Clint Eastwood is a featured speaker at the |
The headliner of the Republican Party of course is their nominee, Mitt Romney. The former Massachusetts governor who ran more than his share of political campaigns takes the mantle of being the guy who could beat President Barack Obama.
Eastwood goes right into this little show with a empty chair (appearing as the president).
Million dollar baby?
Okay, now that we've gotten this nonsense out the way, here another dose of racist nonsense coming from the Republicans and their allies in the conservative movement.
Once again, you're seeing the rise of extremism in the conservative movement. These things are growing underneath the surface.
The Republicans are allowing some of their supporters take politics too far.
WBZ-TV Boston goes forth with the umpteenth offensive sign depicting President Barack Obama as the "other". This marks an ongoing issue with White conservative males and their reactionary outrage of the president and his supporters.
One shows a little girl raising her middle finger next to the message:
“Thanks Obama. You’ve spent my lunch money, my allowance, my inheritance, 35 years of future paychecks and my retirement. You Jerk. Vote Mitt Romney For 2012!”
The finger is now covered in packing tape.
Some people say the sign makes them uncomfortable.
“It’s being offensive,” one man told WBZ NewsRadio 1030 Thursday. ”I think you can send out the message without being this drastic.”
Others say it’s free speech.
“I think it’s a good idea, whether it’s on private property or not,” a supporter told WBZ.
Another billboard has a smiling photo of President Obama, with the communist hammer and sickle symbols on his shirt collar, next to the message:
“Somewhere in Kenya a village is missing its idiot. Obama – One Big A** Mistake America. Vote Mitt Romney For 2012!”
The owner of the property and the signs was contacted by WBZ-TV and WBZ NewsRadio 1030 Thursday, but declined to comment.
In addition to the political debate, there is also debate about where the billboards are legal.
According to town officials, owner Robert Sullivan did not get a necessary permit from the building commissioner to put them up.
Sullivan’s attorney, however, said they are protected under the First Amendment.
I mean how bad could this get?
This anti-Obama behavior is disturbing. The Black community and Hispanic community aren't feeling the Republican Party nowadays. They've managed to push forth these radical agendas to make lives for the middle class worse than it is.
In Hanson, Massachusetts there's a lot of anti-Obama billboards sprouting around. They're the talk of the town. People are reacting to them just like us here at Journal de la Reyna.
These Republicans have no shame in their game. These people are fucking ignorant and I'm tired of it!
I wish the Democratic Party would be more aggressive against these type of attacks.
This isn't your father Republican Party!
The culture war continues and Republicans armed their troops with hate of the middle class, the lower class, minorities, GLBT, those who practice in Islam, and the many supporters of Barack Obama.
They deem those as enemies of the state.
Examples of what triggers conservatives: "Welfare", " Smaller Government", "Taking Our Country Back", "Entitlements", and "Victimhood".
Key words to a base of people who have strong intolerance towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.
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