Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Night Two: The Virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention!

Night two of the DNC.

Did you happen to catch last night's Democratic National Convention?

I know a lot of people are talking about the speeches made by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), former First Lady Michelle Obama, former Ohio governor John Kasich and New York governor Andrew Cuomo. They managed to steal the show.

Those were the people Donald J. Trump and the far-right attacked the most. Besides them, the Republicans have targeted Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) his running mate.

Joseph Robinette Biden and Kamala Devi Harris will take the stage this week and formally become the Democratic presidential and vice presidential nominees. The Democrats will have to work extra hard to encourage voter enthusiasm.

The former rival Sanders has once again left the Democratic Party with a toxic brew.

The party's young and progressive base are not so keen on a Biden-Harris ticket. They are once again going to cost the election for the Democrats all because of a covert campaign sparked by Sanders' vile allies.

Polls say that Biden is leading in many states. However, Biden isn't stupid and he knows that the risk of getting to confident in this election. He doesn't want to face a Walter Mondale or Hillary Clinton defeat.

So Biden is going to take things with consideration. He is trying to win over disgruntled Republicans and independents. Many progressives are concerned that Biden is taking a moderate path. They said that Trump went full conservative and won.

They want a leader who can bring progressive policies to the mainstream.

Trump is trying to campaign in crucial states he's gonna need to win. He was in Wisconsin and Minnesota on Monday. He will be in Arizona to host a campaign rally and donation.

Last night Michelle Obama brought the house down.

"Donald Trump is the wrong president for our country. He has had more than enough time to prove that he can do the job, but he is clearly in over his head. He cannot meet this moment. He simply cannot be who we need him to be for us. It is what it is."

NPR reported that Obama acknowledged that some weren't sure the Democratic Party should stick with that approach. But she defended staying true to it, saying, "Going high is the only thing that works, because when we go low, when we use those same tactics of degrading and dehumanizing others, we just become part of the ugly noise that's drowning out everything else. We degrade ourselves. We degrade the very causes for which we fight."
Trump had words for Michelle Obama, Bernie Sanders and John Kasich.
But for the 2020 version, Obama suggested there are times when hitting back is necessary, saying, "Going high does not mean putting on a smile and saying nice things when confronted by viciousness and cruelty."

Wearing a gold necklace with letters that spelled V-O-T-E, the former first lady made an urgent plea for Americans to show up in 2020.

"We've got to vote early, in person if we can. We've got to request our mail-in ballots right now, tonight, and send them back immediately and follow up to make sure they're received. And then, make sure our friends and families do the same. We have got to grab our comfortable shoes, put on our masks, pack a brown bag dinner and maybe breakfast too, because we've got to be willing to stand in line all night if we have to."

That message could be viewed as at odds with advice from public health experts who warn that Americans need to social distance during the coronavirus pandemic and avoid crowded places. Joe Biden, 77, has held few public events and has stuck to just a handful of low-key events with small numbers of voters in his home state of Delaware or neighboring Pennsylvania.

Sanders had said that Trump had failed in handling the pandemic and our economy is inching closer towards a Great Depression. He said that Trump is like Nero and he's fiddling while the country collapses.

"We are facing the worst public health crisis in 100 years and the worst economic collapse since the Great Depression. We are confronting systemic racism and the enormous threat to our planet of climate change. And in the midst of all of this, we have a president who is not only incapable of addressing these crises but is leading us down the path of authoritarianism," Sanders said.
Bill Clinton and AOC will bring some A-game. The Republicans will try to bring up Jeffrey Epstein and Clinton in real time.
"This election is the most important in the modern history of this country. In response to the unprecedented crises we face, we need an unprecedented response — a movement, like never before, of people who are prepared to stand up and fight for democracy and decency — and against greed, oligarchy and bigotry.And we need Joe Biden as our next president."

"Nero fiddled while Rome burned; Trump golfs. His actions fanned this pandemic, resulting in over 170,000 deaths and a nation still unprepared to protect its people," said Sanders.

With night one closing, who will now shine at night two of the DNC 2020?

Jill Biden
Cindy McCain
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
Bill Clinton
John Legend
Tom Perez
Chuck Schumer
Please Specify:

Who will appear at tonight's event?

Sally Yates, former acting U.S. Attorney under Barack Obama and Donald J. Trump.
Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
John Kerry, former U.S. Senator and Secretary of State under Barack Obama.
Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Rep. Lisa Blunt Rochester (D-DE)
Bill Clinton, former U.S. president (1993-2001) and husband of Hillary Clinton.
John Legend, R&B singer, songwriter, actor, activist and Oscar awarding entertainer.
Tom Perez, Democratic Party chairman and former Secretary of Labor under Barack Obama.
Jimmy Carter, former U.S. president (1977-1981).
Rosalynn Carter, former First Lady of the United States and wife of Jimmy Carter.
Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE)
Ady Barkan, Israeli-American lawyer, activist, disability rights speaker and organizer.
Dr. Jill Biden, former Second Lady of the United States, wife of Joe Biden, educator and activist.

