Sunday, January 14, 2024

They See This As Strong Leadership!

Diaper Don.

Well after a week of courtroom drama, former president Donald J. Trump heads to Iowa for the final days before the Iowa Caucus. He had no time to go to the funeral of his mother in law. 

Former first lady Melania Trump's mother died. She was 78 years old.

Trump is 78 years old.

He is still campaigning and still spreading his vile rhetoric. Blaming President Joe Biden and everyone who took a stand against him.

When he arrived at the local hotel, far right extremist Laura Loomer greeted him.

I took a look at that and said....

Damn, he looked terrible. He was limping and looked confused.

Loomer, a notorious gadfly and mentally ill person spent her days in bone chilling cold conditions to harass Florida governor Ron DeSantis, former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and businessman Vivek Ramaswamy.

Trump also decided to take shots at the only fan boy who is running for a place in a second Trump administration.

When Ramaswamy appeared with fans, he wore a shirt saying "Save Trump - Vote Vivek," I guessed it piss the old man off. Now he has aimed attacks on Ramaswamy.

Vivek Ramaswamy earns Washed Up 45 ire.

"Vivek started his campaign as a great supporter, 'the best President in generations,' etc. Unfortunately, now all he does is disguise his support in the form of deceitful campaign tricks," Trump wrote on his social media platform, Truth Social, on Saturday.

The criticism marks the first time Trump and his team have made direct, public attacks against Ramaswamy.

Like with Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Trump plays this game where he feels threatened by the possibility of losing the Iowa Caucus to a lesser known.

In 2016, Cruz ended up being the winner of the Iowa Caucus and of course, Trump said it was rigged and believed that voter fraud happened.

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