Showing posts with label Allen West. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Allen West. Show all posts

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Keep Screaming!

President Barack Obama's growing frustration with Congress eases with an executive order giving them and federal workers a slight increase in pay. The fiscal cliff/debt ceiling debate continues and it's likely they'll come up with a compromise.
The phony outrage machine is cranked up once again for the agitators of the online world. Conservatives and some liberals are scoffing the idea of the president issuing an executive order giving Vice President Joe Biden, all federal workers and members of Congress a pay raise.

By the way, many states are going to raise their minimum wage rates as January 2013 begins.

Conservatives are screaming that federal workers shouldn't be entitled to any raises whatsoever!

Shame though, these same individuals would punish the mail carrier, the FBI agent, a member of the military, the TSA worker, the IRS agent, the National Park ranger, a member of National Archives and numerous others for getting a pay raise.

The 112th Congress by far was the least productive. Republicans and the Tea Party have "stuck" to their principles and ended up sinking their job approval into the low.

As of March 27, 2013, federal employees will see a half-percent to one percent pay increase, marking the end of a pay freeze that has been in place since late 2010. Congress hasn't seen a pay raise since 2009.

This Executive Order will make Vice President Joe Biden's pay increase from $225,521 to $231,900 a year, before taxes. House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) will see his salary increased to $224,500 and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) will take home an annual pay of $194,400 after his raise.

Congressmen and senators make $174,000 a year and will see an extra $900 in their annual pay packages before taxes next year.

The Hill Reports that the order is issued as President Barack Obama and Congress work to reach a deal on the "fiscal cliff" of tax hikes and spending cuts set to begin in January.

Unless Congress acts within the next few days, more than $500 billion in tax increases and spending cuts will take effect in January, and the fiscal shock would likely cause a new recession.

By law, Congress cannot get a larger increase in salary than the adjustment given to federal workers.

President Barack Obama proposed that workers get a 0.5 percent pay increase last year and wanted it to take effect on January 1. In September, the president agreed with Congress to delay the pay increase at least until the expiration of a continuing resolution funding the government at the end of March.

Federal workers have been laboring under a two-year pay freeze ordered by President Barack Obama in December 2010 to try to reduce spending. Congress has not seen a pay increase since 2009.

Here's a solution to all these agitators concerns: How about you fools stop wasting your energy keystroking on the internet! Take action and run for Congress. I mean if you so tired of Washington, DC, and the antics of both political parties, vote them out or run for the office.

I mean you can't do nothing if you're sitting on your lazy ass complaining about how it's "all Obama's fault" and never yours!

Saturday, December 29, 2012

My Honest Opinion Of The Tea Party And Republicans!

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), House Speaker, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) and Majority Leader Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia) are scorned by the public according to most polls. The Republican Party's stubborness and bitterness (likely racist) campaign against President Barack Obama has caught up and people are tired of it! 
As the sequester (fiscal cliff/debt ceiling) debate continues with neither side willing to sacrifice for the sake of the nation, we here at Journal de la Reyna continue to keep you informed! The nation is gripping for a tax hike and possible spending cuts that may eventually take our country into another recession. Gun control is front and center as a result of the Sandy Hook shooting. Each of these important issues are taking either the backseat or thrown inside of the trunk when it comes to Republicans. I want to share my honest opinion of the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement in general.

I can't stand them. I am very frustrated with Republicans, conservative agitating and the extremism.

By far this 112th Congress is the least productive in history. This is also the first Congress since 1947 in which a member of the Kennedy family has not served, as well as the most politically polarized Congress since Reconstruction, with record low approval ratings. This ties the 80th Congress of 1947 when Republicans took control during the times of President Harry Truman. The 80th Congress was nicknamed the "Do Nothing Congress" by President Harry Truman. The Congress opposed many of the bills passed during the Franklin Roosevelt administration. They also opposed most of Truman's Fair Deal bills. Yet they passed many pro-business bills. During the 1948 election Truman campaigned as much against the "Do Nothing Congress" as against his formal opponent, Thomas Dewey.

The very same thing only 63 years later. The Republicans gridlock Congress in order to sabotage President Barack Obama. When the 2012 election came forth President Barack Obama was at low job approval ratings, but by the end of his term, he ended up winning reelection against perennial loser Mitt Romney.


It doesn't sink in their empty heads that they've lost the presidential election. It doesn't sink in their empty heads that they barely hold control of the House of Representatives and the Senate is still in Democrat control. The Republican leaders are looking even more worse. Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) and Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House) are now ranked unfavorably by a majority of Americans. It doesn't sink in their empty heads that most Americans want higher taxes on the rich, Mitt Romney to go away, and the Republicans to work with the president.

The Republicans are more Whiter and less moderate.

As the president wraps up his first term, his second term will begin with the very same idiots who screwed up the country. The president will continue to have his policies or nominees stalled or blocked by constant obstruction. Republicans agitate this debate that it's our current president's fault for the economy tanking.

Clearly wiping away the history of a two termed president who allowed the country to go into two wars. A president who allowed tax cuts for the rich go forth without paying for them. A president who raised the debt ceiling more than 8 times without much obstruction. A president who took us into The Great Recession.

That allow a Democratic senator become the President Of The United States. And during his first term, Republicans seemed willing to work with the new president. This new president allowed members of the House and Senate come to the White House to eat with him, watch movies and travel on his plane. This new president allowed Republicans come to the table on issues to jump start the economy. It took a conservative agitator and a cable news channel determined to see that this new president fails.

They didn't want no part of this new president's agenda.

So what do these Republicans do?

They create this Tea Party movement. This movement is based off of phony patriotism, bitterness and a strong hatred of the first Black president.

Now of course, not all Republicans are racists. There are reasonable members of the national party. But as of today and for the majority of this new 113th Congress, Republicans are by far the most extreme!

This week alone brings us to the finale of the debate.

It's now at least 25% chance of Congress passing a law that stops the fiscal crisis that may loom in the coming month.

As far as the Republicans are concerned, they've stood up for their principles! Their principles will destroy the nation and President Barack Obama is willing to tarnish them for sabotaging the economy.

Republicans aren't willing to support their own ideas. The Tea Party bucked Speaker Boehner last week.

They're trying to invoke fear in the Democrats. The Republicans and their allies are targeting Democrats and Republican members who support gun rights but support legislation that offers reasonable gun control. They are already focused on taking Democrats in politically Republican states.

They want to line up political novices such as Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, former governor Jeb Bush and others as the 2016 Republican presidential nominee.

They want to blame President Barack Obama for the mess he inherited from the Bush Administration.

They couldn't give him four years to get things done. Most of his agenda was stalled or caught in gridlock.

Although historical laws were passed and signed by President Barack Obama, the Republicans wasted no time trying to repeal them. They've wasted taxpayer money passing symbolic legislature repealing Obamacare. They've spent a majority of Congressional funds to defend the Defense Of Marriage Act, a controversial law that defines marriage between man and woman, slightly outlawing gay marriage.

There were many reactions to the possible government shutdown with some saying the economy could be hurt during a fragile recovery and others saying the lack of an unnecessary bureaucracy would not be noticed. There was also criticism that while senators and representatives would continue to get paid others such as the police and military personnel would either not be paid for their work or have their payments deferred.


Again I personally don't care what these people do in their private lives. But since these guys promote themselves a family values and upright citizens, one is to believe these guys are serious about family values!

No. Not one bit!

