Thursday, September 05, 2024

Not Just Him!

The shooter is under 18. But the charges are serious enough for the Barrow County, Georgia's sheriff's office to release. He will be charged as an adult.

Blame Game: Colt Gray!

Apalachee High School, two weeks into the school year.

President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, Gov. Brian Kemp, former president Donald J. Trump, Tim Walz, J.D. Vance, Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA) and the members of the U.S. House from Georgia offer the usual song and dance.

"Thoughts and prayers", "our hearts are with" and the usual "need to come together" rhetoric will be said. 

A man made tragedy that needs to be solved. Unfortunately, the lawmakers are scared to stand up to the gun lobby, the Israeli lobby and the billionaire class.

Seeing it's a white shooter, the terrorist was taken into custody without any firearms fired from both sides.

The Georgia school shooter and his father will be criminally charged with murder.

The 14-year old mass shooter will be charged as an adult and is expected to face a judge this week. Both were charged with four counts of involuntary manslaughter, two counts of second-degree murder and eight counts of cruelty to children, having bought the alleged murder weapon as a gift for his son.

Colt Gray and his father Colin, 54 will be held on a $5 million get out free card each.

U.S. lawmaker, insufferable Mike Collins is an election denier, gun enthusiast and the idiot who offered thoughts and prayers to the constituents who died in his district. The mass shooting at Apalachee High School.

Both face LIFE in the iron college without the possibility of parole. The usual case for an adult is DEATH if convicted. An underage is often given the choice of LIFE once they reach 17 years old. The complicity charges for others is the "ignoring the warning signs", "failing to report a crime", "purchasing or granting access to the murder weapon or instrument" and "refusing to properly lock up or store firearms" which the accomplice gets.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

"These charges stem from Mr. Gray knowingly allowing his son, Colt, to possess a weapon," said GBI Director Chris Hosey said during an 8 p.m. press conference Thursday.

Hosey would not go into the evidence collected against either father or son, but added that the arrest was made when there was enough probable cause to do so. The ATF and GBI were at the Gray home within an hour after Colt Gray was taken into custody. Investigators spent the day combing over the house for evidence linked to the shooting. 

He was booked into the Barrow County Jail.

Students were evacuated from the building to the school's football field, after it had been deemed safe.

 Richard Aspenwall, Christina Irimie Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo.

The dead were identified as two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School in Winder, about an hour’s drive from Atlanta. Killed were two other 14-year-olds, Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, and instructors Richard Aspenwall and Christina Irimie, Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Chris Hosey said in a nighttime news conference.

Officials also revealed that all nine people injured in the shooting are expected to recover. Two of those who were shot were teachers and the rest were students. Several of them still remain in the hospital.

Authorities reminded students to remain vigilant and report anything suspicious.

Reporting revealed that in May 2023, local law enforcement, in cooperation with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, had visited Gray and his family to investigate school shooting threats posted online. The agencies confirmed that the subject of that investigation was a then 13-year old Gray, but probable cause for an arrest did not exist.

U.S. Attorney General, Merrick Garland, said that the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives were on the scene. The Federal Bureau of Investigation's Atlanta office confirmed that its agents were on scene. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation is also involved in the investigation.

Gray had allegedly made earlier threats on Discord; the username was said by the FBI to have included the last name of Adam Lanza, the perpetrator of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.

Kemp tweeted his condolences and asked for all Georgians to join in praying for the safety of students in classrooms. Andre Dickens, mayor of Atlanta, offered his thoughts and prayers to those affected as well as support to responding law enforcement. Georgia U.S. Representative Mike Collins, whose congressional district includes the school, issued a statement offering prayers for the victims and their families. Collins' response was met with criticism from gun control advocates, with some accusing Collins of endorsing gun violence; a 2022 campaign ad from Collins' Twitter resurfaced[by whom?], featuring Collins with an assault rifle as he accused Biden of stealing the 2020 US Presidential election and threatened to go to Washington, D.C. to "blow up the Democrats’ cover up".

Marjorie Taylor Greene, another U.S. Representative from Georgia, also issued a statement on X (formerly Twitter) offering support to the victims and families. 

Like Collins, Greene had faced criticism for campaign ads involving guns, as well as promoting baseless statements about previous shootings, such as the 2018 Parkland high school shooting, which she falsely claimed was a false flag act to promote anti-gun laws.

To all the Black firearm owners who support the Second Amendment or former president Donald J. Trump in the 2024 presidential race, I just want to say...


The National Rifle Association never reacts to lawful exercise of firearm use when a Black, Hispanic, Arab, Muslim, Indigenous, LGBTQ or underage teen of color is carrying them.

It is automatic dehumanizing from the far right, police unions and the junk food media.

The father of the shooter is charged too.

When white men, women or even some Asians are carrying firearms, the NRA is often parading them around like they're heroes and protectors of freedom. Republican lawmakers are often the idiots who pose with firearms or have their children with them.

Thinking they're tough but in reality, they weaklings who can't fight or take discretion in proper use of a firearm.

In about 45 states, I believe it is lawful for you to walk down a street with a firearm.