The formal nomination will be tonight where the delegates will declare their nominee.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) faced backlash for her lack of support for Biden and Harris. She shared on social media her intentions to continue to back Sanders and his failed platforms.

Cindy McCain, the widow of the late U.S. Senator and former 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain. McCain made a surprise endorsement of Biden.
A good night ahead for the Democrats.
Former U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell who endorsed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton previously is going to speak at the convention. The former Republican under George W. Bush has been frustrated with the direction the party's been going. He believes that Trump has done serious damaged to the party.

In a video that will be shown tonight, McCain shares her friendship with Biden and how her husband had decency and respect for the country he served. She said that difficult decisions cannot be blamed on others. She believes that Trump's actions caused great damage to the country.

Also the Republicans Against Trump organization has

There was a bipartisan report that showed Trump's 2016 former campaign manager Paul Manafort was engaging contact with members of the Russian Federation. They also claimed that Trump engaged in contact with Roger Stone when he got word Wikileaks was planning on dumping the emails of the DNC and Clinton chair John Podesta.

Donald Trump, Jr. had allegedly slept with Natalia Veselnitskya, the lawyer who met with Trump campaign advisors Jared Kushner and Manafort at Trump Tower.

Russia may have information on Trump that could blackmail him. The "golden showers" tape allegedly found in the Christopher Steele dossier has been one of the themes of Sean "Softball" Hannity's right wing carnival. Trump and Michael Cohen are at risk of blackmail due to their engagement with Russian women.

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.


Over 103 people have died a day because of gun violence.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

The Democratic National Convention is on tonight.

Guess Who's Coming To The RNC?

A star-studded lineup for the Republicans. The St. Louis couple who pointed firearms at protesters is invited to the event. Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Karen will have a voice in the shitshow of Donald J. Trump.
The couple who brandished firearms at peaceful protesters in St. Louis, Missouri will make a virtual appearance at the Republican National Convention.

The Donald J. Trump Presidential Campaign announced that the couple Mark and Patricia McCloskey will make an appearance during the week that Trump and Mike Pence accept their nomination for the Republican ticket.

The two are criminally under investigation for storming outside their home to intimidate peaceful protesters who were heading to the mayor's home.

The McCloskeys face felony charges for unlawful use of a weapon after confronting the protester in June. They maintain innocence and claim that they were defending their property and are not racist.

But the images show that they wanted to start trouble.

Trump pretty much defended their actions and believe that Black Lives Matter and Antifa were the real agitators in the situation. The protesters came through a private gate and walked down a private street to confront mayor Lyda Krewson.
They get rewarded for their incompetence.
Krewson is under fire for calling out protesters who want reforms within the St. Louis Police.

The McCloskeys, both in their 60s are personal injury attorneys. Their attorney who promises to deliver names. The lawyer accused Kim Gardner, the St. Louis prosecutor of siding with criminals and deviants.

Since the incident, Mark McCloskey appeared on far-right outlets to defend his actions. He is getting assistance from the likes of the alt-white.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

The Feds Caught The Terrorists Who Killed Jam Master Jay!

The feds announced a break in the unsolved murder of Jam Master Jay.
The U.S. Justice Department announced the arrests of two terrorists involved in the killing of American rapper and DJ, Jam Master Jay.

Jam Master Jay was killed in October 2002 at his recording studio and the case remained a mystery until the feds broke the case and made arrests.

On Monday, the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York unsealed an indictment against two men (who I won't name) in a murder plot that involved a drug dispute.

The two men were conspiring to kill Jam Master Jay (born Jason William Mizell), the hype man and producer of the iconic rap group Run-D.M.C.

The case was open for nearly 20 years.

Seth D. DuCharme, Acting U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District said law enforcement never gave up on finding the individuals involved in this senseless tragedy.

"It was important to us then and remains extremely important to us now to bring justice for the victim, his family, friends and the community that cared so much about those events," he said.

The news helps bring an end to the senseless killing of one of the most influential members of hip-hop.

He was a member of a rap group that broke the barriers of pushing hip-hop into the mainstream.

Run-D.M.C., Public Enemy, Eric B & Rakim, The Beastie Boys, Big Daddy Kane, Grandmaster Flash, Kool Moe Dee, LL Cool J, EPMD, DJ Kool Herc and Marley Mal were the legends of the rap game.