These so-called "family values" members of the Republican Party were partying like rock stars. Recently Senator Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) was arrested for driving while intoxicated in Virginia. Congressman Scott DesJarlais (R-Tennessee) admitted he had an affair on his second wife and the mistress had an abortion after he learned the woman was pregnant. Congressman Ben Quayle (R-Arizona) was defeated in a primary by Congressman David Schweikert (R-Arizona). Quayle and Congressman Kevin Yoder (R-Kansas) have took their clothes off and dived into the Dead Sea in Israel. They created a sex scandal. Republican Arizona sheriff Paul Babeu was caught in a gay scandal with his former boyfriend being an illegal and the sheriff being a hardline extremist on border security.

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich both natives of Georgia ran for president. Cain, a perennial candidate for higher office and talk show host once ran restaurants. Cain brags about turned around struggling Godfather's Pizza. Gingrich, a former Congressman and later House Speaker now does speaking tours and promoting books. Both are not family value candidates. They've both had numerous affairs on their wives. Gingrich dumping two wives to be with his current wife Republican operative Calista. Cain, a married man himself, kept his wife out the spotlight. His wife is a life-long Democrat and was likely to vote for the president. He had admitted to having an affair with three women, one filing a sexual harassment lawsuit against him.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, a famous actor ran for governor in 2003 as a Republican. Many conservatives and even some Democrats wanted the actor to win. And he won easily. He served the remainder of Democrat Gray Davis' term and easily won reelection. During his time as governor it was revealed that he had an affair with the nanny of Schwarzenagger and wife Maria Shriver's children. The former governor father a child who is about the age of his youngest son. Shriver, a news reporter and reality television celebrity. She is a decedent of the Kennedy family by mother Eunice (nee Kennedy). The couple recently had a divorce.

Mark Sanford, then governor of South Carolina was a hard line family values politician. It was revealed in 2009 that the governor left the United States to have an affair with an Argentina news reporter. His wife, Jenny is trying to rebuilt her tarnished image by running for political office. Sanford, himself wants to claim the seat that Tim Scott held before he was appointed as a senator.

Joe Walsh, an outgoing Illinois congressman is a deadbeat parent. He has the nerve to attack single women such as Sandra Fluke. He speaks ill of Black voters and their overwhelming support of the president. Walsh had the nerve to attack a veteran who is disabled. His opponent Tammy Duckworth is a double amputee combat veteran and Walsh treated her as a some degenerate! He was handed a defeat. He was a defiant in defeat. John Ensign was a Nevada senator. He resigns because he was caught in an affair and had his parents bail him out!


Republicans prop up Black, South Asian and Hispanic members like trophies. Republicans flex their color card with Tim Scott, senator from South Carolina, Herman Cain, South Carolina governor Nikki Haley, Allen West, outgoing congressman from Florida, Marco Rubio, senator from Florida, New Mexico governor Susana Martinez, Raúl Labrador, congressman from Idaho and Ted Cruz, the new senator from Texas.

These extremists prop themselves as "freed" slaves off the "Democrat Plantation".

Republicans online and sometimes in the general public make ridiculous assertions about being the party of Civil Rights legislation in the 1960s. The Republicans were a minority in Congress during the 1960s and they managed to court the conservative Moral Majority! They constantly bothered President John F. Kennedy for being too liberal and meddling in the affairs of White people. After President Kennedy was assassinated, his successor President Lyndon B. Johnson took control of the agenda. They nominated extremist Berry Goldwater, a senator from Arizona to take the helms of the Republican Party. They push forth this narrative that the New Deal was a failure, the Great Society is "big government" run amuck, and the Black Civil Rights leaders were trouble makers!

Republicans didn't want part of Johnson's agenda. In their distorted minds, they claim that without their help, they wouldn't have passed historic laws that ended segregation.  They continue to beat up on former Vice President/media mogul Al Gore's father and the late senator Robert Byrd for stalling Civil Rights laws of the past.

This current Congress managed to stall Civil Rights legislation for Hispanics by refusing to pass the DREAM Act. The Republicans look at Blacks as dependent on welfare, entitlements and vote only on race! Instead of wondering why these growing minorities are supporting Democrats, the Republicans are trying to pass laws that restrict minorities and the poor from voting.


The Defense of Marriage Act was passed in the 1990s after the Republicans pressured President Bill Clinton into signing the law. The law was pushed in with tax increases. The laws is discrimination against same sex couples. The law is on the docket in the Supreme Court.

The Republicans want NPR and PBS to lose public funds. The Republicans want Planned Parenthood to lose funding and women to not have preventive healthcare.

The Republicans want to end labor unions by passing legislation that restrict collective bargaining rights. They want to maintain legislation that keep wages low and productive activity high.

The conservative agenda spreads into businesses like Chick-Fil-A, Hobby Lobby, Papa John's and Denny's want to punish the working class for supporting President Barack Obama.

Fox News, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, The Drudge Report, and Andrew Breitbart worked overtime on culture war issues. They rallied against the Obama administration and had people fired. These ridiculous conservatives grabbed their cameras and ran into the poor neighborhoods of America to find a Black person to make the case against the president. They interviewed a woman in Ohio and she says "I get a Obama phone!" This lit up the internet of hate and Republicans wanted to have this become a rally cry for ending the safety net for poorer Americans.

They were up in arms over Fast & Furious and Benghazi incidents. They tried to damage Attorney General Eric Holder and United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice. They want them marched out of Washington, DC in handcuffs. They want to see the president impeached for tragedies such as these since firearms were used in these tragedies. But when real tragedies occur such as Sandy Hook and Aurora movie shootings, the Republicans rather allow this continue because these infringe on "their rights" as Americans to own firearms.

Even though most want issues to be solved, Republicans are the only ones standing in the way of progress!


The Republicans would rather see the economy tank in order to blame President Barack Obama for the crisis.

The Republicans wrapped their asses around American flag in defense of these silly culture wars.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement are reactionary bigots. These bigots harbor hatred of minorities, the lower class, the middle class, the working class, independent women, and the LGBT community.

The Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement have issues a person's with race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

The Republicans are determined to defeat the president at any cost.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are the racist, sexist, Islamophobic, homophobic, condescending, pain inducing morons that the Democrats and liberals paint them out to be.

And today and probably for the most part, I will no longer support Republicans and their conservative allies.

I hope you understand that this time it's personal!

Thursday, December 27, 2012

GOP: Tokens Please!

Republicans are propping up Tim Scott as their new shield against charges of racism and extremism.

Republicans never cease to amaze me about how many shiny coins they find in the gutter. They're already playing racial politics with the latest appointment to a late senator's seat.

They're bragging about them being the party with at least a Black member in the senate.

But the Democrats can brag about having the first Black person elected twice to serve as President of the United States.

Senator Brian Schatz (D-Hawaii)
To be blunt, I knew this would happen. Hawaiian governor Neil Abercrombie is catching flack from the conservative media for appointing a successor of the late Daniel Inouye, the nation's longest serving senator.