If you're a Black man walking down the street with a firearm, the random 911 call or the visual spotting from a police officer merits an automatic drawl of a service weapon.

Police officers within seconds are either shooting or premeditated an excuse to use force.

The unions back up their claims of "fearing for their lives" despite the perpetrator not even firing a round. Given that the junk food media loves to paint the aggressor as the victim, the police officer is given the benefit of doubt. The person police shot usually do not get any ounce of doubt. A mugshot of a suspect or a picture of a person posing with money or firearms automatically draws far right conclusions to justification of force.

Even fleeing from police with a firearm and not even pointing at them results in police shootings. 

If a person does survive, the state still charges the person for a crime despite the state allowing open carry and lawful possession.

So I just want to say that the Second Amendment is White, period.

Insufferable Marjorie Taylor Greene once again poses with a firearm.

A bullet does not care about color. We all bleed red and so many lives are lost to gun violence and Republicans offer no solutions other than "thoughts and prayers" with a touch of "lock em up."

Gun violence is the number one threat in the United States.

I dismiss this ridiculous notion that criminals are the problem, not the guns. Firearms are often obtained through legal purchases. 

Again, having more security, teachers being armed and offering safe rooms are not solving the problem. The problem is lawmakers not willing to stop gun violence.

According to the far rightWhite shooters are mentally ill. Black shooters are unrepentant thugs and criminals. Gay shooters are active groomers. Muslim shooters are terrorists. Hispanic and Asian shooters are illegal immigrants. According to the far right, almost all white [or non-white] mass shooters are registered Democrats [or some progressive activist] because they have liked or done one thing common to the left. Of course, they often share or post disinformation by using the "Sam Hyde" meme or make bogus social media platforms with the shooter's image as a way to denounce most mass shooters being white or associated with conservative causes. The far right says a white person should "protect" themselves from thugs, terrorists or protesters. They believe the use of firearms are "justified" if they are protesting or even instigating a conflict. The far right believes if a shooter is a police officer, an active military member, a veteran or a citizen who supports conservative causes, they are considered a "heroes" and use of firearms are justified. If the shooters are teens in urban communities, the far right automatically assume the gunmen are Black.

The Republicans usually amplify white victims. Anytime a person of color kills a white victim, it is often wall-to-wall coverage on Fox, Twitter and they force it into national news. They make the case to blame Black Lives Matter, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Democrats, Rev. Al Sharpton and rap music for Black on whatever violence. Republican lawmakers who do not live in urban neighborhoods often troll social media to talk about gun violence or crime in Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee and New York City while not doing a damn thing to stop it. If a white person shoots a Black person, the shooter is given the benefit of doubt. White shooters are given glowing profiles about their perfect lives and how friends noticed something but refused to do something. When it comes to Black shooters, automatic vilification. They don't see mental illness. They see it as gang violence, allegedly fatherless homes, Democratic policies or the need for more firearms. 

The far right and Republicans exploit gun violence in the Black community for culture wars and racism.

So in closing, expect more.

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those police officers who were killed in the line of duty. Those victims who don't get their names or accomplishments mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence. We are tracking police violence as well. 

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 988, or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). Both services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The deaf and hard of hearing can contact the Lifeline via TTY at 1-800-799-4889. All calls are confidential. Contact social media outlets directly if you are concerned about a friend’s social media updates or dial 911 in an emergency. Learn more on the Lifeline’s website or the Crisis Text Line’s website.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of private equity firms getting away with destroying small businesses and long established companies. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. 

We have bigger issues at home and our tax dollars should solve the housing crisis, lowering food prices, fixing roads, bridges, helping reinvest in struggling urban and rural communities. We have hospitals closing, big box retailers leaving communities and television programs dying. There are bigger issues in the country than Israel. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

Allan Lichtman: It Points To Kamala Harris!

Kamala Harris has the keys to victory. It's her game to lose.

As much as I hate to say this, he never is wrong and its time to reluctantly put the pedal to the metal and get Kamala Devi Harris and Timothy James Walz across the finish line.

We could have our first woman, second African American, second biracial and first Asian American president. Kamala Harris could be the 47th President of the United States. 

After listening to former president Donald J. Trump at his Fox "town hall" with Sean "Softball", I concluded that the former president and vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance are going to find it hard to win if they continue to make "doom and gloom" their only solution to take on Harris and Walz.

Allan Lichtman, the political Nostradamus said that of his 13 keys, Harris has succeeded in most of them. Whereas it is still a close race and the only thing that matters is that Harris makes it to 270 electoral votes.

Lichtman revealed his decision Thursday morning in an op-ed video for The New York Times.

“The Democrats will hold on to the White House, and Kamala Harris will be the next president of the United States,” Lichtman said in the video.

“At least, that’s my prediction for this race.”

The joyful campaign.

His forecasts are based on a historical index model he dubs the “Keys to the White House.”

