National Rifle Association
The NRA has the nerve to call the president an "ELITIST". Coded language perhaps?

The dog whistle was blowing constantly over four years of President Barack Obama's term.

Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) has the nerve to call President Barack Obama a "KING".

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment for proposals and executive orders.

Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity, and Mark Levin are urging succession on their radio show.

The National Rifle Association is one of the oldest gun rights group. They have over 4 million members and have an operating lobbying arm. Many traditionally RED states have members who advocate for lax gun laws. They scare up fundraising whenever a Democratic president is in office. President Barack Obama is the first Black president to serve under such hostile political warfare.

The NRA and conservative agitators will scream for their gun rights! They want gun rights for WHITE MEN only! GUN CONTROL for BLACKS, HISPANICS/LATINOS, and MUSLIMS!

How Quickly We Forget.....

It's about the mainstream media's attack on Spike Lee.  Thanks Harveyboy222!

Banned Rapper Blast President!

Banned rapper Shyne goes after Obama.

Belize-born New York rapper takes shots at President Barack Obama over gun control and the formal deportation of him. Jamal Barrow, previously known as Shyne now lives his life as Moses Michael Levi. One of the world's most dumbest rappers emerges from the cesspool of failed talents to make noise about how the president ignores the issues of gun violence in his hometown.

The rapper also question the president's "BLACKNESS".

Of course, this story was put on the infamous race-baiter's website. And with the link comes the word salads of blatant racism and Obama name dropping.The Atlanta based WVEE (V103-FM) has the goods of this latest controversy.

Former Diddy protégé Shyne has gone on a Twitter tear against the president. The Belize-born rapper has been calling out President Barack Obama for not doing more to curb the murder rate in the president’s hometown of Chicago.

“If @barackobama doesn’t do something about the genocide in Chicago fast,” he tweeted Monday (January 14), “I’m gonna have an @kanyewest melt down & say Barack Don’t care about?”

The rapper’s reference to a Kanye West moment has to do with the meltdown West had while filming a telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims. ”George Bush don’t care about black people,” West said on the live telecast in 2005.

Shyne’s Twitter tirade began on Sunday when he asked President Obama to call in his celebrity friends for reinforcements.

“Dear @BarackObama, call Jay-Z to fly his private plane Down to Chicago & you fly yours the same way you called in the stars to win Ohio#help”

“@barackobama I forgot you weren’t an impoverished inner city kid! You grew up in Kansas & Hawaii! You only play the ghetto card come election time!”

Along with the request to add some celebrity attention, Shyne demanded that the president call a state of emergency in Chicago.

He pointed to an article that outlined the astounding death rate, including 18 within the first days of the new year.

Shyne expressed his issues with the president well before the recent Chicago murder rant. In October, he called out the president over his policy in Syria.

“How Obama put the hit on Kadafy but Assad murdering tens of thousands of his own people in Syria & nobody doing nothing?,” he tweeted.

While many of his rapper contemporaries have been vocal about their support for the president, Shyne challenged the idea that, as black person, he should support America’s first African-American president.

“Am I obligated to support Barack Obama because he’s half African-American?” he questioned, before making a reference to Chicago rapper Chief Keef‘s hit song. “That’s that ish I don’t like!”

Shyne spent nine years in prison after being charged for discharging a firearm in a New York nightclub. Diddy and Jennifer Lopez were dating at the time and Shyne released his debut album. Many compared the rapper to the late Notorious B.I.G., a slain rapper who released two critically acclaimed albums.

Shyne earned a reputation as an "OG" in gangsta rap. Although many fault Diddy's bodyguards for the shooting in the nightclub, Shyne took the fall. The rapper spent nearly a decade in Riker's Prison for this.

He maintained this ridiculous "NO SNITCHIN'" theme.

