This is the Republican Party.
The standard bearer Mitt Romney is going to lead a band of angry lunatics who claim they're patriots to the ballot boxes to remove a "threat!" Who's the threat?
In Texas, you got a bunch of morons who think the bible is science and Darwin was a voodoo witch doctor!
I mean who's the King of the Hill?
Three known Republican idiots reside in Texas. They each had a moment in the sun!
That idiot Republican governor Rick Perry, gadfly cult leader Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), or foot in the mouth idiot Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas). Each of them has riled up their voters with rhetoric that could inspire someone the purchasing rights to an offensive billboard.
According to KGO-TV (ABC 7), San Francisco, the billboard that's on display in a small Texas town is stirring up controversy across the country.
The display compares the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden to removing President Barack Obama from office. Images of the ad have gone viral on the Web and raised concerns the message could be a threat against the president.
The man who paid for the billboard says the display was inspired by an anti-Obama e-mail he received.
"Other than the fact it's got some Seals in there with a gun, I think it's pretty obvious what they did and what the statement is," said billboard sponsor Tom Schad.
Despite complaints from neighbors and people around the country, the sponsor says he has no intention of taking it down.
President Barack Obama ordered Special Operations Forces to go into Pakistan to assassinate Osama bin Laden in May 2011. The new head of al-Qaeda is the Eyptian, Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri. He is somewhere in Pakistan.
The Republicans can't use the argument that the president is "soft on terrorism" anymore!
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