Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Todd Akin Scandal: Drudge Wants To Scalp Al Franken's Head!

There's talk that Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) getting out the U.S. Senate Race. The Republicans want him not only out of the race but to resign from the House of Representatives. They fear his impact could damage the Romney/Ryan Campaign.
So Matt Drudge wants to make the controversy involving Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) deflect off to actor/writer Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota)! On the infamous Drudge Report, the gay conservative agitator is pulling out the "big guns" and going back after his old enemy. When Matt Drudge ended his radio program in 2007, he handed the keys to Cincinnati's controversial talker Bill Cunningham. Cunningham takes the mantle and focuses his daily and Sunday based program on issues about his community of Cincinnati and the national news based off the Drudge formula. When Al Franken was on the radio, he wished the agitator happy trails. But he got a good dig at Drudge on his way out!

Since then, it's been kind of a retaliation for Matt Drudge to go after his rivals. When Franken ended his program to run for the U.S. Senate, he took on then Senator Norm Coleman (R-Minnesota), a former mayor and Democrat who switched parties. In a contested race between the candidates, the Republicans were hoping that Franken would lose big. They've thought wrong!

Then they've went forth to contest the race results.

The race resulted in less than 1,000 votes between Coleman and Franken.

Coleman conceded the race! Franken became the new senator.

Now that it's been three years since he's been in office. The Republicans hate him as much as Barack Obama. They thought he was going to be acting like a "comedian". So far, he's been a very serious about issues. The senator has worked hard for the people of Minnesota. He managed to keep the focus on the middle class. He never backs down from the responsibilities as a senator.

The Todd Akin Scandal has distracted the Mitt Romney Campaign. They fear that the message on the economy will dwindle away from voters minds. They fear that members of the Republican Party will screw it up by focusing on issues that will turn off moderates. The culture war is an ongoing controversy and they fear the moderates and independents will swing to President Barack Obama.
Senator Al Franken (D-Minnesota) and Vice President Joe Biden. The conservatives are trying to tie the extreme comments of Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri).
The Weekly Standard, a conservative publication from the NewsCorp founded by Bill Kristol and Fred Barnes is trying to find an excuse. They wanted to paint Senator Al Franken then a writer on the TV show Saturday Night Live as a serial pervert. Then, he famously joked about raping CBS reporter Lesley Stahl.

As New York magazine reported in 1995, from a writing session that the reporter sat in on:

Franken: “And, ‘I give the pills to Lesley Stahl. Then, when Lesley’s passed out, I take her to the closet and rape her.’ Or, ‘That’s why you never see Lesley until February.’ Or, ‘When she passes out, I put her in various positions and take pictures of her.’”

With the national conversation now turning to women's issues as a result of the bizarre and offensive comments by Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin over the weekend, it seems a bit odd that Vice President Biden would take the stage with Franken, considering his own lack of sensitivity to the horrors of rape.

Since conservatives love to blame the so-called liberal media for saying things that come off as racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, condescending, overreaching, and moronic, the Republicans want this controversy to disappear.

So what do they do, blame others and President Barack Obama?

The Atlantic: [The Whites] Fear Of A Black President!

With a smile like this, how could they not like you?
Tina Brown's Newsweek magazine cover.
I added the paraphrase. Look here I couldn't resist clicking on a news link from the Huffington Post. It lead me to The Atlantic. The Republicans are working hard to make the president look like a Black criminal. And it's working.

Mitt Romney overwhelmingly carries the White vote by a healthy margin. 58% - 39% , 3% undecided.

The Atlantic writes a piece in regards to the controversial shooting Sanford, Florida in which unarmed Black teenager Trayvon Martin was killed by White man George Zimmerman.

The president offers his take on the shooting and conservatives went totally crazy.

Ta-Nehisi Coates, a reporter for The Atlantic describes the fears of a Black president.

