Saturday, April 04, 2020

Quiet Fire!

Trump fires a U.S. Navy captain.

Donald J. Trump and Republicans haven't let the Ukraine issue go. They are going to try to rehash up the allegations against former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

So during the third week of this national pandemic, Trump has decided to fire the captain of USS Theodore Roosevelt and the Inspector General who alerted Congress to the whistleblower's allegations against him.

Capt. Brett E. Crozier was relieved of his duties of the naval vessel after he wrote a letter to his superiors demanding more help with his crew. Some of the members of his vessel were testing positive for the COVID-19.

The reason for his cannon firing were because the message was leaked to the junk food media.

In other words, it makes Trump look bad in the time of a pandemic. Trust me, he's already failed by not taking the potential spread of the coronavirus seriously.

He was given a rousing send off from his crew. His crew cheered as he was sent off the vessel.

So another cannon firing happened this week. The Inspector General for the U.S. Intelligence Agencies Michael Atkinson was fired out the cannon.

Trump formally notified the intelligence committees of both the House and Senate that the decision.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) who was involved in the impeachment trial slammed Trump.

In a statement, Schiff claimed the move puts the country "at even greater risk."

"Trump’s dead of night decision to fire ICIG Michael Atkinson is another blatant attempt to gut the independence of the Intelligence Community and retaliate against those who dare to expose presidential wrongdoing," he said.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), blasted the president's move as "a brazen act against a patriotic public servant who has honorably performed his duty to protect the Constitution and our national security, as required by the law and by his oath.
Trump fires the intelligence inspector general who brought the whistleblower's complaint to Congress.
“This latest act of reprisal against the Intelligence Community threatens to have a chilling effect against all willing to speak truth to power," Pelosi continued. "The President must immediately cease his attacks on those who sacrifice to keep America safe, particularly during this time of national emergency.”

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) , condemned the president's action in a pair of late-night Twitter messages.

"Whether it's LTC Vindman, Captain Crozier, or Intelligence Community Inspector General Michael Atkinson: President Trump fires people for telling the truth," Schumer wrote in one message.

"Michael Atkinson is a man of integrity who has served our nation for almost two decades," he added in a second post. "Being fired for having the courage to speak truth to power makes him a patriot."

Trump added he would nominate a replacement "who has my full confidence and who meets the appropriate qualifications," at a later time.

Tom Monheim, a career intelligence professional, will be named acting inspector general for the intelligence community, an intelligence official who requested anonymity told The Associated Press. Monheim is currently general counsel of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.

Democrats argued that the president had tied the investigation request to the withholding of U.S. military aid from Ukraine, in what they described as a "quid pro quo" arrangement. But Trump denied any wrongdoing in connection with Ukraine.

The House ultimately impeached Trump on charges of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress -- but the Senate acquitted Trump of the charges in February.

Detroit Bus Driver Died Doing His Job!

American bus driver ominous message about the coronavirus goes viral.

A brave man who worked to make sure people get to their destinations around Metro Detroit, Michigan passed away from the COVID-19.

Jason Hargrove who worked for Detroit SMART Bus lines passed away two weeks ago. He died of from the complications of the coronavirus.

He made an angry rant on social media about an older passenger coughing and wheezing on the bus putting hundreds of riders and himself at risk.

The woman didn't take active measures to prevent the spread of COVID-10 and his death was announced this week. He died on March 21, shortly after catching a fever.

"For us to get through this and get over this, y'all need to take this shit seriously," said Hargrove.

"There's folks dying out here."

Detroit's mayor Mike Duggan and Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer condemned the rider's action and praised the bus driver for doing his job serving the community.

Whitmer declared a stay at home order for the state. Those who are traveling in Michigan are told to be essential. If folks are out an about, they are to just grab a few things and head home.

Hargrove wasn’t the only bus driver angry about working without protective gear or any means to protect themselves. Several bus drivers staged a walkout on March 17, just four days before Hargrove posted his now viral video. It was only after that that they started receiving gloves and wearing masks when “they could get them” according to Glenn Tolbert, president of the bus drivers’ union. After the walkout, Tolbert said the fleet was cleaned and sanitized, but wonders if that was enough.

