The July jobs report is out. And right off the bat, the political analysis of this is not good. The unemployment rate is now at 8.3%. The country added 169,000 jobs in the previous month. Not bad, not good either. There were a high claim of unemployment applications during that month and many Americans are still searching or giving up on the job market.
Republicans can rejoice. The talking point reverts back to the economy and jobs.
President Barack Obama will celebrate his birthday this weekend. His job disapproval will match his age of 51. According to the Gallup Poll, the president's job approval is 45% - 48%. It will tick up in the coming days due to the economy, the sharp rise in fuel prices and of course his actions here and abroad.
Congress has really "done nothing". The Republican controlled House of Representatives has voted down the Democrats plan to bring tax cuts to the middle class. The Republicans argue that if you can't give the millionaires the tax breaks, we're not going to support this law. The U.S. Senate managed to pass it with a slim majority. How come the House is stalling on progress?
President Barack Obama, House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio), Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nevada) are looked upon as a bunch of hyperpartisans who are willing to screw up the country for political gamesmanship.
Congress Republicans have move further to the right on issues. The moderate Republicans are exiting faster than the moderate Democrats. They're fed up with the conservative wing of the party stalling progress.
Cracks in the stalemate. Some Republicans are tearing up the "Tax Pledge" by conservative activist Grover Norquist. The Republicans are slowly warming up to the notion of abandoning tax breaks to the high end earners.
This jobs report is political football for the cable news and talk radio circuit. Of course, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Michael Savage, Bill O'Reilly and Glenn Beck will say the usual "end of days" nonsense that gives Republicans assurance they'll prevail in the 2012 U.S. Elections.
This jobs report will allow Stephanie Miller, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews, Rachel Maddow and Alan Colmes to defend the president by saying that "see there's jobs" and the usual upbeat nonsense that gives Democrats hope that they'll prevail in the elections as well.
The jobs report makes a point to how our economy succeeds or fails.
The Republicans believe that the country is going down a dangerous path to economic failure because of the president's policies and they want to fix the problems. They want to pass domestic austerity cuts for lower class citizens, create bigger defense budgets for the military, roll back regulations for companies that pollute our nation, repeal legislation that protects unions, civil groups and minorities.
The Democrats believe that the country is slowly rebounding. They claim that the dangerous path the Republicans are taking is basically waiting to the last minute to get things done. They want to pass regulations on corporations that ship funds overseas while laying off employees, establish a safety net for struggling families, keep firearms out of the hands of terrorists and the mentally insane, and give rights to civil groups such as allowing LGBT to marry and undocumented workers get an opportunity to become citizens.
The government isn't going to pass legislation to keep the post office running until they get back after their six week vacation. When they go home to their respectable districts or states, your Representative or Senator will have a great time enjoying their vacations while you work harder. While they enjoy a round of golf, boating or an adulterous affair, you're trying to keep the lights on in your home, food in your refrigerator, and fuel in your vehicle.
The Republicans are stalling progress to defeat President Barack Obama. The Democrats can't let go of issues that are deem too controversial. The gridlock is still here and of course we the American people are fed up.
How can you get anything done if you have a bunch of partisans running the Congress or the White House?
I support the president on most issues, but if President Barack Obama has to go negative in order to secure his second term, then it defeats his "hope and change" mantra that he's been rallying his base on!
Mitt Romney is a perennial candidate that will say or do anything to escape the controversy that he puts his big mouth in. He's not the Republican Party's favorite son, but you better believe they are willing to take a moderate Republican over Barack Obama any day!
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