Friday, September 25, 2020

Karen Lucky She Didn't Get Shot!

White woman lucky she wasn't shot.




An Ohio woman who refused to wear a facial mask while watching a high school football game was tased and arrested.

The white woman used her privilege to make the news. The same folks who call Black Lives Matter, a bunch racist anti-cop troublemakers are defending this "Karen."

The woman was watching her child play on the field. She is originally from Marietta, Ohio but went to the game in the town of Logan. The cop who was stationed to maintain order was Black.

He asked her numerous times to put her mask on. But the woman made the claim that she has asthma and the face mask hurts her breathing. After numerous attempts at trying to deescalate the situation, the Karen was told that she will face arrest.

During that time, some Kevin decided to film the encounter. The Kevin who defended the woman's actions said that the mask mandate is ridiculous and the cop was abusive towards her.

So the cop was told that if she continues to resist arrest, he will deploy his Taser. As he was trying to get the handcuffs on the Karen, she resisted and her mother was pleading to the cop that he had no right to place her under arrest.

Woman screaming but left peacefully.
Soon after the cop, deployed it and managed to get the cuffs on her. As she was then taken into custody, a person heckled her saying "should have put on the mask." The woman was trying to escape the grip of the cop and try to confront the heckler.

The Karen is name Alecia Kitts. The suspect was charge with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest. She got a night in the Hocking County lockup and was released shortly after. She decided to lawyer up and make the rounds with far-right media agitators.

The Logan Police Department said the cop, Chris Smith was doing his job but they said the situation should have been handled with compliance. The cop is in the freezer pending an investigation into whether his actions were justified.

The state's Republican governor Mike DeWine is defending his face mask compliance order.

He said the arrest shouldn't be a rush to judgement. However, Republicans and Donald J. Trump will see this as government tyranny. He will likely bring her on her stage.

He said that the state's coronavirus totals are slowly declining. However, it's still here and over 4,000 Ohioans are killed from it. We have over 240,000 Americans dead from the coronavirus. We have 8.2 million infected by it.


Here's things to remember about the coronavirus. Revised.

1. Wash your hands frequently. Wash for at least 20 seconds (two Happy Birthday songs).

2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)

3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.

4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals. Businesses are now issuing social distancing and will have the right to refuse service if you're not adhering to the guidelines.

5. If you're sick, please stay home. You could spread the disease to others and trust me, you could face legal ramifications if you're sick and you deliberately showing up to work.

6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.

7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this. Some states have relaxed regulations but that doesn't mean you're fully able to return to normal life. You have to stay vigilant and remind yourself that you can still catch this despite social distancing and safe sanitation practices.

8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, milk, eggs, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.

9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Meet, Zoom, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.

10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.

11. A pandemic has no timeline. The coronavirus is new and scientists are trying to figure out how to combat this.

12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders. The coronavirus spreads from human to human contact. We have no confirmation on how it made it to the United States. Don't believe what Donald J. Trump says about it coming from China. It was detected in China, then Italy and our first confirmed case was in January 2020 in the United States. We probably had thousands of people affected in 2019 and we just didn't know it.

13. If you deliberately infect other individuals, food and first responders, you will be charged with crime. So if people are trying to cough on you, sneeze on you, lick food products, lick toilet seats and refuse to wear masks where its required, they could face criminal charges. This is a controversial issue because some believe the mask isn't protecting them and some don't care about you or your family's health.

14. If you have signs of bluish lips or face, inability to wake or stay awake, new confusion, persistent pain in the chest, trouble breathing or blood in cough, call 9-1-1. There are mobile testing sites in your community but always check with a doctor first before getting a test at a public center. Most doctors will not take you openly without facial protection and confirmed symptoms.

15. Not all symptoms of COVID-19 are confirmed or denied. New issues keep showing up. So don't believe everything you've heard. The most common symptoms are noted above. Also please note that asymptomatic individuals are folks who have no symptoms but are spreading. Those are folks who look normal but have it and not showing signs yet.
Heckler made unruly woman upset. He heckled her to put on the damn mask. She didn't they removed her.
16. Retail is now mandating workers and shoppers to wear facial protection. If you are continuing to not follow company policies when it comes to wearing facial protection, you can be banned from their establishment. Walmart, Kroger, Target, Whole Foods, Best Buy and other companies are now requiring facial protection in their businesses.

