Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Trump Wants To Pull CNN And MSNBC's Licenses After They Ignored His "Victory" Speech!

Vivek Ramaswamy endorses the old fart. Both claim the media wants to silence them. Yet, they got airtime.

They practically give him free air time and he is their cash cow.

Former president Donald J. Trump won the Iowa Caucus and earned himself an early lead for the Republican nomination. The junk food media called the race early for Trump.

Vivek Ramaswamy and Asa Hutchinson drop out. Trump earned Ramaswamy's endorsement.

At his victory party speech, Trump celebrated his win. He decided to rehash his bogus claims about the election being stolen and President Joe Biden committing election interference because of his legal woes.

MSNBC and CNN said that they are not going to cover it. They made a decision to not air the remaining portions due to the constant lies and hateful rhetoric.

They went on to cover Nimarata Randhawa Haley and Ron DeSantis. They covered the withdrawal of Vivek Ramaswamy.

Mind you, they allowed his victory speech to be seen online and you could watch on Fox, Newsmax, One American Voice, OANN, Right Side Broadcasting, CSPAN, Rumble and YouTube.

You have a choice.

Trump's victory speech included many of the baseless claims that he is a victim of some sort of “deep state” conspiracy that rigged the 2020 election and has kept him in court despite scads of evidence in support of criminal indictments he’s facing.

As a result, both CNN and MSNBC eventually opted out of the live speech after airing it to start. CNN took the Trump speech live for over 10 minutes. Even Fox News dumped the live speech after airing it for a few minutes longer.

Trump and many on the far right are outraged over it. Of course, Sean "Softball" Hannity spent a portion of his bullshit carnival calling Rachel Maddow, a "make believe journalist."

Maddow who hosts only on Monday nights and of course during special events said the following: “There is a reason that we and other news organizations have generally stopped giving an unfiltered, live platform to remarks by former President Trump. It is not out of spite. It is not a decision that we relish. It is a decision that we regularly revisit. Um, and honestly, honestly, it is not an easy decision. But there is a cost to us as a news organization of knowingly broadcasting untrue things.”

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