Showing posts with label Steve King. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Steve King. Show all posts

Friday, November 08, 2013

Obama: Sorry Y'all! I've Messed Up!

Obama News forces President Barack Obama to admit he broke his promise.

Takes a bold man to say "I'M SORRY".

But if you're the President of The United States, nothing will satisfy his detractors.

An exclusive interview on Obama News with Chuck Todd, President Barack Obama discusses the improvements with the Healthcare Marketplace. He told the Todd that he's disappointed with the rollout and wants it fixed quickly.

When confronted on the "If you like your healthcare, you can keep it!" remark which been fodder for conservative agitators, the president simply apologized to the Americans who lost insurance because of the Affordable Care Act.

Yeah, it's happening and there's are some who are upset over that.

He admits that he is disappointed in the rollout of the healthcare law and empathizes with those who lost insurance. He regards this as a failure of his leadership and hopes to get things moving in the right direction.

While the junk food media is so obsessed with the "you can keep it!" line, I just happen to take a look at the website and just look for the best option for health insurance.

The health insurance industry is making money hand over fist. They don't worry about how they distribute the product, almost all insurance companies rather see pay for junk polices. That means you pay over $550 a year for insurance that will not cover a catastrophic disease.

Americans are slowly starting to see the benefits of the healthcare law. There are some who are actually satisfied with the Healthcare Marketplace.

A website isn't the full piece of a law. It's just a portion of it. The junk food media over exaggerates stories to appeal to a core base of viewers. Most networks fear being labeled as "liberal" so they put these bogus stories out there to appeal to the conservative viewers.

And since he's in his second term and Republicans can't defeat him (seeing he's term limited), they can only say "I GOTCHA" and "I TOLD YA SO!"

It's a part of the political football President Barack Obama faces as the leader of the United States.

If you're that focused on that damn website and its turmoils, that's you! But seriously, we really need to focus on those who can gain affordable healthcare coverage.

It's only fair to see my rates down because I don't have to spend thousands of dollars for others who have no insurance.

The conservative agitators already pounced on the comments. Loserville has been in the forefront of trying to find every former Obama supporter to discuss their frustration with the website.



Here's the interview from Obama News and the Loserville follow ups with "former Obama supporters".


Monday, November 04, 2013

Conservatives Rejoice: Food Stamps Are Cut!

Cuts in the SNAP program could affect families.

And who says the Republicans care about the American people?

I remember that pompous asshole Newt Gingrich was at the Republican presidential debates saying that President Barack Obama is the "food stamp president".


Because he wants to help the middle class and the poor eat food.

Yeah, that portion of the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act that advocated benefits to the Supplemental Nutrient Assistance Program is expired.

A family of four who earns less than $15,000 a year will receive a decrease in benefits.

Who knows what could happen in the coming weeks?

You know why most people vote against levies for schools and libraries?

It's because it raises the revenue on a taxpayer's property. Most state governments with Republican lawmakers cut financial aid to education and safety. And they believe that public school are indoctrinating young minds into becoming criminals. So they push for charter schools and prayer in school so they can force children.

Did you know that the SNAP program aids in feeding schoolchildren who are poor?

You probably didn't know. The racist right is so obsessed with the notion that 47 million Americans (I am guessing children) are on food stamps. They rejoicing over food stamps being cut.

Some asshole Republican congressman from Indiana is pushing for deep cuts to the food stamp program.

Congressman Marlin Stutzman (R-Indiana) presented a bill that was passed by the House. It's not likely to get through the Senate. The president threatened a veto if it was to be passed.

Yo, Obama dissed us! So we gonna diss his core base! - Congressman Marlin Stutzman (R-Indiana)
The Indiana politico was on the news saying that "he wasn't going to be disrespected" by President Barack Obama. He and many of his fellow Tea Party lawmakers believe the key to growing an economy is austerity cuts. What Republicans want is basically separate the food stamp program away from a farm bill.

With the rising food and gas prices, people are turning to food stamps, food banks and government assistance to keep themselves from landing in the homeless shelter.

Without a safety net, these people will rob and kill those who have the luxuries of having food in the refrigerator or in the pantry. They would steal fuel, water, bread and meat to keep feeding their families. And yet, these Republicans and their conservative allies are thinking the poor are the reasons for the economic recession. Perhaps those who complain about the poor, should walk a day in that person's shoes!

The Republican Party and its allies in the conservative movement are heartless when it comes to the lower and middle class. In their warped minds, the lower class and those who are too poor are stealing from the taxpayers by accepting food stamps, welfare and necessaries.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Superstorm Sandy: We Haven't Forgotten!

We remember the one year anniversary of Superstorm Sandy.

We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to those who were lost in the Superstorm Sandy event. On October 29, 2012, during the peak of hurricane season, Sandy was a Category 1 hurricane that merged with a winter storm that covered the Northeast. It created a mega storm event that leveled New Jersey and New York.

It traveled from the mid-Atlantic states to the heart of America. Where over 79 million people were affected by this.
Republicans were upset over a compassionate moment.
We're still seeing progress happen over in New York and New Jersey. The state's governors Andrew Cuomo and Chris Christie both put aside their political feuds and worked together to get things done.

Conservatives still are pissed at Christie who some figure may be a potential Republican contender for the 2016 Presidential Election. He went to the junk food media to praise President Barack Obama's handling of a crisis.

Conservatives believe that his praise of the president ruined perennial loser Mitt Romney opportunity to win.

Today, Chris Christie is still kind of pissed with Congress wasting time on passing legislation to get his state back together.

Many Americans still blame Republicans obstruction for the passing legislation for hurricane relief.

Fend for yourself says Team Opposition.
Stallmigos Rand Paul (R-KY), Mike Lee (R-UT), Marco Rubio (R-FL) opposed it. Newly elected Ted Cruz (R-TX) have voted against it in the senate during his first weeks in.

Team Opposition Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Steve King (R-IA), Louie Gohmert (R-TX), Ted Poe (R-TX) and Jim Jordan (R-OH) are House representatives who have voted against it as well.

When a disaster happens, don't count on a Republican lawmaker to help you out! Maybe a compassionate conservative like Republican Chris Christie. However he's doing it for reelection because he's in it to win so he can at least prove to be a formidable contender for 2016. Nothing else more.

After all, he would get a BIG SHAQ endorsement.

Anyway, I'm off the subject.

For those who still have an opportunity to help, donate to the American Red Cross or the United Way.

Every little bit helps!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Dem Senator: GOP House Leader Disrespected Obama!

President Barack Obama and Republicans have a rocky relationship to say at least.

"I can't even stand to look at you," says one Republican House leader to President Barack Obama.

Democratic Illinois senator Dick Durbin made the claim today and people are now talking.

Who says that President Barack Obama doesn't want to work with Republicans?

Durbin went to the social networks to post a claim that seems to measure up to how the budget negotiations went down. The Republicans were demanding that the president concede to their demands. The Republicans wanted to repeal the healthcare law and have mandatory spending cuts to safety nets. After pressure was brought upon the Republicans by those pesky polls, the Republicans caved in. They ended up with nothing.

