Friday, June 15, 2012

When Blacks Become A Majority Of The Country's Population, Then It's Safe To Say Blacks Are Racists!

The country's majority is predominately White. The non-Hispanic White person make up 75% the United States population. But yet in the mind of the conservative White male, anyone who doesn't share their bigoted views of a person's race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, economic and political standings are the real racist.

Go to your comments sections of these news agitation websites. It's the same old word salad of the angry, reactionary, condescending, overreaching, bigotry masquerading as patriotism.

I usually hit hard when I criticized these extremists. They want to call me a "liberal racist" who worships the ground of "brotha" Barack Obama.

I don't care no more! They don't know me personally, so it doesn't bother me at all!

When Blacks become the majority of the population in the United States, then you can say that's racist.

When a White person is racially profiled, denied housing because of redlining, attacked for being on government assistance such as welfare and food stamps, then you can call Blacks racist!

Find a Black person who creates hundreds of websites devoted to trashing White people.

If you find a Black person fixated on crime statistics based on racial attacks, let me know!

Nothing better than a White conservative male trying to defend the reactionary bigotry of his fellow brethen.

Come on people!

There's hundreds of websites devoted to trashing Black people, President Barack Obama and other minorities. They're created by angry White conservatives who parade themselves as patriots. Under this patriotism, they feel that their country is going down the toilet because of Black people ruining the country with handouts and social injustice.

I haven't seen a Black person obsessing over crime statistics like that "professional bigot" John Derbyshire or those reactionary bigots who want to make a combative argument over race. They justify an injustice by saying "oh, there's more Black on White crime" and "you people" need to stop bothering us about Trayvon Martin, Henry "Skip" Gates, and racial profiling! Who is so fixated on attacking Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton because they help a victim seek justice from a tragedy?

It's not worth my time to argue with idiots! The keyboard warrior has to be older than me, stuck in their ways! The warrior has to be a White male and probably a conservative that harbors bigoted views towards someone's race gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, language, political or economic standings.

So when you find that racist, look in the mirror! It's likely (the White conservative male) and not the majority of this country. 

In other news, President Barack Obama ordered the U.S. Justice Department to cease the deportation of undocumented workers and young illegal immigrants in an attempt for political expediency within the Hispanic/Latino community.

Hispanics have long complained about the injustices with racial profiling and deportation of family members who aren't residents of the United States.

In a play to win over Asian and Hispanic votes, the president has made a move that might give the Hispanics a little more enthusiasm. The Republicans oppose the DREAM Act and amnesty for immigrants.

I am assuming that the conservatives and presidential candidate Mitt Romney are going to pounce on the controversial move. And yes, it's gotten buzz on the conservative agitating website The Drudge Report.

Here's a clip from the 1980s sitcom The Jeffersons, Sherman Hemsley (known as George Jefferson) get into a heated argument with a White person who holds bigoted views towards Blacks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you should have known that whites would eventually embrace identity politics the way all other ethnic groups in the United States have. get used to it. white identity politics is here to stay!


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