Also, he engaged in feuds with Diddy, Jay-Z, 50 Cent, Game, Kendrick Lamar and Rick Ross. His feuds with 50 Cent, Game and Rick Ross is personal. He knocks them for being entertainers and not gangsters. He settled his feud with Diddy. He trashed on Kendrick Lamar's critically acclaimed debut album.

Shyne was permanently booted out of the United States and is not allowed in the United Kingdom, and Italy.

Shyne became an Orthodox Jew in prison and currently lives in Belize with his father, Dean Barrow, the Prime Minister of the country.

Shyne was signed to Bad Boy Records, Def Jam and now currently Cash Money Records.

Although he's banned from the United States, he endorsed perennial loser Mitt Romney for president.


Added bonus, former Bad Boy rapper Mase left the label and became a Christian pastor.

Former Bad Boy rapper and singer Loon is now converted to a Sunni Muslim.

Former Bad Boy rapper G-Dep is sentenced to prison after he confessed to murder.

Former Bad Boy rapper Black Rob was sentenced to prison after botched robberies.

So this makes Mase a pastor, Shyne a Jew, and Loon, a Muslim. G-Dep an inmate. Black Rob an ex-felon.

And Diddy still the million dollar media mogul.

Here's the bonus videos of Mase and Loon.


Tuesday, January 15, 2013

ACORN Pimp James O'Keefe Confronts Anti-Gun Journalists!

The right wing agitator and provocateur of shoddy journalism is back. Still on federal probation, James O'Keefe and his conservative group Project Veritas are confronting people in the media who defended The Journal-News publishing of licensed firearm owners in the New York/New Jersey area.

MSNBC agitator Touré was ambushed by his "undercover" crew. And the exchange was fairly decent at best. The video comes with members of O'Keefe's group going to the homes of anti-gun activists.

O'Keefe is notorious for doctoring video to make the individual seem like they're saying things when they're not! The agitator is a protege of Andrew Breitbart, the late conservative bastard who spent most of his pathetic life trying to race-bait or demonize the person with doctored videos.

O'Keefe is famed for dressing up like a pimp who infiltrated ACORN, a low income housing and voter's rights organization. He managed to get the business shut down after Congress passed legislation cutting aid to the poverty rights group.

Here's the video of the confrontation by Project Veritas

New York is going to pass one of the strictest firearm restrictions! President Barack Obama will address the nation on the proposals from Vice President Joe Biden. The president will address his issues to Congress and then issue executive orders to prevent high capacity firearms from being in the hands of the mentally insane.

Mediaite's Noah Rothman, one of the conservative writers for the liberal-leaning blog has nothing but glee in this story. Rothman wrote O'Keefe's crew asks those journalists if they would display a sign which declares that their home is “proudly gun-free” – the journalists all declined.

One of the people that O’Keefe’s group met up with was MSNBC host Touré . Despite his advocacy for stricter gun laws and his defense of the outing of gun owners, Touré also refused to display the sign.

Touré wasn't happy to have his name in the news! The two feud on the social media website Twitter.

White Extremists Scream At Obama Over Interruption Of The Price Is Right!

Photoshopped image of President Barack Obama being on the CBS game show The Price Is Right. Coming from Free Republic, a conservative blog.

We are truly a fat and stupid nation. I am just as guilty as many here in the online world when it comes to frustration over things we can't control. But nowadays, politics is so toxic, it's almost sad and depressing at the same time.

If I'd of known how bitter these Republican are post election, I almost wished President Barack Obama would have lost this election and just maybe the racism would die down!

Alas, it took the power of me and probably millions of others determined to help the president win this election. Despite all the hate and vitriol from the conservative media, Americans voted for President Barack Obama overwhelming against perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Republicans never cease to amaze me! For the president to interrupt programming to talk about serious issues is enough to drive these idiots crazy. I mean when former president George W. Bush interrupted programming, I just sighed and watched it. Same goes for President Barack Obama.
The Price Is Right host Drew Carey, the models and singer Reba McEntire.
But in this case, we live a digital world where you're anger can reach the masses. Social media once again can put me, you and millions of others in the open fire. Once you put something online, it's there forever.