Jam Master Jay, Run (Joseph Simmons) and DMC (Darryl McDaniels) formed the group in 1981 and had rocked the mic for years. With Run and DMC rapping on the mic and Jay mixing the beats and turntables, the group succeed in making numerous hits.

Run-D.M.C. was the first hip-hop act to do a crossover hit with rockers Aerosmith. Their song, "Rock This Way" was a breakthrough hit. It's still a song that is played in many bars, weddings and a travel themed song.

The indictment alleges that Jam Master Jay was involved in trafficking the naro. The feds said that he was a part of a smuggling organization that had transported kilogram-quantities of cocaine between 1996 and 2002. Aside from the music career, the feds believe he was a runner for a known domestic terrorist group.

He acquired 10 kilograms of cocaine that was intended to be distributed by the terrorists. On the promise of getting some of the cut, Jam Master Jay allowed them to distribute the yayo out of his studio in the Jamaica neighborhood of Queens.

So the two conspired to ambush Jay. On October 30, 2002, they broke down a door and open fire on Jay and another man. They managed to rob the men of their properties and took off into the darkness.

The alleged terrorist was only 17 or 18 at the time of the shooting and the other one was in his early 30s. The two were nabbed by the U.S. Marshals without a bullet fired.

The youngest is facing one count of conspiracy and seven counts of distribution of cocaine for alleged incidents in 2017. He was arrested on Sunday and pleaded not guilty on Monday in a court appearance from the federal time out.
Run-D.M.C. shortly broke up after the death of Jam Master Jay.
The oldest is facing a federal sandwich that could carry the death penalty. The Hobbs Act had got him in a bind. Not only he's a felon with disability, he is a known offender. He was convicted in 2007 for a string of stick ups and was sentenced to federal time out. He was close to being released from his 210 month bid in the federal time out. That's no longer the case.

The charges these two are facing could carry a LIFE or DEATH card if convicted in federal court.

The state of New York could push for state charges that could put the two in the iron college for LIFE.

They will serve the sentences concurrently.

Jay's family disputes the drug kingpin allegations.

Jam Master Jay helped build a career for a young Curtis James Jackson III.

Jackson is known as 50 Cent. Before he became the iconic rapper/business mogul/internet troll, 50 was this grimy hustler from Queens. He made the song called Ghetto Qu'ran which fingered the two and their boss Kenneth "Lord Supreme" McGriff. That led to the campaign by rival rapper Ja Rule to label 50 a "snitch."

McGriff was allegedly the man who helped Irving "Irv Gotti" and Chris "Chaz" Lorenzo start up the Murder, Inc. rap label.

The feds were on the case of the oldest terrorist. They believe he was the point man involved in the shooting of former Tupac Shakur associate Randy "Stretch" Walker, a member of the Thug Life posse. Tupac accused James "Jimmy Henchman" Rosemond and Sean "Puffy" Combs of conspiring a hit on him in 1994.

Tupac was gunned down in September 1996.

The suspects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.


Puerto Rico Gobernador Toma Enorme Pérdida!

Puerto Rico governor Wanda Vázquez was defeated in a primary.
I am reminded that my Spanish is not perfect and I used Google Translate which is not completely accurate.

Estado Libre Asociado de Puerto Rico

Known as the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the self-governing unincorporated and organized territory's governor Wanda Vázquez Garced was brutally defeated in a primary to run for a full term.

Vázquez is identified as a New Progressive Party (Partido Nuevo Progresista) member and the Republican Party. She was defeated by former U.S. Representative/Resident Commissioner Pedro Rafael Pierluisi Urrutia in a primary upset. Pierluisi identifies as a member of the New Progressive Party and the Democratic Party.

With more than 66% of the vote, the Associated Press called the race for Pierluisi. He had received more than 58% of the vote compared to nearly 42% of the vote for Vázquez.

"We have to abide by the decision of the majority," Vázquez said in a brief speech where she warned her rival Pierluisi that he should "aspire" to have the support of those who voted for her. She will remain as the governor until the winner of the Puerto Rican general election on November 3.
Turmoils in Puerto Rico have affected the way of life.
Pierluisi spoke shortly after Vázquez and said the governor can count on him: "We all have to be united to push Puerto Rico forward."

Vázquez was facing a lot of pressure shortly after taking office. She was not popular. A reporter and a group of activists uncovered a hidden bunker full of supplies. She knew of its existence and became the anchor that sank her campaign chances.