17. Have patience with those in the healthcare industry, service industry and law enforcement. They are operating at limited staff. Those who work at restaurants, casinos, media companies, landscaping, construction and first responders are working to serve and help you. But note, that they are putting themselves at risk as well of catching the coronavirus. Respect those who have to work in this. There are companies working on producing a vaccine. They will produce a vaccine that is safe and effective before usage. See 19.

18. Some hand sanitizers are considered dangerous to your health. Methanol-based hand sanitizer could be toxic to those with weaken immune systems or allergies. The Food and Drug Administration have warned of methanol contamination. Some products made in Mexico and China may be dangerous. There are some people ingesting hand sanitizer. See 19.

19. Please do not ingest or inject sanitizer, bleach or hydroxychloroquine into your body. There is no cure for the coronavirus. Scientists are working on creating a safe vaccine to treat the coronavirus.

20. Hold your state and federal lawmakers accountable for not taking the threat seriously. Donald J. Trump deliberately ignored the threat. In a series of audiotapes produced by the Washington Post's Bob Woodward, Trump was warned about the threat from the jump. He downplayed it because he didn't want to lose the trade deal and force Americans to take precautions. Now six months since declaring the pandemic we have over 225,000 dead and over 7.6 million infected. Republican lawmakers are trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act and end the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic Security Act because of their stupid principles. It's important that you get go out and vote.



If this was a Black woman resisting police?

She would have been shot and killed by the police.
She would have been sprayed with mace.
She would have gotten a stern talking to.
She would been called an "angry Black woman."
Please Specify:

According to the CDC, there is still not enough information on antibodies for COVID-19 and whether they can prevent someone from getting reinfected. It still recommends that people with a positive antibody test follow recommendations for protecting themselves and others.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this. Take this seriously. You only have one life!

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Release The Details Or Lose Your Job!

Oprah Winfrey bought signs in Louisville and Jeffersonville, Indiana to remind the community that Breonna Taylor's life mattered.
Once again, we here at Journal de la Reyna say it loud:


When will it end?

Gun violence never takes a break.

Black people are getting fed up with this.

We protest.

We call for justice.

We call for peace.

We call for change in the way police handle situations.

We say we all want to go home.

We register to vote.

And nothing ever changes. It's getting to a point where now, if more Black men and women are killed by police, there's going to be someone who harbors hatred towards law enforcement plotting to assassinate police officers at their weakest points.

It touches the nation's politicians, entertainers, athletes, social media activists and families of the victims. We see these incidents over and over again. Never in my life, have I seen this much brutality from police towards people of color.
Breonna's mother Tamika Palmer condemns Kentucky for allowing the cops to walk.
Trump, himself had told cops to rough up people.

Even in a moment of socially distanced unity, there's violence in the country. A need to do something about gun violence should have happened but it never does. With the utter hypocrisy of Republicans and far-right agitators, the cycle of gun violence will continue on.

They'll offer phony sympathy when it comes to the victims of gun violence. They'll spend time after time telling Americans that "now it isn't the time to talk" and usually throw the "my heart goes out to" and the "thoughts and prayers" nonsense. The National Rifle Association is disgrace. They don't care about gun safety or gun reform. All they care about it keeping more of these weapons of mass destruction on the streets of America.

African Americans are going to send a message to the police.... Our message is pure and simple!


Everytime a person of color is shot and killed by the police, the far-right wants to look up the criminal history of the suspect.

Daniel Cameron is on the wrong side of the law.
Again, why do police believe a fleeing suspect is a "threat on their lives?"

If you fear for you're life, then you shouldn't be a cop!

Two Louisville Metro Police officers were shot by a Black terrorist.

Amid the protests, a Black terrorist shot LMPD major Aubrey Gregory and officer Robinson Desroches. The two were shot in the hip and abdomen. Both are expected to survive their injuries.

The terrorist was arrested on 14 counts of wanton endangerment and two counts of assault on a police officer. The charges carry up to 30 years in the iron college if convicted.