The Majority Whip of the U.S. Senate had participated in the negotiations with the president.
Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.)  Facebook
Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois) post on the social networks about the negotiation battles with Republicans.
The Hill reports "Many Republicans searching for something to say in defense of the disastrous shutdown strategy will say President Obama just doesn't try hard enough to communicate with Republicans," Durbin said. "But in a 'negotiation' meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: 'I cannot even stand to look at you.'"

"What are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said something so disrespectful?" the Illinois Democrat added.

An aide to House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said he had "no idea what [Durbin's] talking about."

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Durbin did not say when the alleged confrontation occurred, and whether the exchange happened in the period preceding or during the shutdown that shuttered government for 16 days earlier this month.

In October, the president met once with Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky) as part of a pow-wow with congressional leadership. McConnell told CNBC shortly after that discussion was "cordial but unproductive."

Later, the president invited the full House Republican caucus to meet at the White House, although a smaller leadership group handpicked by Boehner attended instead. In subsequent days, the full group of Republican senators traveled to the White House to meet with the president.

Of course, Republicans are going to deny this claim.

But if you look at the comment section of most blogs linked through a conservative outlet, the antics of right wing talk radio, and a cable news channel that runs 24/7 negative coverage of the president, seriously are you not going to believe those comments weren't made?

How many Republicans have the nerve to call for impeachment?

Remember Representatives [Addison] Joe Wilson (R-South Carolina) famous outburst during the president's State of the Union Address?

Did you know that Representatives Darrell Issa (R-California) is continuously calling for investigations for every minor issue that happens to drive conservatives bonkers?

Aren't you familiar with the outrageous statements made by Representatives Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Steve King (R-Iowa), Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin)?

Aren't you familiar with the Stallmigos?

Yeah, Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Marco Rubio (R-Florida), and Mike Lee (R-Utah) are the four Stallmigos. They're on television more than anyone else and yet have no accomplishments for it.

There's no denying it.

The Republicans unprecedented hate for the president is on record and people are starting to notice.

That's probably why the polls are saying that it's time to get rid of the House Republicans.

We can only hope next year, Republicans would overplay their hand and people vote these assholes out!

Monday, October 21, 2013

GOP Lucky The Election Wasn't Today!

House leadership. Congressman John Boehner (R-OH), Congressman Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) and Congressman Eric Cantor (R-VA). The American people are tired of the Republican leadership in Congress.

Congress at historical lows. The president's job approval is low but way better than those in control of Congress.

It seems like the Tea Party's mission to political suicide is an ongoing situation. The latest polls say that Republicans favor way worse than expected and the possibility of a Democratic-takeover is getting stronger.

Most disapprove of the handling of the government shutdown. Ohio Republican congressman John Boehner as Speaker of The House is ranked highly unfavorable.

This government shutdown over the healthcare law was the tip of the iceberg for many who were fed up with this inept Congress.

With Republicans in charge of the House of Representatives and the Democrats in charge of the Senate, things aren't getting done. People are starting to notice.

With the rough roll out of the Affordable Healthcare Act (Obamacare), the president has to now acknowledge the problems with the government website. Of course, he's giving the Republicans a new talking point acknowledging the healthcare law is a failure.

A common theme among the conservative agitators in the junk food media is that website. It's experienced minor issues that could be solved by dialing a phone number instead of continuing to sign on the website.

Then of course, the agitators (one being That Guy Who Helped Obama Win) are trying to distort this to make the government website seem more severe than it seems. He was discredited by Mother Jones and Salon.

A new survey of 25 GOP-held districts shows dwindling favorability for Republican members of the House in the wake of the recent government shutdown.

The survey, conducted by liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling and funded by, is the third in a series of polls that indicate Democrats have a shot at taking back the House of Representatives in the 2014 election cycle.

The results of the latest survey show that incumbent Republicans in 15 of the 25 districts polled trail generic Democratic candidates. When combined with the results of the previous surveys, the polls show that generic Democratic candidates lead in 37 of 61 GOP-held districts.

When voters were informed their Republican candidate supported the government shutdown, 11 more districts flipped and one race became a tie.

Democrats in the House only need to see a net increase of 17 seats in order to take back the majority. This poll indicates that Democrats could see an increase of as many as 49 seats.

Public Policy Polling indicated several caveats to the results. The surveys were conducted during a high-profile budget crisis debate, a year before the elections will take place. And incumbent Republican candidates were compared to "generic Democrats," who may not represent the actual candidates each district will see.

"Democrats must recruit strong candidates and run effective campaigns in individual districts if they are to capitalize on the vulnerability revealed by these surveys," Public Policy Polling's Jim Williams said of the caveat, "and they must maintain a significant national advantage over Republicans."

Recent polls conducted by the Pew Research Center and NBC/Wall Street Journal are consistent with the survey's claim that the Republican party took a hit from the fiscal crisis. Pew found that more Americans blamed Republicans for the shutdown, and NBC/Wall Street Journal found that the Republican party was "badly damaged" by it.

Nonetheless, we're seeing the possibility of uprooting Republicans out of the House of Representatives.

In a few months, we may experience another government shutdown. Hopefully they get the message this time around and just pass a clean budget resolution bill.

Will the Republicans continue focusing on Operation Fast & Furious?

Will the Republicans continue trying to repeal Obamacare?

Will the Republicans continue committees on Obama's cabinet members, radical Islam, contraception, the Obamacare website, and the NSA?

Will the Tea Party be the death of the Republican Party?

If you answer those questions, you already have an answer. I just don't want to give you mine!

Monday, October 07, 2013

Weeper Boehner Is A Bullsh*ter!

Boehner said he won't negotiate with the president this year. Now all of sudden when the polls show that Republicans are losing, the weeping speaker wants to now have "sit down" with Obama.

Well some are reporting back to the job. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel got the word. And he made sure that 400,000 workers are heading back to the bases. The military and civilian workers can go back to work.

But unfortunately, the federal government jobs in the domestic sector are still off the job as far as I know.

The weeping speaker, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) has went to GOP Sundays to talk to George Stephanopoulos. He went on this rant about the president refuses to work with him on passing a deal.

Alas, Mr. Boehner, your words come back to haunt you!

Earlier this year, Boehner told the junk food media that he's no longer going to negotiate with the president.

He signaled he won't talk to the president. That one thing is pretty much a reason for why the president's not wasting an ounce of time with him. Boehner told the press and his fellow Republicans he is done with private, one-on-one negotiations with President Obama.

He even made a snide comment about negotiations with the president. He stated that the Democrats will go first on all bills. So the U.S. Senate passed immigration reform. Where's the Republicans on that one?

During both 2011 and 2012, the Speaker spent weeks shuttling between the Capitol and the White House for meetings with the president in hope of striking a grand bargain on the deficit.

Now we're in the later of this year and all of sudden, Boehner wants to sit down with the president to work out a deal. Now this deal is no longer about Obamacare, but now about spending cuts.

It's pathetic.

How can you maneuver through a year of trying to repeal Obamacare over 40 times?

How many laws were passed and still get nothing done?

What if the Democrats decided to shutdown the government because they couldn't pass gun control, immigration reform, a rise in the minimum wage, increases on taxes on high end earners, and regulations on oil drilling on federal lands?