The veteran of World War II, Medal of Honor who was an amputee served as a senator for Hawaii since 1963. He died in late December, and the governor had to appoint a person to finish his term. Abercrombie appointed lieutenant governor Brian Schantz to replace him. Congresswoman Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) won a U.S. senate race and will become the first Hawaiian female senator and Asian American woman to serve. Daniel Akaka, a moderate Democrat is retiring from the senate and Inouye declared that he would run in 2014, before his death. The conservative media rancor started when the dying senator wanted freshman Congresswoman Colleen Hanabusa (D-Hawaii) or another woman to take his seat. That was ignored by the governor. The Republicans are crowing about politcial cronyism

I knew it was going to happen that the Republicans prop up Tim Scott! The South Carolina congressman is now going to replace Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina). Scott is an African American who ran under the Tea Party flank. He is going to be the only Black member of the Senate. He refuses to join the Black or Hispanic caucuses. Scott is going to be the Republican "NEXT BLACK HOPE". Soon you'll hear talk about a "real Black man" running for president.

Minus Herman Cain and Alan Keyes!

The Democrats scoffing at this one! They're probably lining a serious contender against Scott. They're likely going to appoint a Black candidate to run against Scott.

Retiring senator Jim DeMint and replacement Tim Scott are conservative Republicans. Scott promised to carry the mantle. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is the country's most controversial politician. He is the king of gridlock.
But I am hearing Mark Bellings, a stand-in for Rush Limbaugh today whining about the Republican Party's lack of diversity. He is bragging about the pick of Scott and elected member Ted Cruz, a Canadian born Hispanic legislator who becomes the newest senator from Texas. The conservative agitator wonders why since the Democrats are all about diversity, why isn't there any members of the senate from their party being Black!

Well for one thing, Harold Ford lost after a GOP ad featuring a scantly clad woman told Ford to "call me!"

Kendrick Meek was running a three man show against former Republican Charlie Crist and Republican Marco Rubio. Crist was the pick of President Barack Obama and former Bill Clinton. They were hoping that Meek dropped out. Meek refused and continued on to defeat.

Roland Burris was swamped in the Republican witch hunt over Rod Blagojevich. The former Illinois governor had tried to bribe potential picks for the president's former senate seat. Burris served the remaining three years of senate before retiring. The seat went to moderate Republican Mark Kirk, a Congressman from the state.

Every Black legislator who wanted to run for senate was either nominated for the respectful party but was handed a defeat after bitterness and unease from the voting public. Conservative Republicans and some Democrats harbor views that show bigotry towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

The Democrats have at least more members of Congress who are Black. When Scott takes seating on January 3, 2013, that leaves Republicans without a member of Congress being Black.

It's a lose-lose situation for the Republicans. Regardless of what they do.

Friday, December 21, 2012

John Boehner Can't Get His Own Party Together!

Republican leader tears up after PLAN B comes up short of votes. Republicans playing with the fiscal cliff and it's going to have causalities. Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) may go down in history as one of the worst Speakers ever!
The Ohio representative who is the current Speaker of The House has been boxed in by President Barack Obama. The fallout over taxes has Republicans scrambling! The Republican leader has to make a tough decision. As Washington prepares to go over the fiscal cliff, Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House) has to make tax rates go up for those who made over $250,000. Tonight, his own Republican House members aren't going to any tax increases, regardless of the situation.

President Barack Obama's honeymoon period began after he won reelection. The president's job approval is at 56% according to the Gallup Poll. This matches May 2011 when the president announced that he ordered the successful mission to kill Osama bin Laden. This is the final year of the president's first term but it seems like it's his second term already! The unprecedented gridlock even after the elections has the public souring on the Republicans. And the slim majority in the House of Representatives may be lost if this stuff continues.

Boehner for his part tried to limit the tax rates. He wanted to raise taxes on the millionaires and not those who make $200,000 to 1 million. President Barack Obama was sliding into that direction. Republicans have not supported this nor the president's plan. The fiscal cliff is rounding down to less than nine days and the Republicans have piss off a majority of the American people.

Mitt Romney lost! Republicans barely have control of the House of Representatives. The public want the rich to pay more. The public doesn't want cuts to safety nets. The public want reasonable cuts into the safety nets.

The Republicans and their conservative allies are going to be blamed.

The president is getting tired of the games being played over the debt ceiling and fiscal cliff. He already played his hands and Boehner is shaky. On top of that, his own Republicans are screwing him.

Tonight's pull of the so-called "PLAN B" of raising rates on millionaires is just too much for even Republicans to swallow. Now we're four days away from Christmas and it's likely the president and Congress will be in Washington during this period.

"The House did not take up the tax measure today because it did not have sufficient support from our members to pass," Boehner said in a statement. "Now it is up to the president to work with Senator Reid on legislation to avert the fiscal cliff. The House has already passed legislation to stop all of the January 1 tax rate increases and replace the sequester with responsible spending cuts that will begin to address our nation's crippling debt. The Senate must now act."

Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader) ordered all members of the senate to stay in Washington until this is done. Boehner will likely do the same if the Republicans continue to hold back his proposals.

This is a reminder to why it's important that you don't support Republicans! This is a bunch of bitter ass old White people who continue to screw the nation up because of their hate of a Black president. Some members of the Tea Party Caucus are so screwed up! They don't even see that this gridlock will be their downfall. This playing with the country's economy for partisan purposes hurts the nation.

Republicans fear Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist, Matt Drudge, Fox News, World Net Daily, the Heritage Foundation, Americans for Prosperity, and the National Rifle Association. The Democrats are putting in their spine and are likely going to be more aggressive against these foes.

Boehner may not have the gavel for much longer if the Republicans continue to be an obstruction to him and the president.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

White Extremists Angry At GOP Over Tim Scott Pick!

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) can't catch a break even with his own party!
The White terrorists online had it up to here with the Republican Party. Their last hope for an all White political party were squandered today by the announcement of Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) being appointed to serve as a U.S. Senator for the departing Jim DeMint.

Of course, the Republicans can relish in their choice. For next two years, Republicans will booster their "street cred". On your favorite website's comment section, they'll be remarks about Tim Scott being the "next Black hope" and how liberal Black politicians such as President Barack Obama are the "real racists!" They'll continue to push the false narrative that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. being a registered Republican in order to make the case to impose legislation that roll back civil rights and progress.

As usual I notice that this decision will have detectors. First the liberals will slam this decision as a political ploy to win over Black votes. They'll say that Scott, is a certified nut job. They'll first figure out a competitor who's likely going to take him on! The Democrats may find a Black candidate to take on Senator Tim Scott.

They'll find out embarrassing stories about his life. Seeing Scott isn't married, they'll question his sexuality.

The right on the other hand are mixed! Conservatives will use this a rally call to dismiss critics about the political philosophy being racist. Others on the hand will find an exit. They'll move on to third parties such as the Constitution Party or American Third Position Party. Those two parties cater to White extremists.

Today, I have scoped out the websites which I choose to keep off this page! They're flexing their internet gangsta about the decision and let's just say it's not pretty.

Many conservatives outrage online about NEGRO in South Carolina. Some conservatives praise the decision, others look at this as travesty! Some may think it may break the ice with Black voters, others think that it's another lame attempt for political correctness.
The hate towards President Barack Obama is unprecedented.
Senator Jim DeMint, a controversial conservative firebrand for the Tea Party was praised online by White terrorists. They've felt that his move to the Heritage Foundation and his praise of Scott were treasonous to their cause.

Some called Scott more than just a NIGGER, but a GROID, a HERSHEY, BOOT LIP, and numerous other racial slurs. White terrorists believe that the move by Republican governor Nikki Haley was purely political and slam her and Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) as "RINOS" or "conservatives in name only!"