The unique system, which he developed in the early 1980s with the Russian geophysicist Vladimir Keilis-Borok, analyzes the political landscape through the lens of 13 true-false statements focused on the incumbent president’s party.
  • 1 Party mandate: After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections.
  • 2 No primary contest: There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination.
  • 3 Incumbent seeking re-election: The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president.
  • 4 No third party: There is no significant third party or independent campaign.
  • 5 Strong short-term economy: The economy is not in recession during the election campaign.
  • 6 Strong long-term economy: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms.
  • 7 Major policy change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.
  • 8 No social unrest: There is no sustained social unrest during the term.
  • 9 No scandal: The incumbent administration is untainted by major scandal.
  • 10 No foreign or military failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs.
  • 11 Major foreign or military success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs.
  • 12 Charismatic incumbent: The incumbent party candidate is charismatic or a national hero.
  • 13 Uncharismatic challenger: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero.
If six or more of the statements are false, then the challenger — in this case, Trump — is predicted to win.

On the final two keys, Lichtman said, “Foreign policy is tricky, and these keys could flip.”

He noted that the Biden administration is deeply involved in Israel’s war in Gaza, which he called a “humanitarian disaster with no end in sight.”

If you don't vote for me, this country will go to hell like the likes you've never seen before.

“But even if both foreign policy keys flipped false, that would mean that there were only five negative keys, which would not be enough for Donald Trump to regain the White House,” Lichtman told the Times.

Lichtman’s analysis largely eschews poll results, campaign strategies, sound bites, policy plans and other factors that most political commentators and analysts tend to lean on.

But his system has yielded results.

Lichtman was one of the few political analysts to accurately predict ahead of the 2016 election that Trump would defeat then-Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. However, Lichtman’s model indicated that Trump would win the popular vote, which he lost despite securing the Electoral College.

Lichtman accurately predicted that President Joe Biden would beat Trump in the 2020 race.

Wednesday, September 04, 2024

Liz Cheney Backs Harris!

Liz Cheney vows to defeat Trump. She endorsed Kamala Harris.

Former president Donald J. Trump got the backing of former Democratic lawmaker Tulsi Gabbard. 

Vice President Kamala Harris got the backing of former Republican lawmaker Liz Cheney.

Which one is better?

Gabbard, who became a far right agitator who is a propagandist for Trump, Bashir Assad, Benjamin  Netanyahu and Vladimir Putin or Cheney who is a far right propagandist for former president George W. Bush, Benjamin Netanyahu and her dad, former vice president Dick Cheney.

Gabbard is a Fox contributor and appeared on Real America's Voice.

Cheney who worked for Fox before she sought a bid for Congress. She served three terms as a lawmaker from Wyoming. She was defeated by election denier, Zionist and cultural appropriator Rep. Harriet Hageman (R-WY) in a bitter primary.

Cheney's comments took place during an appearance at Duke University’s Sanford School of Public Policy.

“Because of the danger that Donald Trump poses, not only am I not voting for Donald Trump, but I will be voting for Kamala Harris,” Cheney said in a video of remarks posted to X. The university separately provided a clip of Cheney’s remarks to NBC News.

The former congresswoman said in her remarks that it is “crucially important” for people to understand that people do not have “the luxury of writing in candidates’ names, particularly in swing states.”

The Harris campaign welcomed Cheney's support.

"She is a patriot who loves this country and puts our democracy and our Constitution first," Harris campaign chair Jen O’Malley Dillon said in a statement Wednesday night. "Vice President Harris will be a president for all Americans, regardless of political party. For any American who is looking to reject the chaos and division of Donald Trump, turn the page, and pursue a new way forward that protects our freedoms and defends the American values we all believe in, there is a place for you in the Harris-Walz coalition, and we will continue working to earn your support.”

Cheney previously served in Republican caucus leadership before being ousted for her criticism of former President Donald Trump. Cheney has also said that Trump would attempt to stay in power beyond four years if he was elected to a second term. In the same interview on NBC’s “TODAY” show with host Savannah Guthrie, Cheney said that she would "never vote for Donald Trump, and I will do whatever it takes to make sure that Donald Trump is defeated in 2024."

Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio, the Republican vice presidential nominee, criticized Cheney during a moderated discussion at an event hosted by the conservative group Turning Point Action on Wednesday night.

"A very good thing that I could say about the next presidency of Donald J. Trump is that he's going to make sure people like Liz Cheney are laughed out of the Oval Office instead of rewarded," Vance told moderator Charlie Kirk.

In August, the Harris campaign unveiled more than two-dozen endorsements from Republicans, many of whom are politicians who have been vocally opposed to Trump's candidacy.

Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who like Cheney served on the Jan. 6 commission, has also endorsed Harris. He had endorsed President Joe Biden when he was still in the race. Kinzinger spoke at the Democratic National Convention, where he said that Trump has "suffocated the soul" of the GOP.

In 2022, Cheney was ousted in a Republican primary by a Trump-backed challenger. She was first elected to the House in 2016.

Thoughts And Prayers, Thoughts And Prayers: Mass Shooting In Winder, Georgia!

Another damn school shooting. Winder, Georgia.

The blame game and mass shootings in.... will be combined.

Over 450 mass shootings.

