Showing posts with label David Duke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Duke. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Former Black Panther Charles Barron Run For Congress Will Rile Up Republicans!

Perennial candidate Charles Barron (right) is running for retiring Democratic Congressman Edolphus Towns seat. Many Democrats fear that Barron's rhetoric could put the seat in Republicans hands. They throwing their support to Hakeem Jefferies, (left), a New York Assemblyman from Brooklyn. Barron is a former Black Panther who has rhetoric that can come off as totally offensive!

New York City councilman Charles Barron is no stranger to the media. After all he's been the token Democrat on that old Fox News debate show with serial agitators Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes.

Now that he's back in the limelight once again. The U.S. Congressional seat being vacated by Representative Edolphus Towns is going to be a safe seat for the Democrats. But if Charles Barron wins, then it's going to be a disaster. A seat that should be considered safe for the Democrats may swing to the Republicans.

Towns and many other representatives gotten so frustrated with fellow members stalling progress, the safest thing for them to do is retire. The Democrats are dispirited by the lack of steadiness from President Barack Obama and members of Congress. They may sit it out if President Barack Obama doesn't get his "Hope" back!

Barron is no stranger to controversy. He was once a member of the original Black Panthers for Self Justice. This would be his umpteenth time running for higher office so this would make him a perennial candidate.

Congressman Edolphus Towns (D-New York)
As a radical activist, Barron's statements come off as a tad bit offensive to others. Barron wants to focus on issues within Black neighborhoods of Brooklyn. Cool. But his past statements towards Whites, LGBT, those who practice in the Jewish faith have gotten the Democrats a bit of unease.

A man who wants to focus on issues such as the controversial New York Police Department's Stop & Frisk maneuver. A man who wants to bring business to the struggling communities. Cool. But his radical statements such as reparations for slavery will unease the Democratic Party and even Black leaders.

A man who is out there protesting the NYPD for using deadly force on unarmed citizens such as Sean Bell, Amadou Bailo Diallo, Timothy Stansbury, and others. He's protested the controversial profiling of Muslims in New York. Cool. But his reactionary outrage and standing near the New Black Panthers and Nation of Islam is a reason for concern among the Democratic Party.

So the Democrats got a bit of nervousness. If Barron does win the Democratic primary he's going to sink President Barack Obama in the general. 

The conservatives already paint President Barack Obama as some New Black Panther, Marxist who tax and spend on White people's money! Conservatives believe that the president was born a radical who wants to redistribute the wealth so his "brothas" Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee and Jesse Jackson can have their 40 acres and a mule.

The conservatives ridicule him for takes golf outings and his family on vacations. The conservatives think that the president is actually a Muslim. Some even think that since he's good friends with Al Sharpton, Barron would be another one of those so-called radical friends. 

And of course, the ongoing vetting by Sean Hannity and his Agitation Express (or what I call his radio and television programs). 

Also a notorious bigot by the name of Dr. David Duke endorsed Charles Barron. Duke despises the tactics used by Barron, but he found mutual agreement with the councilman over the issues with Israel. Barron channels Representative Ron Paul (R-Texas) theory of cutting off foreign aid to Israel. As with Duke, Charles Barron believe that Israel is the cause of turmoil in the world. David Duke is a member of the White Nationalist community Stormfront and is a public speaker in racist circles. Duke was a perennial candidate who managed to serve one term as a member of the Louisiana House of Representatives. He was the former grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. Duke was the clean cut professional bigot. 

For anyone who thinks White supremacists are stupid assholes who have nothing better to do with their lives other than agitate the Black community. You're wrong! The most dangerous person is the professional bigot. 

The professional bigot can create websites, rally up fundraising and agitate a disturbed individual into committing an act that may inflict harm on a person without the professional bigot getting their hands dirty.

Barron is being challenged by Hakeem Jeffries, a New York Assemblyman who represents a portion of the Brooklyn neighborhoods. Jeffries, is an unknown on the national level. Rest assured that the Democratic Party is going to make sure he's their pick. They don't want Barron to win because the party thinks his statements could sabotage the president.

Right now, a Republican hasn't declared an intent on running. There's a third party candidate in the race. A person from the New York Conservative Party. The Conservative Party of New York is a far right political organization that endorses candidates for general election. They also sync with Republicans if the candidate decides to run on the same principles of the third party.

Barron is a figure that could spell disaster for the Democratic Party. Although it's likely Hakeem Jeffries is going to be the nominee for the district, we have to be very careful about the mood of the people in that district. They're may be a few New Black Panthers waving batons and giving menacing looks at voters!