How many times have the Democrats threaten impeachment on a Republican?

This is political theater at its best. Boehner as Speaker of the House is ranked very unfavorably. I am guessing his own district is tired of him too.

But how far is too far?

The Republicans don't want "BIG GOVERNMENT". In regards to what type of government they want, they have no answer. They'll have some symbolic themed statement or a hype of fear to rile up their gullible supporters into fundraising for the next election.

The president told the press that Boehner has the votes to pass a clean bill. If the House passes a bill, it could finally end the government shutdown. Boehner won't pass it because he fears a usurp by the Tea Party members of the House. And yes, he fears the blowback from the agitators of the conservative media.

The government shutdown is an ongoing issue. We'll keep you informed on Journal de la Reyna.

Friday, October 04, 2013

Obama On The Government Shutdown: Nobody's Winning!

Before she leaves finally Congress late next year, the controversial politico said to the press that Republicans are happy about the government shutdown. 

Besides the stupidity of NO ACCOMPLISHMENT lawmakers Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) and Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), the White House caught a little bit of heat during the government shutdown.

Bachmann said this is the most happiest the Republicans ever been.

Yeah, getting paid while thousands of workers suffer. That's happy!

Paul and Minority Leader of the Senate Mitch McConnell say that their strategy isn't working. They'll have to switch up the talking points. So they are going to Loserville to bitch about how the president and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid are the fault of the shutdown. After all Paul said Republicans are winning.

A member of the president's inner circle said they're winning the debate on the government shutdown.

Yeah, it made the conservatives go crazy as usual. And of course, I am going to have to take their side on this one. No one is a winner.

When people have to alter the plans because they can't visit a national park, it sucks.

When a family needs food stamps, veteran benefits and a student loan from the federal government and they're denied and told that they can't get it, it sucks.

When a person is trying to apply for a passport, a federal loan, a job with the federal government or even a request for information, they're turned away. It sucks.
President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden go to a local sandwich shop to make a statement of the impacts of the government shutdown.
President Barack Obama said it clearly that Americans are suffering because of the government shutdown.

So the president took an opportunity to attack the Republicans over their stubbornest. The Republicans want a compromise which includes a delay (defunding) of Obamacare and partial funding of select government agencies.

The president and the Democrats want an all or nothing. They believe that every element is important and the Republican theatrics aren't going to sway them to support the bills.

They've passed these bills that covered opening national parks but refuse to enact food stamps for the millions of needy Americans. They wanted to pass a bill that offered back pay for the furlough workers but also include an extension of the Keystone XL pipeline. They want to sweeten the pot but the president isn't going to sign off for that.

He's issued a veto for any bill passed that has "partial funding to government services".

Now it's possible that Republicans may crack because there's a few moderates who are willing to cross the party line to help the Democrats get something passed. But they fear the Tea Party members of the House and Senate.

The Stallmigos are firmly placed. The Stallmigos are Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz.

Again, we continue to follow the latest developments in the government shutdown.


Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell, Harry Reid, John Boehner and Vice President Joe Biden.

Okay, every first Friday of a month we get the latest job report from the Department of Labor.

Now that we're in day four of the government shutdown, there's no jobs report.

So we'll wait patiently for the latest Bureau of Labor Statistics job numbers of how many private sector jobs for the month of September.

Again, this sequester and government shutdown were inspired by the Republicans with the Tea Party and its allies in the conservative movement.

So again, the government shutdown has impacted millions of people.

And this could be adverted if Republicans would just pass in the House a clean resolution bill.

No selective parts of government. We need all of it. No agency should be cut. No worker should have to suffer while our lawmakers stills get paid.

The statement left by the Department of Labor.

"Due to the lapse in funding, the Employment Situation release which provides data on employment during the month of September ... will not be issued as scheduled on Friday," it said. "An alternative release date has not been scheduled."

We'll keep you informed on the latest on the government shutdown here at Journal de la Reyna.

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Get Your Asses Back To Work!

Instead of being at the U.S. Capitol, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann  (R-Minnesota) and other Republicans run to the World War II memorial with cameras in tow. They go to the memorial blaming the president for not opening up the national parks. Since they're fixated on trying to point fingers, how about we point a finger to the direction of the U.S. Capitol!

As the Republican and Democrat lawmakers run to the cameras with fingers pointing at each other, we're in day three of the government shutdown.

The president demands that Congress pass a clean budget bill. No added features, no repealing of his healthcare law and no piece by piece.

The Congress will continue to figure that one out. It could all be over if the Republican House Speaker John Boehner of Ohio buck his extremist wing of the party. Many political observers slammed the congressman for allowing "no accomplishment" lawmakers (Rand Paul  and Ted Cruz, U.S. Senators of Kentucky and Texas, respectably) take the country into the brink of economic destruction.

Last night, we've heard the people over at Loserville call the shutdown, a "slim down".

We seen the conservative agitators say park rangers are "OBAMA SHOCK TROOPS" because they were ordered to prevent veterans from entering the memorials in Washington.

We seen many Republican lawmakers showboating.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Virginia), Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Marlon Stutzsman (R-Indiana), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Congressman Peter King (R-New York), Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), and Congressman Steve Palazzo (R-Mississippi) were racing to the cameras.

Each lawmaker had fingers pointing at President Barack Obama and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) for allowing the government to shutdown.

The Stallmigos: Republican Senators Ted Cruz (Texas) and Mike Lee (Utah).
They continue to say that the president isn't working with them. The president tried last night to negotiate a plan but he told Republicans that cuts to safety nets and the healthcare law is off the table. The Republican leaders rejected the idea. And we're back to the finger pointing.

Clearly, the Affordable Healthcare Law is in effect. The Republicans can't stop it anymore.

They're fighting a worthless battle and they'll end up losing.

Yeah, we know that Republican have won in the past elections with the gerrymandering of districts. But since the last election, it seems like this time, it maybe possible for the Democrats to retake the House.

I give Democrats a 34% chance they will take back the House.

I give Republicans a 42% chance they will take the U.S. Senate.

Yeah, President Barack Obama deserves the blame. The president should have tried to make a better outreach on educating the healthcare law. He should have pulled every card out of his deck. Yeah, he could have even used the "race card" against the Republicans.

I mean I know that many Republicans and conservatives can't be satisfied "anything" or "nothing" is going to please them. I hear that from friends, co-workers, and those in the junk food media.

Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement thinks that veterans getting shut out of a memorial and the possible cancellation of the military college football games are bigger than those who work at the federal agencies.

Here's a few questions to you!

Do you know a person who works for the federal government?

Do you feel that your lawmaker let you down or inspired you?

Do you blame the Republicans or the Democrats?

Who's going to blink?

Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Loserville Calls Government Shutdown A Slimdown!

The network that hates President Barack Obama, progressives and the Black community is add it again.

Chief Roger and his merry band of right wing lunatics are saying this government shutdown is all the president and the U.S. Senate Democrats fault. Clearly being the cheerleaders for the Republican Party, the network is willing to help soothe the fault line.

That Guy Who Helped Obama Win calls it the Obama-[Harry] Reid Shutdown.

Bill-O is saying that the president is willing to talk to Iran and Syria but not the Republicans on a budget.