The terrorist "intentionally used a handgun to fire multiple bullets at officers." The Jefferson County prosecutor is saying at this time, the charges will stand for now. The police union was pissed about the decision to not charge the terrorist with attempted murder.
Two Louisville MPD officers were shot during the protests.

They also felt that the decision made by Kentucky's attorney general was the "right call."

Donald J. Trump praised the attorney general as well and offered sympathy to the two cops who were shot by the Black terrorist. He did not offer any sympathy towards the family of Breonna Taylor.

Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron is slammed by the mother of Breonna Taylor.

Cameron, 35 is the first African American attorney general of Kentucky. He is a Republican and some in the junk food media calling him a "rising star" within the party. Unfortunately, we here aren't calling him a "rising star." We're calling him a sellout to white nationalism.

He made the remarks about how celebrities, politicians and agitators who don't live in Kentucky shouldn't speak about the decision to not charge the three cops.

The family calls upon Cameron to release the details and a reason to why he failed to indict the cops.
Black terrorist shot at two Louisville Metro cops.
Breonna's mother Tamika Palmer said that she never had faith in Cameron. She called him "ineffective and inexperienced." She never had faith in him from the get-go. She said he "already chosen to be on the wrong side of the law." He helped her realized that its "us against them."

She also slammed a LMPD major Bridget Hallahan for an email that referred Breonna a criminal and called protesters a bunch of punks and animals. In the email she disparaged people protesting racial injustice as people who will be "washing cars," "toiling at Walmart" or "living with their parents' basements all their lives."

The only Black woman in the commonwealth's legislature is arrested for felony rioting.

Kentucky state representative Attica Scott was arrested by the LMPD for violating the curfew. She was along with a handful of protesters were arrested for allegedly setting fire near the Louisville Free Public Library and First Unitarian Church.

The results of the failure to indict three cops who opened fired on an unarmed Black woman inside her own home. They conducted a "no-knock" warrant on the home of Breonna Taylor and Kenneth Walker.

Walker fired a shot through the door. It injured one of those cops. The cops fired through the door and through the apartment. Breonna was shot over six times. The law didn't render aid to her and she died at the scene.
Greg Fischer extended the curfew for the weekend. The Louisville mayor is caught between a rock and a hard place.
The cops arrested Walker but didn't find any drugs at the home. They were searching for an ex-boyfriend who used the address for his mail. Walker at first was arrested for attempted murder on a police officer. But the charges were soon dropped. Walker who had a legal right to own a firearm also called into question the "double standard" for self defense.

They broke down their door. Do you believe it was justified for a homeowner to fire on an intruder?

The cops claimed they were protecting themselves.

One of the cops said "We did the legal, moral, ethical thing that night."

Protests are happening across the United States. Black Americans are frustrated with the justice system being too cozy with police.

Far-right agitator Candace Owens defends Cameron. She claims that the criticism of Cameron were racist. She and Tomi Lahren slam Black Lives Matter and believe that Breonna deserved her fate because of Walker shooting at the cops through the door.

Shaquille O'Neal and Charles Barkley both face heat for speaking in favor of the LMPD. They said that Breonna's life mattered but they shouldn't use her as symbol.

Now Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is facing heat in Washington, DC and in his hometown of Louisville. McConnell's blatant attempts to ram through a Supreme Court justice and his failure to address the Breonna Taylor shooting has made him a likely target of the Democrats.

Amy McGrath, the Democratic nominee for the U.S. Senate seat beat back a Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) backed opponent which drained resources from McGrath. Her chances have decreased and I have ranked this race as SAFE REPUBLICAN. 
Activist Tamika Mallory embraces Breonna's mother in solidarity of the decision not to charge those dirty cops.
Charles Booker's insurgent campaign harmed McGrath. However with the Supreme Court nominee and the failure to convict the LMPD cops who killed Breonna Taylor, it may encourage on the fence Democrats to vote against McConnell and Republicans in Kentucky.

It never happens in your community ... Until it does! Every community in the United States will eventually have a legacy. A legacy of tragedy. Gun violence will affect your town, your family and your life.

So I don't want to hear that bullshit about how "guns save lives." They don't. The only thing that survives a gun shooting is the gun.













Tickets To My Downfall!

Bad Boy and Est 19XX Entertainment rapper Machine Gun Kelly release his punk-rap album Tickets to My Downfall. The album takes a departure from rap and goes into punk music.