Of course I am being sarcastic! 

But seriously, put your chips on the less controversial candidate!

Courtesy of YouTube and Fox News. Commentary from user Lungyao1.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Matt Drudge Is A God Damn Race Baiting Conservative Agitator!

Scaring Up Votes, The Drudge Manifesto! Race-baiting conservative agitator puts the fear of Black thugs in the minds of extremists. Matt Drudge roots for The Great American Race War.
Update: This election will bring out the worst from the Republican Party. Their allies include The Drudge Report, Fox News, Karl Rove, Frank Luntz and the Koch Brothers. They're heavily invested in the divide and conquer strategy. Watching how these stories are mentioned in the mainstream media proves there is a subliminal tactic by the right. Those evil Black thugs attacking on the patriotic White person is certainly going to be the theme of the conservative media. This is dog whistle politics. Republicans have been in the game for the last 40+ years doing this stuff. Isolating those they deem ineffective to their radical conservative causes. The world is changing and conservatism is slow to catching up. With the announcement of demographics shifting in favor of minority birth rates, White conservatives are really riled up about the growing minority. They need to scare up votes from bigots who are determined to destory the progress of Civil Rights. Barack Obama is the first Black president. Conservatives will rile up White people with these stories. 

It's no surprise of the alliance between the Breitbart News Service and The Drudge Report. They work hand in hand trying to point out the issue of Black on White violence. A theme that's run popular in the conservative blogosphere and the white supremacist circles.

But I want to make it clear, U.S. crime rates are down.

Racial based incidents aren't on the rise. It's actually on the decrease. There's far more incidents that involve white males committing hate crimes. It's mostly a product of the extremism within the conservative movement. Hate crimes are usually committed by white males who hold conservative views towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, disability, political and economic standings. They would perform domestic terrorism in the name of group that harbors extremism towards a changing society.

They're trying to justify incidents within the controversial Trayvon Martin shooting. In the mind of a conservative, Black on White violence is rampant and the media isn't reporting it!

Once again, if you harbor bigoted views towards someone's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings, you're deemed an extremist in my eye.

I don't care what political affiliation you represent, if you're a conservative on an issue, you're likely to hold a bigoted view on an issue.

The Drudge Report caters to extremism. In order to stay relevant, the conservative agitator looks for stories that offer red meat controversies. Conservatives harbor bigoted views toward race, gender, sexuality, religion, language, nationality, political and economic standings.
Who the heck goes around sending racist emails with depictions of President Obama and his family?

Who the heck goes around saying the Blacks are lazy, immoral, welfare loving, "gubmint" supporting parasites? Note the spelling of the word gubmint, a popular white supremacist colical term to describe the government.

Who the heck complains about the likelihood of a society getting browner?

I come to the conclusion that white conservative men provoke the Black and Hispanic/Latino community.

Conservative agitators are the reasons for uneasy among the races.

According to McKay Coppins, of Buzzfeed a liberal agitating website that channels viral events, he wrote that: [If] you've spent much time consuming conservative media lately, you've probably learned about a slow-burning "race war" going on in America today. Sewing together disparate data points and compelling anecdotes like the attack in Norfolk, conservative bloggers and opinion-makers are driving the narrative with increasing frequency.

Their message: Black-on-white violence is spiking — and the mainstream media is trying to cover it up. This notion isn't necessarily new to the right, which has long complained about stifling political correctness in the media and the rising tide of "reverse racism." But the race war narrative has gained renewed traction during the Obama years, as various factors — from liberals' efforts to paint the Tea Party as racist, to the widely-covered Trayvon Martin shooting — have left conservatives feeling unfairly maligned, and combative.

Here what you do if you're one these conservative agitators who respond to my post!

Take your Tea Party signs, your phony patriotism rants, Obama bashing, minority complaining nonsense to these so called crime ridden Democratic strongholds you're complaining about. Let's see if you can take your online rhetoric to the streets you claim are crime infested Democrat areas! Let your guns, Bibles and "think you're better than others" crap to those you feel stifle the majority.

Courtesy of Young Turks Media/Current TV.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Yes, Cult Followers! It's Over For Ron Paul!

It's over for the perennial long shot candidate, Ron Paul.
The gadfly candidate for president, Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas) is broke. And he's no longer capable to campaign in the final primary states.

Instead of throwing in the towel, he urges his cult followers to continue the fight all the way to the Republican National Convention despite him ceasing his primary stomps.

The cult refuses to acknowledge his suspending of active campaigning. They will never get it through their mentally challenged heads that the game is over.