Thankfully, these extremists here didn't throw around racial slurs like they did during the president's address to the nation post Sandy Hook.

Mediaite obtained these offensive comments from Twitter.

Tee'd Off (Redo)!

The story that I've published a week ago was infected by malware.

Let's just keep it simple and tell you in a short summary.

Republican Senators Tim Scott and Lindsey Graham represent South Carolina. They both advocate the ignorance of the Tea Party. The Tea Party convention in Myrtle Beach, was a dud. They didn't attract the thousands of attendees they've expected.

The previous events carried more than 3,000 attendees. Now this one carried less than thousand.

The talk of the day was the Obama Witch Doctor shirt being sold at the event. The shirts caused a stir. The State reports that the Tea Party was a bust.

The South Carolina Tea Party Convention kicked off Saturday in Myrtle Beach, right as the group in general seems to be losing ground.

There were 600 available seats at the Springmaid Beach Resort conference room, along with an additional 100 in a second-floor overflow room.

State tea party organizer Joe Dugan said it’s the same number they had for the 2012 convention. All 600 people who were invited last year attended, he said, and he was expecting the same number throughout this weekend’s event.

By 10:30 Saturday morning, more than 200 were gathered in the conference room to hear remarks from U.S. Reps. Tom Rice, Mick Mulvaney and Jeff Duncan, as well as others.

Still, there was a definite difference between the 2013 convention and the one held last January. For one thing, that event coincided with weekend activities leading up to the Republican presidential debate held in Myrtle Beach. Many of the Republican presidential hopefuls dropped by the tea party convention, which had significant media coverage from local, national and even international journalists.

On the media sign-in sheet Saturday, only five slots had been filled out within the first two hours. A press room was empty at 11 a.m., except for two unattended laptops.

The smaller interest could be due partly to a lessening of the tea party’s influence.

The movement suffered a major setback in November after President Barack Obama successfully won a second term against Republican Mitt Romney. And a December poll of South Carolinians by Winthrop University showed only 5.7 percent of registered voters considered themselves tea party members.

Among Republicans and independents who lean Republican that voted in the 2012 presidential election, just 9 percent considered themselves tea party members, a drop of about two-thirds from the 30.5 percent who claimed tea party affiliation in 2010.

But the movement’s not dead yet, as the hundreds of attendees on Saturday showed.

“The strength of the tea party has definitely ebbed from the enormous support it enjoyed in the conservative movement and Republican circles back in 2010,” said Scott Huffmon, professor of political science at Winthrop. “While fewer people in S.C. support the principles of the tea party, and fewer S.C. Republicans report that they are actual members of the tea party, the movement is by no means over.”

Huffmon said the group has been weakened and fragmented, most recently by last year’s presidential primary, in which various tea party organizations backed different candidates. Huffmon also blamed some backlash on external groups that tried to impose their own top-down organization on local groups, which didn’t appreciate what they saw as outsiders trying to take over.

“These folks at the convention,” Huffmon said, “are the core of the core of true believers. Their commitment may be strong, but there is no denying that there are simply fewer marginal adherents these days.”
So where does the smaller movement go from here?

Some members say the tea party’s next move is shifting away from national affairs and looking at more local and state issues.

Dugan said that wouldn’t be the theme for the Palmetto State’s 2013 convention. He said they’ll work at state issues all year long, but wanted this weekend’s event to have a focus on national issues.

“We have more of a national focus. That is because we believe we are at a crossroads for the future of America,” Dugan said ahead of the weekend convention.

On Saturday morning, attendees were listening to a seminar on foreign terrorism.

Henry Cooper, chairman of High Frontier, a small nonprofit dedicated to informing the public on ballistic missile defense, warned of the risk of electromagnetic pulse attack.

An EMP attack, Cooper warned, could leave America completely in the dark and send it back into the 18th century, leading to the death of two-thirds of the country’s population within 12 months of an attack.