Yeah, the network is now saying that the 800,000 laid off workers of federal government are just disposable income. They've determined that the government shutdown is a slim down.

Tell that to the thousands of workers who have to feed their families and pay their bills.
Steve King (R-Iowa), Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), and Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) were showboating at the World War II memorial.
The president isn't going to negotiate with people who can't get off their fixation to repeal the healthcare law.

The president warned that their obsession to defeat him will backfire. You see it in the polls and the American people reject a government shutdown over a political issue.

Republicans tried to pass three bills for temporary funding for veterans, national parks and keeping the Washington, DC running. The Democrats rejected that saying that the Republicans continue to add these ridiculous features on the bills.

Washington, DC is funded by Congress. As permitted by the U.S. Constitution, the District is under the exclusive jurisdiction of the United States Congress and is therefore not a part of any U.S. state. Since it doesn't have a governor the U.S. Congress is the head of the government and the mayor Vincent Gray is the leader.

The bill includes a year delay of Obamacare, the extension of the Keystone XL pipeline and rollbacks to environmental regulations.

The Republicans were stunting yesterday. A group of veterans were denied access to the national parks.
Republicans are showboating.
The Unaccomplished: Michele Bachmann, Steve King and Louie Gohmert broke a barrier down at the World War II memorial to allow access for veterans. Clearly ignoring a restriction and also running for the cameras to show they "care" about the people.

Majority Leader Eric Cantor and six other Republicans sat at a negotiating table waiting on the Democrats. Only people were there were seven white guys and a whole lot of cameras.

And Loserville is saying that its the Democrats who aren't willing to stop the crisis.
The Guy Who Throws Shit To The Wall tries to soothe the public's outrage towards Republicans.

When you have a Democratic president a network and a political party wants to see fail, is there any reason for negotiation?

The president had to shorten his scheduled Asian trip due to the government shutdown.

The Healthcare Marketplace is also crashing because of the government shutdown and high traffic demand.

He spoke to the press yesterday, demanding that Congress get their heads out their asses and pass a long-term budget plan for 2014 and raise the debt ceiling.

Obama: [For the first time in 17 years], Republicans in Congress chose to shut down the federal government. Let me be more specific. One faction of one party in one house of Congress in one branch of government shut down major parts of the government all because they didn't like one law.

This Republican shut down did not have to happen, but I want every American to understand why it did happen. Republicans in the House of Representatives refused to fund the government unless we defunded or dismantled the Affordable Care Act.

They've shut down the government over an ideological crusade to deny affordable health insurance to millions of Americans. In other words, they demanded ransom just for doing their job.

He would later add: And we know that the longer this shutdown continues, the worse the effects will be. More families will be hurt. More businesses will be harmed. So once again, I urge House Republicans to reopen the government, restart the services Americans depend on and allow the public servants who have been sent home to return to work.
This isn't a game! Real lives are affected by a government shutdown.
This is only going to happen when Republicans realize they don't get to hold the entire economy hostage over ideological demands.

I want to underscore the fact that Congress doesn't just have to end this shutdown and reopen the government; Congress generally has to stop governing by crisis.

They have to break this habit. It is a drag on the economy. It is not worthy of this country.

The last time Republicans even threatened this course of action -- many of you remember, back in 2011 -- our economy staggered; our credit rating was downgraded for the first time. If they go through with it this time and force the United States to default on its obligations for the first time in history, it'd be far more dangerous than a government shutdown, as bad as a shutdown is; it would be an economic shutdown.

So I'll speak more on this in the coming days, but let me repeat, I will not negotiate over Congress' responsibility to pay bills it's already racked up. I'm not going to allow anybody to drag the good name of the United States of America through the mud just to refight a settled election or extract ideological demands.

Nobody gets to hurt our economy and millions of hardworking families over a law you don't like. There are a whole bunch of things that I'd like to see pass through Congress that the House Republicans haven't passed yet, and I'm not out there saying, well, I'm not -- I'm going to let America default unless Congress does something that they don't want to do. That's not how adults operate. Certainly, that's not how our government should operate.

The Klan Got Shutdown, Literally!

The Klan can't catch a break.

The federal shutdown has affected national parks and the far right hate group couldn't make its appointment to the Gettysburg Military Historical National Park.

It's not only a horrible situation for millions of Americans who planned trips to our natural and historical wonders but an impact on the economy because of stubborn asshole lawmakers who would wreck it in order to defeat President Barack Obama.

The park is closed and all permits for special events in October have been rescinded, including the Oct. 5 First Amendment demonstration to be held by the Confederate White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, said a park news release. The group had received a special use permit to gather on the lawn north of Meade’s Headquarters along Taneytown Road.

Permits for at least 11 events in October have been rescinded, said Katie Lawhon, management assistant at Gettysburg National Military Park, noting that the list was as of two weeks ago.

I mean it's almost sad that I kind of defend the Klan. Millions of Americans planned trips, marriage proposals, school trips, vacations and numerous activities. All of that squashed.

They have the right to promote their hatred. But due to the government ineffectiveness, I guess their hate will be back in the woods of some private property. This not only them, but thousands of visitors of the national parks.

Tuesday, October 01, 2013

It May Be Over For Boehner!

He did everything but lead the Congress.

When the junk food media turns on you, it's over for you!

Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) is probably going to be ranked one of the worst leaders in Congress.

No tears for fears.

The weeping speaker has gambled his political future as a lawmaker and his legacy is going to be tarnished by this. The government shutdown is now in effect and thousands of Americans working for the federal agencies will have to be sent home, demoted or not get paid for work.

Everyone suffers. We just had a mass shooting last month. We had that mass shooting at the Navy Yard in Washington, DC. Only but two weeks ago, a man who worked as a federal contractor let his gun sound off on 12 people.

Those workers suffered an already horrible scenario. Now just as they go back to work, they're told that they'll be laid off because those in Washington refuse to pass a budget.

Say if you're trying to get a passport for a vacation overseas. You can't get it on time. If you just applied for it July or August, it may come in November. If you applied for a passport in September it may come in December. It may affect your plans.

You can't visit the national monuments or parks in the United States. Famed National parks Yellowstone to Yosamite are closed. National parks from North Dakota to California and from Hawaii to American Samoa are closed.

NASA is closed. You can't visit the facilities in Florida and Texas to see rockets and aircraft. Only essential workers are allowed.

You can't visit the Air Force Museum or Gettysburg. The facilities are closed.

And the blame lies squarely on Republicans feet.

John Boehner catered to political novices like Michele Bachmann, Steve Stockman, and Steve King. These three lawmakers have no legislative accomplishments and are deemed corrupt by many Washington insiders.

Mitch McConnell catered to Rand Paul, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio. Four politicos who have legislative victories since they've been elected to the office.

The New York Daily News report that this event is an embarrassing disruption that angered President Obama. He said this event was “entirely preventable” and Congress would “throw a wrench into the gears” of the country’s recovering economy was triggered as a midnight deadline passed without agreement between the Republican-controlled House and Democrat-run Senate.

