Look here. I love all Americans. No matter what race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, economic or political standings. I love all humans.
I may hammer conservatives a lot more than those progressives nowadays, but these people have it coming.
I get sick and tired of being labeled a person who votes solely on race!
The 2008 U.S. Presidential Elections were a historic milestone. Not only for the fact the United States has elected an African American man to the position of President of the United States, but it was one of the largest turnouts of voters in history. The Barack Obama campaign team has been actively working in areas that Republicans refuse to touch. The Black community is being neglected by Republicans. The Republicans don't offer things to appeal to Black voters. When Republicans want to put forth ideas or solutions to help Blacks, they come off as overreaching, condescending, racist bigots. They rile up Blacks so much, it's almost likely the Democratic Party will have control of the Black vote for years.
Think about the Jewish vote. The Jewish vote is important for the Democrats. They have a 2:1 strength with the Jewish voters. Republicans have strong support for Israel, the only Jewish nation in the Middle East, and yet they can't win but less than 40% of the vote.
But you never hear the Republicans say that the Jewish vote for candidates they love. It's always the Blacks and their "brothas".
I didn't vote for the Democratic nominee Barack Obama because he's a black man. I voted for the man because he had a better plan than the Republican nominee John McCain. I don't get why white conservative men (and sometimes women) fixate on the demographics of us and not them.
You find out a lot of things when you read a comment section. When you go to The Drudge Report and you click on a linked story, your next reaction is to comment on it. It's always the bigoted word salad from some unknown agitator who spends his/her life inside the internet whining about the president and his allies in the progressive movement.
Let's introduce the White Conservative Word Salad.
A mix of things I've read from some who view themselves as conservatives. Conservatives agitate confrontational debates when they respond on Blogger, YouTube or other social networks when it comes to issues involving race or politics. Here's what I've determined when a White (or even a Black) conservative responds to these issues.
Read below:
[Blacks] aren't capable of solving problems.
[Blacks] always creating turmoil!
[Blacks] are fixated on blaming their faults on the White man!
[Blacks] are always screaming racism!
[Blacks] always taking from hard working [Whites] by staying on welfare and food stamps.
[Blacks] are the ones who are really racist!
You see how Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Eric Holder and Barack Obama defend the [New] Black Panthers.
[President Barack Obama and Eric Holder] rather give Black racists (and criminals) a pass but accuse Republicans and conservatives of being racist themselves.
There are so many incidents that involved black on white crime, it's unbelievable.
This stuff is never reported in the "liberal media".
White women are raped by [Black] males everyday!
[The mainstream media] never report this stuff.
When Blacks claim a crime was committed by a White person, they are causing trouble by lying about these so-called crimes to seek attention!
You never hear about this stuff because Blacks are so in love with Obama.
Because the Blacks are so fixated on trying to keep their "brotha", Barack Obama in the White House.
The overwhelming support of Barack Obama by Black voters is troubling.
[Blacks] will never look at John McCain, Mitt Romney, Herman Cain as the candidates willing to help Blacks.
[Blacks] are brainwashed into voting for Democrats, plain and simple!
[Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement] are trying to transition [the Blacks] out of the "Democrat Plantation".
[Conservatives] keep telling Blacks that the Democratic Party is the party of the Ku Klux Klan.
[Conservatives] keep telling them that Democrats are always keeping them poor!
[Conservatives] keep telling Blacks that Democrats want more abortions, same sex marriage and are holding them back!
When [conservatives] own firearms, it's considered a right to protect ourselves from thugs that rule the Democratic-crime ridden streets.
Hold up, when [Blacks] own firearms, [conservatives] want to prevent them from using them in Republican-friendly clean cities and suburbs.
When these White liberals vote for Barack Obama, [conservatives] believe its White guilt.
Whites don't want to be labeled a racist.
Every freaking time we criticize the president, Blacks want to label this a being racist.
[Republicans and its conservative allies] are trying to prove that the president lied about his birthplace.
[Republicans and conservatives] are trying to awaken you people to the fact "your president" is a freaking "socialist"!
The Republicans were the party of Civil Rights, and yet the Blacks support the Democrats.
[Blacks] refuse to acknowledge civil rights icon Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was once a Republican.
Blacks refuse to acknowledge that the Dixiecrats [State's Rights Democratic Party] were the ones who turned the fire hoses on Blacks and endorsed Jim Crow laws.
Republicans want to make the Black community lives better.
[Republicans] have accomplished a big goal this time by electing two Black legislators to Congress.
Blacks that are leaving the "Democrat Plantation" in droves to become leaders and success stories, not "gubmint leeches" as your homeboy Barack Obama wants you to be!
[Republicans] elected Allen West and Tim Scott to Congress.
The Tea Party isn't racist.
[Liberals] need to prove to us there's a racist in the Tea Party!
[Republicans and conservatives] can tell you that the Occupy Wall Street movement is racist.
Look how many White people attend these events.
Have you seen a Black person at the Occupy Wall Street Protest?
[Conservatives] have hosted plenty of Black speakers at the Tea Party.
You Black people are going to make it harder for Barack Obama to win.
[Civil Rights leaders, liberals and Blacks] keep pushing these stories to paint the Republicans as racist, in turn we will gain more White voters because they'll eventually get tired of your stories of Trayvon Martin, the "racist" ramblings of Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Barack Obama.
[Conservatives] will make it our goal to see President Barack Obama as a "one term president".
But the point of me making this is simple. I want to tell the good people here at Journal De La Reyna, is that no matter what we've told you! They'll never get it through their sponge soaked heads that the Democrats are the party of progress, hence the term Progressive.
It's not about liberalism, socialism, communism or moderation. It's about common sense, and the Republican Party and people like these arm chair generals in the conservative movement are seriously lacking intelligence somewhere.
Republicans and their conservative allies play upon the fears of Black leaders.
It's reasons why me and probably most Americans have faith in the society than the fears of the unknown.
Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement are constantly rewriting history. This shows that they're purely agenda driven to whitewash the very history they've never had participated in or lived through.
These people are totally misinformed by the narratives they've siphon off these agitating blogs that they've grown accustomed to!
I am tired of wasting my time dealing with them on the internet.
I don't care what you call me! I know my stances on issues and I believe in things that matter to me and my family. I guess since all the crap you're throwing at me makes me a liberal, commie, socialist, anti-American as you claim! Should I call you a racist, totalitarian, Fascist, overreaching, bigot with limited education above high school level?
The Republicans boycott with their mouths and firearms.
You're not going to rewrite history off the backs of the Black community, sir. The Republicans and its allies in the conservative movement aren't focused on serious issues like the economy.
That's why these idiots continue to "change the subject" when the economy is getting better! This is why you hear stuff like "socialism", "end of days" rhetoric and that freaking birth certificate. They need something else to complain about. But as soon as the economy turns sour, they'll be the first ones screaming about how it's the president's fault.
Okay, here what I'm going to do for the next election!
Since some in the conservative movement think that I'm voting for race, the next candidate will be a woman.
Maybe a Latino or a gay person? It's all about class in your mind, right?
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