Other mass shootings
  • West Haven, UT
  • Bessemer, AL
  • Federal Way, WA
  • Birmingham, AL
  • Brooklyn, NY
  • Nashville, TN
  • Forest Park, IL
  • Milford, DE
  • Dayton, OH
  • Waianae, HI (2)
  • Albuquerque, NM
  • Burnsville, MN
  • Euclid, OH
  • Dallas, TX
  • Tulare, CA
  • Philadelphia, PA (2)
  • Warner Robins, GA
  • Allentown, PA
  • Syosset, NY
  • Lubbock, TX
  • Sioux Falls, SD
  • Mobile, AL
  • Chester, PA
  • Dalton, GA
I normally do a long posting about the failures of Congress, President Joe Biden, former president Donald J. Trump, former president Barack Obama and former president George W. Bush. 

I am just going to flat out say it:

These idiots can't stop gun violence or Israel.

Another mass shooting in the United States and the usual remarks from lawmakers is "thoughts and prayers" or "my heart goes out to."

In the case of how Trump puts it, "we've got to get over it."

I am paraphrasing Trump but that is the shallow theme of his horrible campaign.

Biden, Trump, Vice President Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, J.D. Vance, Sen. Jon Ossoff (D-GA), Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-GA), Gov. Brian Kemp and the Georgia U.S. members reacted to the mass shooting in Winder, Georgia.

Barrow County sheriff deflects when asked about gun violence.

Apalachee High School, two weeks into the school year, 14 year old Colt Gray carried out a mass shooting which killed two students and two teachers. Gray, a student at the school, adding that the suspect would be charged with murder and tried as an adult. The suspect reportedly used an AR-15 style rifle in the school shooting. 

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Reporting revealed that in May 2023, the Federal Bureau of Investigation had visited Gray and his family to investigate school shooting threats posted online. The FBI confirmed that the subject of that investigation was a then 13-year old Gray, but probable cause for an arrest did not exist.

Barrow County, Georgia voted for Trump handily.

Before the shooting, a call from an unknown source was placed to Apalachee High School stating that five schools would be targeted and that Apalachee would be the first.

Reports of the shooting were first received at around 9:30 am, with the school placed in lockdown at around 10:20 am and law enforcement responding at around 10:23 am. The Georgia Bureau of Investigation director said that the sheriff's office received calls of an active shooter at the school at around 10:20 am local time, with responders arriving within minutes. The school resource officers engaged the suspect within minutes and he surrendered to them.

One student told reporters that he had heard about 10 shots, not believing the shooting to be real until he heard an officer yelling at someone to put down their gun. Another recounted that after hearing the gunshots, the class barricaded the door with objects before hiding. One student said their teacher attempted to investigate the noises before being directed to lock the door due to an active shooter. Then they heard someone pounding on the door shouting "open up!" multiple times before gunshots and screams.

Students were evacuated from the building to the school's football field, after it had been deemed safe.

 Richard Aspenwall, Christina Irimie Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo.

The dead were identified as two students and two teachers at Apalachee High School in Winder, about an hour’s drive from Atlanta. Killed were two other 14-year-olds, Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo, and instructors Richard Aspenwall and Christina Irimie, Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Chris Hosey said in a nighttime news conference.

At least nine other people — eight students and one teacher — were taken to hospitals with injuries. All were expected to survive, Barrow County Sheriff Jud Smith said.

The words “hard lockdown” appeared on a screen in junior Layla Ferrell’s health class and lights began flashing. She and her frightened classmates piled desks and chairs in front of the door to create a barricade, she recalled.

Sophomore Kaylee Abner was in geometry class when she heard the gunshots. She and her classmates ducked behind their teacher’s desk, and then the teacher began flipping the desk in an attempt to barricade the classroom door, Abner said. A classmate beside her was praying, and she held his hand while they all waited for police.

The FBI narrowed the threats down and referred to the case to the sheriff’s department in Jackson County, which is adjacent to Barrow County.

The sheriff’s office interviewed the then-13-year-old and his father, who said there were hunting guns in the house but the teen did not have unsupervised access to them. The teen also denied making any online threats.

The sheriff’s office alerted local schools for continued monitoring of the teen, but there was no probable cause for arrest to additional action, the FBI said.

Students count their blessings.

The White House issued a statement confirming that Biden was briefed by Liz Sherwood-Randall, the Homeland Security Advisor, on the shooting and that his administration will "continue coordinating with federal, state, and local officials" as they receive more information. Attorney General Merrick Garland expressed his devastation in regards to the shooting and to anyone affected by it. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre commented on the shooting during the afternoon press briefing, discussing the concern for gun control in the form of universal background checks and other programs. 

Harris thanked first responders and stated that it "doesn't have to be this way."

Kemp tweeted his condolences and asked for all Georgians to join in praying for the safety of students in classrooms. Republican Georgia Representative Mike Collins, whose congressional district includes the school, issued a statement offering prayers for the victims and their families. The mayor of Atlanta Andre Dickens offered his thoughts and prayers to those affected as well as support to responding law enforcement.

To all the Black firearm owners who support the Second Amendment or former president Donald J. Trump in the 2024 presidential race, I just want to say...


The National Rifle Association never reacts to lawful exercise of firearm use when a Black, Hispanic, Arab, Muslim, Indigenous, LGBTQ or underage teen of color is carrying them.