The shutdown would keep 800,000 federal workers at home on Tuesday and inconvenience millions of people who rely on federal services or are drawn to the nation’s parks and other attractions. Critical workers, from the Border Patrol to air-traffic controllers, would remain on the job, unpaid.
The New York Daily News trashed then House Speaker now political agitator Newt Gingrich for what was perceived a temper tantrum caused by then President Bill Clinton not budging to the Republican proposals.
Even more troubling than the shutdown was that the partisan stalemate that caused it sets the stage for an even more high-stakes clash, as Congress must soon deal with raising the debt limit by Oct. 17 — a matter in which both sides concede that failure would be perilous for the U.S. economy and economies worldwide. Republicans also want to attach conditions to that vote. Democrats said giving ground now would encourage Republicans to take a harder line in that fight.

At times Monday, Washington seemed like a real-life “House of Cards,” the Netflix drama in which D.C. power players are motivated by dark self-interest rather than the national interest.

Congress, and the government, needed to act because there was no authorization for the government to spend any money as of 12:01 a.m. on Tuesday, the start of the new budget year.

For the first time since the showdown began, there were fissures in the Republican strategy that has been carried out at the insistence of conservatives aligned with the Tea Party. Twelve lawmakers sided with Democrats in a late Monday vote on adding an Obamacare delay to a spending bill, a minor revolt by moderate-leaning Republicans.

BREAKING: Government Shutdown!

The government shuts down.

Welcome to the United States of America. It's the country of 310 million plus people and led by a constitutional government. Today Congress couldn't pass a budget to fund the government throughout 2013 and 2014.

So now what we do?

We vent online. Believe me its going to be a bunch of finger pointing!

Today, the U.S. government has let the American worker down.

As of tonight, the federal government is in a partial shutdown.

People will be affected and right now it's just a few non-essential sources, but in reality, it's everything.

People will be affected by this. Congress will find some way to work through the impasse.

Republicans will take most of the blame for the situation.

We here at Journal de la Reyna will continue to follow developments on the situation as it follows.

Monday, September 30, 2013

Drinking Towards Destruction!

Reporters claim that House Republicans were drinking before voting.


Say if the Democrats threaten to shut down government because they can't get gun control, immigration reform, tax increases on high earners, would you see all theatrics?

Well the Republicans believe in this one sided view of it being the Democrats fault for a government shutdown because the Democrats don't want to repeal the president's healthcare law.

The liberal agitators are flocking to the Huffington Post about a controversial story about House Republicans and their last ditch effort to get Affordable Healthcare Act (OBAMACARE) repealed.

House Democrats warn Republicans that they'll suffer if the government shuts down. Regardless of impact whether small or big, the government shutdown will affect people. National Parks are closed. Immigration and passport documentation are delayed. The federal agencies will cut the hours or suspend workers.

And of course, your lawmakers will still get a paycheck and the perks of being an elected leader.

House Republicans defied warnings from the president. They managed to pass two budget proposals. The first one would advocate spending cuts to SNAP, an extension of the Keystone XL pipeline. healthcare reform, and rollbacks to the EPA.

They pass the second budget that require military workers to get their paychecks, the federal food inspectors who check imports and exports, federal law enforcement,  and other federal agencies that Republicans deem important.

The Democrats want a clean budget bill. They blast the House for passing a sweeten bill with goodies that the Tea Party supports. The bill will be stripped of these goodies once it goes through the U.S. Senate.

The Senate is controlled by Democrats.

The House is controlled by Republicans.

Some Washington insiders say that the long night before passing a budget bill was a drinking game. The reporters say that some members of the Republican House were drinking through the night.

If I was to be a kookspiracy wonk, I would believe that lawmakers were using our taxpayer dollars to have the booze and chicken wings. Yeah, I know we're human. But to hear that House members were drinking alcoholic beverages and luxuries, is pretty disheartening.

When Republicans took over the House of Representatives, they promised that they would focus on jobs.
The Three Stallmigos: Rand Paul, Mike Lee and Ted Cruz with insane in the membrane Michele Bachmann won't cave to Republican leadership.
They threw that pledge out the window. They've repealed or tried to cut funding to the healthcare law over 40 times. They haven't passed a reasonable jobs bill.

They believe that in their minds cutting government brings jobs. The cuts in food stamps, cutting aid to Egypt or Syria (because we don't like the leader), abortions, Islamic extremism, delaying the healthcare law, avoiding gun control laws, and the very thought of impeachment of the president are not job creators.

They are distractions.

This comes as no surprise, back in 2010 when the Democrats were in rut over passing the healthcare law were boozing also.

They ended up losing the majority in the House.

In 2012, the Democrats won the popular vote in the congressional races, but however, the Republicans retained the majority. Remember the Republicans won back the House of Representatives after the U.S. Census. The Republicans won the governorships after the Census.

So it wouldn't matter how many votes they get, if the district is in Republican district, it's harder for the Democrat to win.

Yeah, people will blame the GOP.

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) may lose his top spot after this, but it will not affect the House races. It will have to take a huge moment (i.e. a Mark Foley-type) of situation to help Democrats regain the House.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Blame Game: The Government Shutdown!

President Barack Obama gets blamed for government shutdown. The Republicans will take the country to the brink of fiscal destruction because they don't want to enforce the healthcare law.

The looming government shutdown.

You hear the talking points that President Barack Obama is willing to talk to dictators but not the Republican Party. Recently he's pissed off the racist right by announcing that he's called the Iranian president Hassan Rouhani.

First things first, I am getting tired of the news agitators and Republicans saying that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), Obamacare!

Obamacare is such a stupid buzzword. The health care law has been the reasons for all this ridiculous gridlock in Washington, DC.

Who's going to get the blame for the government workers losing their jobs?

I think it's the Republicans who are likely going to suffer in the end. They've tried to pass this stupid bill that includes repealing the American Affordable Healthcare Act. They threw in extra goodies to sweeten the pot.

The House Republican bill includes a raising of the debt ceiling and funding of the government. But also there's a portion of the bill that allows tax breaks, an extension of the Keystone XL pipeline, defund the healthcare law for a year and rollbacks of environmental regulations.

You hear each Republican call this law Obamacare and they want to "defund the bill" and "repeal the law".

Even though the U.S. Supreme Court told the Republicans its a law, it's still not enough for the House and Senate Republicans from repealing or attempting to defund the law.
The Stallmigos: Ted Cruz, Mike Lee and Rand Paul.
On GOP Sundays, Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah) and Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky) have made their attempt to say that Obamacare is bad for the people. Giving no solution to improve the law or an agenda if they succeed in repealing it. All you hear is a mixture of rhetoric that seems close to Ron Perot and the Palin Da Ass.

The Stallmigos are going to take most of the blame. The Republican leadership has fingered them for the impending government shutdown. The three senators have relatively no accomplishments in lawmaking but yet the most attention with news agitators.

Political observers say that the majority of the blame will squarely go on the feet of the Republican Party.

However a portion of the blame will go to President Barack Obama. The Republicans believe that the president hasn't reached out to them.

Yeah, right.

He's been willing to give them what they want but he said he will not allow the middle class to suffer if the Republicans get these tax cuts to billionaires. He doesn't want to risk having a pipeline that may destroy a portion of natural resources in an event of a man-made or natural disaster.