COVID-19 pushed Machine Gun Kelly's album. However, he managed to get the album out for the Fall quarter.

Colson Baker is a rapper/producer/actor and director from Cleveland, Ohio. Machine Gun Kelly credits Bone Thugs 'n Harmony, Eminem and Ice Cube as his influences to his music. However, he had a huge fallout with one of his inspirations.

He continues to stay consistent. Back in 2018, Kellz became another victim of Slim Shady.

More on that later.

MGK has said that he wants to explore his music in a rock sound. He previous albums were hip-hop and rock styled. In the movie The Dirt, he had the role of playing Tommy Lee of Mötley Crüe. He released his previous album Hotel Diablo with a single that was more rock-influence music.

With Tickets to My Downfall, Kellz teams up with Blink-182 drummer Travis Barker.

Barker is not only a rocker but a well-known rap producer. He has produce beats for some of the country's mainstream rap acts. The album executive producers are Kellz and Barker.
Machine Gun Kelly releases his fifth album which takes a turn from rap to punk.
Most of the production is from Kellz, Barker and Omer Fedi. Other production credits goes to BazeXX, slimXX, and Keith Varon.

He has features from Trippie Redd, Iann Dior, Blackbear, Pvris and Halsey.

The album has 16-tracks and it's a rockin'

*Note: Target has three additional tracks to the album.

Listen here.

Here's the lyrics to Bloody Valentine.

[Verse 1]
The original album Tickets to My Downfall.
The simulation just went bad
But you're the best I ever had
Like handprints in wet cement
She touched me, it's permanent

In my head, in my head
I couldn't hear anything you said, but
In my head, in my head
I'm callin' you "girlfriend," what the fuck?

I don't do fake love
But I'll take some from you tonight
I know I've got to go
But I might just miss the flight
I can't stay forever, let's play pretend
And treat this night like it'll happen again
You'll be my bloody valentine tonight

[Verse 2]
I'm overstimulated and I'm sad
I don't expect you to understand
It's nothing less than true romance
Or am I just makin' a mess?

In my head, in my head
I'm lyin' naked with you, yeah
In my head, in my head
I'm ready to die holding your hand

I don't do fake love
But I'll take some from you tonight (Take some from you tonight)
I know I've got to go
But I might just miss the flight
I can't stay forever, let's play pretend
And treat this night like it'll happen again
You'll be my bloody valentine tonight

I can't hide
How I feel about you inside
I'd give everything up tonight
If I could just have you, be mine
Be mine, baby
I can't hide (I cannot hide these feelings, no)
How I feel about you inside (I cannot hide these feelings)
I'd give everything up tonight (I'd give up everything for you)
If I could just have you, be mine (I'd give up everything)
Be mine (Ayy)

I don't do fake love
But I'll take some from you tonight (Take some from you tonight)
I know I've got to go
But I might just miss the flight
I can't stay forever, let's play pretend
And treat this night like it'll happen again
You'll be my bloody valentine tonight

Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na (Just tonight)
Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na (Just tonight)
Na-na-na, na-na-na
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na (Just tonight)
Na-na-na, na-na-na (In my head, in my head)
Na-na-na-na-na-na-na (Just tonight)
(Were we on time? Should we try—)

Eminem released his album KAMIKAZEE to aim at rappers who criticized his place in hip-hop. He spared no one. One in particular was Machine Gun Kelly. Apparently, Kellz was sneak dissing Em because he wasn't getting airplay on Shade45. Kellz made inappropriate comment about his then 17-year old daughter Hallie Jade Mathers.

Kellz responded with Rap Devil, one of the strongest attacks against Em. But it didn't take long for Em to get back in the studio. He let him have it.
The Fox and The Rap Devil.
Eminem added the single Killshot to the album and it went hard on Kellz and dissed Diddy. Em called them out for stealing the style. Dr. Dre helped Eminem throughout his career and he called Diddy a disease on people's careers. He dissed them on an unreleased version of Conway The Machine's Bang, Em dissed REVOLT, Joe Budden and said Diddy had something to do with the murder of Tupac Shakur.

Since then Diddy and Em have been at each other's throats.