The U.S. territory has experienced a whole lot of problems since the Hurricane Maria tragedy. The island faced some of the worst damage in modern history. Over 3,800 Americans died from that hurricane. Donald J. Trump continues to claim that the territory got billions in government aid and stated that he would be willing to give up the territory for Greenland.

No he was not joking.

The New Progressive Party is hoping to convince the U.S. Congress to approve statehood. The Republicans are against granting statehood to Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. They are against establishing voting rights for those living in the U.S. territories.

Those living in Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands can not vote in the presidential election. They can only pick their presidential nominee for the Democratic National and Republican National Conventions. They have U.S. Representatives who are non-voting delegates to the House. The resident commissioner of Puerto Rico is a four year term as a U.S. Representative.

Pierluisi will face off against Charlie Delgado (born Carlos Delgado Altier), the current mayor of the city of Isabela. He is a member of the Popular Democratic Party (Partido Popular Democrático).
Former U.S. Representative and residential commissioner Pedro Pierluisi will face his opponent in the general.
The Popular Democratic Party advocates for self-governance with bond to the United States. Puerto Rico is considered semi-autonomous but not recognized as a country. The residents of the territory are U.S. citizens. The territory's majority speaks mostly Spanish.

Delgado defeats San Juan mayor and Trump critic Carmen Yulín Cruz Soto. Delgado won with 60% of the vote.

The results came one week after delayed and missing ballots led to a chaotic primary that forced a second round of voting on Sunday in which thousands of Puerto Ricans got a second chance to vote for the first time.

Voting centers in nearly 50 of the island's 78 municipalities opened following a recent Supreme Court decision that stated a second round of voting would take place at centers that never opened on August 9 or did not remain open the required eight hours.

With the coronavirus pandemic spreading across the island, many were forced to do in-person voting which is a problem here in the states. Trump is trying to stop mail-in voting by cutting the U.S. Postal Service budget and forcing states to scale back ballots being sent to homes.

The general election will have six candidates running for the U.S. territory.

Pierluisi had served as governor of the territory for only one week before Vázquez assumed power.

Ricardo "Ricky" Antonio Rosselló Nevares was forced to resign due to his handling during the Hurricane Maria crisis. He was caught on camera bashing residents and saying that he and Trump done more for these "ungrateful assholes."

The territory's residents wants elections commission president Juan Ernesto Dávila Rivera to resign after he failed to protect the elections.

Many residents believe that the failure to handling voting is a sign of what the states are going to face if they're not prepared.
Puerto Ricans had to wait for hours in the sun to vote. Even in a pandemic, residents had to vote.
Many states are not prepared for the influx of mail-in votes. With the pandemic an ongoing issue, Trump is trying to carry on a "normal" life despite COVID-19 killing over 200,000 Americans.

We have over 7 million Americans affected by the coronavirus. We have over 35 million Americans out of work. We have gun violence almost everyday in the United States. We have millions facing eviction from their homes due to the CARES Act not being extended by the U.S. Senate. We have civil unrest in the United States as well as Puerto Rico.

California, Texas, Florida, Georgia, Arizona, Puerto Rico, Michigan, New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, Washington and Oklahoma have seen a huge increase in coronavirus cases.

Trump is too busy golfing and tweeting insults and conspiracy theories on social media to be worried about the problems America is facing. He has built his presidency on divisiveness and deception.

Puerto Ricans are paying the price for a Trump presidency as well.

Monday, August 17, 2020

Night One: The Virtual 2020 Democratic National Convention!

Opening night for the Democrats. A time to show and prove.

Showtime. Joe Biden's nights to shine. He will certainly need the momentum. Cause it's going to be an uphill climb despite the polls saying he's leading.

Ignore the polls. The polls don't mean shit. It's the electoral college. If Biden can't win 270 electoral votes, he will not become the president. His rival is going in with enthusiasm despite his failures.

Enthusiasm is going to be key for the Democrats to win. They certainly need it given that politics has become so fucking toxic. With the stakes so high, the Democrats must be united in this fight. If not, we're going to have another term (or longer) of Donald J. Trump.

Trump has signalled he will not leave peacefully nor leave after a second term. Don't take it as a joke.

The Democrats will gather for a virtual rally. It was supposed to be held in Milwaukee, Wisconsin but due to the coronavirus pandemic, Democrats have scrapped a full-scale convention and it will be held virtual.
Can Bernie Sanders bring his flock to the fold?
Former vice president Joseph Robinette Biden who ran for president twice before will finally get an opportunity to show and prove to the world that he could lead this nation in troubling times. He will have his running mate, California senator Kamala Devi Harris nominated as the vice presidential nominee.

He will have a lot of guests attending. Some will be Republicans and of course, leftists are upset.

Who will get the most attention at DNC Night One?

