Sunday, November 25, 2018

Frank Luntz: I've Divorced The Republican Party!

Frank Luntz is leaving the Republican Party because he's fed up with Trump and his rhetoric.
American pollster Frank Luntz has finally succumbed to injuries left by the Republican Party.

He has announced he has split from the Republican Party.

Luntz believes that the party is danger of being the Whites only party. Donald J. Trump, Republicans and conservative agitators have been on a warpath against people of color. It's proof positive that our country has taken a more dangerous direction.

Luntz believes that the junk food media and its mainstream agitators have divided us.

He said his goal to show Americans that opinion isn't facts.
What happened? I thought you worshiped me!
The yelling and trolling has given him a headache.

Luntz was on Fox News' Media Buzz with Howard Kurtz. The media critic did call out Luntz for using the "buzz words" to win. Luntz was best known for being the official pollster for Sean "Softball" Hannity.

Luntz is critical of Trump. He believes that his not helping bring Americans together.

The Raw Story covers this.

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