Kellz has also been in the crossfire. He was ready for Em.... but he held back his diss.

Kellz conceded that Killshot hit him hard. He may have credit the diss as a reason to change styles.

If you haven't heard his last album, Hotel Diablo listen here.

Colson ain't really sweating much about Em these days. He's dating actress Megan Fox. The entertainer is openly bisexual and has been open about her past relationships with men and women.

She is married to actor Brian Austin Green and has three children with him. They have separated and are filing for divorce in the coming months.

MGK has one daughter named Cassie Colson Baker.

Fox and MGK have emerged as a couple shortly after he filmed his video, Bloody Valentine.

Colson is a son of Cleveland..... He's making moves.


Tory Lanez releases Daystar and it aims at his ex-girl Megan Thee Stallion.
Canadian rapper/singer/producer Tory Lanez release his first album since leaving Interscope.

Daystar Shemuel Shua Peterson is basically saying "fuck everyone."

He has released daystar and he's expected to address the elephant in the room.

Tory confirms that he was in a relationship with her and he has released a set of disses towards her and denies that he harmed her.

The album has 17 tracks with features only from Yoko Gold. He is producing most of the album.

Last July's incident where he allegedly shot Megan Thee Stallion in the foot after a dispute. The two were seen at the house of Kylie Jenner and were having a pool party. Only a hour after they left her home, the two got into a heated argument and it led to a shooting.

Megan did hold back words. She literally said that that "NIGGA shot me in my feet." She survived her injuries. The Los Angeles Police Department are considering charging the entertainer. If he gets convicted, he could face up to 10 years in the iron college and since he's born in Canada, he could be permanently banned from entering the United States.
Megan Thee Stallion and Tory Lanez dated for nearly a year before the incident.
If he has children born in the United States, he will may never be able to see them again unless they come to Canada. He has property in Los Angeles, Miami, Toronto and Atlanta.

Tory responds.

Most of the album aims at Megan Thee Stallion and those who denounced him.

He sounds like he's heartbroken. Because he is literally saying that he's "lost" without her and said that all the noise is telling her to leave him and press charges against him.

On the album, he is dissing Jay-Z, Common, Chance The Rapper, Kylie Jenner, J.R. Smith, Bun B, Dream Doll, Joe Budden, COMPLEX and the LAPD.

Tory Lanez was really angry with Jay-Z. He claimed that he no longer consider the media mogul as a mentor and in his lyrics he had to buy his masters from RocNation. He was a signed act and managed under Jay-Z for most of his years with Interscope.

Here's the lyrics of Money Over Fallouts

[Intro: Media Montage]
It's one of the crazier stories we’ve heard of, guys (I know)
As it's unfolding it's like-Fuck Tory Lanez, okay? Now, I’m from Houston, and he's from, bro
And to think the whole night unfolded on social media
Tory Lanez shares heartbreak and anger on Daystar.
You are the alleged shooter of Megan Thee Stallion
Instagram, in the pool with Kylie Jenner
Was she backtracking with what she said originally?
You know, maybe that's why we don't have a report
Donkey of the day
Some bitches trying to take up for Tory and "It's more to the story," bitch, it ain't-there ain't nothing to the story
Tory Lanez got a lot of bad press
Serious, he's gon’ get deported
Donkey of the day for Friday August 21st goes to Daystar Peterson
So they got pulled over and she had been shot already, great
Donkey of the Day
What I’m looking like, he looking at the police and then shot her?
Niggas like that, you a sucker, he's the king sucker, he’s the biggest sucker in the industry (Facts)
We gotta talk about Tory Lanez and Megan Thee Stallion
Kaash is looking for you, dawg
Because the police came out saying, "We didn't even know she was shot"
Guess who I believe? Megan
The best thing for Tory Lanez is for real he needs to just begone