One piece that sought my interest was this one here:
[President Barack] Obama has pitched his presidency as a monument to moderation. He peppers his speeches with nods to ideas originally held by conservatives. He routinely cites Ronald Reagan. He effusively praises the enduring wisdom of the American people, and believes that the height of insight lies in the town square. Despite his sloganeering for change and progress, Obama is a conservative revolutionary, and nowhere is his conservative character revealed more than in the very sphere where he holds singular gravity—race.
Part of that conservatism about race has been reflected in his reticence: for most of his term in office, Obama has declined to talk about the ways in which race complicates the American present and, in particular, his own presidency.
The irony of Barack Obama is this: he has become the most successful black politician in American history by avoiding the radioactive racial issues of yesteryear, by being “clean” (as Joe Biden once labeled him)—and yet his indelible blackness irradiates everything he touches. This irony is rooted in the greater ironies of the country he leads.
That got me thinking! You remember that I wrote a month ago about your White friends, co-workers or family members. Ask them if they think President Barack Obama could win reelection. Most would say no!

Roughly 40% of the White vote goes to President Barack Obama. Mitt Romney carries strongly among White males and White voters over 65. The president carries Black votes over 90% and Hispanics over 70%.

Morgan Freeman donated to the Pro-Obama Priorities SuperPac this year. Freeman criticized the Tea Party and President Obama. He believes that President Obama should acknowledge the issues of race in America.
The fact that conservatives believe the president is talking about is race is ridiculous. This month when Vice President misquoted Republicans by saying they'll put "ya'll back in chains", a firestorm of villianazation by the conservative media. They believe that the vice president has stated something to rile up Black voters. They maybe right, but they're wrong on the aspect. President Barack Obama avoids talking about race. He knows that he has to do more than a White president. He knows that White voters are the most pessimistic about issues surrounding the economy.

President Obama knows the situation. He rather let this issue be the last thing brought up. Conservatives and White supremacists openly ridicule the policies, his race and his family. He is a Harvard-educated scholar and yet his critics still look at him as a Nigger.

They question his patriotism by suggesting he's not an American or not patriotic enough! They think he spends [taxpayer money/government funds] like a rapper or celebrity.

They refuse to give the president credit for bring the stock market back from the brink, ordering the killing Osama bin Laden and breathing life in the struggling Ford, GM and Chrysler industries.

They see the president as something of the 19th or 20th Century. They believe he's a "Socialist" or "Communist".

Let's take a look at Morgan Freeman. Freeman portrayed roles a Black president and leader. ABC's The View looks into his thoughts.

Judge In *Gasp* Texas Warns Of Civil War If Obama Is Reelected!

Lubbock County Judge Tom Head apparently fears that President Obama's re-election could mean the handover of U.S. power to the United Nations.And you're seeing the unhinged once again raise its ugly head. The President of The United States is zeroed in as an enemy and the Republicans want to defeat him. They don't really have a strong argument to beat him. All they got is the excuses of their involvement in stalling progress and the "overblown" spending they claim he's responsible for.

So what they voted for stimulus funding from then President George W. Bush. So what they voted for two wars that cost trillions of dollars, thousands of lives. So what they voted for extending the debt ceiling. That doesn't matter if President Barack Obama wants something, they refuse to support it and they'll run this economy to the brink in order to hurt him.

This year a federal judge emailed a racist joke and he's under investigation for this. We seen Republican officials say things about the president that were considered racist. Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado), Congressman Joe Walsh (R-Illinois), Congressman Allen West (R-Florida), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) say "coded" phrases about the president and the Black community.

Now once again in the state of Texas, a county judge warns of a "Civil War" if the president is reelected. He believes that our president will dissolves the country for the United Nations.

A Lubbock County, Texas, judge is asking for a tax increase to hire deputies for the inevitable civil war he believes would follow President Obama's re-election.

The way he puts it, Judge Tom Head wants to prepare for the "worst", which to him means "civil unrest, civil disobedience" and possible "civil war", according to a report from Fox 34 Lubbock

Judge Tom Head and Commissioner Mark Heinrich told the station this week that a 1.7 cent tax increase for the next fiscal year was necessary to prepare for many contingencies, including Obama's re-election. He also mentioned to the station that the county needs a pay increase is needed for the district attorney's office and more funds to pay for more sheriff's office deputies.