The Root writer Cord Jefferson wrote in 2010 about White terrorists online faced with the choice, on who they would for if the election was a matter of principle. One website I choose to keep off this page state "[Given the choice if you had an option, would you] vote for a conservative nigger or a libtard human?”

The websites classify "human" for White people.
Besides President Barack Obama, white extremists attack Republican South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina). White extremists hate Republicans for allowing them into the fold.
I've seen it time after time, these individuals are hiding online. They rather hide online than face the person they've attacked in the public. They fan the flames of hate and division. They're not happy over the changing demographics in the nation. They're not happy that President Barack Obama easily trounced Mitt Romney. They're not happy about the way of the economy. They believe that regardless of what the president does the country is going downhill. They know that the world is changing and their grip on society is in decline.

Is it possible that a Black person create a website and devote it to the hate of White people?

I will bet you that the moment some Black extremist creates a website like this, conservative agitators will raise holy hell about it and scream that the person, President Barack Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson or Attorney General Eric Holder are the true racists.

During the first term of President Barack Obama, we seen Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, UN Ambassador Susan Rice, Attorney General Eric Holder, First Lady Michelle Obama and their children face the most hostile comments from those in the conservative media.

They feed extremists misinformation about the president's birth certificate, his policies and his stances on many social issues.

As the president's job approval rises, the Republicans scramble to win back the message. The fiscal cliff is tearing a hole into the Republican stronghold. They're not winning on the tax issue. The Sandy Hook shooting has the Democrats now demanding reasonable gun control. The public is in favor of reasonable gun control.
Black liberals think of him as a TOKEN. White conservatives think of him as a NIGGER that doesn't complain!
Many Americans want compromise, Mitt Romney to fade out of the spotlight and hate the new batch of  possible Republican contenders for the 2016 United States presidential election. With Scott being appointed as a senator, not much is going to make Republicans look any better with the American public.

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) doesn't represent the values of African Americans.

He's not an Uncle Tom or sellout! He's only an extremist in my opinion.

He will assume the role of political gridlock in the country. He will try his hardest to be a thorn in President Barack Obama's agenda. Despite the criticism from many liberal Black politicians, Scott represents a milestone. He will be the seventh U.S. Senator after Roland Burris.

Yeah, he may be a Black person who broke the color line with a 95% White senate, but his actions were to roll back the gains of many others! This is a reason to why Black people aren't supporting the Republican Party.

Tim Scott's New Chapter!

Senator Tim Scott (R-South Carolina). He was picked to succeed controversial senator Jim DeMint. The first Black senator in two years and the first Black Republican in over 30 years.

South Carolina governor Nikki Haley appoints Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) to finish up the departing Senator Jim DeMint's (R-South Carolina) term. This will give the U.S. Senate its first Black senator since 2010. The last sitting senator was Roland Burris. Burris was the appointed senator to replace a then senator Barack Obama who went on to become our current President of the United States.

The first Black Republican to be a sitting member of the senate since Edward Brooke, the former senator of Massachusetts. Of coruse, the Republicans are likely going to play the race card as usual. They'll have this notion to say that the Democratic Party is the party founded of slavery!

Scott isn't married. Scott, a fiscal and cultural conservative, ran for Congress on a platform of reducing federal spending and taxes. Scott owns an insurance agency, and works as a financial advisor. He currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina.

If you want to dismiss this crap just tell them that Barack Obama is a Democrat. He is the first elected Black president. The Democrats seem to care about the lives of women, Blacks, Hispanics and those in the LGBT community. They're not enslaving civil liberties of individuals. The Republicans have tried their hardest to pass voter identification laws, drug testing legislation for entitlements (as a means to intrude on personal lifestyles), pass gay marriage bans (in believing that a same sex couple could ruin traditional marriage), and want to deport all undocumented workers (who haven't committed a major crime other than being here without proper documentation). The Democrats might think Blacks are criminals, but Republicans actually considered Blacks to be criminals. Democrats have more legislators who are Black. Republicans have one!

Senate-designate Tim Scott will be taking seating in January. Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) will be leaving the senate to become the president of the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank. He'll advocate more extremist views within the Republican Party and it's allies in the conservative movement.

Nikki Haley is the current governor of South Carolina. She was the Tea Party-endorsed candidate. She 's the first woman governor and person of color to be elected governor of the state. Her family are immigrants from India. She is an Indian-American. Bobby Jindal is the current governor of Louisiana. He's the first Indian-American to be elected governor of the state.

Thursday, December 06, 2012

Republican Senator Jim DeMint Out!

The king of gridlock Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is resigning.
Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina) is a controversial figure in the Republican Party.

The South Carolina senator a favorite among conservatives across the country is resigning to become the president of The Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation is conservative organization that promotes an extremist agenda and has been influential in electing Republicans to higher office.

He was considered a kingmaker in the Tea Party movement. One of the five members of the gridlock circus. Senator DeMint, Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), and Senator Jim Infohe (R-Oklahoma) are the reasons for gridlock. Their leader Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, minority leader) openly embraces their obstructionist views.

He is resigning from the U.S. Senate effective immediately. He would end his session in January. This will leave the seat open and put the Republicans at 44 senate members.

South Carolina is a conservative state. DeMint easily won reelection in 2010 after taking on weak candidate, the perennial loser Alvin Greene.
Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) may replace controversial senator.
Senator DeMint didn't endorse any of the primary candidates running for president.

The Republican Party still hurt from their presidential loss are engaged in a civil war within its ranks.

Conservatives are frustrated over the Republican Party plans to purge members of the Tea Party movement out of the House Committee posts.

Perennial loser Mitt Romney's loss to President Barack Obama left the Republicans with a gaping hole!

They've lost the women and Hispanics. They've can't win back the Black voters. And it's going to get worse if they allow the United States to go off the fiscal cliff. The Republicans on a double edge sword. They lose if they support the president's proposal to raise taxes on the rich. They lose if they continue to cause gridlock in spite of the general public wanting them to compromise with the president. They lose because it was reported that the committee positions were given to men. One being given to woman with little authority.

It's reported that the senator wants Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) to take the helm of his seat.

Scott is the only African American Republican. Scott won reelection easily. Congressman Allen West (R-Florida) an African American politician was defeated in closely watched election race. There are no African Americans in the U.S. Senate. The last one was Roland Burris, the person who replaced Barack Obama when he became president.

The only thing I got for Jim DeMint today is.........Goodbye, and good riddance! You're not going to be missed!

Sunday, December 02, 2012

Boehner: Weeps No Deal!

Weeping Speaker! Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio) is under pressure to compromise. Boehner is the current Speaker of the House of Representatives. He won the title after defeating the Democrats and their leader Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California), then a Spaker herself. She is the current Minority Leader of the Congress.
He's was once my congressman. He is known as Cryboehner!

House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) represents the Eighth Congressional District. His area includes his residence of West Chester township, the cities of Hamilton, Middletown, Eaton, Troy, Greenville, Tipp City, and parts of Springfield.

When Ohio lost two congressional seats his area was redistricted from nearby Piqua and Dayton were given to Congressman Bob Latta (R-Ohio) and Mike Turner (R-Ohio).
Tea Party backed congressman Michigan Republican Justin Amash. 

He became the Speaker of The House in 2011 after the Democrats lost their majority of the House of Representatives.

The country's first female House Speaker, California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi was the Democratic Party's head leader during the 110th to 111th sessions of Congress. During her term, things were done!