[Interlude: Tory Lanez]
I'm done with this, you gotta know the truth

[Verse: Tory Lanez]
Ayy, they rather see me in the cell
Like how he posted out with $30,000 bail?
I'm the GOAT, y’all niggas know I made that dope float on the scale
I had them hoes going crazy, fiends cracking, going pale
They know I'm real, I got that flow, it's on sale if you need a rush
Coke blowin' out my fiends nose like the speaker bus
Hoe caught me D'd up, talk down, we T'ing up
Megan people trying to frame me for a shooting
But them boys ain't clean enough
I see how they teamin' up, watchin' and I'm calculatin'
Gotta keep it quiet, I can't jeopardize the outcome waitin'
Seein' certain niggas hatin', like, how this nigga hatin'?
I done gave these people so much features, made these niggas famous
They was on the blog saying I'm canceled from this entertainment
I was on that Spotify like 30 million monthly listeners, I'm fucking going crazy
And my fans support me brazy, everything I do's for you, I promise I'll be on it daily
I got nothin' but love to spread, but niggas hate me
Hurt my heart to see them Twitter fingers come from Kehlani's and Kaash Paige's
But I flipped the switch, I'm gripping money at that fast pay
And don't ask me for shit when it get real, that's my last favor
Can't cry now 'cause I'ma laugh later
Girl, you had the nerve to write that statement on that affidavit
Knowin' I ain't do it but I'm comin' at my truest
Tryna keep this shit two hunnid with you, shorty, I can't prove it
But them people in yo' ear, they the true ones that I fear
They really got you thinkin' Tory Lanez would do you in for real
Don't forget you was my bitch, I held it down and kept it real
I would never paint no fake picture of you just for some mills
And I thought you was solid too, but look at how you doin' me
Look at how you doin' me, people trying to ruin me
And what's even worse is I'm still thinkin' about you and me
How you going live my birthday with all your jewelry to try to make some fool of me?
But I love you hard so I'ma cool it B
'Cause I was coolin' right with Cuban, B, that was a stupid me
Somehow I'm still down to renegotiate the unity
My heart is some foolery, the shit is just confusin' me
I'm going through these phases, but I gotta stack that paper
And the real estate niggas hatin', took me off that application
But when they took that from me, they really took that from my baby
What the fuck I'm finna say to his old lady?
What the fuck y'all mean, my son don't need a house?
My baby momma don't need safety?
And even though I got the payment, the real estate niggas still hating
'Cause he watching me all on the news, but I ain't charged with no cases
Say the owner say my case is looking crazy, how the fuck that even make sense?
New times turn to past tense
All I want is straight cash, niggas say I lack sense
Star player, herein lies coming from the back bench
Kill or be killed, that's the reason I don't have friends
Niggas lying on the crodie, niggas saying I'm deported
Oh, now I'm 5'3? Niggas saying I'm a shorty
But lil' bitch I'm 5'7, money on me side-steppin'
And if I stand on my wallet you can see my thighs in heaven
One Umbrella gang and when we come back, don't you try reppin'
'Fore I let these niggas breathe, I gotta teach a couple lessons
Gotta see a couple questions: how the fuck you get shot in your foot, don't hit no bones or tendons?
How the fuck your team is tryna to pay me in some whole millions?
I just lost like 10 million dollars because this cold business
But I got like 10 million followers that's gon' roll with me
Fans that support me because they know my heart
So I don't give a shit if shorty know Jigga
I was taught to beat the block
Eeny meeny miney in these streets, and so my nina cocked
Niggas, y'all can play me, y'all can frame me, but I'ma reach the top
I would never put you in no danger, and if I did, you would've said it when you seen the cops
Ayy, Lamborghini bands and they coming out the floor
Fff, hit the fan when I'm pulling out the dough-oh
I would never fall out with niggas over hoes, ayy
Money over fall outs, my nigga, that's the code-oh
Sent too many bands when I pulled up to the coast
Better have my bands when I pull up to the door-oh
Niggas can't believe I done pulled up in a Ghost
And I don't ever wanna fuck with y'all no more, G
I got bad bitches tryna have a orgy
Keep umbrellas for the days it get stormy
I pour the Henny for my niggas, that's before me
My outfit fly, you gotta seat out by the floor seats
She tatted me all on her face 'cause she adore me
They talking petty 'bout me but they looking corny
I had to fight for mine, nigga, you were sworn in
And God bless me when I wake up every morning

Tory Lanez said that he's no longer interested in working with mainstream rappers and singers. He literally said all the rappers in the music industry is fake. He said their betrayal is "unforgivable."
Common was one of Tory Lanez targets in the album.
The Los Angeles County prosecutor said it is an open matter with Tory. The assault with a deadly weapon charge is a third-degree felony. After he posted a "get out of free" card, he went silent until he released this album.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The "good guy" with a firearm is the most dangerous person to have a firearm. Matter of fact, the NICE GUYS are often the ones who are spurned by society. Bad relationships, losing your job, jealousy over promotions, family feuds and racism are typical NICE GUY issues.