A government shutdown is a situation in which the government stops providing all but "essential" services.

Typically, services that continue despite a shutdown include police, fire fighting, the National Weather Service and its parent agencies, medical services at federal facilities, the postal service, armed forces air traffic management, and corrections (the penal system).

A federal government shutdown causes a large number of civilian federal employees to be furloughed. Military personnel are not furloughed, but may not be paid as scheduled.

The exact details of which government functions would stop during a shutdown is determined by the Office of Management and Budget. However, some specific aspects have applied to all shutdowns in the past. Among these is the closure of national parks and passport offices.
How many times has President Barack Obama reached out to Republicans? Many times, but every time a deal is made, the Stallmigos are against it. 
"Emergency personnel" continue to be employed, including the military, border agents, doctors and nurses working in federal hospitals, and air traffic controllers. Members of Congress continue to be paid, because their pay cannot be altered except by direct law.

Mail delivery is not affected as it is self-funded. The U.S. Postal Service is facing a serious budget deficit.

They want to approve a raising of stamp prices and cutting Saturday service to save money. But Congress is not willing to give them the opportunity to work on it.

Shutdowns in the past have also affected the Washington, D.C. municipal government, putting a stop to schools and to utilities such as garbage collection.

When you don't get a paycheck and your a federal worker, that may impact them more than those legislators.

The Associated Press reports that even before the House voted, Senate Democrats pledged to reject the measure and the White House issued a statement vowing a veto in any event. Republicans are pursuing "a narrow ideological agenda ... and pushing the government towards shutdown," it said.

The Senate is not scheduled to meet until mid-afternoon on Monday, 10 hours before a shutdown would begin, and even some Republicans said privately they feared that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., held the advantage in the fast-approaching end game. If so, a House GOP rank and file that includes numerous tea party allies would soon have to choose between triggering the first partial shutdown in nearly two decades — or coming away empty-handed from their latest confrontation with Obama.

Undeterred, House Republicans pressed ahead with their latest attempt to squeeze a concession from the White House in exchange for letting the government open for business normally on Tuesday. "Obamacare is based on a limitless government, bureaucratic arrogance and a disregard of a will of the people," said Rep. Marlin Stutzman, R-Ind.

Another Republican, Rep. Darrell Issa of California, reacted angrily when asked whether he would eventually support a standalone spending bill if needed to prevent a shutdown. "How dare you presume a failure? How dare you? How dare you?" he said.

Apart from its impact on the health care law, the legislation that House Republicans decided to back would assure routine funding for government agencies through Dec. 15. Under House rules, the measure went to the Senate after lawmakers voted 248-174 to repeal the medical tax, then 231-192 for the one-year delay in Obamacare.

A companion measure to assure U.S. troops are paid in the event of a shutdown passed unanimously.

The government spending measure marked something of a reduction in demands by House Republicans, who passed legislation several days ago that would permanently strip the health care law of money while providing funding for the government.

It also contained significant concessions from a party that long has criticized the health care law for imposing numerous government mandates on industry, in some cases far exceeding what Republicans have been willing to support in the past. Acknowledging as much, Rep. Trent Franks, R-Ariz., said that as a conservative he had often found during Obama's presidency that his choice was "between something bad or (something) horrible."

GOP aides said that under the legislation headed toward a vote, most portions of the health law that already have gone into effect would remain unchanged. That includes requirements for insurance companies to guarantee coverage for pre-existing conditions and to require children to be covered on their parents' plans until age 26. It would not change a part of the law that reduces costs for seniors with high prescription drug expenses.

One exception would give insurers or others the right not to provide abortion coverage, based on religious or moral objections.

The measure would delay implementation of a requirement for all individuals to purchase coverage or face a penalty, and of a separate feature of the law that will create marketplaces where individuals can shop for coverage from private insurers.

By repealing the medical device tax, the GOP measure also would raise deficits — an irony for a party that won the House majority in 2010 by pledging to get the nation's finances under control.

The Senate rejected the most recent House-passed anti-shutdown bill on a party-line vote of 54-44 Friday, insisting on a straightforward continuation in government funding without health care-related add-ons.

That left the next step up to the House — with time to avert a partial shutdown growing ever shorter.

For a moment at least, the revised House proposal papered over a simmering dispute between Speaker John Boehner and the rest of the leadership, and tea party conservatives who have been more militant about abolishing the health law that all Republican lawmakers oppose.

It was unclear whether members of the rank and file had consulted with Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who has become the face of the "Defund Obamacare" campaign that tea party organizations are promoting and using as a fundraising tool.

In debate on the House floor, Republicans adamantly rejected charges that they seek a government shutdown, and said their goal is to spare the nation from the effects of a law they said would cost jobs and reduce the quality of care. The law is an "attack and an assault on the free enterprise and the free economy," said Rep. Pete Sessions of Texas.

Democrats disagreed vociferously. "House Republicans are shutting down the government. They're doing it intentionally. They're doing it on purpose," said Rep. Donna Edwards of Maryland, as Republican lawmakers booed from their seats on the floor.

In the Senate, there was little doubt that Reid had the votes to block a one-year delay in the health care program widely known as "Obamacare." The device tax seemed trickier, since 33 Democrats joined all Senate Republicans in supporting repeal on a nonbinding vote earlier in the year. But aides said both House-passed proposals would be rejected in a single vote.

The 2.3 percent tax, which took effect in January, is imposed on items such as pacemakers and CT scan machines; eyeglasses, contact lenses, hearing aids and other items are exempt. Repealing it would cost the government an estimated $29 billion over the coming decade.

If lawmakers miss the approaching deadline, a wide range of federal programs would be affected, from the national parks to the Pentagon.

Some critical services such patrolling the borders, inspecting meat and controlling air traffic would continue. Social Security benefits would be sent and the Medicare and Medicaid health care programs for the elderly and poor would continue to pay doctors and hospitals.

The new health insurance exchanges would open Tuesday, a development that's lent urgency to the drive to use a normally routine stopgap spending bill to gut implementation of the law.

On the vote to repeal the medical device tax, 17 Democrats sided with Republicans. Two Democrats supported the delay in the health care law, and two Republicans opposed it.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Weeper Boehner Gambles His Political Future!

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) can't keep his party together.

Once this guy represented my neighborhood. A man who has dedicated his life to being an elite. John Boehner is the current Speaker of the House. He is the main Republican leader. He is at odds with the extremist wing of the Republican Party over his handling over issues.

So in order to win their support, he'll go forward into the political suicide mission of his speakership.

The Republican House members voted in support of cutting the SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) of $39 billion in an attempt to punish the middle class in the poor struggling in the sluggish economy. Food stamps are a part of the safety net and racist right are celebrating a victory.

Clearly it's not going to pass the U.S. Senate and it faced the veto of President Barack Obama.

Instead of passing serious laws like gun control and immigration reform, the Republicans are back at the bottom of the barrel looking for that pickle in the brim. This latest attempt of trying to cut spending isn't a smart idea.

The Republicans seriously believe the poor are the reasons for the economic turmoils.

