Sunday, August 04, 2019

Underneath That Rock!

Expect more of these mass shootings. This terrorist becomes a martyr to white extremism.
Underneath that rock.

I read the word vomit from some who visited Journal de la Reyna.

I am certainly thankful that we attracted readers. However, I am getting really tired of folks posting bullshit on this blog. I've said it time after time about reading this blog.

We here at Journal de la Reyna tolerate race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, social and economic standings. I am bias against conservatives, libertarians, concern trolls, white nationalists and bullshit peddlers. I don't have apologize for being real about this. I am an unapologetic blogger.

Ask me if I care what they think?


Not at all.

Magnifying glass and highlight option.

slutbong88 said...
they didn't show any dead fuckers? that shit was false advertisment. get some bitch with her brains blown out on the side walk agonal breathing then we'll talk. fags lol ##88##

Anonymous said...
Was he on flomaximal?

mrl said...
you say a lot - but you offer no solutions.

Anonymous said...
I can tell you the reason for the phenomenon of mass shootings, but you won't like it. 

Guns are a red herring. Mass shootings were nearly unheard of back when it was MUCH easier to own a gun. In the 1920s children could order tommy guns through the mail with no questions asked. Your parents probably remember a time when kids had loaded shotguns in the back of their trucks while attending class, for hunting after school. No one even imagined that anyone would want to go on a rampage through a school with a gun. It was unheard of back then. There is ZERO evidence that simply having access to guns or gun hobbyists makes you want to kill innocent people.

Mental health is also a nonstarter. There have always been people with mental health issues, and modern treatments are supposedly greatly improved. If mass shooters, a phenomenon that started in the 1990s, are the result of mental health issues, then what happened to make us all go crazy all of a sudden? Well, something happened, and when the 60s kids grew up and tried to raise families of their own is when the sickness manifested. 

Here are the 10 most deadly mass shootings in the US since Columbine (prior to this latest one), WITH the belief system of the shooter:

-Las Vegas (atheist)

-Orlando (Islamic)
-Virginia Tech (atheist)
-Sandy Hook (atheist)
-Springs Church (atheist)
-Parkland (atheist/agnostic)
-San Bernardino (Islamic)
-Columbine (atheist)
-Wong (unknown)
-Fort Hood (Islamic)

That's pretty shocking in a country that is mostly Christian. Maybe start looking here if you want to do some old fashioned journalism. 

Here are the top 10 most deadly school shooters:

-VA Tech (atheist)

-Sandy Hook (atheist)
-Parkland (atheist/agnostic)
-Columbine (atheist)
-Santa Fe (atheist)
-Harper-Mercer (new age/occult)
-Red Lake (atheist)
-One Goh (unknown, nonreligious)
-Eliot Rodger (atheist)
-NIU (atheist)

There are Left-wing and Right-wing, and apolitical mass shooters, but the common denominator is a thorough rejection of the previously dominant Christian worldview. 

Also: an outsized number of mass shooters lack fathers at home, and they tend to be effeminate males, which entirely contradicts the false narrative of "macho culture" contributing to gun violence. In past eras when masculinity was encouraged among males and kids played John Wayne with cap guns, none of them were shooting up their schools. 

I find it a bit perverse how many people gnash their teeth at the mention of "thoughts and prayers," howling that prayer is useless, when with any curiosity at all you could figure out pretty quickly that a nationwide lack of thoughts and prayers is what got us into this mess. You and your atheism can't this cultural quagmire because you made it possible. 

Anonymous said...
This killer in El Paso, the Christchurch shooter (whom he modeled himself after,) Anders Breivik, and church shooter Dylan Roof all fall under the umbrella of "alt-right" secularist racist killers. Their manifestos (these dorks always leave manifestos) make clear that they view the world in an entirely evolutionary and materialist sense, and consider their actions logical and practical. Some of them (the "Christian Identity" movement) associate Christianity with Europe and white people, and want to create a new secular, socialist version of it as Hitler tried to do, while others, like Richard Spencer, despise any form of religion whatsoever and want white people to give up on Christianity and embrace atheism or, in some cases, turn to the Nordic gods. 