Terrorist threats wasn’t the only topic attendees heard discussions on. Throughout the weekend event, talks also centered around the economy, religious freedom and President Barack Obama’s health care reform.
There were plenty of takeaway messages from tea party supporters, some of which were written on signs.
One read, “What will get America out of its dilemma is resurrect McCa[r]thy’s hearings.”

For John Steinberger and Kathy Hughes, one way to get America out of its dilemma is to limit government regulations.

Steinberger feels the federal Department of Education, for one, has no constitutional right to meddle in the affairs of local and state schools.

Hughes said many legislators don’t understand that the Constitution is the law of the land.

“How can they make laws for us?” she asked.

Huffmon said the tea party could easily grow once more if the right circumstances fall into place.

“All the elements are still there, just less organized and cohesive,” he said Saturday. “I have likened it to a solution for electroplating. The elements are there, but floating around and disorganized until you put a piece of metal in and run an electrical charge through it. Then those elements rush to glom on to the source of the electrical charge. Conventions like this are important for keeping the core alive until the movement begins to coalesce again.”

“Their best chance to begin making a difference in the meantime will be to remain visible in the election to replace Tim Scott and organize strongly for GOP primaries at every level across the state over the next couple of years.”

Norm Shapp, an 85-year-old from Bluffton, could arguably be on the side of those who say movements like the tea party are coming to an end.

He attended the convention on Saturday to hear what was said, but on the whole doesn’t believe in what most of the movements are about.

Shapp said he’s tired of all the talk without any action. And he’s ready for some action.

The action he’s talking about is a revolution on par with the Revolutionary War and the Civil War. Shapp said it’s time to take up arms, but at his age, he wouldn’t be one to lead the charge.
“I want to see how it ends,” he said.

Monday, January 14, 2013

How The GOP Could Lose An Election!

Republican douche Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) threatens impeachment if President Barack Obama brings forth gun control proposals and an executive order.

Taking on an incumbent who won overwhelmingly against the culture warriors of the Republican Party. Whereas Republicans and their conservative allies once again float impeachment because of a policy disagreement.

In the time of a tragedy, we as nation should stand together. But unfortunately in times of a tragedy, the American public wants political action. Yet political opposition seems to linger around.

President Barack Obama and the Republicans are going to have moment in the ring! The president will introduce proposals for reasonable gun control.

The conservatives are screaming for impeachment and treason when it's necessary!

It's almost funny that the Democratic Party were tempted and it backfired. It never occurred to me that for every thing former President George W. Bush done since he's been in office for eight years, it never merited articles of impeachment. I mean Hurricane Katrina, September 11, 2001, torture memos, firing of U.S. Attorneys, former Vice President Dick Cheney shooting a man in the face, Iraqi war, Valarie Plame, and the Downing Street memo are just another made-up scandal caused by the Democrats and the so-called liberal media.

While it's been a full month since the Sandy Hook shooting and seven months since Aurora, the American media is looking for a controversy to gin up ratings and political fights in Congress.

President Barack Obama does his press conference this morning and gave his ultimatum to the Republicans on the debt ceiling and gun control. He warned them that if Congress fails at accomplishing passage of legislation, then he'll enact an executive order.

This lit up the conservative media. Talk of succession and impeachment flows through the online extremist community. Threats of death and violence seems to crawl through the political threshold as well.

Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas), is throwing the "IMPEACH OBAMA" meme!

It's being posted on The Drudge Report as well as Rush Limbaugh saying that the president treats opposition to gun control as an enemy. These two agitators in the conservative media are the Republican Party's last hope for a political comeback!

Yeah right!

They'll just keep push them further to the right!

This buffoon Stockman once held a seat in the late 1990s. He served one term as a congressman. Now over 15 years later, this Republican idiot wants to throw around "I gotta make the news" crap!