Michelle Obama
Andrew Cuomo
Jim Clyburn
Bernie Sanders
Amy Klobuchar
Gretchen Whitmer
Please Specify:

On Monday night.

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN)
Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto (D-NV)
Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan
Rep. Jim Clyburn (D-SC)
Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS)
Rep. Gwen Moore (D-WI)
Sen. Doug Jones (D-AL)
Leon Bridges, R&B singer, songwriter and producer
Billy Porter, LGBTQ activist, singer, actor and television personality
Stephen Stills, instrumentalist, singer and songwriter.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Michelle Obama, former First Lady, podcaster, activist and wife of Barack Obama.

Some of the leftists are complaining about former Ohio governor John Kasich speaking at the Democratic National Convention. If you ask me, being an Ohioan, I think it was a great idea.

Kasich who was governor of Ohio from 2011-2019 was controversial during his first term. But when Barack Obama won Ohio in the reelection, Kasich saw the writing on the wall and moderated.
Democrats are counting on independents and disgruntled Republicans like John Kasich.
When he came into office, he was disliked. Yeah, he turned down funds for high speed rail. He tried to dismantle public unions and sign off on legislation that made conception within less than two months. All of those issues were appealing to the Tea Party, a far-right grassroots movement that led us to Donald J. Trump.

Kasich who eventually became a moderate won reelection with 40% of the Black vote. Yes, a Republican in a swing state won reelection easily. You can't make this shit up. Kasich had deep respect for Obama and Biden. He felt that Trump has abandoned the principles of the Republican Party.

He said that it's reckless to allow Trump continue the country on this path. He would be a great investment to helping the Democrats win the state of Ohio.

It would be interesting if Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) did a last minute endorsement for Biden.

Romney who was the 2012 rival respected Obama and Biden. They at least had respect for one another unlike their mutual disdain for Trump.

The event is going to be streamed online.

Who will make the night?

Will it be Bernie Sanders, Andrew Cuomo, Michelle Obama, Doug Jones or Jim Clyburn?

We will see.

Watch the event live.

Trump Continues To Campaign Despite COVID-19 Pandemic!

Trump doesn't seem to care about the pandemic. He travels to swing states to undermine Joe Biden.

Donald J. Trump will appear in Mankato, Minnesota and Oshkosh, Wisconsin to generate buzz. He will once again put the lives of thousands at risk of the coronavirus. He will also troll the opening night of the virtual Democratic National Convention in attempt to undermine his rival Joe Biden.

Again, ignoring the advice of his White House Coronavirus Task Force, Trump continues to campaign. After the infamous Tulsa, Oklahoma rally, Trump is taking the necessary steps to prevent a disappointment.

He threatened to ban TikTok.

Social media had sabotaged his rallies by falsely registering for tickets and not showing up.

Donations are heading to the Biden campaign. Now that he's picked California senator Kamala Harris, the Biden team had earned millions of campaign cash soon after the announcement was made.

Trump is still riding on the culture war. Instead of calling it the culture war, it should be called an attempt at appealing to white nationalist with distractions.

During his arrival he will be attacking Biden, Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), the junk food media, the United States Postal Service, Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and entities who spurned him.

He will address the death of his brother Robert and how he's done so much for the Black and Hispanic communities.
Doing rallies despite the risk of COVID-19. His supporters will spread the coronavirus.
He will talk about his border wall, mail-in votes, opening up schools and face masks.

Trump will not mention how his handling of a major pandemic crushed his economy.

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.


Over 103 people have died a day because of gun violence.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf or rambling about how everyone who doesn't support his ass is anti-American.

Here's where Trump called the coronavirus a hoax. In South Carolina, Trump, Kayleigh McEnany, Diamond & Silk and others were trashing the Democrats and saying that the coronavirus was an attempt to undermine Trump.

Old Fart Limbaugh Calls Kamala Harris A.......(Sexist Term)!

Limbaugh calls Kamala Harris a whore and a mattress.
In order to keep Journal de la Reyna from earning the "sensitive content" title, I will refrain from using the word on this blog. I want to be clear, I don't condone the remarks nor endorse the antics of those who are against Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA). Harris was picked as Joe Biden's running mate.

Well it looks like it's on now!

The KHIVE is going to sting these idiots. They keep on talking and they're going to face some heat.

He didn't learn his lesson from the Sandra Fluke fiasco where he had called the former Georgetown student a slut and whore. Fluke was called offensive names by this old fart. It led to a boycott of his program and advertisers dropping his program. He ended up losing syndicators and was force to take a major pay cut in order to stay on radio.