Do you believe Tory Lanez shot Megan Thee Stallion after the two fought over allegations of cheating?









We will expect Megan to respond to Tory's album and numerous disses.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Not The MAGA Crowd!

They were booing "your favorite president."
As Donald J. Trump and Melania Trump visited the Supreme Court to pay their respects to Ruth Bader Ginsburg, protesters literally booed them and said "VOTE HIM OUT."

Trump and Melania were wearing a mask as they appeared at the Supreme Court.

The casket of RBG is lying in repose at the Supreme Court. She passed away at the age of 87 from pancreatic cancer. Her grand daughter stated that RBG dying wish is for her pick to be selected when the next president is installed. She didn't care whether it was Trump or Joe Biden.

She just said after the election, the winner should be obligated to replace her.

Well that didn't suit well with Trump, Mike Pence, Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and the 52 Republicans. They said that it's time to replace a Supreme Court vacancy.

McConnell infamously denied Barack Obama his third Supreme Court nominee in an election year.

Now we're in an election year and the Republicans are shamelessly abandoning their "let the people decide" nonsense to just ram through a nominee.

Trump signalled on Friday he will make a pick and have a ceremony on Saturday.

He said he will pick a woman to fill the seat.
RBG was the iconic fighter of equal rights for people of color.
Democrats have said that the shameless hypocrisy will come back to bite them if they win the Senate or White House. The Democrats have little chance to stop it. The Republicans eliminated the filibuster when it comes to a 60 vote tally to cut off debate.

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is the Judiciary chairman and he's said he will get this vacancy filled before the election.

Trump and McConnell have faced backlash for their steadfast push to fill a vacancy but failure to pass an extension to the CARES Act.

We have over 240,000 Americans killed from the coronavirus. We have over 8 million infected.

Trump still hosting rallies where most of his supporters are not wearing masks.

We have over 35 million Americans out of work due to the coronavirus and companies going out of business due to the pandemic.

We have civil unrest in the country. Thanks to a justice system that allows white vigilantes and cops get away with murdering unarmed people of color, there are protests in cities. There are calls for police reform and the Attorney General William Barr is ignoring the concerns.
Trump rarely wears mask when in public. Today he wore one when he paid respect to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. But you notice he covered his eyes after he was booed.
We have foreign meddling in this election. Russian operatives are paying anti-Biden leftists and Republicans money to keep the election close and sow discourse. Far-right operatives like Sean "Softball" Hannity, Rudy Giuliani, John "Deep State" Solomon, Roger Stone and Breitbart are actively running disinformation campaigns against Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). Leftists Ryan Knight, Nicholas Cruse, Nina Turner, Cornel West and Susan Sarandon are pushing Russian Active Measures.

We have deadlier weather events. Wildfires, hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes and the coronavirus has sparked debate over climate change.

We have economic uncertainty. With the coronavirus and Trump's stupid trade wars, the economy is literally tanking.

Yeah, he deserves to be booed.





MAGA Family Claims BLM Burned Their Home!

A white couple claims that Biden supporters set their home on fire and tagged it.




A white couple from Brooklyn Center, Minnesota says their garage was burned to the ground. When they saw the ruins of the garage, they noticed that it had "BIDEN 2020," "BLM" and a circle "A".

The circle A is supposedly for anarchy.

So on early Wednesday morning, Dennis and Deana Molla were awaken to a loud explosion. They saw that their garage was on fire and they immediately called 9-1-1 to report the incident.

They claim that they were targeted because they had "TRUMP 2020" flags draped over their vehicles and garage.

"I heard jus a big, loud boom, or a bang," Denis Molla said. "The first thing for me was my kids, my wife. 'What's going on?'"