It is automatic dehumanizing from the far right, police unions and the junk food media.

Biden says Congress is not doing enough to stop gun violence.

When white men, women or even some Asians are carrying firearms, the NRA is often parading them around like they're heroes and protectors of freedom.

In about 45 states, I believe it is lawful for you to walk down a street with a firearm.

If you're a Black man walking down the street with a firearm, the random 911 call or the visual spotting from a police officer merits an automatic drawl of a service weapon.

Police officers within seconds are either shooting or premeditated an excuse to use force.

The unions back up their claims of "fearing for their lives" despite the perpetrator not even firing a round. Given that the junk food media loves to paint the aggressor as the victim, the police officer is given the benefit of doubt. The person police shot usually do not get any ounce of doubt. A mugshot of a suspect or a picture of a person posing with money or firearms automatically draws far right conclusions to justification of force.

Even fleeing from police with a firearm and not even pointing at them results in police shootings. 

If a person does survive, the state still charges the person for a crime despite the state allowing open carry and lawful possession.

So I just want to say that the Second Amendment is White, period.

Harris campaigning in New Hampshire says this is too much.

A bullet does not care about color. We all bleed red and so many lives are lost to gun violence and Republicans offer no solutions other than "thoughts and prayers" with a touch of "lock em up."

Gun violence is the number one threat in the United States.

I dismiss this ridiculous notion that criminals are the problem, not the guns. Firearms are often obtained through legal purchases. 

Again, having more security, teachers being armed and offering safe rooms are not solving the problem. The problem is lawmakers not willing to stop gun violence.

According to the far rightWhite shooters are mentally ill. Black shooters are unrepentant thugs and criminals. Gay shooters are active groomers. Muslim shooters are terrorists. Hispanic and Asian shooters are illegal immigrants. According to the far right, almost all mass shooters are registered Democrats because they have liked or done one thing common to the left. Of course, they often share disinformation by using the "Sam Hyde" meme or make bogus social media platforms with the shooter's image as a way to denounce most mass shooters being white or associated with conservative causes. They say a white person should "protect" themselves from protesters and use of firearms are "justified" if they come to a protest to instigate conflict. They say if a shooter is active military or a veteran who supports conservative causes, they are considered a "heroes" and use of firearms are justified. If the shooters are teens, the far right automatically assume the gunmen are Black.

The Republicans usually amplify white victims. Anytime a person of color kills a white victim, it is often wall-to-wall coverage on Fox, Twitter and they force it into national news. They make the case to blame Black Lives Matter, Barack Obama, Kamala Harris, Democrats, Rev. Al Sharpton and rap music for Black on whatever violence. Republican lawmakers who do not live in urban neighborhoods often troll social media to talk about gun violence or crime in Chicago, Baltimore, Milwaukee and New York City while not doing a damn thing to stop it. If a white person shoots a Black person, the shooter is given the benefit of doubt. White shooters are given glowing profiles about their perfect lives and how friends noticed something but refused to do something. When it comes to Black shooters, automatic vilification. They don't see mental illness. They see it as gang violence, allegedly fatherless homes, Democratic policies or the need for more firearms. The far right and Republicans exploit gun violence in the Black community for culture wars and racism.

Unconfirmed image of the shooter.

So in closing, expect more.

The website Officer Down is a memorial to those police officers who were killed in the line of duty. Those victims who don't get their names or accomplishments mentioned in the junk food media. Also the website the National Gun Violence Memorial also keeps record of the many individuals killed by gun violence. We are tracking police violence as well. 

Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (Lifeline) at 1-800-273-TALK (8255) or 988, or text the Crisis Text Line (text HELLO to 741741). Both services are free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. The deaf and hard of hearing can contact the Lifeline via TTY at 1-800-799-4889. All calls are confidential. Contact social media outlets directly if you are concerned about a friend’s social media updates or dial 911 in an emergency. Learn more on the Lifeline’s website or the Crisis Text Line’s website.

The call number to the White House and U.S. Capitol is now going to be used. This is the official White House numbers 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414. This is the Congress official phone number, 202-224-3121. Please be respectful to operators, staff members and elected leaders. Your calls are monitored by the U.S. Secret Service and U.S. Capitol Police. 

Let them know that "thoughts and prayers," "hearts going to" and "good guys with guns" are no longer acceptable and you want legislation to curb gun violence. Let them know that we are tired of police officers using immunity when committing death of suspects in custody. Let them know that you are tired of private equity firms getting away with destroying small businesses and long established companies. Let them know that you are tired of your taxpayer money going to foreign nations like Israel. You are tired of hearing about "Israel having a right to..." and the bogus claims of being anti-semitic or in support of terrorism. 

We have bigger issues at home and our tax dollars should solve the housing crisis, lowering food prices, fixing roads, bridges, helping reinvest in struggling urban and rural communities. We have hospitals closing, big box retailers leaving communities and television programs dying. There are bigger issues in the country than Israel. You want an immediate ceasefire and accountability for war crimes done by Israel. You want no more foreign influence in American elections. You also want to make sure future presidents and lawmakers avoid influence from lobbyists.

You Can't Play This!

