Tuesday, August 20, 2024

The Sean Hannity Word Vomit: The Flip-Flop And Flailing Edition! 🤮🤮🤮🤮

Sean "Softball" Hannity spinning conspiracy theories and propaganda as usual.

Almost 30 years on Fox and he hasn't changed the formula of his stale, repetitive, boring and downright whackadoodle radio and television program. The biggest conspiracy theorist on that far right network is by far the most annoying. Now operating out of his West Palm Beach, Florida penthouse, the annoying agitator continues on the path to destruction.

He repeats himself over and over, initiates Trump-style name calling, flip-flops on almost everything whenever a Democratic lawmaker promotes Republican policies and constantly complains about the media competition being state run media.

Sean Hannity is as old as the mold in a bathtub not scrubbed in decades.

I call him "Softball" Hannity because he admitted that he gives softball interviews to Republicans and especially former president Donald J. Trump. In 2016, he got angry at Ben Sasse because the former Nebraska senator refused to endorse Trump. He stated that Republicans are given easy interviews because he wants them to win.

I've listen to him on radio and television for about 10 years during the Bush and Obama presidencies. I started to realize that he is basically a scripted character.

Constantly repeating the formula of divisiveness.

Can you stomach three hours of radio and one hour of television listening to one of the most annoying media agitator in the world?

The top ten controversies that should have gotten Hannity fired.

1. Hannity literally cost Fox $787 million in promoting false claims that Dominion Systems intentionally changed voting machines from Trump to Joe Biden. 

2. Hannity promoted the Seth Rich murder as a conspiracy to disprove that Russian operatives stole emails from the Democratic National Committee and John Podesta. He put on guests who believed that Hillary Clinton murdered Rich because he allegedly gave emails to Wikileaks. The family sued Fox and settled for an undisclosed amount.

3. Hannity has allegedly sexually harassed women. He was named in a handful of lawsuits involving inappropriate behavior. He managed to scare far right agitator Debbie Schlussel into retracting her claims of him trying to engage in a sexual tryst. Cathy Areu has accused him of sexual harassment. Her case was dismissed and she faced criminal charges for elder abuse. She has signaled she will file again. Kristen Powers, a former Fox commentator has accused him, Bill O'Reilly and the late Roger Ailes of inappropriate behavior. He has allegedly slept with Fox commentator Sara A. Carter. He is currently involved with former contributor and now Fox and Friends host Ainsley Earhardt. He divorced wife Jill Rhodes in 2018.

4. Hannity gotten a woman fired from her job after doing a radio prank call while questioning the effectiveness of the Affordable Care Act. While on a rant about the ACA (Obamacare), Hannity called the phone number to talk to a representative named Earline Davis. He asked stupid questions about the ACA and forced the woman to reveal the slowness of applications. Davis was fired and it forced Hannity to apologize. He assured her that he will get her another job and even paid her $30,000 to starve off a possible lawsuit from Davis.

5. Hannity has failed to acknowledge that Rudy Giuliani, Michael Cohen, Victoria Toensing, Joseph diGenova and Jay Sekulow were his lawyers. The most infamous was the revelation that Cohen was his lawyer. Cohen in federal court had admitted that Hannity was one of three clients who used his services. Stormy Daniels was in attendance. Hannity flatly denied it and claimed that his services were off the record and he was talking about real estate and not hush money payments.

6. Hannity has been told numerous times to stop using Fox's brand when doing events. He appeared on stage along with Jeanine Pirro at a Trump rally in Missouri. Trump called them to speak on behalf of him and then state attorney general turned senator Josh Hawley. While the late Rush Limbaugh was free to speak on stage, Hannity and Pirro were not. The network quickly refuted the claims that they "allowed" them to speak. Hannity and Bill Cunningham were promoting the Cincinnati Tea Party's event at the Fifth Third Arena. Hannity, the late Samuel "Joe the Plumber" Wurzelbacher, Jon Voight and Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-OH) were scheduled speakers. Hannity was the headliner. Hannity had his crew there preparing for the taping. Hannity was at the studio in Cincinnati saying he will be there. However at 6pm, he flew back to New York for a studio taping and left his fans angry and disappointed. The sponsor of the event, the Tea Party Patriots had to refund money to those who had paid to be close to the annoying agitator. Fox warned him that he would be a termination if he does that again. He still does this stuff. He appeared in 2018 with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL), then congressman turned governor Ron DeSantis for an event in Florida without permission of Fox top levels. 

7. His ratings have been steady at best. While not the No. 1 on Fox, Hannity has tried to stay competitive with The Five, Gutfeld, Jesse Watters Prime, Outnumbered and Fox & Friends. When Tucker Carlson was fired from Fox, the network saw a 15% decrease in viewership. The Five remains the top program followed by Gutfeld and Jesse Watters Primetime. Even some far right viewers believe his show is stale. Endless conspiracy theories and constant name drops of Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, his media ratings and reminding folks to set their DVRs is tiring. Many figured that Hannity is not willing to change the way he does his programming. Media Matters for America believe having on Greg Jarrett, John Solomon, Rep. James Comer (R-KY), Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Sara A. Carter are a liability. They are notorious for peddling libel and misinformation.