The cult of Ron Paul is in such disarray. They don't even understand the logic of politics! They will continue to support a candidate that had no chance of winning in the first place.

Okay, cult members, there's no possibility for him to run for the nomination of the Libertarian Party. The former governor of New Mexico, Gary Johnson is the nominee for the Libertarian Party.

Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky isn't going to be the choice of vice president when perennial candidate Mitt Romney becomes the nominee. It's not worth Romney's time to have a conspiracy kook a breathe away from the presidency.

The Federal Reserve will be here! Today. Tomorrow. And probably by the time Ron Paul is dead and gone.

Black males aren't born criminals. Ron Paul you got it twisted. White conservative men will always provoke the Black community with this inflammatory rhetoric. Talk radio, White on Black crime, stereotyping and racial insults are leading agitation among conservatives and the Black community. What causes crime between Black and White men? A White conservative male provoke a Black person with rhetoric that is considered threatening to the well-being of the person.

Ron Paul's white nationalist friends are going to have support someone! Maybe the American Third Position or the Constitutional Party?

Ron Paul is America's least favorite politician. There's no doubt that!

Ron Paul has no love for the gay community! He proven that when he got ambushed by comedian Sacha Baron Cohen. The comedian took on the persona of the gay agitator Bruno.

Ron Paul thinks women are irrelevant. He would rather oppose legislation that favors women. Let's say that he's against family leave. He's supports legislation that rolls back Roe v. Wade.

Ron Paul supports the Republican Party over 90% of the time when it comes to Paul Ryan's austerity cuts. But Paul goes further. He wants to eliminate the Departments of Education, Energy, Commerce, Housing & Urban Development, and Interior. He wants to eliminate domestic spending like farm subsidies, food stamps, welfare and unemployment benefits for laid off employees.

Ron Paul has ties to extremists. He took pictures with White supremacist Derek Black and his father blogger Don, the creator of Stormfront. The white nationalist website actively donates to the campaign and Paul refuses to return the money. Paul appeared on The Political Cesspool, a radio program by James Edwards, a contributor to Stormfront.

Ron Paul has no love for immigrants. The Ron Paul newsletters, one of the many controversies that spawned through the 2012 U.S. Presidential Campaign have been released once again. Paul shares his disgust of the vermin of society.

Ron Paul has no major accomplishments either as a congressman or a presidential candidate. This is the third time he's tried to run for president. From the moment he announced he would run for president, the American people written him as the perennial gadfly.

I consider him Ron Perot. A ploy upon the Texas businessman and founder of the Reform Party, H. Ross Perot. The candidate who ran for president in 1992 and 1996. Many Republicans claim that Perot helped Bill Clinton become the President of the United States. With these running for president it has ruined President George H.W. Bush and Senator Bob Dole's campaigns and allow two successful victories for Clinton.

Ron Paul will have no impact whatsoever to Mitt Romney. Romney is aware of the disgruntled cult members. Romney may try to soothe over Paul's cult. And believe me there's chatter!

Those die-hard cult followers of Ron Paul will never get over the fact that it's over! He's retiring from Congress and this was the make-or-break moment for the campaign.

If there's any sign of treason (selling out), Paul would endorse Romney and tell his cult followers to support him.

I doubt it, but it could be a possibility that if Romney does win the presidency, he may put Paul in his administration. But I doubt it. There shouldn't be any talk of a Federal Reserve Chairman Ron Paul.

And with this being over for him, what the cult going to do now. Blame everyone but themselves?

Good riddance to the cult, the conspiracy theories and the failed campaign of Ron Paul.

You can read this here or at the Blue Light Buzz.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tea Partying with White Supremacists! - White Supremacists and Far Right Militias Mobilizing Anger against President Obama

Al Jazeera Reports: White Power USA - The Rise of White Supremacists In The Age of Barack Obama.

With the election of the Barack Obama, a failing economy and anti-immigrant sentiment on the rise, some activists are calling it the perfect storm for recruitment by racist organisations.

Supremacist groups are reportedly targeting soldiers returning from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as trying to become part of 'mainstream' conservatism by organising around the successful 'Tea Party' movement. 2010 © AlJazeeraEnglish, Inc.