On the opposite side of the spectrum are the secular leftist killers like Adam Lanza, Craig Stephen Hicks, and the Bernie Bro who tried to mass-murder Republican politicians on a baseball field.

Political differences have always been present among us, but watch what happens as American officially becomes post-Christian. The secular Left and the secular Right will become increasingly militant, and anyone trying to work across the aisles will be considered a traitor. Nature abhors a vacuum and in the absence of a Divine Authority who dictates truth and morality and insists that we play nice, people will identify with their political ideologies and fight over them to the death, with a philosophy of "survival of the fittest" and "the ends justify the means." It's going to get worse.

Anonymous said...

I'm just another commenter wanting to say thank you for the info. Going to look it up. Would be interested in reading more.

DWCHAN said...
No law will ever prevent a crime by one who is determined to be/become a criminal. Literally any person can find a way to commit mass murder if they/he/she/whatever has no concern for the lives of others nor for their own life. The sickness that brings them to murder is mental, not material. It is not the weapon that causes the crime, because weapons are inert until wielded by the attacker(s). More murders have been committed by criminals using blunt weapons than any other sort of weapon. More persons have been killed by negligent drivers than by blunt weapons wielded by the murderous criminals. Mass murdering criminals are most often encouraged to murder by ideology, greed, oppression, hate, and mental illness. The most dangerous mass murderers are most likely to use what they believe to be the most effective weapons available, and by available, I mean nearly everything could be conceivably turned into weaponry usable to kill nearly any number of victims. Write draconian laws to destroy every firearm. It will not stop the criminal from using a pressure cooker bomb. Ban pressure cookers. It will not stop the determined criminal from using a poison gas. Ban poison. It will not stop an educated criminal from using the internet, or a college education, to figure out how to make more. How about banning cooking knives (like in England); doesn't work, because any fool can make a knife and use it like was done recently in China at a bus stop, to kill dozens. So, lets give up on the oppressive legislation and work on finding and curing the madness. THAT is the only chance we have to succeed. Drop the hate speech. Fight the poverty that robs people of options to create meaningful lives. Fight the stupidity that says everyone deserves to be GIVEN all their needs FREE with no effort on their part, that just makes them dependent on others to carry their load when they are mostly capable of carrying their own load. It also makes a class of people who are forced to carry other peoples load with no reward for their efforts, making them bitter and likely to commit crimes of their own. While these changes are unlikely to come quickly, we need to become responsible for our own safety and the safety of those we love. That means that when evil strikes nearby and our death or safety, is only seconds away we need to respond effectively and immediately because the police are minutes away or further. We need to be able to either depart the scene of violence, or take control of that violence. The right to protect one's own life by whatever means is needed, is one right that MUST be reserved for the individual and not taken away by a society/law/politician that is too far away to help.

Two mass shootings over the weekend and folks across the country are doing what we do best, hashtags, thoughts and prayers and blame.

Thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers. Thoughts and prayers won't heal the wounded or bring back the dead. It's just meaningless platitudes and I am getting sick and tired of folks posting on social media saying they have their condolences for those killed by gun violence.




Texas mother killed in El Paso Walmart massacre.
The shooter who killed 20 in El Paso was caught is being held in federal time out. He held hatred of Mexicans and Latinx Americans. He wrote a manifesto and pledge that he would rather die than face the faces of victims. He said that he wanted to be a martyr to white extremists.

The shooter who killed nine in Dayton was killed by the police was a incel. He had a hatred of Blacks and interracial relationships. He hasn't wrote a manifesto but he had a history of writing a "hit list." A mass shooter who killed his own sister and wanted to be a martyr to white extremists

Blaming everyone who isn't the shooter.