Now Rush Limbaugh is back at it. While he was reading a story about a former NBA photographer being fired from the league after he sharing the meme, "JOE AND THE HOE,"  the far-right agitator seems to take comfort in attacking the first African American/South Asian American woman to be a nominee on a major party ticket.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris sign their paperwork to certify their nomination.
He has referred the senator as a "mattress" because of her brief relationship with former San Francisco mayor Willie Brown.

Brown wrote a controversial op-ed demanding she reject the vice presidential consideration and focus on being the U.S. Attorney General. Many on the far-right have pointed out Harris' previous relationship with him. It was a huge age gap. Yet, the had dated and broke up mutually. They both moved on.

This is the latest attempt to undermine Harris. Seeing she has favorable ratings, the far-right and many leftists are spreading conspiracy theories about her and trying to do the usual dog-whistle politics that causes America to lose trust in the government.

Limbaugh who is dying from Stage IV lung cancer was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by Donald J. Trump in 2020. He also has an honorary bust at the state capitol in Jefferson City, Missouri.

Media Matters for America has the transcript of his remarks.

RUSH LIMBAUGH (HOST): I have two stories about Kamala Harris. One's from The Spectator, and one is — one of the — one of the oddball sports websites. The NBA has fired a freelance photographer because he insulted Kamala Harris. His name is Bill Baptist.

He's "a freelance photographer he'd been working for the NBA inside its bubble at the Disney World complex in Orlando" — as the NBA goes through its supposed season here. He's an independent contractor, had the deal terminated by the league after he posted a "sexist Facebook post referencing Kamala Harris.

He posted an image that read 'Joe and the Hoe,'" — h-o-e.

Now, what do you think that’s about, "Joe and the Hoe"? Well, that takes me to the second story. They got rid of him, by the way. WNBA legend Sheryl Swoopes, who was aware of the photographer after he worked for the Houston Comets, was among those to comment on the situation before the NBA's decision. She said, so this guy works for the NBA, covers the Houston Rockets, been around for a while. He even worked for the Houston Comets. "It's amazing how people will smile in your face, but eventually 'their true colors will show.'" Anyway, so he's gone, "Joe and the Hoe."

Then there is this from The Spectator: "Why It Should Matter to Women That Kamala Slept Her Way Up." Whoa! You know what that’s about? That’s about Willie Brown.

"It's no secret, but public knowledge that Kamala Harris slept her way up into California political life by being a very public escort and mattress for California Democrat kingmaker Willie Brown."

Now, some people read this story, "Mattress? Didn't he mean mistress?" No, I think they meant "mattress" here. I think — Dov Fischer is the author of the story. So we have two different stories here that are trading off the known fact that she was Willie Brown's mattress, and that he has written about it, and that he has talked about how it propelled her — that he ended up being one of her mentors.

Imagine this, folks. These stories are out there. I have yet to see — and it may yet happen, since I now have amplified them — I have yet to see any reaction to either of these stories anywhere in the drive-by media. Now, normally this — The Spectator story alone would be causing these people in the mainstream media to go absolutely berserk.

And this guy, this photographer in the NBA, "Joe and hoe." And yet there's no — there's no reaction to this whatsoever. And now we have something new that's been thrust — ahem — into American politics, and that is the question of using sex to get ahead.

And as Kamala Harris might say, "We should have that conversation" — because she says that a lot, about a lot of different things.

Limbaugh is a relic of the 20th Century. He still pulls in millions of old farts. His radio show isn't as powerful as the annoying Sean "Softball" Hannity but given how Trump is desperate to win, he'll use this pompous asshole as a tool.

Instead of calling these attacks a part of the culture war, we should just say it's an attempt at winning white nationalists and extremists loyal to Trump.
Biden made a wise pick in Kamala Harris. The far-right are trying to throw knives but end up getting cut themselves.
This is war for the sanity of the country.

Donald J. Trump, Sean "Softball" Hannity, Rush Limbaugh and other entities on the far-right will try to throw everything at Biden and Harris.

It's time to take them on. The Democratic National Convention is tonight. We will hear from prominent Democrats speak on behalf of Biden and Harris as they accept their nomination for president and vice president.

Unrest Continues!

There was unrest in Kalamazoo, Michigan. The Proud Boys and protesters clash.
When Donald J. Trump complains about a Joe Biden presidency being unsafe for America, we resort to the real time unrest in cities across the country. Under Trump's watch, we have civil unrest in the cities of Portland, Oregon, Seattle, Washington, Chicago, Illinois, Kalamazoo, Michigan and Stone Mountain, Georgia.

Portland continues to have nights of unrest. The city has been the most active in civil unrest. Trump has ordered federal agents to the city. The tensions are extremely high in the city. The city has been seen some of the worst.