“We see more sick people than any doctor,” Tolbert told CNN’s Anderson Cooper. “We are the first responders before the first responders, because we pick up the sick taking them to the hospitals.”

When the mayor of Detroit met with reporters on Thursday, April 2, he told them that bus drivers previously complained of sick passengers getting on the bus, coughing and sneezing right in front of them, as passengers paid their bus fare. Since Hargrove’s passing, the mayor acknowledged watching his video and recommended that everyone in America sees it too.

“I don’t know how you can watch it and not tear up,” the mayor said. “He knew his life was being put in jeopardy even though he was going to work for the citizens of Detroit every day, by somebody who just didn’t care, somebody who didn’t take this seriously. And now he’s gone.”

As a remedy to that situation, Detroit bus drivers are no longer collecting fares at all, and passengers are only allowed to enter the bus through the rear doors. Unfortunately, that wasn’t an option for Hargrove who was diagnosed with the deadly virus shortly after he posted his video, and died days later.

As of the morning of April 4, 2020, the number of confirmed cases of the coronavirus (COVID-19) in Michigan has risen to 12,744, with 479 deaths, according to state officials.

Before he passed, he was doing a stay-in concert on his social media.

There are over 300,000 confirm cases of the coronavirus in the United States. There are over 10,000 Americans who have died from the coronavirus. The places where the most deaths are happening are in New York, New Jersey, Florida, California, Michigan and Louisiana. Every state has reported a death and its rising fast.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have predicted that there could be over 100,000 to 4 million Americans killed by the coronavirus.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Friday, April 03, 2020

BREAKING: Bill Withers Passed Away!

Legendary soul and jazz singer Bill Withers passed away.
No one is safe from the coronavirus.

Legendary jazz and soul singer Bill Withers passed away at the age of 81 from heart complications and it's not confirmed yet but it may have something to due with COVID-19.

The three time Grammy winner left the music scene in the mid-1980s but left us some of the best songs to get through the coronavirus pandemic.

"Lean on Me" and "Lovely Day" are some of his best hits. His single "Just The Two Of Us" with Grover Washington, Jr. is also well-known hit.

Listen the Essential Bill Withers, here.

His death comes as the public has drawn inspiration from the pandemic. Healthcare workers, first responders and choirs are singing Withers as they are getting through this pandemic.

Over 10,000 people were killed by the COVID-19. There are over 600,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the United States.

"We are devastated by the loss of our beloved, devoted husband and father. A solitary man with a heart driven to connect to the world at large, with his poetry and music, he spoke honestly to people and connected them to each other," the family said in a statement. "As private a life as he lived close to intimate family and friends, his music forever belongs to the world. In this difficult time, we pray his music offers comfort and entertainment as fans hold tight to their loved ones."

"Lean on Me," a paeon to friendship, was performed at the inaugurations of both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton. "Ain't No Sunshine" and "Lean on Me" are among Rolling Stone's list of 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.

Withers was born in Slab Fork, West Virginia. He was an active musician from 1963 to 1985.
Bill Withers was the Black everyman.
Withers, the youngest of six children, was born in a coal mining town. He was born with a sutter and said that he had trouble trying to fit in. He grew up in the city of Beckley. His father died at age 13.

He would provide for the family by enlisting the U.S. Navy at the age of 18. He served for nine years during the time he overcame his stuttering and began a career of singing and songwriting.

He left the Navy in 1965. Using the $250 he received from selling his furniture to IBM co-worker Ron Sierra, he relocated to Los Angeles in 1967 to start a music career. He was working at Douglas Aircraft Corporation, while recording demo tapes with his own money, shopping around and performing in clubs at night. When he debuted the "Ain't No Sunshine," he refused to quit his job because he feared that the rock star life was minor and it wouldn't help him make a living.

His second studio album, Still Bill broke the barriers with the singles "Lean on Me" and "Use Me."