Turning to our respective corners.

White extremists seem to visit this blog quite frequently whenever there's a mass shooting or an issue involving a person of color committing a crime.

Ohio mother killed in Dayton bar massacre.
So I want to say once again to those who read this blog, thank you again for reading. However, if you don't agree with the postings, fine. We don't "figuratively speaking" point a gun to your head demanding you to read this.

My only regret is that those "anonymous" trolls are too scared to respond in name. They know what could happen if they were caught posting racist shit online.

Mind you these are the folks that are calling me and LaReyna racist because we are pointing out a symptom of mass shootings: The white man.

White males are more likely to commit mass shootings in the United States.

We are not in the business of answering trolls. One in particular seems to always poke his head out whenever we cover issues involving Black America.

Get it!

We're a Black blog and we got trolls who often comes on here to concern, insult and dismiss what we post.

I get it.

You want us to respond to every fucking response you leave here on the blog.

You want us to "wake up" from the bullshit of Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, progressive politics and get on the Trump Train. You really want us to stop the "cult of personality" complex when it comes to Obama.

You realize that you're a part of "cult of personality."

You know you really fucked up, right?

I am not going waste my time addressing the terrorists. I will not say the name of the El Paso and Dayton terrorists.

These trolls are ignorant. They can be ignorant all they want. This is America.

This country is more polarized, less religious, less educated, less motivated, highly overweight, and bloodthirsty. We hide behind platitudes and run on narratives about who's more right than factual.

We are driven to discourse by the junk food media and social media. I cannot stop it. I am not in the business to stop it. However, I do have control over how I read things on this blog. I have semi-control over what is posted on this blog. I am not planning on changing my views on Trump no time soon.

I really believe Trump and his allies are destined for failure. With that failure, comes the aftermath. We all fail if Trump continues to reign his bigotry and Republican keep control of the U.S. Congress.

Americans could reelect Trump. After all, Republicans are ramming through laws that make it harder to vote. They are passing weak gun laws that make it possible for individuals to possess firearms to kill people of color and law enforcement. The Republicans are trying to pass laws that restrict women from have termination. But once they have a child, the Republicans want to strip the safety net so no single mother can get food and housing for their family.

Gun violence is problem. We keep hearing these idiots often tell us "we're not going to like" their remarks on gun violence. Fuck this shit. I don't need to read your bullshit. I don't care about the bullshit you write.

It's pretty sad that this troll believes I worship a man. I don't go to church. I work too fucking much and make enough to survive. In this country, the so-called "Land of the Free" more Americans work longer hours for little pay.

Thank you capitalism. Your "milk and honey" has cost Americans more out of their pockets.

Look, whatever the fuck you call yourself, I am going to make this clear to you. Go find a blog that you can rant and rave about. We're not hear to appease your bullshit.

Like I've said before, we're not going anywhere.

The concern troll is the "a plague on both your houses" approach, where the concern troll tries to convince people that both sides of the ideological divide are just as bad as each other, and so no one can think themselves "correct" but must engage in endless hedging and caveats. This preys on a willingness to debate critics and allow dissent; everyone wastes time discussing the matter and bending over backwards, so as not to appear intolerant of disagreement, all to the great amusement of the troll.

I strongly disagree with your comments. I am not wasting time to respond other than what you're seeing here. If I waste time responding to trolls, it will get me no where.

I am not banning anyone from Journal de la Reyna, yet. I promise you that if you keep on trolling, I will find ways to isolate you from this blog.

Continue to read at your own peril.

We will not stop.

We will not be moved.

We will fight for the rights of people of color.

We will hold Donald J. Trump, Congress and those associated to them accountable.

We will not waste our time worrying about you or those who think like you.

We all have lives outside the blog. Why don't you move past our blog and find a blog that supports your views?

Visit the Gun Violence Memorial website to find out more information on those killed in these mass shootings.

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