Many people of color are calling for the removal of Confederate statues and monuments. They are calling for police reform. They are demanding the government fund the United States Postal Service. They are calling for an end to systematic racism being promoted on social media. They are calling for real leadership in the country.

With Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) as the running mate to former vice president Joe Biden, the Democrats are hoping to generate momentum.

It's a difficult challenge ahead. Trump still has an advantage despite his failure to control the coronavirus pandemic.

Portland continues to have unrest. It's been over three months since the George Floyd tragedy and the city continues to have tensions between the police and protesters. A man was pulled out of his vehicle and served a knuckle style chili. I am assuming that he tried to run over protesters but it failed.

In the city of Chicago, Lori Lightfoot is warning protesters that if they continue to cause damage to property or loot from businesses, they will face criminal charges. The third largest city in the United States is likely leading in gun violence. Protesters are calling for an end to gun violence and police reform in the wake of numerous incidents where the Chicago Police shot and killed unarmed suspects.

In Kalamazoo, Michigan, there were clashes between protesters and the Proud Boys, a white nationalist group that the "suit and tie" style of white extremists.

Several fights broke out in Kalamazoo, Michigan, during a rally held by the far-right group Proud Boys, police say.

Members of the group were marching in downtown Kalamazoo when they clashed with counter protesters and officers moved to disperse the crowds, CNN affiliate WXMI reported.

"Once the event turned violent, the officers responded quickly and restored order," Kalamazoo Public Safety said in a statement, adding that officers declared "a police zone and dispersed the crowds."

People were "punching, kicking and even pepper-spraying one another," CNN affiliate WOOD reported.

Officials in Kalamazoo have apologized for the arrest of a Black reporter who was covering a Proud Boys rally and counter protests on Saturday, according to affiliate reports.
Protests in Stone Mountain. Black Lives Matter activists and Antifa square off with armed white nationalists.
MLive reporter Samuel Robinson was covering the far-right group's rally and counterprotest and posting updates on social media most of the day.

In video taken by Robinson, the journalist could be heard telling officers several times that he was a member of the media as he was arrested with his identification lanyard around his neck.

"I'm being arrested now," Robinson said in the video. "I'm media, dude. I'm media. I'm with MLive. I'm with MLive," he said before the video cuts out.

The police chief of Seattle and 10 officers quit. The city had formally announced they're defunding the militarization of the Seattle Police.

Police Chief Carmen Best announced her retirement Monday night, shortly after Seattle's City Council voted to cut nearly $4 million from the police department's budget. She is the first African American woman to lead Seattle Police.

Best's announcement came on the same day the council approved the mid-year budget cut from the police department's 2019-2020 budget of $400 million.

The reduction to the police department budget will equate to $11 million over the course of a year, an amount that is far less than a 50% budget cut that had earlier been discussed.

In Stone Mountain, Georgia, the city had to cancel a planned rally by neo-Confederates who want to "protect" the mountain and statues. They clashed with residents and protesters.

A group called "Defending Stone Mountain" announced they plan to march to Stone Mountain Park with other groups.

They want participants to show up with their Confederate and American flags.

The village of Stone Mountain is still on alert. It sent out a message to residents and businesses to stay safe and consider avoiding Main Street on Saturday.

DeKalb Emergency Management Agency released a statement on behalf of the City of Stone Mountain, saying:

"The City of Stone Mountain is anticipating and preparing for 2 opposing groups of protesters whose intentions are to demonstrate at Stone Mountain Park. Stone Mountain Park has made the decision to close the Park on this Saturday the 15th of August. While the city have little information on what to expect during this time, out of the abundance of caution we are asking the General Public to avoid the City of Stone Mountain on Saturday August 15th beginning at 4:00am to 12:00 midnight."

With civil unrest in the United States, do you believe that a Joe Biden presidency will have more of this?

Yes. If Biden does win the presidency, we're expecting more of this.
No. It's already happening in real time under President Donald Trump. He is trying to blame the civil unrest on Biden in a lame attempt to win over white nationalists.
Please Specify:

All I can tell you in real time, that 6.8 million people are infect with the coronavirus. Over 200,000 Americans have died from the coronavirus. There are over 35 million Americans unemployed in the United States. Companies are going out of business left and right. We have civil unrest in many of America's municipalities. We are less than three months away from the U.S. Elections and we're not prepared for the possibility of election tampering from foreign entities. We are not prepared for mail-in ballots or absentee ballots. We are having a food crisis due to the coronavirus.


Over 103 people have died a day because of gun violence.

We are really having a moment where the world is on fire and Donald J. Trump is just playing golf.

MAGA Rage On Florida Highway!