President Barack Obama managed to get his healthcare reform passed, the repeal of Don't Ask, Don't Tell repealed, the stimulus to jumpstart the economy, passed regulations to stop financial institutions from taking risky loans, passed equal pay for women, passed.

Boehner on the other hand became the voice of the opposition. And by far one of the worst House Speaker, ever!

Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-Michigan)
Under his leadership, he managed to take Congress job approval to the low teens. Now as we approach the 113th Session of Congress, we're going to see the Republicans continue the "I hope Obama fails" strategy.

Already the Republicans have face harsh scrutiny for having mostly White men head their committees. The only female member of a committee Congresswoman Candice Miller (R-Michigan) is being criticized as a sympathy move by the Democrats.

The fiscal cliff debate is an ongoing issue. Some members of the Republican Party are slowly breaking away from the bombastic rancor of Rush Limbaugh, Grover Norquist and Fox News.

Congressman Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) is one member frustrated with this. The only Native American member of the Republican ranks is telling the Republicans give in. Bohener smacks back hard and warns his Republican caucus not to give in into the president's demands.

The Republicans are fearful of Grover Norquist and Rush Limbaugh.
Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah)

Reuters reports that a growing number of Republicans in the House of Representatives - including a handful of Tea Party-backed conservatives - are signaling greater flexibility than their leaders to reach a "fiscal cliff" deal with President Barack Obama.

They are not buckling on demands to slash spending or agreeing with Obama's exact proposals to avert across-the-board tax hikes and spending cuts set to start on January 1.

But unlike House Speaker John Boehner, they suggest they would be open to higher tax rates on wealthy Americans as part of a broader deal to slash deficits.

Obama is hoping to appeal to more potential renegades to get a deal to avoid the massive tax hikes and spending cuts that economists say could tip the economy into a recession.

"If we can get a few House Republicans on board, we can pass the bill ... I'm ready to sign it," Obama said on Friday at an event in Pennsylvania.

The vast majority of Republicans in the House, led by Boehner, say they will not accept any higher tax rates, preferring to increase tax revenue through reforms and closing loopholes.

Congressman Tom Cole (R-Oklahoma) is bucking his party over tax increases.
But among those newly voicing flexibility is Tea Party-endorsed Representative Sean Duffy of Wisconsin, who said he backs a "balanced" approach - adopting the language Democrats, including Obama, use to describe a tax rate increase on the rich, although he said he would rather raise revenue in other ways.

"I'm not at rates, I'm at revenue, I'm at loopholes," Duffy said. "But listen, revenue should be revenue, whether you are doing it by rates or loopholes."


Representative Allen West of Florida, who had strong Tea Party backing but lost his bid for a second term, said he was open to a higher tax rate on those earning more than $2 million - a far higher threshold than Obama's push to raise taxes on families with net incomes above $250,000 a year.

"If you want to talk about a compromise, that's a fair compromise," West said. "I want people to get to that million, I want people to get over that. Small business are 75 to 80 percent of our economy. I want to incentivize them."

Even though West lost his seat, he would still be able to vote on a fiscal cliff deal since the new Congress is not sworn in until January.

Congressman Justin Amash (R-Michigan), another Tea Party movement favorite, said everything needs to be considered to reduce the country's debt burden.

"I don't think it would be a good idea to raise tax rates," said the Michigan representative who identifies himself as a libertarian. But Amash said: "I am not going to take anything off the table if we can resolve some of our biggest issues as a country."

Congressman Raúl Labrador (R-Idaho)
Amash has a perfect conservative voting record according to the Club for Growth, which evaluated whether freshmen lived up to their promises of fiscal constraint.

Several members or their aides expressed similar sentiments earlier in the week, among them seven-term Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho.

Republicans hold 241 of the 433 seats currently filled in the House, which has two vacancies. If Democrats vote as a solid block, they may need another 25 votes from Republicans to extend expiring tax cuts for 98 percent of taxpayers, as Obama wants, leaving the wealthiest with tax increases.

These comments contrast with what is still seems to be the dominant sentiment among Republicans, as voiced by Idaho Representative Raul Labrador.

"Any Republican who is talking right now about raising taxes is a fool. They are going on national TV and they are saying they are going to raise taxes for a phantom deal that doesn't even exist," Labrador said.

House Republicans also separately expressed concern that they are losing the publicity edge to Obama.

"We are getting our socks cleaned in the PR wars," said Representative Pat Tiberi of Ohio.

(Additional reporting by Richard Cowan; reporting By Rachelle Younglai and Kim Dixon; Editing by Fred Barbash and Vicki Allen)

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Could The GOP Be Cleaning House?

Grover Norquist. The Republicans are putting distance between the tax rights advocate and other conservative agitators.
Grumbling from supporters has the national party rethinking!

Could Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Fox News, and Grover Norquist be the reasons to why Republicans are out of style?

The cracks are coming!

There's too much division post election. Still you have bunch of bitter ass Americans still upset that President Barack Obama trounced perennial loser Mitt Romney.

Matt Drudge's website attracts extremists!
The Republicans lost two easily held on U.S. Senate seats. They managed to hold on the U.S. House of Representatives for now! They redistricted the areas to make it harder for Democrats to win.

Republicans wrapping themselves in the culture war have taken a toll among the American public. They allow the demographics to shift and now Republicans are primarily an all White elitist male party.

They successfully painted a NIGGERIZATION of President Barack Obama with baseless lies about his religion, birthplace and political standings.

You can't argue with someone with two feet deep in the manure over fictitious lies.

Some think the president is a Muslim.

Some think the president is a socialist.

Some think the president is a racist.

Some think the president has no experience in leadership.

Some think the president is coming for the guns.

Some think the president spends time with celebrities instead of running the country.

Some think the president doesn't deserve credit for any of America's achievements.

Some think the president deserves the blame for America's failures.

Some think the president is a giver to food stamps, welfare, and government assistance.
Rush Limbaugh's rhetoric represents the mindset of most Republicans.
And all of this stuff has riled up Blacks and Hispanics. This type of stuff made the turnout higher among those in the 18 - 29 age bracket. And all of these attacks on the president are an attack on the Black community as a whole. All this stuff has put the Republican Party in the placing of lunatics and idiots.

The perennial loser Mitt Romney also set them back hard. He represents a field of failed candidates who tried one too many times. Besides the name of Bush still simmers among most Americans.

What happens in the long run if the Republicans continue to stick to their attacks?

They lose!

So now there's talk about trying to bring other groups into the fold.

The cracks are showing within the Republican Party.

Senator Saxby Chambliss (R-Georgia), Senator Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) and Congressman Peter King (R-New York) are distancing themselves from Grover Norquist.

David Brooks and Steve Schmidt are warning Republicans to avoid Rush Limbaugh and Matt Drudge as sources of information.

Many Republicans aren't looking into WorldNetDaily, Twitchy and Breitbart as much as they used to!

Republicans are considering to move themselves back to the middle. They want to be conservative! Not extremists!

They have a long way to go! Especially among Hispanics and Blacks.

Many Americans who voted for Barack Obama as their president want the high end earners to pay a little more in taxes. That's a theme Republicans are not supporting. They're feeling the pressure and it's seems to be working.

Monday, November 19, 2012

It's On!

Julian and Joaquin Castro are the power players in the Democratic Party. Julian is the mayor of San Antonio and thought to be a rumored 2016 U.S. Presidential Candidate. His brother Joaquin was elected to be a member of Congress.
Joaquin Castro, Tammy Baldwin, Ted Cruz, Kyrsten Sinema, Angus King and many others will join the United States Congress.