Trump loses the rights to play Sam & Dave. He will must pay royalties to the artists and the estate of Issac Hayes.

Issac Hayes III, the son of famed musician/actor Issac Hayes has got a federal court to officially block the Trump campaign from using works from the estate.

A federal judge in Atlanta ruled Tuesday that Donald Trump and his campaign must stop using the song “Hold On, I’m Comin” while the family of one of the song’s co-writers pursues a lawsuit against the former president over its use.

So the song, "Hold On, I'm Comin" from Sam & Dave will no longer be played during events where Trump is at.

The estate of Isaac Hayes Jr. filed a lawsuit last month alleging that Trump, his campaign and several of his allies had infringed its copyright and should pay damages. After a hearing on the estate’s request for an emergency preliminary injunction, U.S. District Judge Thomas Thrash ruled that Trump must stop using the song, but he denied a request to force the campaign to take down any existing videos that include the song.

Hayes, who died in 2008 at age 65, and David Porter co-wrote “Hold On, I’m Coming,” a 1966 hit for soul duo Sam and Dave.

Ronald Coleman, an attorney for Trump and his campaign told reporters after the hearing that the campaign had already agreed not to use the song going forward: “The campaign has no interest in annoying or hurting anyone, and if the Hayes family feels that it hurts or annoys them, that’s fine, we’re not going to force the issue.”

Coleman said it was very important that the judge agreed that it would be overstepping his power at this point in the litigation to order the campaign to take down existing videos.

Hayes’ son, Isaac Hayes III told reporters he was “very grateful and happy” for the judge’s decision.

“I want this to serve as an opportunity for other artists to come forward that don’t want their music used by Donald Trump or other political entities and continue to fight for music artists’ rights and copyright,” he said.

A string of artists and their heirs have objected to Trump using their songs during his events. After a Trump campaign rally in Bozeman, Montana, last month featured a video of Celine Dion performing “My Heart Will Go On,” her team put out a statement saying the singer didn’t endorse that use of her song and saying “in no way is this use authorized.”

Ahead of the 2020 election, Bruce Springsteen, Rihanna, Phil Collins, Pharrell, John Fogerty, Neil Young, Eddy Grant, Panic! at the Disco, R.E.M. and Guns N’ Roses all objected to Trump using their songs.


When he learned in 2022 that Trump had used “Hold On, I’m Coming” at an NRA rally, Porter tweeted “Hell to the NO!” But Sam Moore, of Sam and Dave, had performed “America the Beautiful” at a pre-inauguration concert for Trump and suggested in a sworn statement filed with the court over the weekend by Trump and his campaign that he was opposed to the action sought by Hayes’ estate.

Tuesday’s ruling was a preliminary one and the litigation remains ongoing.

The lawsuit filed by the estate of Isaac Hayes Jr. and Isaac Hayes Enterprises says Hayes and Porter were the owners of all rights to the song, including the copyright, and that Isaac Hayes Enterprises is the current owner.

The lawsuit says Trump and his campaign began using the song in 2020 as “outro” music for his appearances and campaign events and has used it at least 133 times since then. Universal Music Group and Warner Chappell music, publishers contracted by Isaac Hayes Enterprises, sent a cease-and-desist letter to the Trump campaign in 2020, it says.

Trump and his campaign never sought permission or consent from Hayes’ estate or Isaac Hayes Enterprises until this year and have not obtained a valid public performance license for it, the lawsuit says. The song’s use by Trump and his campaign constitutes “false and/or misleading” uses of Hayes’ “widely recognized celebrity and legacy” and could deceive the public into believing there is an endorsement or business relationship between the plaintiffs and Trump and his campaign, the lawsuit says.

The fact that the song can be heard as background music in some campaign videos is protected by the principle of fair use and “cannot possibly have an effect on the market value of the Song,” Trump’s lawyers wrote.

A sworn statement from Trump campaign deputy manager Justin Caporale submitted to the court says that “out of respect for the pending litigation” the campaign will no longer play the song at its events.

In his statement filed with the court, Moore said Hayes’ estate has made his biography and legacy the focus of the litigation but that “Isaac’s is not the only significant biography and legacy involved in this matter.” As one of the singers on “Hold On, I’m Coming,” Moore said that the public associates his voice, name and identity with the song “at least as much, if not more, than the name of Isaac Hayes.”

Moore said all licensing for the song is controlled by Universal Music Group Publishing.

Moore said he fears that if the court were to grant the wishes of Hayes’ estate that he might be prohibited from ever appearing and performing the song at a Trump event during or after the election.

Barack Obama used "Hold On, I'm Comin'" as a theme song on the campaign trail until Sam Moore requested that he stop using it. Eleven months later, Sam Moore performed "Soul Man" with Sting and Elvis Costello at one of Obama's inaugural parties.

We Need A Person To Vilify!

Republicans need a villain. That's why four years of a future President Kamala Harris is necessary for their grifts.

Splashed on The Drudge Report, the Republican quietly are rooting for Vice President Kamala Harris. The Republicans are starting to have strong concerns that former president Donald J. Trump and Sen. J.D. Vance (R-OH) will be defeated.