A new report from the Anti-Defamation League© 2009 - 2010 Anti-Defamation League

The Tea Party phenomenon, which began with anti-tax rallies staged across the country on April 15, 2009, will continue as activists in almost every state are planning similar events on July 4. Notably, white supremacists are again planning to participate. As they have done with other political and social issues, for example, promoting the Ron Paul campaign and using the immigration debate, white supremacists and anti-Semites are planning to exploit Tea Parties to disseminate their hateful views and recruit a larger following.
Extremists plan to recruit at Tea Parties
Stormfront, the most popular white supremacist Internet forum, is home to discussion between extremists eager to influence the events. In addition to circulating a list of local organizers and promoting planned rallies, Stormfront members are trying to find ways to involve themselves in the events. In posts to the forum, many voice their intent to attend the Tea parties for the purpose of cultivating an "organized grassroots White mass movement."

Posts to Stormfront:
  • "We need a relevent [sic] transitional envelope-pushing flyer for the masses. Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism."
  • "We intervene to shape the new pro-White grassroots agenda from within the crowd. We intervene for active effect at the event, for advancement of White racial consciousness and solidarity, and for the growth of the organized grassroots White mass movement and the most perceptive racially aware activist element."
  • "I also agree that spreading the WN message at these events is a good idea-it's time already,we've gotta do it!! Carefully, of course."
  • "A big crowd of irate White folks protesting the government seems like the perfect time and place for us WN's to promote our cause, at least to my way of thinking."
  • "I distributed WN literature at the last Tea Party in Phoenix. I will be doing it again in July. This is the time and the place. For those on a budget, I would suggest printing business cards with the web address of your group or organization. Keep it simple."
  • "I think they'd be ideal for spreading WN literature and gaining recruits in large numbers, more quickly."

Tea Party Americans Coalition
An anti-Semite and white supremacist using the name "Whites Forward" created the Tea Party Americans Coalition (TPAC) as "a working group for serious White racialist ACTIVISTS in the US who want to effectively coordinate our efforts and intervene for effect in Tea Party-type events." Anti-Semitic, racist, and anti-immigrant themes run through the six issues on which the working group is based.
"Whites Forward" is hoping that TPAC will be the "genesis of our new White mass movement and the fertile womb for our pro-White political party." He has called on other white supremacist groups to align themselves with the coalition, "Take these Tea Party Americans by the hand and help them go from crawling to standing independently and then walking toward racialism." —Stormfront member "Whites Forward"including the Council of Conservative Citizens, the Nationalist Coalition, David Duke's EURO organization, and European Americans United.
Currently, 42 individuals have registered as TPAC members, including:
  • Don Black, well-known throughout the white supremacist and anti-Semitic community, both for his role as the founder and operator of Stormfront, and for his appearances and speeches at racist and anti-Semitic gatherings. Based in Florida, Black is a former Grand Dragon in the Ku Klux Klan who served prison time for plotting to invade the Caribbean island of Dominica and overthrow its government.
  • John Ubele, the Florida-based Operations Manager for the neo-Nazi Nationalist Coalition. A former member of the neo-Nazi National Alliance, Ubele was also a founding member of the Sons of Liberty Committee, a group whose stated goal was for "the interests of European Americans…to reign supreme in all deliberations and actions of our government." Ubele also hosted "Radio with John Ubele," a weekly radio program hosted on Stormfront.
National Alliance leader tells followers to spread neo-Nazi message at Tea Parties
Erich Gliebe, who heads the West Virginia-based National Alliance (NA), devoted a May 2009 Internet radio broadcast to recast the purpose of the Tea Parties as opportunities to unite the white race and motivate its members to action. Gliebe argued that white people have simply had enough of what he described as minorities relying on tax dollars to fund government programs. He explained that "middle class White Americans are finally protesting."
Optimistic that recruitment at the Tea Parties could expand his group's membership, Gliebe suggested that "a number of those who turned out on April 15th are ready to embrace the National Alliance's message." He also alleged that the NA had experienced an increase in applications and requests for information as a result of the Tea Parties.
Gliebe encouraged white people to exploit the events to form a movement that will address the "major issues facing White Americans today." Finally, he requested that individuals intending on participating in future tea parties distribute a pamphlet created by deceased National Alliance leader William Pierce.
White supremacist Billy Roper a Tea Party organizer in Arkansas
Billy Roper, who heads the white supremacist White Revolution group, based in Arkansas, is listed as an organizer on a Tea Party movement Web site. In a June 2009 post to the White Revolution blog, Roper claimed to be organizing a Tea Party in Arkansas and sending White Revolution "representatives who will be witnessing and converting lost souls at Tea Parties from North Carolina to Arizona." [emphasis in original]
A May blog post revealed that White Revolution members will attend local Tea Party protests and distribute leaflets and flyers. Their goal will be to "educate, activate, and recruit." The blog post encouraged readers to "plan to attend one to do your part for our race and nation!"


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