Castro, a Texas state representative won easily a U.S. House race and he'll take the seat of retiring Congressman Charlie Gonzalez (D-Texas). His twin brother Julian, is the mayor San Antonio, Texas and is floated by some as a potential front runner for the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election. Castro is one of the political voices the nation will be hearing from in the coming years. Joaquin being a resident of his brother's city will be a representative of his constituents.

Baldwin is a Democratic U.S. Congresswoman from Wisconsin. After a resurgence of embattled Governor Scott Walker, and former presidential nominee Mitt Romney picking Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Republicans saw Wisconsin in play for the 2012 U.S. presidential elections. The state was expected to be a pick up for the Republicans. They've thought wrong! President Barack Obama carried the state easily and it helped Baldwin squeeze out a victory in the U.S. Senate race against the former Republican state governor and perennial candidate for president Tommy Thompson. Baldwin is the first openly gay person to be elected to office. Her victory rides the coattails of Elizabeth Warren, a consumer advocate who trounced Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) in a hotly contest race.

King is the former governor of Maine. Best known for his independence from the political parties, his victory came as no surprise. The Republican senator Olympia Snowe was a sure shot for victory. Her frustration with her Republican leaders led to her departure. She is one of the few pro-choice members of the Republican Party. She and Senator Susan Collins (R-Maine) are looked upon by President Barack Obama when it comes to tie breaking votes in a filibuster. The Republicans were hoping that they could win back the Senate on the basis of frustration with the president. The president hasn't put much influence in the senate races because of him being slightly toxic in Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, Florida, Missouri, Massachusetts, and Montana. Maine was different. Some residents were not fond of the direction of Tea Party endorsed Republican governor Paul LePage and Maine doesn't tolerate partisanship. The Democrats weren't fond of their candidate so they've decided put their efforts into a spoiler. King easily beat out the Republican and Democrat in the Senate race. And while it's likely he'll have committee with the Democratic majority, he'll push forth his brand of independence from the political fray. He and Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) will be the only elected members who aren't politically affiliated with national party.

Arizona welcomes its first openly bisexual woman Kyrsten Sinema to the House of Representatives. The Democratic nominee beat out a tight race against a Republican Vernon Parker. Arizona and Florida are the hub of controversy in the wake of long waits for voting. The president in his victory acceptance speech promised he'll deal with voter intimidation.

Congressman Ron Barber (D-Arizona) may be able to squeak out a victory if the recount goes his way! He is a tough fight for a full term. Barber was also a victim of a tragedy. His boss Gabrielle Giffords resigned from Congress this year after a traumatic injury resulting from a shooting from Jarrod Lee Loughner. Loughner opened fire on her and others killing six and injuring 30. The shooter was sentenced to life in prison for the tragedy. He may face the death penalty for the killing of a federal judge. Barber was picked to succeed her.

Ted Cruz, the Tea Party endorsed candidate for U.S. Senate won easily in the race in Texas. The state of Texas is a Republican stronghold. But to senate-elect Cruz, he's stated: "Not so fast!" Texas is a minority-majority state. Over 55% of the state's population is minorities. So that means approximately 35% of the state's residents are non-White Hispanics (or purely Latino) citizens. Blacks are 10% of the state's population and 15% are of other races (Native American, Asian American or mixed). Whites make up only 45% of the state's population. It leaves it open for a Democratic takeover if the Republicans stop the war on minorities. The Republicans are still two feet in the manure over immigration reform. The Cuban-American was born in Canada, ran against Texas lieutenant governor David Dewhurst in the Republican senatorial primary.
Tammy Duckworth was elected to serve as a congressowman in the state of Illinois. She beat controversial politician congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois)
Tammy Duckworth beats incumbent Republican congressman Joe Walsh in a hotly contest race. Her victory comes after many years of delay from the obstructionist Republicans. The president wanted to appoint her as a member of  The perennial candidate for higher office achieved her goal of being a voice of the disabled veterans. Duckworth is the first Asian American elected in the state of Illinois. She served in the Iraq War in 2003 and was severely injured in an attack. Duckworth lost her right leg near the hip and her left leg below the knee from injuries sustained on November 12, 2004, when the UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter she was co-piloting was hit by a rocket propelled grenade fired by Iraqi insurgents. She is the first female double amputee from the Iraq war. The explosion "almost completely destroyed her right arm, breaking it in three places and tearing tissue from the back side of it." Duckworth received a Purple Heart on December 3 and was promoted to Major on December 21 at the Walter Reed Army Medical Center, where she was presented with an Air Medal and Army Commendation Medal.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Go Away!

Controversial Florida politician Allen West of Florida is getting his recount. The Black Republican refuses to concede his race because he claims that there's antics at the ballot box! His Democratic opponent Patrick Murphy won by slim margin and the embattled Republican won't give up!
Defeated Florida Republican congressman Allen West isn't giving up his seat. He's contesting the results of the election.

His opponent Patrick Murphy is representative-elect and he's about to be seated shortly. But the Tea Party endorsed congressman isn't willing to let that happen. For you see, West is one of two Black members of a majority White political party hasn't conceded his race. There's thoughts of deception on his mind.

The Republican is fighting his defeat in the court. And with two strikes on his belt, he'll end up having one more opportunity before officially striking out.

The St. Lucie County Canvassing Board ordered a recount of early ballots in his race against Democrat Patrick Murphy for Florida's 18th Congressional District, NBC Miami reports.

West, a controversial freshman congressman elected in the 2010 Republican landslide, appeared to have lost his contest against Murphy by 0.7 percentage points after all ballots were initially counted last week. The margin of victory was too large to trigger a recount, and the state of Florida certified the race's results on November 10. West, however, refused to concede, claiming "discrepancies" in early voting results.

A federal judge had ruled against West's request for a recount earlier on Friday, saying he lacked the authority to make such an order. The St. Lucie Canvassing Board then ruled by a 2-1 vote to recount early ballots in the race, although it denied West's request to recount absentee ballots as well. "A series of tabulation errors by the county has raised suspicion among West's campaign and it's supporters and appeared to motivate the board's favorable vote," according to NBC Miami.

Murphy's campaign has dismissed calls for a recount, insisting that West is merely trying to cling to the spotlight after a clear defeat. West's campaign struck back, saying in a statement:
Patrick Murphy has had such a good time with Nancy Pelosi pretending to be a congressman, he realizes a recount would likely derail his plans, and that's why his lawyers promised a lawsuit if all votes are recounted fairly and accurately. It's an interesting stance from a candidate who said he was the clear and outright winner.
St. Lucie County has until Sunday to file its certified results with Florida. It is one of three counties included in Florida's 18th Congressional District.

This why people like West and Mitt Romney are doomed for political failure. They don't care about the constituents. In their minds, if you're a supporter of the president, they think of you as a dependent of government entitlements and victims. It's clear that Republicans haven't gotten the message. And mark my words, if they don't get their act together, in 2014 the Democrats will steamroll over them.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Who Are You Calling A Maggot?

Americans who support Obama are maggots! - Peter Morrison
The post election hangover isn't over yet.

A Republican jackass makes himself the butt of ridicule. He had the nerve to call Americans a bunch of.... We'll get to this later!

The major news broke on Friday that the CIA will lose it's chief after news broke of an affair.

This got conservatives spinning more nonsense about the Benghazi tragedy.

The resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus over an extra-marital affair has sparked conspiracy kooks once again harping on the tragedy in Libya.

The ongoing battle over the so-called fiscal cliff is back. Fresh from his reelection bid, President Barack Obama is no longer playing games with the Republicans. He asks them for compromise and the Republicans seem to agree! But that one thing that keeps them from getting along! Taxes!

Taxes on the upper income earners isn't going to make the Republicans budge! They're two feet in the manure on the rising of taxes on the rich!

The president shot back and told the Republicans that a narrative was written and the American public is clearly on his side! The Republicans ignore that!

The Republicans have a huge deficit in making outreach to the minorities. Condoleezza Rice, then Secretary Of State under President George W. Bush, urged Republicans to take an advantage of the growing demographics. The increasing minority is growing and White men are on the slow path to destruction. They still trying to figure out why they're not winning over the core votes of Blacks, Hispanics and Asian Americans. These groups increased in the 2010 U.S. Census.

I know that this is the president's transition period. They won't give him a moment to regroup. As long as he's there until January 2017, Republicans will find a way to undermine him in their attempt of NIGGERIZATION of the first Black president.

So as of today, this is their kumbiya moment! The lame duck session of the 112th Congress. They'll figure out a way to avoid the debt ceiling! But once the new round of members come to Washington, these issues on the table will be squandered away for partisan gridlock yet again!

Fresh from reality, conservatives are blaming the supporters of the president! It starts with Bill O'Reilly saying that White establishment in America is over! He believes that the president's core supporters want stuff and they'll vote for him over a candidate like Mitt Romney.

Sarah Palin was shocked that people would vote for the president! She thinks that all the problems that occurred under the president's first term were enough to put him out of the White House.

Rush Limbaugh goes forth and compares the president to Santa Claus. He debunks known claims that Republican Party's intrusiveness towards minorities helped the president win. The president's active grassroots movement helped register a majority of new Black and Hispanic voters. That gave the president a stronger victories in the swing states of Ohio and Florida.

Sean Hannity and Herman Cain obsessed over a GOP poll watcher's claim that a New Black Panther member (the same guy from four years ago) was standing outside the Philadelphia polling station.

Neal Boortz called the president's supporters parasites after the victory. He was upset that so many Black voters would rather vote on race instead of the constant controversies plaguing the Obama Administration.

Okay, now that conservative outrage is plentiful and obscure, I want to give a reason to why I posted this newest outrage. An elected Texas Republican official makes the broad and downright ignorant comments about the American voter electorate who supported the president.

This degenerate human scum wants to declare Texas an independent nation! Yeah, seriously!

Peter Morrison is floating a simple way out: cleaving his state from the union.

Peter Morrison, treasurer of the Hardin County Republican Party, wrote a column in the post-election edition of his Tea Party newsletter this week calling for an "amicable divorce" from the U.S., the Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports.

"Why should Vermont and Texas live under the same government?" he wrote. "Let each go her own way."

Morrison went on to express anger at the "maggots" who backed Obama, specifically calling out non-white voters, whom he accused of voting for the president on an "ethnic basis."
Democrats are aggressively looking forward to taking back the U.S. House and Senate after Republicans overreach in state and federal offices. The U.S. Midterm elections in 2014 will be a test of Republicans and Democrats strengths.
Bud Kennedy of the Star-Telegram has more details.

Republican officials in Texas have been glum about the concept of a second Obama term in the past. A judge from Lubbock predicted over the summer that the president's reelection could even lead to a civil war.

Obama's victory has been weighing heavily on some conservative groups around the country. The Cincinnati Tea Party proclaimed the nation dead earlier this week, ruling it a death by suicide.

In Ohio, the Lebanon Tea Party mourned the "loss of our country," predicting that it would be a "socialist nation within months."

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

Mia Love: Tokens Please!

GOP candidate Mia Love was defeated in a hotly contested race in Utah. Congressman Allen West (R-Florida) was defeated in his reelection bid. They represent the rare exception of Black Republicans who garnered attention. Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) is the sole Black member in the Republican ranks.
Well I would say that Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina) will be the sole Black member of a national party that consist of 94% White and 6% everyone else!

Congressman Allen West (R-Florida) was defeated in a razor thin election against a newcomer Democratic challenger Patrick Murphy, a businessman.

The U.S. Senate has achieved a milestone with a high record of women in its ranks but unfortunately no Black members.

The state of Hawaii introduced its first Democratic Asian American/Pacific Islander woman, senator-elect Mazie Hirono. Congresswoman Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii) beats back former governor Republican Linda Lingle in the 2012 U.S. Senate race.

Mia Love, the mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah was handed a defeat as well! The fight in Utah was supposed to be a game changer for the Republicans. This was a close call for the first Black woman in that state's history to run for Congress. She could have beaten Congressman Jim Matheson (D-Utah) in this one.

President Barack Obama, Senator Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio), Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri), Senator Bill Nelson (D-Florida), Senator Dean Heller (R-Nevada), and Senator Jon Tester (D-Montana) survived tough reelection bids.

Elizabeth Warren, Chris Murphy, Tim Kaine, Tammy Baldwin, Heidi Heinkamp, Joe Donnelly, Deb Fischer, Jeff Flake, Ted Cruz, and Angus King, will take the helm of being the newly sworn senators.

So now as Mitt Romney faces the reality of defeat, his former running mate Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin) will at least keep his political feet in Washington. Ryan won his congressional seat.

Mitt Romney stated he won't run for president anymore!

Republicans have lost out! Hispanics and Blacks turned out strongly this time.

Republicans really need to get its focus on the American voting electorate. They've focused on discouraging the young voters, Black and Hispanic voters from going to the ballot box with intrusive laws like voter identification legislation.

The Republican Party better get with the program. Conservatism has to move into the future or suffer more losses in the 2014 U.S. Midterm elections.

The reason of color shading

Blue - Democrats
Red - Republicans
Green - Independent

Allen West Got The Pinkslip!

Congressman Allen West (R-Florida) is defeated in the 2012 U.S. Election. He joins Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts), Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri), Congressman Connie Mack IV (R-Florida), and Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois) as defeated members of the Tea Party/Republican Party.
You can't believe everything, but tonight Congressman Allen West (R-Florida), the first African American Republican in years to be elected was clobbered in the 2012 U.S. Elections.

He joins Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois), Congressman Connie Mack IV (R-Florida) his wife Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack (R-California), Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri), Senator Scott Brown (R-Massachusetts) as defeated incumbents.

Congressman Steve King won his congressional seat in Iowa. Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann barely won her congressional seat. They'll continue to be the controversial figures in the Tea Party movement.

Mitt Romney's defeat trickles down to the Republicans.

The Republican Party will now do some soul searching.

Yes, we'll hear the negative crap from the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Matt Drudge, Bill O'Reilly, Sean Hannity, Glenn Beck, and Michael Savage.

Yeah, the Republicans still have the House of Representatives. But the Democrats control the United States Senate.

Mia Love and Congressman Scott DeJarlais (R-Tennessee) are controversial figures in the election. The race is close for Love, Utah's first Black Republican candidate. Scandal plague DeJarlais won reelection after a heavy carpet bomb of Democratic ads.

More details as they come forward.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Weak Tea?

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) could be defeated!
The Tea Party was crushed by the Establishment! They nominated the Establishment candidate Mitt Romney as their leader and now voters have a chance to vote for him or President Barack Obama in the 2012 U.S. Presidential Election.

