Perennial candidate Charles Barron (right) is running for retiring Democratic Congressman Edolphus Towns seat. Many Democrats fear that Barron's rhetoric could put the seat in Republicans hands. They throwing their support to Hakeem Jefferies, (left), a New York Assemblyman from Brooklyn. Barron is a former Black Panther who has rhetoric that can come off as totally offensive! |
New York City councilman Charles Barron is no stranger to the media. After all he's been the token Democrat on that old Fox News debate show with serial agitators Sean Hannity and Alan Colmes.
Now that he's back in the limelight once again. The U.S. Congressional seat being vacated by Representative Edolphus Towns is going to be a safe seat for the Democrats. But if Charles Barron wins, then it's going to be a disaster. A seat that should be considered safe for the Democrats may swing to the Republicans.
Towns and many other representatives gotten so frustrated with fellow members stalling progress, the safest thing for them to do is retire. The Democrats are dispirited by the lack of steadiness from President Barack Obama and members of Congress. They may sit it out if President Barack Obama doesn't get his "Hope" back!
Barron is no stranger to controversy. He was once a member of the original Black Panthers for Self Justice. This would be his umpteenth time running for higher office so this would make him a perennial candidate.
Congressman Edolphus Towns (D-New York) |
A man who wants to focus on issues such as the controversial New York Police Department's Stop & Frisk maneuver. A man who wants to bring business to the struggling communities. Cool. But his radical statements such as reparations for slavery will unease the Democratic Party and even Black leaders.
A man who is out there protesting the NYPD for using deadly force on unarmed citizens such as Sean Bell, Amadou Bailo Diallo, Timothy Stansbury, and others. He's protested the controversial profiling of Muslims in New York. Cool. But his reactionary outrage and standing near the New Black Panthers and Nation of Islam is a reason for concern among the Democratic Party.
So the Democrats got a bit of nervousness. If Barron does win the Democratic primary he's going to sink President Barack Obama in the general.
The conservatives already paint President Barack Obama as some New Black Panther, Marxist who tax and spend on White people's money! Conservatives believe that the president was born a radical who wants to redistribute the wealth so his "brothas" Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee and Jesse Jackson can have their 40 acres and a mule.
The conservatives ridicule him for takes golf outings and his family on vacations. The conservatives think that the president is actually a Muslim. Some even think that since he's good friends with Al Sharpton, Barron would be another one of those so-called radical friends.
And of course, the ongoing vetting by Sean Hannity and his Agitation Express (or what I call his radio and television programs).
For anyone who thinks White supremacists are stupid assholes who have nothing better to do with their lives other than agitate the Black community. You're wrong! The most dangerous person is the professional bigot.
The professional bigot can create websites, rally up fundraising and agitate a disturbed individual into committing an act that may inflict harm on a person without the professional bigot getting their hands dirty.
Barron is being challenged by Hakeem Jeffries, a New York Assemblyman who represents a portion of the Brooklyn neighborhoods. Jeffries, is an unknown on the national level. Rest assured that the Democratic Party is going to make sure he's their pick. They don't want Barron to win because the party thinks his statements could sabotage the president.
Right now, a Republican hasn't declared an intent on running. There's a third party candidate in the race. A person from the New York Conservative Party. The Conservative Party of New York is a far right political organization that endorses candidates for general election. They also sync with Republicans if the candidate decides to run on the same principles of the third party.
Barron is a figure that could spell disaster for the Democratic Party. Although it's likely Hakeem Jeffries is going to be the nominee for the district, we have to be very careful about the mood of the people in that district. They're may be a few New Black Panthers waving batons and giving menacing looks at voters!
Of course I am being sarcastic!
But seriously, put your chips on the less controversial candidate!
Courtesy of YouTube and Fox News. Commentary from user Lungyao1.
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