Saturday, October 12, 2024

Ta-Nehisi Coates May Have Change The Game!

Why isn't there any Palestinian voices in American media?

I want to be clear, Jill Stein will not stop the genocide. She and Butch Wade do not know how many legislators are in Congress. They have no policies on how to combat crime, economic poverty and how to build a coalition. 

There are no presidents, U.S. lawmakers or state legislators elected as a member of The Green Party.

The Green Party is devoted to defeating Vice President Kamala Harris. They want to deny her the presidency and open the door for another chaotic Trump term.

Former president Donald J. Trump and Republicans are trying to peel away Black men and Arab voters. They will push them to Stein or his camp.

Harris is struggling with Black men, Muslim and Arab American voters. 

I will talk about it.

As Israel continues to cause absolute chaos in the Middle East, the United States is slowly losing its patience with the regime.

UN Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield has hinted the U.S. may finally force the regime to abide by international law. 

Trump allegedly spoke to Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and told him that he needs to get the job done and said that the longer this goes on, the better his chances for returning to the White House.

It is a clear violation of the Logan Act.

Trump only sees chaos as his path to victory. 

As explained earlier, the choices are more of the same or more of the chaos.

President Joe Biden was asked about Israel intentionally meddling in the 2024 election. He said "I don't know."

CBS News did not punish Tony Dokoupil after last week's interview with author/activist Ta-Nehisi Coates. However, it got the public aware of how Israel operates in American media. It forced CBS News to reiterate its editorial standards.

The controversy started last Monday when Dokoupil told the National Book Award winner that if you took his "name out of it, took away the awards and acclaim, took the cover off the book, the publishing house goes away," that the content of the book's third section discussing the author's trip to Palestine "would not be out of place in the backpack of an extremist.”

There was a private phone call leaked to a pro-Zionist company.

Wendy McMahon, the head of CBS News, Adrienne Roark, who is in charge of news gathering at the network, began her remarks by saying covering a story like October 7 “requires empathy, respect, and a commitment to truth.” 

Jan Crawford, CBS Legal Chief and reporter was controversial too. She defended Dokoupil and called Coates a "fraud." 

In a viral segment promoting Coates book, Dokoupil took most the time from Gayle King and Nate Burleson when confronting Coates about his trip to the West Bank.

Immediately, Dokoupil looked at "The Message" as a book in the backpack of an extremist. He said that Coates was misinformed about Israel. He claimed that the apartheid ethnostate is being attacked from everyone. 

He continued, "I found myself wondering, why does Ta-Nehisi Coates ... leave out so much? Why leave out that Israel surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it?" and went through a list of events in regard to the Israel-Hamas war.

He asked Coates, "is it because you just don't believe that Israel in any condition has a right to exist?" Coates responded: "There is no shortage of that perspective in American media," before telling Dokoupil that he is "most concerned with those that don't have a voice, with those that don't have the ability to talk."

Coates continued: "I wrote a 260-page book. It is not a treatise on the entirety of the conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians." Coates and Dokoupil continued to disagree with the author comparing the treatment of Palestinians he met during his research for "The Message" to his ancestor's experiences in America's Jim Crow era.

Dokoupil has his ex-wife and his two children living in Israel. He is married to MSNBC host Katy Tur and has two children with her.

Coates was immediately confronted about how Israel is always the victim. The allegations of him being antisemitic because he doesn't look at Isrsel as the "Jewish state." 

The hypothetical question about why Palestinians cannot build their own government without Hamas.
  • “Why leave out that Israel is surrounded by countries that want to eliminate it?” 
  • “Why leave out that Israel deals with terror groups that want to eliminate it?” 
  • “Why not detail anything of the first and second intifada. . . the cafe bombings, the bus bombings, the little kids blown to bits?”
Those questions were biased. 

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