8. Hannity forced his supporters to destroy their property to protect him from advertising boycotts. He faced an advertiser boycott after he attacked several women who accused a former Alabama supreme court justice of inappropriate conduct when they were teens. He basically dismissed the allegations as an attack on the right. Media Matters for America put a list of advertising to boycott in regards to his flagrant support of Roy Moore, the annoying agitator called for his listeners to destroy their $150 Keurig coffee machines. He enjoyed watching his listeners destroy their products and offered money to replace them.

9. Hannity tried to whip up a scandal by playing a voice mail of Joe Biden pleading to his son Hunter Biden to get help. He thought folks would think this was going to make Biden look like a corrupt politician. It backfired. Hannity drew outrage from the disabled community, recovering addicts and some parents.

10. Hannity allowed white nationalists and racial extremists on his programs. He hosted a series of callers, guests and lawmakers who have extremist views towards people of color. Hannity previously allowed Colin Flaherty, Ann Coulter, Mark Fuhrman, James O'Keefe, George Zimmerman, Andy Martin, Steve Bannon, Stephen Miller, Wayne Simmons, Steve Emerson, John Solomon, Cliven Bundy and numerous others on to push bigoted rhetoric against Blacks, Muslims, immigrants and those in the LGBTQ community. Hannity also allowed people of color who have anti-Black views on. He previously hosted Michelle Malkin, Terrence K. Williams, Jesse Lee Peterson, Kevin Jackson, Alveda King, Candace Owens, David Clarke, Darrell Scott, Lynette "Diamond" Hardaway, Rochelle "Silk" Hardaway and numerous folks who attack people of color or act like shields to white nationalism.

Hannity is clearly obsessed with Hillary Clinton, Hunter Biden, the junk food media and Joe Biden's age. This was a sample of what I had to listen to for one full week of his right wing carnival on the radio before Biden stepped out. 

I dare not stomach a hour of his right wing shit show on Fox.

Should Fox retire Sean "Softball" Hannity?
Created with Poll Maker

A millionaire conspiracy theorist who has a platform on radio and television. He has an audience of 20 million on radio and 3 million on television.

For some strange reason he has pulled in ratings only for the fact that he constantly interrupted his guests, threw ad hominem attacks, constantly steals the spotlight and often peddled in conspiracy theories and white nationalism.

So let's understand how he operates. He literally brags about how moral he is. Of course, he is shameless in whatever he says, does and reacts to.

Hannity complains about how the junk food media refuses to hold Democratic lawmakers accountable while literally doing softball interviews with Republicans. When they do, he complains about the Democrats not being held to the "same standards" as Republicans. 

He literally trips over himself to brag about how his radio show, his cable program and his network are leading in ratings.

Hannity calls critics silly and childish nicknames, calls the press "the media mob" and encourages his gullible audience to believe lies and misinformation. In turn, some may act out in violence.
Every August I devote a portion of my worthless life to write about this annoyance in the junk food media.

They should have canceled the most annoying, most laziest, most repetitive and most boringest media agitator in the country. We came a long way from Hannity & Colmes, to this straight up bullshit we come to know as Hannity.

His guests are the same worthless nobodies.

Hannity often puts on Mark Levin, the most listened far right agitator in talk radio to dehumanize Americans who oppose Trump and the apartheid ethnostate of Israel.

He often allows extremists like Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Leo Terrell, Kellyanne Conway, Kayleigh McEnany, Jeanine Pirro, John Solomon, Sara A. Carter, Tammy Bruce and Newt Gingrich to platform conspiracy theories and attacks on Democrats.

I predict this annoying agitator and his divisive rhetoric will come to an end soon.

Softball Hannity obsesses over Hunter Biden and Hillary Clinton.

Sean "Softball" Hannity, you're fucking annoying. I am not a doctor but I know that you have adult attention/hyperactivity deficit disorder, bipolar disorder and paranoia. You lack the intelligence to be a media personality.

Even with Hillary Clinton being out of government since 2012, this annoying softball can't let her go. It is like her emails is the only thing that keeps him going as well as the dossier that was produced by Christopher Steele. Even a public statement by Clinton will result in a 15 minute rant by Hannity.

Or perhaps, he will bring up Barack Obama again. He was clearly obsessed with Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers. He constantly reminds us about those two whenever he goes on a rant about Obama. He already claiming Harris and Walz have "radical" pastors.

Since Joe Biden took office, Hannity has been relentlessly pushing baseless allegations about the president and his son. 

When Biden officially ended his presidential campaign, Hannity is trying to pivot to Harris and Tim Walz. 

Now he is complaining about Harris not being at the border, her laughing, her record as a senator, eating Doritos and claims she is not actually Black. 

Hannity has attacked Walz's military service. 

Hannity is attacking Walz for being at an event with a Minnesota imam who criticize Israel. He also claims Walz is an agent of China and a "radical" like Harris. 

Hannity has privately told Trump to personally attack Harris and Walz despite Trump's campaign officials urging him to stay focus on issues.

You can literally predict how his show going start and finish. You can make a bingo card of everything he has said on his show.

My question to you: Do you think Sean "Softball" Hannity should be cancelled if Kamala Harris becomes the President of the United States?

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