Monday, August 26, 2019

White Michigan Candidate Says Race Mixing Isn't Good For Her Town!

Michigan woman running for local office says her town needs to stay white.
A white woman running for local office shocks the community by openly stating her disdain for interracial couples, immigrants and LGBTQ families.

"Okay, what year is this?" said one of the contenders.

Yeah, this is 2019 and there is a white woman running for local city council openly expressing her beliefs to a striving community. The town of Marysville, Michigan is 30 miles from Detroit and five miles from Port Huron. It straddles the St. Clair River which is the divider of the U.S. and Canada.

It straggles on the Interstate 69 and 94 region. The future 69 will expand from Indiana and end at three ports of entry between the U.S. and Mexico. Portions of 69 are open in Texas, Mississippi, Tennessee and Kentucky. The near completion of 69 in Indiana will be done in 2023.

Jean Cramer is now hiding from the junk food media after she made headlines. She made remarks that caused a gasp and grimacing of her fellow contenders.

"My suggestion recommendation 'Keep Marysville a white community as much as possible.' White community seriously. Seriously, in other words, no foreign born, no foreign people, because of uh, of what uh, I am going say in our past of what we've experienced is better to have it simply American-born. Put it that way. No."

The comments drew outrage from mayor pro tem, Kathy Hayman who said that her daughter is married to a Black man and she has biracial grandchildren.

"I don't even know that I can talk yet, I'm so upset and shocked. My father was a hundred percent Syrian, and they owned the Lynwood Bar. It was a grocery store at that time. So bascially, what you've said is that my father and his family had no business to be in this community." Hayman said.

Other candidates spoke out against her.

Mike Deising stated, "Just checking the calander here and making sure it's still 2019. Yeah, I thought we covered civil rights about 50 years ago."

Cramer was interviewed by the junk food media. She denies she is a racist. She also stated she's not dropping from the race. She stated that she has nothing against Black people, but she strongly opposes marriage between people of different races.

"As far as I know, as long as we've been here, Marysville has been a white community, a white city. If we have seen a Black person here and there, whatever, we're not bothered by it. I'm not bothered by it."

However, she's bothered by a white woman holding a Black man's hand.

She didn't flatly say for immigrants to "go back" but she said that many immigrants have came to the community to "mess things up" recently.

She said that her family came from Germany. So it seems like the old saying, Blacks built this country but whites still have the privilege of being in it.

It's confirmed she has dropped out of the race. However, she will remain on the ballot in November.

So someone is still likely to vote for her.

Marysville has a population of 9,500 residents. The city is 98% white.

Amerikkka folks. Donald J. Trump's incompetence is globally destructive and politically divisive.

Republicans are embracing this type of behavior. We need to make "Racist afraid again."

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