“The White House’s recent announcement they will use executive orders and executive actions to infringe on our constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms is an unconstitutional and unconscionable attack on the very founding principles of this republic,” Stockman said.

“The President’s actions are an existential threat to this nation. The right of the people to keep and bear arms is what has kept this nation free and secure for over 200 years.”

The Constitution’s Second Amendment permitting citizens to keep and bear arms provides the citizenry the “means to defend themselves against tyranny,” Stockman said. “Any proposal to abuse executive power and infringe upon gun rights must be repelled with the stiffest legislative force possible.”

Your World, My Views » 4 Whites Rob, Murder Then Dismember 2 Young Black Men!(Video) #HTBBNR

Your World, My Views » 4 Whites Rob, Murder Then Dismember 2 Young Black Men!(Video) #HTBBNR: 4 Whites Rob, Murder Then Dismember 2 Young Black Men!(Video) #HTBBNR

January 14, 2013 | Posted in #HTBBNR, Blog, In The News, Lord Whats Next?, MUST SEE, SotomayorTv, YouTube Videos | No comments

Joliet Strangulation Murders: 4 Young Adults Arrested In Horrific Double Murder

By: Tommy ‘Tj’ Sotomayor III | Published: Monday, Jan 13th , 2012, 8:34 PM (on twitter @tjsotomayor)

La Reyna's view:

Hate crimes against people of Color are getting worse every day, thanks to right-wing conservative agitation and rhetoric from Jared Taylor, Rush Limbaugh, and Political Cesspool host James Edwards.

Our hearts go out to the victims of that vicious hate crime and thank you Tommy Sotomayor for telling the world about this vicious hate crime in Illinois today.

The Help- Reinforcing Sterotypes

The help movie contains a chock-full of stereotypes that delight white supremacists, conservatives, and hypocritical liberals alike. 

Bitter A** Loser John McCain Defends GOP Gridlock!

The infamous photo of Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) being caught with his tongue sticking out! Yes, it's true, in 2008, the senator gave comedians something to talk about! When Barack Obama and John McCain finished their final presidential debate, McCain went to the wrong side and he paused and reacted to it by sticking out his tongue.

Republican Arizona senator and perennial loser for president John Sidney McCain, is the face of an aging political party. He and Mitt Romney both can take pride in being perennial losers.

The once moderate senator has shifted to the right on issues he once supported when he ran for president in 2000 and 2008. He was one of the many members Democrats could look to for solutions.

He wanted to be president so bad. In 2008, McCain and other perennial losers Mitt Romney and Ron Paul ran for president. Many in the general media looked at the candidates as politically weak and ineffective leaders.

McCain was the comeback kid. McCain beat out Rudy Giuliani, Fred Thompson, Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul to carry forth the nomination.

John McCain picked the novice Alaskan governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate. McCain ran one of the worst campaigns in American history. McCain made infamous flip-flops and gaffes on our economy, banking, hurricane relief, campaign finance and immigration reform.

His boring acceptance speech did him no favors. His presidential debate performance were terrible as well.

It help elevated Barack Obama to landslide him into irrelevance. Ever since, McCain has been more irrational and delusional.

On Face The Nation with Bob Schieffer, the host asked McCain why would he oppose fellow Republican Chuck Hagel's nomination for U.S. Defense Secretary. The old man had no answer.

Mediaite reports that Bob Schieffer grilled Republican Senator John McCain Sunday on why the GOP seems “to be against every single person” that President Obama has nominated to his cabinet. Schieffer said he “couldn't remember a time” when the opposing party has had a problem with each of the president’s nominations. “It’s usually been the rule if the president is going to be in charge of the government, we have to give him the people he wants to run it,” he added.

Schiffer stated that Republicans have opposed everyone. “He would seem to be your kind of guy, a veteran, a guy who has been shot at,” Schieffer said.

McCain noted that Hagel was “a friend” but claimed that usually with this process, “the previous presidents” would “call the other side” when considering a nomination and say “what do you think about it.” He added that it didn’t matter if the presidents were Republican or Democrat, it had often been done before. “There’s been none of that with this administration,” he said.