Unapologetic as they are, they vow to defund Obamacare. They clearly have no chance in hell to repeal or defund the healthcare law. The Republicans are in a civil war with one another. The Republicans are fearing a public backlash to the possibility of losing the House in the Midterm elections.

These political suicide moves doesn't stop the cameras from rolling on Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) and the remaining members of the Republican Party. These Republicans are part of the Tea Party movement.

The Tea Party Movement is struggling for survival. If they can't get Obamacare defund or repealed, then its conservative outreach will sit out the Midterms.

When you look at the situation, I figure that Republicans are seriously concerned about food stamp fraud and the misuse of them. That's fine. I mean there are some who sell food stamps for drugs. But for the millions of Americans who depend on food stamps when the food prices are high, the fuel prices are high and the cost of living going up, those few who take advantage of the system is just 8%.

A measly 8% of the food stamp users are exploiting for fraud.

This gridlock will be the death of Congress. They're polling very unfavorably. I am guessing Congress job approval is at 14%.

The Republicans already lost an election this year. Why are they continuing the same path to failure?

Speaker John Boehner represents parts of Southwestern Ohio. His district is heavily favored for Republicans. The speaker's district includes Troy, Springfield, New Carlisle, Eaton, Greenville, Oxford, Hamilton, Middletown, Tipp City, and his hometown of West Chester.

His leadership is ranked unfavorable. Nancy Pelosi, the California Democrat who was a Speaker herself did more as a leader than this guy.

It's an embarrassment for Ohio to have a lawmaker who cries in public events. It's an embarrassment for Ohio to have a lawmaker in high power fold to the extremists.

It's reasons to why it's important to send the racist right Tea Party back into the dustbin of history.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Conservative Outrage Over An Averted Crisis In Syria!

I bet President Barack Obama's memoirs will include his disgust for Republicans standing in the way of progress.

The president dodged a crisis in the Middle East. The United States and Russia have made a compromise with Syria to give up its chemical weapons. The world can rest easy, there's no international war.

The crisis in Syria is an ongoing issue. The country is in the brinkmanship of a civil war. Weapons of mass destruction were used in the harming of innocent people.

The Associated Press reports that United Nation weapon inspectors have determined that 14 events occurred with chemical weapons.
Bassar al-Assad and Vladimir Putin.
The United States found out about this and was none to happy. America was on the brink of throwing their weight into the matter. Many people were concerned that American troops would be on the ground in Syria. That wasn't the case. The military were going to do strikes on chemical weapon facilities and air bases to cripple any attempts by the Syrian government to move weapons to a "safe heaven".

President Barack Obama warns the Syria leader Bashar al-Assad that if he doesn't get the ball rolling, the United States may strike.

To the "America First" crowd, they think it's a sign of weakness from President Barack Obama.

Their new hero of the conservative movement is Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin.

The conservatives should have some love for the Russian leader. He cheated an election to get back into power. He placed himself into involvements that he had no business meddling in. He is staunchly anti-gay, and signed off some of the nation's most discriminatory laws towards the LGBT residents of Russia.

He's hosted the Olympics and the people cheered for that.

Over here in the United States, conservatives are freaking out the president's handling of a crisis.
The two most annoying legislators on television. The senators John McCain and Lindsay Graham constantly whine on GOP Sundays about the president's handling in Syria.
Like this would be the umpteenth time conservatives would outrage over an issue that involve President Barack Obama. They've freaked out over the Olympics. They freaked out over the healthcare law.

They've freak out over a child prayer, a Lifeline phone, asking Congress to get approval for force, letting the ball get into Putin's court, and adverting a crisis overseas.

They've freaked out over his reelection, the sequester (they've cheered for), his daughters taking a vacation, him taking a vacation, him at the golf course, Michelle Obama's healthy food policies, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, his birth certificate, and winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

If I didn't know better, I think the conservatives are reacting because of race!

Nah, it's just his policies. There's no jobs. People are lazy. America is losing its grip on being the world's superpower.

This is how Republicans think! They want to see the first Black president fail.

Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator John McCain (R-Arizona), Senator Lindsay Graham (R-South Carolina), Congressman Mike Rogers (R-Michigan), Congressman Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas), Congressman Pete King (R-New York), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman Tom Price (R-Georgia), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), and numerous agitators in the conservative media have overheated their rhetoric.

They wanted a war in Syria. But since this was Obama, they don't want to support him.

The bonehead Congress. Michele Bachman, Rand Paul, Mitch McConnell and Mike Lee are Tea Party members who say some dumb ass shit. McConnell is the minority leader of the Republicans in the U.S. Senate. McConnell is shyster who panders to the right because he's facing a tougher primary this time.
They're upset that the president would have taken us to war. They're upset over the president letting the UN and Russia settle the matter without a weapon being used or a foreign soldier being killed.

The apparent strategic deal to stop the Syrian military from using chemical weapons is like a sign of weakness.

Even though in a war, there's no good guys or bad guys. It's just a lot of weapons and a whole lot of dead bodies.

Conservatives are a headache. Republicans are on the slow walk to political suicide.

Trying to defeat the first Black president is going to rile up Black and Hispanic voters. I bet ya, that if this continues on, I bet the Democrats may rally a stronger turnout to beat back the Republicans again.

And this example of the president adverting a crisis shows how desperate the conservatives are to tarnish his legacy. These individuals are brainwashing their gullible supporters into thinking the president isn't do something or doing too much of something.

I am satisfied that the president used his muscle to get Russia to take control of this.

Why should we be the police man of the world?

We have enough problems over here without another war.

We don't want to end up doing the Bush Doctrine in Obama's name.

Tell the story Cenk Uyger. The Young Turks explains the overheated reactions to an averted crisis.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Syria: An American Affair!!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/landscape_635/alg-obama-assad-jpg.jpg
Face off.

President Barack Obama is roundly facing opposition from the equals of the left and the right over this issue with Syria. The Middle Eastern country is in a huge civil war, and there's reports that chemical weapons were used on civilians. The president blames the Syrian government for the chemical weapons use and wants to strike upon the country.

Longtime leader Bashar al-Assad has denied that his government was responsible for using chemical weapons.

He warned the United States and its allies that anything goes if they invade the country.

As the commander-and-chief, Obama has to outline his military strategy. He wants procedure strikes on military bases and spots that contain chemical weapons. The president can do that as he pleases since he's the military leader. But some are bitching about the Constitution and the possibility of going into a long drawn out war.

He's getting criticized by the Opposition Team (Rand Paul, John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Ted Cruz, and Mike Lee) on how he should address this issue in Syria. They wanted him to go to Congress to issue a declaration of war. Then when he shocked the junk food media with that, the same members of th Opposition Team are bitching about how it's a weak move by a president.

But also his core supporters, the progressives are dismayed that this could happen. I am for one concerned that the president is making a dire mistake entering into this conflict. But who am I to stop him?

I mean honestly most U.S. presidents have intervened in global affairs. This one is different. The amount of opposition is basically roundly from both sides. 

The war weary American public isn't in favor of meddling in Syria.

President Barack Obama laid out a red line and told that action will be taken. So where's the action?

He's been bombarded by the left on his promise not to start wars. He's been bombarded by the right on his transparency. And of course, the right doesn't want to give him a victory and they're trying to figure ways to "impeach" him.

