Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Jared Kushner Locked Out The House!

Jared Kushner can't peak inside the cereal box.
The son in law of Donald J. Trump will not have clearance to top secret documents. He was demoted after he couldn't clear federal vetting.

Jared Kushner gets some bad news. His clearance was revoked after reports of his contacts with foreign entities became a liability.

Word got out that Kushner could be exploited by Russia, Mexico, China, the United Arab Emirates and Israel. He was considered a loose cannon when it comes to secrets.

The issue gotten more attention when knothead John Kelly ordered White House staffers without clearance out of the loop.

Kushner had read top secret memos. He also could be implicated in the Robert Mueller probe of Russian meddling in the election.

He, Donald Trump, Jr. and former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn were in contact with Russian operatives.

Kushner is under federal watch.

H.R. McMaster was really concerned that Kushner would spill state secrets to get business contracts.

Kushner was on interim clearence to see documents but he couldn't see top secret memos or documents in regards to national security and investments.

Kushner is married to eldest daughter Ivanka Trump. She is a special adviser to the White House. She has no clearance to top secret documents also.

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