Friday, August 30, 2024

So Let's Pick It Apart!

Harris gives the junk food media the interview they longed asked for.

The Democratic nominee was in Savannah, Georgia for a rally and a sitdown with CNN.

We're not going back.

Sounds like more status quo politics. 

Vice President Kamala Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz did their first taped sitdown with CNN and its host Dana Bash. It will reair this weekend. The Democratic presidential nominee had an opportunity to address the many controversies that she is facing as the replacement to her boss President Joe Biden.

Of course, I caught wind of her thoughts on that fucking maniacal country Israel.

Still a fucking Zionist like Bash. 

Still parroting that bullshit about the Israelis being raped. Ignoring the World Health Organization, Human Rights Watch and UN's actual reports of Israelis conducting torture, rape, sodomy, maming and starvation of Palestinians. They are literally conducting massive attacks on the Gaza Strip and West Bank. Israel is literally are selling stolen land and crying victimhood. 

She also hewed closely to Biden's strong support of Israel and rejected calls from some in the Democratic Party that Washington should rethink sending weapons to Israel because of the heavy Palestinian death toll in Gaza.

She said she supports a strong Israel but "we must get a deal done" to get a ceasefire in the Gaza conflict.

"No, we have to get a (ceasefire and hostage) deal done," Harris said when asked if she would withhold weapons to Israel. She has been Biden's vice president since the start of his administration.

Abbas Alawieh, a co-founder of the Uncommitted National Movement that has protested against Biden's policy, expressed frustration over Harris’ response on Gaza.

"If the vice president is interested in a ceasefire, she must support an immediate stop to sending the fire," Alawieh said.

Harris is committed to the defense of Israel. It makes me very concern that she will need former Trump supporters to carry her because some progressives, Arab, Muslim and some Black voters are not with her. Mind you, I will not vote for Donald J. Trump.

Also I am not voting for Jill Stein or Cornel West. 

When October comes and the year of this conflict continues, I will early vote and I will make a decision on whether I will vote for Harris.

Harris sought to show she is in command of the issues and give Americans a sense of her policy positions with little more than two months until Election Day on Nov. 5.

Basically I heard pandering. With the far right obsession with the U.S.-Mexican border where their white supremacist talking points about border walls, illegal immigrants and drug cartels are the scary Brown and Black them, Harris had to say the "secure the border" nonsense.

Harris said she would renew a push for comprehensive border legislation that would tighten migration into the United States, and vowed to "enforce our laws" against border crossings.

"We have laws that have to be followed and enforced, that address and deal with people who cross our border illegally, and there should be consequence," Harris said.

Trump had his opportunity to "fix the border." He said he will make Mexico pay for the border wall. That never happened and it wasn't going to. Texans will not allow the U.S. government seize their property for a border wall. There are reservations near the border and they have full sovereignty. That means Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California can't build on sacred ground. 

The far right always scares up the migrant caravans every election. Presidential or Midterm election requires Fox or Republicans screaming about the so-called invasion.

Harris has toughened her position on migration along the southern U.S. border with Mexico. She also no longer wants a ban on fracking, an energy production method that employs many people in Pennsylvania, one of a handful of swing states that could decide the election.

When asked about her policy shifts, Harris said: "My values have not changed."

She also said she would like to have a Republican serve in a Harris Administration.

Cindy McCain and Jeff Flake had accepted nominations from Biden. I wouldn't be surprised that she could appoint Adam Kinzinger or John Kasich.

Harris has moved more toward the center on some issues from the time she ran for president in 2020 until she took over from Biden last month as the Democrats' choice to face Trump in the election.

Harris dismissed a comment from Trump in which he questioned whether she was a Black American. "Same old tired playbook," she said. "Next question, please."

Overall, Harris is trying to distance herself from the allegations of being a radical. 

Trump and his moron brigade have been attacking Harris on policies and her race. They are about to pick apart the interview and make up stuff.

The Republican nominee offers the same status quo nonsense. Trump wants to Save America by taking away freedoms, punishing protesting, call for jailing political opponents and censor speech if it doesn't favor him or Republicans. The Republicans claim Trump is for peace but ignore his clear role in Jan. 6.

I can't wait til this election is over.

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