Listening to Sean "Softball" Hannity, Bill O'Reilly, Tulsi Gabbard, Roger Stone, Corey Lewandowski, Michael Flynn, Steve Bannon, Donald Trump, Jr., Kimberly Guilfoyle and Fox will doom Trump. I mean we thought it was clinched when Hillary Clinton was the nominee.

We thought Joe Biden was going to be defeated despite a pandemic and racial unrest.

Now its uncertain.

They rather have Harris and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz in the White House so they can spend the next four years vilifying and gaslighting Americans into voting Republican.

Now many Republicans who are elected leaders fear the wrath of Trump and MAGA.

Hell, we haven't heard much from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) lately. Rather, the social media isn't talking about her outrageous behavior now that President Joe Biden dropped out his reelection campaign.

No more talk about Hunter Biden or Tara Reade. No more concerns about Biden's gaffes, his health and impeachment. Now it's about Harris and her laughing, her voice switching or Walz and his military service or his labeling of Republicans as weird.

Calling Republicans weird has really riled them out.

Jonathan Martin wrote some within the GOP are keen to move on from the Trump era, even if they’d never admit it publicly – and, according to the outlet, it’s not just the usual “Never Trump” crowd.

Key individuals that have relayed their concerns in confidence include free-marketeers concerned about Trump’s tariff idea, pro-life lawmakers disconcerted by the former president’s pro-choice remarks and defense hawks worried about his stance on NATO.

One conservative leader told Playbook: “There’s a lot of anxiety about what Trump does to Republican ability to win in 2028 — and what he also may do to the party in terms of policy long-term. There is just this concern that like, ‘OK, if the party just goes in that direction, then what kind of party is it going forward? And can conservatives, then, have a home going forward?’”

Drudge turned on Trump in a big way.

They keep telling Trump to stop name calling and cussing. They tell him to focus on issues and give Republicans something to run on. Trump refuses to stop. He says it's the only way to draw crowds and he depends on their support.

Martin wrote: “the best possible outcome in November for the future of the Republican Party is for Donald Trump to lose and lose soundly.”

He added: “GOP leaders won’t tell you that on the record. I just did.”

Martin digs in on Trump’s antics of the past two weeks, arguing that acts of “routine self-sabotage” show that “the best case for Trump’s defeat may, predictably, be Trump himself.”

The columnist continued: “He’s incoherent on abortion rights, unable even to appear at a cemetery without creating a political mess and is so bothered by those who’ve suffered the wounds of war that he slights Medal of Honor recipients. And, running against a female opponent, he’s pushing blowjob jokes about her and his last female opponent.”

“It won’t be easy to kick the habit,” he added. “But the Republican who forges a hybrid coalition — a modern-day conservative fusionism — between the pre-Trump party and his enthusiasts will be rewarded. No, it can’t be anti-Trump. But it must be post-Trump.”

While a loss could give Democrats more control, some Republicans argue it might give the GOP a better shot in 2026, positioning them to reclaim control of Congress.

“Moving past Trump in the aftermath of another defeat will hardly be easy,” Martin wrote. “But it’s essential if Republicans want to become a viable national party once more.”

Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Brian Stelter Back On CNN!

CNN rehires Brian Stelter.

Former CNN boss Chris Licht fired him from CNN in 2022 after he warned all hosts to not follow the Fox and MSNBC model of shock and awe. Brian Stelter often critical of Fox, former president Donald J. Trump and Sean "Softball" Hannity is back at home.

Now it is confirmed that Stelter will return to the cable outlet as their chief media analyst. He will replace former media analyst and partner Oliver Darcy, who recently left to launch Status. He returns to CNN on Sept. 9.
I am thrilled to share that I am returning as the lead author of CNN’s Reliable Sources newsletter, the digest I founded in 2015.

But this is not going to be a "Back to the Future" remake. The media industry has matured, CNN has evolved, and I have changed a lot since I signed off two years ago. I loved my old life as the anchor of a Sunday morning show but, to borrow some lingo from my video game blogger days, I finished that level of the game. Time for new levels, new challenges.

I'm returning to CNN in a brand new role as Chief Media Analyst, which means I'll be appearing on air, developing digital content, and helming this newsletter. It will be different, because I am different.

I always scoffed at people who said "getting fired was the best thing that's ever happened to me" — until, well, it happened to me. After 20+ years as a news junkie, I changed my habits and tuned out for a bit. I also changed my vantage point, moving from Manhattan to a horse farm near one of Donald Trump's golf clubs. I experienced the news more like an everyday consumer, and in doing so, I learned a whole lot about the attention economy and the information ecosystem. I’m looking forward to sharing what I learned with you.

I was incredibly lucky to have time as a stay-at-home dad. In the hours when 7-year-old Sunny and 5-year-old Story were at school, I tried on a variety of other hats: Harvard fellow, BBC talking head, magazine writer. I authored a book, and more importantly had time to read lots of others' books. I wrote for more than 20 publications, from The Atlantic to WIRED, and learned about the ups and downs of freelance life. And I hosted a podcast for Vanity Fair, "Inside the Hive," which I will continue to lead through the end of the year.