This MAGAt is in lockup after racist rant and chase.
This asshole was arrested by the Collier County Sheriff's department after he filmed hurling racial slurs at a Black woman while they were both waiting at a stoplight.

The asshole was taken into custody on Friday after leading the law on a police chase going over 100 mph.

It came after a woman named Mishou posted a video of a man screaming at her when they were both stopped at a red light on Thursday evening in Naples, Florida.

In the video, this asshole was heard shouting: "How much do you think your life matters right now? None!" He then holds up a can of mace and says: "I'm going to put this mace in your black NIGGER face. Fuck you NIGGER. That's how much your life matters."

Mishou shared the video on social media and said that, "I literally just got off the highway into Naples and this is the first thing that happens to me. Like this man could've have killed me at a whole red light. FIND THIS MAN!!!"

She told the local junk food media that incidents like should be condemned.

"I just want to bring awareness to the world that even when you're minding your own business as a Black individual, we still get looked at and talked down upon! Even in Naples, Florida, this happens! I'm thankful to be alive."

The story took a turn when a resident named Yaritza Gary recognized the asshole in the video. She said this is the same asshole who offered a word vomit of hate towards her and a Black man.

"The guy was yelling the N-word, and saying like, to say something, try to do something, watch will happen to you," Gary told the junk food media.

She said that her brother Eddie was attacked by this asshole after he tried to intervene.

"Once my brother went next to him and asked the guy to stop, he starts yelling N-words at my brother also, but it was mostly towards the elderly Black man," she said.

The brother said to the junk food media he's grateful this asshole is in the county lockup.

"First thought came to mind was I have a family that depends on me and I have too much to lose because being a Black man no words can describe the pain you feel when you experience such hate."

Another woman named Dominique Peterson said that she encountered this asshole as well.

Peterson, an ICU nurse, said she and her colleague were once verbally assaulted by this guy.
Asshole locked up for racist rant and police chase. 
"When I saw her video, I was just like 'holy cow.' I got goosebumps before I could even click play. I knew it was the guy," she said. "For her to stay calm and get that video footage, which was so essential in catching that guy ... good job, girl. That's awesome. You really helped catch that guy."

Many residents believe he is a delivery driver from GrubHub. The company said that they're going to work with law enforcement to determine if he's employed under them. They said if that's true, he'll be fired out the cannon.

He will face fleeing an arresting officer, ethnic intimidation, driving violations, vandalism of political signs, disorderly conduct and possible state hate crime charges.

Hate crimes in Florida are likely a term of five to ten years if convicted. Fleeing an arresting police officer is automatically license suspension. It will result in at least five years in the iron college.

On point, he could face up to 15 years in the iron college for his actions.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.

Hester Ford Is Lovely And Still An Amazing Woman!

The lovely Ms. Hester Ford of Charlotte, North Carolina is turning a year older.
A rare feat for a North Carolina woman who is believed to be the oldest living woman in the United States. This lovely lady is either 115 or 116 years old and still feisty as ever. A lot of love for her and the family.

Ms. Hester Ford is from Charlotte, North Carolina. She got to celebrate another milestone this month with her family. The mother of 12 has 48 grandchildren and 200 great grandchildren in total.

A rare feat is being a supercentenarian. There are about 100 or so people in the world who live past 110 years old. Those who live past those lives were born between 1900 to 1910.

Ms. Hester is born on August 15, 190X which makes her 115 or 116 years old but its disputed because documents found said that she was born a year earlier. But nonetheless, Ms. Hester had been through a lot.

She survived segregation in the South. She survived World War I, World II, Korean War, Vietnam War, both Iraqi Wars and the Afghanistan War. She was born when Theodore Roosevelt was the president. She survived 20 presidents. She lived to see the first African American president named Barack Obama. She lived to see two presidents get assassinated.

She lived through some of the best and worst times in the United States. Most notable tragedies of the 20th and 21st Century were the Hindenburg tragedy, the Great Depression, the Holocaust, the first man on the moon, Martin Luther King's Assassination, Michael Jackson's death, Prince's death, Whitney Houston's death, Challenger, 9/11, the killing of Osama bin Laden, the COVID-19 pandemic. the Spanish Flu pandemic, white flight and every iconic entertainer in the 20th and 21st Century passing away.

Before her birthday on Saturday, the mayor of Charlotte, Vi Lyles had declared August 15th "Mother Hester Ford Day.'

Ms. Hester married her husband John Ford when she was 14 in 1918. John was a steel worker. He died in 1963 at the age of 57. She has survived him for 57 years and lived twice as long.

We want to wish Ms. Hester a great birthday. Hope she continues to live a good life.


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