"He's going to try to hand over the sovereignty of the United States to the (United Nations), and what is going to happen when that happens?," Head asked the station during a Monday interview. "I'm thinking the worst. Civil unrest, civil disobedience, civil war maybe. And we're not just talking a few riots here and demonstrations, we're talking Lexington, Concord, take up arms and get rid of the guy."

Head also seems to fear the retaliation of such civil unrest.

"Now what's going to happen if we do that, if the public decides to do that? He's going to send in U.N. troops. I don't want 'em in Lubbock County. OK. So I'm going to stand in front of their armored personnel carrier and say 'you're not coming in here'.

"And the sheriff, I've already asked him, I said 'you gonna back me' he said, 'yeah, I'll back you'. Well, I don't want a bunch of rookies back there. I want trained, equipped, seasoned veteran officers to back me."

The station reports that the tax hike will provide an additional $832,433 coupled with $2 million in cuts to make the numbers work.

The Houston Chronicle and San Francisco Gate covered this controversy.

Texas Billboard Calls Obama "The Other [Threat]!"

billboardLike this is the umpteenth billboard in some small conservative town with another wildly offensive and downright racist slander against President Barack Obama.

This is the Republican Party.

The standard bearer Mitt Romney is going to lead a band of angry lunatics who claim they're patriots to the ballot boxes to remove a "threat!" Who's the threat?

In Texas, you got a bunch of morons who think the bible is science and Darwin was a voodoo witch doctor!

I mean who's the King of the Hill?

Three known Republican idiots reside in Texas. They each had a moment in the sun!

That idiot Republican governor Rick Perry, gadfly cult leader Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), or foot in the mouth idiot Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas). Each of them has riled up their voters with rhetoric that could inspire someone the purchasing rights to an offensive billboard.

According to KGO-TV (ABC 7), San Francisco, the billboard that's on display in a small Texas town is stirring up controversy across the country.

The display compares the death of al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden to removing President Barack Obama from office. Images of the ad have gone viral on the Web and raised concerns the message could be a threat against the president.

The man who paid for the billboard says the display was inspired by an anti-Obama e-mail he received.

"Other than the fact it's got some Seals in there with a gun, I think it's pretty obvious what they did and what the statement is," said billboard sponsor Tom Schad.

Despite complaints from neighbors and people around the country, the sponsor says he has no intention of taking it down.

President Barack Obama ordered Special Operations Forces to go into Pakistan to assassinate Osama bin Laden in May 2011.  The new head of al-Qaeda is the Eyptian, Dr. Ayman Al-Zawahiri. He is somewhere in Pakistan.

The Republicans can't use the argument that the president is "soft on terrorism" anymore!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Black Female Olypians dissed again...

Shake Pt. 2!

Embattled senate candidate Todd Akin is defiant. The Republican House and Senate Leaders are now calling for him to resign from Congress, entirely.

This controversy is ongoing. We here at Journal de la Reyna will cover this.

Washed up celebrity and televangelist Kirk Cameron is coming to the defense of the controversial Republican Congressman Todd Akin of Missouri.

Known as Mike Seaver from the 1980s sitcom Growing Pains, the conservative activist is demanding the Republicans to back off of the congressman. He joins the choir of anti-abortion activists throwing their support for the embattled senate candidate.

Washed up celebrity turned televangelist Kirk Cameron comes in support of Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) amid a brewing controversy of women's reproductive rights!
Akin won the Missouri U.S. Senate primary after a bitter fight against two primary opponents.

Now as the pressure mounts, the congressman's gains are going up in smoke.

Senator John Cornyn (R-Texas, U.S. Senate campaign organizer) and Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky, Minority Leader) have called for Akin to get out. The biggest call to get out comes from the Romney campaign. Those request were ignored.

Akin is turning to the anti-abortion activists and fellow Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa) for moral support and fundraising.

Not backing down. Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri).
In what is considered cracks in the once stable Republican Party. The movement is showing signs of division.

Those who support pro-life positions are still shaky with Romney. They believe that Romney is going to continue to endorse abortion laws. Romney was once a pro-choice governor. Mitt Romney denies he was a pro-choice governor. The conservative base were hoping for Rick Santorum to continue his failed presidential bid to unseat the potential nomination of Mitt Romney. They were rushing to the internet and television saying that the media was in love with not only President Barack Obama, but the perennial presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Some in the conservative media are upset with Akin and they're calling for him to get out!

Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter, the three most controversial voices in the conservative media are claiming that the "liberal media" lets politicians like Vice President Joe Biden get away with comments but they're so focused on Akin because he's a conservative. Although these three would love to see Akin get out the race, they're going to blame the media for the controversy.

Former governor and Tea Party queen, Sarah Palin has demanded that Republicans choice another candidate that appeals to the conservative causes. Palin blames Akin if the race tips in favor of Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri).

McCaskill is hoping that division among the party establishment and the Tea Party, will help her win her race and carry the state for President Obama.

Mitt Romney has no backbone. He can't even keep his party in line. Every freaking time he tries to make the case for party unity, Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin), Sarah Palin, Rush Limbaugh and now Congressman Todd Akin are upstaging him at every whim.


Romney upset over Akin's refusal to concede.
The Romney Campaign complains about the president having no leadership and yet here we are! The Republican ticket can't even get a member of their party to resign. They made the controversy worse by calling for him to get out! The Republicans care only about winning! This is why the Tea Party is not relevant.

President Barack Obama does carry a share of trouble with his conservative Democrats. Some come from states that care about issues like firearms, abortion and regulations. Take West Virginia, for example. Two Democratic senators and the coal mining industry. The industry disapproves of President Obama.

The state of Arkansas. Known for the world's largest retailer Walmart, many in the state support non-union work and forestry. One Democrat and one Republican. One longtime Democrat was beat in the 2010 U.S. Midterm Election. Another one may retire and put the seat in Republican hands. The state highly disapproves of President Obama.

Republicans are purging their moderates. Over 50 members of Congress are getting out.

Republican and Democratic Senators and Representatives are getting fed up with the partisanship (rush to the cameras) members.

A list of those mention have been on television more:

Congresswoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Florida, Democratic Party National Chair), Congressman Steve King (R-Iowa), Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. (D-Illinois), Congressman Ron Paul (R-Texas), Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota), Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-California, Minority Leader), Congressman Charlie Rangel (D-New York), Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky (D-Illinois),  Congressman Paul Ryan (R-Wisconsin, current vice presidential nominee), Congressman Louie Gohmert (R-Texas), Congressman John Boehner (R-Ohio, Speaker of The House), Congressman Eric Cantor (R-Virginia, House Majority Leader), Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida), Senator Joe Lieberman (I-Connecticut), Senator Jim DeMint (R-South Carolina), Senator Rand Paul (R-Kentucky), Senator Harry Reid (D-Nevada, Majority Leader), Senator Rob Portman (R-Ohio), Senator Dick Durbin (D-Illinois), and Senator Mike Lee (R-Utah).

These are the most well known members of Congress. Known for controversial statements.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Congressman Todd Akin: Mitt Romney, You Can Shove It!

Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) is not bowing down to Mitt Romney and Congressman Paul Ryan's (R-Wisconsin) pleas to get out the race!
On The Sean Hannity Radio Program, once again the conservative agitator is practically pleading to Congressman Todd Akin to drop his U.S. Senate bid. The eight term U.S. Congressman from Missouri is not folding nor quitting this race. This will put the U.S. Senate race for Missouri as a "TOSSUP" leans Republican.

Senator Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) can breathe easy for now. The focus is back to "The War on Women".

Sean Hannity is the go to guy for Republicans. If a conservative is under fire or a Republican needs a moment to shine, look for the 50 year old conservative agitator.

This controversy is on going and believe me the Republicans don't need any more bad news.

The go to guy for a Republican scandal. The serial agitator plead to Congressman Todd Akin (R-Missouri) to get out the race. The congressman refused to concede.

The deadline to have a replacement was 5PM (CST). This has passed and the Republican will be on the ballot. Despite the pleas of Republican candidate Mitt Romney, the congressman is not interested in being lectured by the likes of him.

Missouri Republican Senate candidate Todd Akin attacked the GOP’s presidential candidate, Mitt Romney, for joining a chorus of Republicans asking him to withdraw from the race. Akin said that Romney had blown the controversy out of proportion and implied that he had done so for his own political gain.


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