McCain then explained that his “legitimate questions” about Hagel are based on his foreign policy views rather than anything personal against either Hagel or the president. When asked if he would vote against Hagel, McCain answered that he had made no decisions on the issue and said “this is why we have hearings.”

Some friend!

Anyways, McCain, Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina) and Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-New Hampshire) screamed bloody murder over UN Ambassador Susan Rice. They succeeded in cancelling her nomination for Secretary of State. Also they've signaled fights for State Department nominee, Senator John Kerry (D-Massachusetts), Treasury nominee Jack Lew, and CIA nominee John Brennan.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Booker's In!

Cory Booker is going to run for U.S. Senate. It's going to be a brutal primary if longtime  New Jersey Democratic senator Frank Lautenberg stays in the race. GOP may use gun issue to win senate races in RED States.

Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-New Jersey) is the oldest living member of the U.S. Senate. So far he hasn't signaled any intentions of retiring from the polarizing circus.

But Newark, New Jersey mayor Cory Booker is dropping the bid to run for governor. He's thinking really seriously about running for the senate seat if Lautenberg should announce retirement. The 43 year old mayor of the "Brick City" is thinking about furthering his political ambitions.

The Superman of New Jersey is an ally of President Barack Obama and Republican governor Chris Christie.

Booker is an African American mayor who gained a reputation for his personal involvement in public service, including going on a 10-day hunger strike outdoors to draw attention to the dangers of open-air drug dealing, living on a "food stamp" budget to raise awareness of food insecurity, shoveling the driveway of a constituent upon request, allowing hurricane victims into his home, and saving a woman from a house fire at his own risk.

Booker has filed for the papers to run in 2014. Booker wants to an elected Black senator since Barack Obama and first for New Jersey.
Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-New Jersey)
Republicans currently have no members of the House of Representatives being Black. Tim Scott was the former Congressman from South Carolina. He was selected to become the U.S. Senator after Jim DeMint resigned from the Senate to work for The Heritage Foundation.

Booker intended on running for governor to take on Chris Christie. But Hurricane Sandy and the handling of the crisis elevated the governor's rating into the high 70s. It would be considered political suicide to take on an incumbent who is liked favorably by constituents.

New Jersey is a likely Blue State for Democrats. The tough fights lie in the Red States. Senator Jay Rockefeller (D-West Virginia) is retiring putting his seat in a competitive race.

Senator Mark Pryor (D-Arkansas), Senator Mark Begich (D-Alaska), Senator Mark Warner (D-Virginia), Senator Kay Hagen (D-North Carolina), Senator Tim Johnson (D-South Dakota) are going to have competitive races.

Republicans have no members signaling retirement. But Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) are likely going to face tougher fights.

Colin Powell: My Republican Party Is Doomed For Failure!

Colin Powell states the Republican Party has a ''dark vein of intolerance"! He's right!

The former Secretary of State Colin Powell makes the case for a swift change in the Republican Party. He is frustrated with Republican leaders tolerating the extremism within its ranks.

Powell nailed the former Alaskan governor and conservative agitator for the president being a "shuck and jivin" leader comment.

Powell also nailed John Sununu about President Barack Obama being "lazy".

Powell's dire warnings will fall on deaf ears with the notion of race, climate change, gun control, immigration reform and healthcare. Republicans already signal that they're prepared to fight to the "bitter end" on the debt ceiling, austerity cuts, the president's cabinet nominees and picks for federal court. They're already plotting a rebound in the 2014 Midterm elections.

Powell state that our country needs to work together in order to solve problems.

On Meet The Press, Powell talks to David Gregory about the situation with the Republican Party.

Powell believes that Republicans stare down on minorities with such disdain. Yeah, he's right!

This will ring the bells of the conservative agitating media. Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge will layout the groundwork for the rest of the conservative extremist media!

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