The Republican Party itself is even defiant in war. This party and its former standard bearer George W. Bush were unison in getting the war drums beating. The Republicans had unanimous support for the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, two of the longest combat wars in the history.

This possibility of going into Syria has strained relationships with Russia. The Russian Federation president Vladimir Putin is strongly against this proposal. Russia is an ally of Syria and they believe that there's not enough proof of chemical weapons use.

Today, officials have confirmed that Syria is probably willing to give up chemical weapons to strain off an airstrike from the American military.

There's a discussion about it. A healthy and yes sometimes unproductive discussion of war.

The country is strained with economic turmoils because of the impact of Iraq and Afghanistan.

The Republican Party is trying to tarnish the legacy of President Barack Obama regardless of what he does.

We already hear talk from Rand Paul that he'll filibuster the move. Instead of writing legislation, he's going to do another camera grabbing moment to win over a few clueless stans.

John McCain was caught playing online poker while at the White House. The three hour discussion on a war strategy and McCain is playing video games. This old fool had the nerve to say that he'll talk to House members about impeachment.

John Boehner is on board with the president. And in a few days, he'll vote probably against the proposal since he's getting flack from his Tea Party members.
Pete King called the president decision a good move, but still criticized him for not being an effective leader.

Steve Stockman is already plotting a drafting of Articles of Impeachment.

Democrats are split too. Nancy Pelosi support the president. But those progressives and Blue Dog Democrats are fighting over it as well.
Syria sits within the western quadrant of the Middle East.

It's a big situation if we strike Syria. A country that no one can find on a map, but it's in those in the junk food news media who bring up those stories of those "scary Muslims."

I am actually disappointed in how far we've gotten to this moment. I mean the United States is the only global superpower in the world. Its influence has decreased since the two wars.

Many overseas view Americans as ignorant.

Yeah, we're ignorant.

Many conservative minded Americans believe that anyone who doesn't speak English (American) should go back to their country.

Many conservative minded Americans and liberal minded Americans believe Muslims aren't to be trusted.

Even though a majority of Muslims denounce the religious extremism, many are targeted for hate crimes because of perceived fears of 9/11 and the Benghazi saga.

Many conservative minded Americans would follow a Republican leader into war. They'll finger wag when a Democrat wants to go into a war. King Hippo and That Guy Who Helped Obama Win are two fine examples of that.

They we're the biggest cheerleaders for war in Iraq and called those who opposed it, "anti-American".

The very same cheerleaders are booing and crowing that this potential for strike in Syria is "anti-American."

Tonight President Barack Obama will deliver a speech to the nation about his proposals and the latest developments in Syria.

Russia's move to have chemical weapons removed may take some claim out of the storm. The conservative agitators are blasting the president for allowing Russia take control of the situation. Instead of understand the means of diplomacy, they're arm chair warriors plotting their strategies if they were the commander-and-chief.

The president welcomed any suggestions to end the conflict. But yeah, he's still can get the go-ahead to strike if Congress refuses to authorize. The president is still willing to take this on.

Diplomacy is on the way. Secretary of State John Kerry's first year on the job and he's got one of the toughest moves to make. Could he imagine this conflict gotten to this point!

What's your take on the possibility of the United States engaging in a war with Syria?

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Former GOP Congressman Acting A Like A Racist Fool!

Ex-Republican congressman acting a fool yet again! The dead beat Joe Walsh wants Blacks to achieve his dream of being out of the hood and into serving his buddies at the table.

Former Congressman Joe Walsh, the one term Republican from Illinois makes even more noise outside of the beltway.

He was defeated by Democrat Tammy Duckworth, a double amputee military veteran. She is the first Asian American woman from Illinois to serve in the U.S. congress. 

He is one of the many known Republican assholes who open mouth insert foot and part of their ass in. 

He is annoying. Just like Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Congressman Steve Stockman (R-Texas) and Congressman Darrell Issa (R-California).

Even out of the public limelight requires a former member of Congress to at least show dignity.

Apparently, the dead beat can't stay out of trouble. He can't keep his trap shut about race in America.

Is this what the Republican Party represents? 

Apparently so! 

Because this is what they think of the Black community, President Barack Obama and others of non-color.

They can line up the Black tin soldiers of the conservative media and racist right. Wind them up and make them move around and speak their two pennies of ignorance on behalf of the Black community.

He's some talk radio agitator in Chicago. Apparently he's gearing up for Savage Weiner or King Hippo's position when they croak. He're his version of an "I Have A Dream" speech. Prepare yourselves for the vomit bag.

Today marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King, Jr.’s iconic “I Have a Dream” speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom in 1963. 

Unless you've been living under a rock, you should know that today is the anniversary, as over the last week, every columnist, pundit and cable news host has been emphatically asking if Dr. King’s dream has been realized. 

In the build-up to this momentous occasion, many people have invoked King’s legacy to promote their own various causes. Yesterday, President Obama was asked by morning radio host Tom Joyner what King would think of Obamacare. 

The president quickly responded that King, “would like it.” While our commander-in-chief usurped King’s dream to selfishly promote his own legacy, our country’s race-baiter-in-chief, Rev. Al Sharpton is using this week to push back against the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent ruling to strike down parts of the 1965 Voting Rights Act. 

Of all the commentators who have been  asking whether King’s dream has been achieved, FOX News’ Juan Williams seems to be the only one with whom I agree. When asked by Chris Wallace if the dream has been fulfilled, 

Williams noted that there isn't, “any question that [African Americans] have come along way,” before importantly pointing out that blacks have to address the problems that are created within their communities. 

“I think that if you look at the realities of today, you've got to talk about things like family breakdown,” Williams said. 

“You've got to talk about the fact that 70 percent of black children today are born out of wedlock. I think Dr. King would cry.” 

I agree with Juan, but instead of invoking King’s legacy to lament about present problems I’ve decided to share my own dream. 

I have a dream that all black parents will have the right to choose where their kids attend school. 

I have a dream that all black boys and girls will grow up with a father. 

I have a dream that young black men will stop shooting other young black men. 

I have a dream that all young black men will say “no” to gangs and to drugs. 

I have a dream that all black young people will graduate from high school. 

I have a dream that young black men won’t become fathers until after they’re married and they have a job. 

I have a dream that young unmarried black women will say “no” to young black men who want to have sex. 

I have a dream that today’s black leadership will quit blaming racism and “the system” for what ails black America.

I have a dream that black America will take responsibility for improving their own lives. 

I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has enslaved them to lives of poverty, and instead depend on themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.

Hey Joe, do me a favor! Take care of them five kids! You're "unemployed" and you can't raise them children. You're a 50 something year old White guy. How the hell can you say that Black women are unmarried and having children when you were twice divorce and owing the government hundreds of dollars for failure to appear and child support? 

You and Allen West need to take a seat and go back to the abyss. The Tea Party is dead.

There's a reason to continue the march for progress and prosperity. It's because of people like him. He's the reason why I conclude that Republicans are the condescending bigots the left points them out to be.

Keep lining up these clowns up and we'll be having a circus.

This is a reason to defeat the Republicans in the midterm elections.


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