Merely three years ago, hundreds of protests began in February 2009 on the whims of conservative outrage to the first Black president. They've masqueraded their crusades against the president based on claims of massive spending, taxes and socialism.

Things that portrayed a "NIGGERIZATION" of the first Black president. Spawned by online activism and borrowed from Congressman Ron Paul's (R-Texas) supporters came the Tea Party movement. The first massive Tea Party movement started in April 2009 and was sponsored by the conservative Fox News Channel and its then lead agitator Glenn Beck.

Signs were aplenty and controversy was there. From comparisons to Hitler to pictures with bones in President Barack Obama's nose, the Tea Party was dubbed by its foes as the last remnants of racism in the modern history. While the Tea Party roundly dismissed this, they've brought on Black, Hispanic, Asian and even gay activists who were supporters of the Tea Party. They were the stooges to a growing movement in a sea of White faces.

They were pushed by Sarah Palin, the former governor of Alaska. She was dubbed the "Tea Party maven" or the "Mama Grizzly" of the movement. She spawned activism and became the voice of the movement in 2010.

Her endorsements of Minnesota Republican congresswoman Michele Bachmann, Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), Joe Walsh, Allen West, Mike Lee, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, Kristi Noem, Scott Brown, Tim Scott, Rick Scott, Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Paul LaPage, Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Pat Toomey, Nikki Haley and others. Some made it to the governor's chair, the state house, the U.S. House, and the U.S. Senate.
Counting the days! Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) is facing a tougher election this time.
Their most biggest rallies were in April 2009 when it started. In 2010, the Democrats passed historical healthcare reform, the Republicans and Tea Party were standing on the lawns of the U.S. Capitol shouting and threatening the Democratic members as they cast their votes.

In 2010, the Republicans won control of the House of representatives, state/territorial governorships and the voice of the American people.

Now in 2012, the Tea Party is hardly mentioned. The signs and protest are gone. Sarah Palin is barely mentioned in the news. It seems like even forefront members like Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Glenn Beck, Herman Cain, Dick Armey, Christine O'Donnell, and even Fox News were caught off guard by this. They were beaten by the Establishment.

The Establishment (or moderate Republicans) were the thorn in the Tea Party. The moderates were willing to help President Barack Obama when it came to major legislation. The Tea Party wants none of that.

Senator Richard Lugar (R-Indiana), Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) and then senator Bob Bennett of Utah were defeated by a Tea Party backed candidate. Congresswoman Jean Schmidt (R-Ohio), Congressman Don Manzullo (R-Illinois), and Congressman Cliff Sterns (R-Florida) were defeated in GOP primaries.

They were sent home even though they're highly conservative members of the House of Representatives.

Now it's likely the Democrats dream of winning back the House is far fetched. They have to build a new coalition of progressive, moderate and even slightly conservative members willing to sacrifice their principles for the good of the country.
Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin) is working harder to keep his seat. The former reality television star is among some of the Tea Party endorsed candidates who are facing tougher elections this time!
They couldn't have a strong majority when you got members who side with Republicans on issues that could roll back progress. The Democrats have more party switches than Republicans nowadays.

Artur Davis, a former Alabama congressman who served as a Democrat reemerged as a conservative Black Republican. He was the only Black legislator from a deeply conservative state such as Alabama.

Democrats hope that the Tea Party mishaps could bring fortune! Already we had Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois), Congressman Allen West (R-Florida), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Congressman Sean Duffy (R-Wisconsin), Congressman Don Young (R-Alaska) having tougher races. They could be defeated.

The real prize is getting Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) out! She's a prime target for defeat by a stronger Democratic challenger.

We'll see in the coming days.

But anyways, please vote early.


Help put Barack Obama back into the White House!

Monday, August 27, 2012


Herman Cain, the former chief executive of Godfather's Pizza, and Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts, were the targets of much attention at the Republican presidential debate in Hanover, N.H.
No kidding. Black voters aren't supporting Mitt Romney.
According to the NBC/Wall Street Journal Poll, the Romney/Ryan ticket has finally cracked a milestone. They have managed to keep less than 2% of African American vote. To make this clear, Mitt Romney has zero support from the Black community.

That's not good. President Barack Obama has 94% of the support with 6% undecided.

So I am guessing that Jesse Lee Peterson, Angela McGlowan, Congressman Tim Scott (R-South Carolina), Congressman Allen West (R-Florida), and many Black Republicans cover only .0001% of the Black vote.

No, it's not about racism. It's about Mitt Romney not appealing to voters on issues that affect the Black community.

So don't bother us about the overwhelming support of President Barack Obama. Why the Black community isn't into the Republican Party?

And don't try to rehash that false argument that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Republican. You may lose more support.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Did GOP Congressman Sink His Senate Bid?

Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) is under fire for comments about rape victims. The comments gave Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) an opening.  
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) is the most vulnerable member of the U.S. Senate. Her state highly disapproves of her and President Barack Obama. A major swing state, it's trending more redder. Senator John McCain (R-Arizona) carried the state by just a point. The Republican candidates who are running for the U.S. Senate are hoping the bad economy and President Barack Obama's job approval could be the ticket to reclaiming the Senate.

Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) won the Missouri GOP primary and will be the one running against McCaskill.

Akin is a Republican member of Congress since 2001. His district covers the suburban St. Louis County.

Akin won a bitterly fought primary against two other candidates, one rival being endorsed by Tea Party maven former governor Sarah Palin. Akin wasn't endorsed by Palin, but managed to win over Missouri Republicans.

Akin who is a pro-lifer said something over the weekend that may have gave a struggling McCaskill the break she needed.

Republicans emboldened by the culture wars have finally taken its toll. Akin being a representative of the culture war, said something inappropriate about rape victims and the media has zeroed in on it!

According to Talking Points Memo, a progressive blog, his opposition to abortion rights even in case of rape with a claim that victims of “legitimate rape” have unnamed biological defenses that prevent pregnancy.
Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) has distanced herself from President Barack Obama. She is facing a tougher reelection this year.
“First of all, from what I understand from doctors [pregnancy from rape] is really rare,” Akin told KTVI-TV in an interview posted Sunday. “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”

Akin said that even in the worst-case scenario — when the supposed natural protections against unwanted pregnancy fail — abortion should still not be a legal option for the rape victim.

“Let’s assume that maybe that didn’t work, or something,” Akin said. “I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child.”

A 1996 study by the American Journal of Obstetricians and Gynecologists found “rape-related pregnancy occurs with significant frequency” and is “a cause of many unwanted pregnancies” — an estimated “32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year.”

In a tweet, McCaskill said she was “stunned” by Akin’s comments.

After the interview caused a firestorm, Akin said in a statement that he “misspoke.”

Akin is perhaps the boldest among a crop of conservative 2012 nominees who could hamper GOP efforts to take back the Senate in the fall. Akin has called for an end to the school-lunch program and a total ban on the morning-after pill.

His claim about “legitimate” types of rape is not completely foreign to the current Republican Congress, however. In 2011, the House GOP was forced to drop language from a bill that would have limited federal help to pay for an abortion to only victims of “forcible rape.” Akin was a co-sponsor on the bill.

Nor is this Akin’s first time suggesting some types of rape are more worthy of protections than others. As a state legislator, Akin voted in 1991 for an anti-marital-rape law, but only after questioning whether it might be misused “in a real messy divorce as a tool and a legal weapon to beat up on the husband,” according to a May 1 article that year in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.


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