All the while I remained an avid reader of Reliable Sources, and especially admired Oliver Darcy's fearless reportage, as well as his decision to launch Status last month. I'm rooting for Oliver and, as I have told him personally, I think we're going to complement each other wonderfully.
Amid a slew of changes to the network’s programming and personnel by then-president Chris Licht, CNN canceled its long-running “Reliable Sources” Sunday program, which Stelter hosted for years, late in the summer of 2022.

Before joining CNN, Stelter served as a media reporter for The New York Times after getting his start blogging about the television news industry while still a student in college.

Stelter also has a podcast with Vanity Fair.

I held back on posting on Stelter. He has appeared on CNN and MSNBC frequently as a contributor to media coverage of Fox and its Dominion settlement.

MSNBC was hoping to secure a deal with Stelter. He would have gotten a spot and he would contribute to media coverage of the 2024 election. Stelter would be free to say political commentary without being pulled off the air.

Lara Trump New Single Is A GOP Cash Out!

Lara Trump recorded a music single. Did she use GOP donor money?

Do not tell me that Lara Lea Trump made a music video. 

Do you believe she used the Republican donor money to make a music video?

The 42 year old wife of Eric Trump, the son of former president Donald J. Trump, is the co-chairwoman of the Republican National Committee. She and RNC chairman Michael Wheatley are tasked with guiding the GOP and presidential nominees Trump and J.D. Vance to victory.

Eric, 40 is a co-chairman of The Trump Organization. He, Donald Trump, Jr. and their father are barred from operating a business in New York for two years.

The Trump family was always symbolized with wealth. It appears they make their wealth off name and licensing. Cause no one in the right mind loaned Lara over $300,000 to make a music video out the goodness of their hearts.

Trump lies about his finances. So it would be no surprise that Donald, Jr., Eric, Ivanka, Tiffany, Lara and Melania lie about their finances too.

Trump’s new song with Madeline Jaymes, titled “Hero,” has gone viral, but not for the right reasons. The Republican National Committee’s co-chair has found herself in the middle of internet trolling after listeners started brutally criticizing her voice on social media platforms. The song is over three minutes long.

The music video for “Hero” was first launched on YouTube on August 23, 2024. The song is a homage to emergency first responders such as firefighters. Since the release of the music video, people on the internet have been pointing out how heavily auto-tuned Trump’s voice sounds in the single.

Lara Trump and Madeline Jaymes.

They received harsh criticism for the extremely auto-tuned nature of Lara’s voice in it.

The former television producer became the co-chair of the Republican National Committee in March of 2024. Lara has previously hosted and produced Real News Update of Trump Productions.

Trump has appeared on Fox, Newsmax, Real America's Voice, Lindell TV and OANN.

Ice Cube Frozen!

Ice Cube and son O'shea Jackson, Jr. The rap veteran is getting hammered again for his remarks about Kamala Harris. 

Why is the election so close?

President Joe Biden and his support for Israel.

If Biden abandons Israel, he could put a serious dent in his vice president. But if he continues to support the country, he could still put a serious dent in his vice president.

Rep. Jasmine Crockett (D-TX) and Rep. Nikema Williams (D-GA) are fierce supporters of Vice President Kamala Harris. They will come to the defense of a sorority sister.

Harris identifies as a Black woman. Harris is the first African American woman to be the Vice President of the United States and presidential nominee of a major political party

Did you know that Harris tried to reach out to O'Shea Jackson, Sr., best known as rap icon Ice Cube in 2019 and 2020? 

Ice Cube has been adamant that Democrats told him to hold off until after the election before making demands for his “Contract With Black America.” However, he admitted that he blew off a Zoom call with vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris.

The NWA rapper and actor recently revealed to Fox Soul’s Cocktails with Queens, that features Claudia Jordan, Vivica A. Fox, LisaRaye McCoy, and Syleena Johnson, that he turned down a request by the California senator to be a part of a Zoom call. He didn’t want to lumped in with other “entertainers” and passed on the offer.

Now in 2024, Ice Cube is back in the saddle.

Many are calling Cube out for being in the saddle of Donald J. Trump. The Big 3 Basketball co-founder has ties to convicted felons. Steve Bannon and Trump are convicted felons.

Ice Cube with white nationalist Tucker Carlson.

According to a bizarre new story from The Daily Mail, a $1.2 billion lawsuit filed by Cube and his business partner, Jeff Kwatinetz, alleges that the Qatari government sought to bribe Bannon via the duo after investing in Ice Cube’s basketball league, BIG3. Kwatinetz, court documents reveal, calls Bannon a former colleague and personal friend.

The story goes something like this: Last year, Ahmed al Rumaihi, a member of the Qatari royal family, agreed to invest $20.5 million in BIG3, but ended up dodging calls after ponying up only $7.5 million. When Cube and Kwatinetz tried to get the rest of the money, al Rumaihi began “persistently inquir[ing] about wanting to meet with Mr. Bannon,” who was, at the time, still Trump’s chief strategist. His efforts appeared to intensify after Bannon left both the White House and, later, the alt-right news site Breitbart, the latter of which found him losing the financial backing of hedge fund billionaire Robert Mercer.


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