Undated photo of teen who was beaten and raped by two men. |
In Franklin, Ohio, two men are being held in Warren County lockup after they were accused of beating up a young dope boy. They managed to sodomize and rape him before they've dropped his dying body off at a local hospital.
Asshat Colin Flahtery and that bonehead conservative agitator Sean Hannity (known as That Guy Who Helped Obama Win) aren't covering this story because it doesn't fit their narrative of Black on White crime.
Oh, I forgot, they always need something to attack President Barack Obama.
White on Black crime. The suspects accused were either drug addicts or actual racists.
Yeah, I understand that the Black teen was a dope boy but it should merit for his death. The two men done something reckless and inhumane. These men may end up getting the gas chamber if they're found guilty of this teen's murder.
Of course, since this made it to the evening news, I am wondering if I could tip off Black America Web or The Huffington Post. I mean would it go viral?
Will it discredit the conservative talking point about the "knockout game"?
The Dayton Daily News and The Middletown Journal report that the teen is identified and the charges are serious for two men from the Franklin area.
While it's unknown if the teen knew his attackers, some point to the teen's history of being a dope boy.
The family of the victim knew from the jump that the tattoos on the wrist "SELF" and "MADE" were his.
The victim has been identified as Dione Payne, 16, of Dayton. Police said he was in Franklin to sell illegal narcotics when he was robbed and beaten.
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Michael Geldrich and Michael Watson are being held in the Warren Lock Up on charges of felonious assault. They will bump the charges to CLASS 0 Murder. |
The unresponsive teen was pushed in a wheelchair by a man described as a white male wearing a black hoodie, according to a Middletown police report obtained by the Journal-News.
The man then fled. Hospital personnel said the teen was in critical condition and had heavy damage to his head and was bleeding from his ears, according to the report.
After Payne was transported to Miami Valley Hospital, personnel there contacted Middletown police, stating that the teen appeared to have been sexually assaulted, according to the report.
A nurse told police she talked with a passenger in the truck who said they had found the teen and they didn’t know him.
Investigators worked through the weekend to identify the victim and the suspects. It wasn’t until the Journal-News posted a story with the vehicle description that police got a break.
A woman who had looked at the truck for sale at a Middletown car lot recognized the description and called police, according to Lt. Scott Reeve.
“We called D&D Auto Sales and found out who they sold it to,” Reeve said, noting that led to the search warrant and arrest of the suspects in Franklin.
The Middletown Division of Police initiated an investigation to determine where the assault against the juvenile occurred. Middletown police’s investigation brought them to Franklin where they combined their efforts with that city’s police department.
Sunday night, officers served a search warrant at 11 Vernon St. in Franklin, the confirmed site of the teen’s beating. The Warren County Major Crimes Unit was requested to process the vehicle found there and the crime scene, according to Franklin police.
Two men — Michael A. Geldrich, 36, and Michael J. Watson, 39, both of Franklin — were taken into custody and charged with aggravated robbery and aggravated murder, Whitman said.
Both men have a criminal history in Warren County, according to court records. Geldrich had been arrested for domestic violence, theft and driving under suspension, according to Franklin Municipal Court records. Watson has arrests for felonious assault, disorderly conduct, assault, resisting arrest and inducing panic.
We here at Journal de la Reyna send our condolences to the family of Dione Payne.
I'm an African American, and I feel these two animals didn't care who they did this to, rather black, white, red whatever. They are pure evil and deserve to die! This young man did not deserve this, I don't care what he was doing. ...May God strike them with fury and revenge
I totally agree! This just tears my heart up. Teen or not, into dope or not, it's somebody's "baby". They need to die.
Here was my take on it:
I agree with the comments, they didn't care who they done this to. I hope they die! It wasn't enough to rob him and beat him, they belittled him by rape. They are AMIMALS!!!
He was not raped...check the facts!
Just a few facts for those of you who believe everything the paper prints but not what the police confirm.
He was not raped. This is usually where dealers hide their dope.
One of the men did the beating, one man and that man only administered this to that young man.
The mother was crying race before these men had their first court hearing, now theyre trying to say she said if after the last court date.
It is heart wrenching what happened to him. I cannot imagine.
On the flip side, neighbors have said he has been at that home a lot over the time of him getting out of jd to the time the incident occurred.
The person who did not have anything to do with the beating, is about the same size as this kid.
People are trying to cry race but dont realize how bad the drug epidemic is around this area. It is killing people daily in the Dayton area and surrounding counties. Its tragic and no one wants to hold the drug dealers accountable for anything.
This kid was not as innocent as he seems. He just got out of jd for shooting at his mothers bf 5 times and possession of cocaine.
Apparently someone was giving him the drugs to sell to others (I will not omit an older sibling because his fb talks about drugs and lifestyles similar to the kids page).
If a mother cared about her son, after he got his ass out of jd - he would have been on lock down, regardless if she worked or not! If this were my son, you can bet his ass would not have been out running the streets for nothing. A long harsh punishment would have been in order.
I am not demeaning this kids death but honestly if you run dogs, you will get fleas. If you make adult choices then the consequences follow.
I am sorry this happened, it was senseless and the man who did this was a lot bigger than him and had it all planned out. He is also known to beat his gf who supposedly lived there too, per neighbors. Maybe the cops should find her too, she was probably there at the time.
My condolences to the family. Please do not think this was about race, because it was not. The man who did this may be a racist but the other person was not.
Addicts do not see color, they only see the drugs. It never should have happened, and he never should have been in Franklin but apparently he was there a lot, especially if he was sleeping, he apparently was comfortable there.
There are just so many unanswered questions, but I would like to just say, the papers will say anything to get the drama going. If it is not quoted by the police, it is not something that is truthful.
I hate that everything turns into race, it breaks my heart that it even still exists in this day in age. I did not raise my kids to see color, nor did I allow them to treat someone different because of skin color. I am too old to still be seeing this be an option anymore. People need to come together and keep the drugs out of our communities and keep our kids safe! This is bs and these drugs are taking so many lives and for what? A few quick bucks for the dealers??
A new drug named Krokodil is in our area, it has gasoline and codeine in it, along with the heroin. It basically eats you from the inside out.
The other one the dealers are making and selling has a very high dose of fentanyl in it and causes immediate cardiac arrest.
A few days after these men were arrested, there were 2 overdoses 2 blocks apart. One woman was home with her 2 small daughters.... if you go look at Warren County Inmates, there are so many of them in there for drug related stuff. Its sad and it is preventable and it needs to stop! Our children dont need to be dealing drugs or doing them!!!!
Dear Anonymous,
You sound like a cold hearted ignorant person. Reguardless of the race of the child or what he did "No one deserves to die in such a horrific way. I have a 16yr old son myself. God forbid someone lays a finger on him I'll do my time standing on my head proudly. Drugs aren't new to any community no where in the US. Had the races been switched this story would've been all ove television and news papers nation wide. See people like you have to be personally affected by crime in order to feel compassion. Youre way of thinking is sad, shows your level of ignorance. I pity you and those heartless drug using animals who committed the murder of that child. May he rest in peace, & may they suffer before they walk through the gates of hell.
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