The family's garage, truck and trailer were burned just after 3 am on Wednesday. Graffiti on he garage read "Biden 2020," "BLM" - shorthand for Black Lives Matter -- and the anarchy symbol of an "A" with a circle around it. Two 3x5 Trump flags were on the trailer and truck.

Denis says he saw three people running from the home. He focused on getting his children - age 2 and 5 months - out.

The Mollas inspect the ruins of their garage.

"Our family's safe, that's the main thing. All this is material, it's all material. It's not as important as our family," Molla said.

The family says they got the Trump flags just a week ago after Denis a contractor, had a dispute at a work site over his support for Trump. Since they have had the flags up, they say people have been driving by their house very slowly, some taking pictures.

"We're just very happy to be alive, and praise GOD that we're alive," said Deana Molla.

One of the family's surveillance cameras was blocked before just before explosion. Other surveillance cameras have been turned over to the feds. The FBI and ATF are investigating the matter as well as the Brooklyn Center Police.

The Brooklyn Center police say that the Minnesota Arson Reward Project is offering a $5,000 reward for information.

It seems like Donald J. Trump's presidential campaign is trying to exploit this controversy for a few political votes.
Now I want to give the Mollas the benefit of doubt. I mean political graffiti is usually "FUCK TRUMP" sprayed on railroad properties and some buildings. I have never seen a person waste their time spraying BIDEN 2020 on anything.

On top of that, I am skeptical of this. First things first, if you're a Trump supporter, that's perfectly fine with me. I don't support Trump or Republicans but I'm not going to yell in your face about how you're an idiot for supporting the guy.

So this guy was in a dispute with co-workers at a work site. So I am guessing he was fired out the cannon at his job.
Just recently Molla posted a picture of him with his Trump banner.
They have one of their surveillance cameras blocked. Which one?

Would it be the one where the three alleged arsonists ran from the property or the one where they were caught on camera tagging the garage before setting it on fire.

Deana Molla posted on social media her anger about people burning down her garage before it was scrubbed. But thanks to one of folks who screenshot her social media.

"This morning, at 3:48am our house was targeted by BLM/Antifa. We woke up to a loud explosion, and saw that our camper was on fire, along with both of Dennis' trucks, his garage and our entire backyard. Thank GOD our main house is safe. We are safe. Our children are safe. Thank you so much to the Brooklyn Center Police Department, Minnesota for helping us get our family out the house, nd a special thanks to officer C. Johnson (I really hope that's his name cuz I can't remember) and another officer and firefighters for saving our dogs. Thankyou GOD we are alive and safe, and pray that justice is served."

This story is shaky.

I am reminded about Ashley Todd. The woman who worked as a volunteer for the John McCain presidential campaign staged a racial hoax. She was the one who curved a backwards "B" in her cheek and claimed that a Black man attacked her because she was a supporter of McCain and then running mate Sarah Palin. She was criminally charged for staging a racial hoax. She claimed she was mentally ill and they reduced the charges to a mild misdemeanor.
The Mollas home is located on a slightly busy road. But the feds will determine if this arson or a racial hoax.
I am reminded about the Rick Wagoner. He was the Dayton bus driver who claimed that three Black men attack him when he stepped off a bus to fix a minor breakdown. He claimed that he was attacked by three Black men who were "polar bear hunting." He claimed he wrestled a knife and firearm from them. The "suspect" shot him in the chest and he managed to survive it because he had a bible in his shirt pocket. It turned out that he shot his own firearm into a bible concocted this story and tried to blame Black Lives Matter for the incident. He was fired out the cannon from the bus line and the state didn't charge him for staging a racial hoax. The term "polar bear hunting" is straight up, Colin Flaherty. He is a white extremist who spends his fucking life inside a basement blogging about Black on whatever crimes.

If this turns out to be a staged incident, Trump might as well kiss Minnesota goodbye because his supporters are going to hurt his chances to win a state that hasn't went Republican since Richard Nixon.

Brooklyn Center is only north of Minneapolis. It has a population of 34,000 residents. Its demographics are 48% white, 25% Black, 14% Hispanic, 8% Native American and 5% Asian.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

WATCH LIVE: Breonna Taylor decision announced by Kentucky attorney general

Sad day for Black America and in, particular, the family of Breonna Taylor. Rest in power, Breonna Taylor.

There's no justice in America today.



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