Before he retired from the music industry, he had eight albums, one studio album and numerous compilations of his greatest singles.

His death comes on the heels of many celebrities and everyone in the world dying from the coronavirus.

Dry Cough!

Trump knows his legacy is now focused on the coronavirus. It's already destroyed the U.S. economy.

I want to first say, thank you for reading Journal de la Reyna, Regardless of the outcomes, we will still be here for you. 

If anything does happen to me, LeReyna or anyone who contributes to the blog, we'll try to keep you informed as best as possible.

I am cautious and slightly concerned about the direction of the country. I don't see a light at the end of this tunnel. We may be heading into a depression thanks to the failed leadership of our president and the federal government. No one is safe. 

The Great American Comeback!

We'll see what happens!

Despite a handful of mass shootings, the coronavirus and the uncertainty of the global trade market, the U.S. Department of Labor releases its February jobs report.

There are over 300,000 confirm cases of the coronavirus in the United States. There are over 10,000 Americans who have died from the coronavirus. The places where the most deaths are happening are in New York, New Jersey, Florida, California, Michigan and Louisiana. Every state has reported a death and its rising fast.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have predicted that there could be over 100,000 to 4 million Americans killed by the coronavirus.

Here's a map of the coronavirus spread.

We are in a medical crisis and at early stages of a recession. No one could have predicted how much damage one president has caused to this country. The Simpsons may have prove to the world that Donald J. Trump is a terrible president. A former reality television star and business mogul with no politic experience becoming the current president. A vein man who is willing to drag everyone into the cesspool because of his massive ego. A man who sold Americans he's a "change agent." 

A man who is still obsessed with his predecessor Barack Obama. He blames Obama for the mess he's created. He was going to use Obama, Hillary Clinton and his eventual opponent as scapegoats.

He will likely continue to do so. He still has a loyal base of supporters and despite them being affected by this. He will continue to win their support and it may help carry him into reelection victory.

A title that is now irrelevant because of this COVID-19 pandemic. President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Congress, the 54 state and territorial governors, Washington, DC's mayor, the city mayors, state legislatures, the junk food media are trying to calm a nation of uncertainty.

Everyone is affected by the coronavirus. The two remaining candidates in the Democratic primary race are idling. Joe Biden can't do campaigning. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) can't do campaigning.

Trump was banking on the economy and jobs. He was hoping that Biden will be scapegoated with the Ukraine nonsense. He was hoping that Sanders would be too polarizing for moderates and independents. Trump is the third U.S. president to be impeached while in office. He was indicted on misuse of power and failure to comply to Congressional request. The U.S. Senate choose not to convict him on a partisan line vote.
The Coronavirus Task Force is still trying to calm a nation.
Trump clinched the nomination amount to be the nominee. However he can't campaign or brag about it. But he sure as hell is bragging about ratings when he does these Coronavirus Task Force briefings.

Sanders who has no reasonable path to the nomination is still in this race and is calling for states to delay primaries. He rather put more lives at risk to save his disastrous campaign. His push for Medicare for All is falling flat. Everyone including the insurance companies are suffering. It is a virus that doesn't discriminate.

The impact has affected the economy. The economy is unstable right now. The reasonable gains that Trump bragged about are gone. His reelection chances are down from 65% to now somewhere between 45% and 53% in most betting trades.


Click the map to create your own at

The unemployment numbers for the month of March are not good. I mean it's not good at all.

The U.S. officially shed 701,000 jobs in March, but the statistics don't show the worst because they were gathered before the massive laid offs.

So the for the 50 states, five territories and the District of Columbia there were Americans who lost their jobs despite the massive unemployment claims of two weeks ago.

The U.S. Census is ongoing with massive restrictions. They are going to collect information on the latest amount of Americans and nationals living here in the country.

So far we have 335.3 million people living here. We are in a massive causality event. For ever 5 hours someone is dying from this. Over 4,000 people have died from the coronavirus. It has surpassed the 9/11 casualties. The 9/11 terrorist attack took nearly 3,000 lives. We on track to take over 10,000 or more at present date.

The unemployment rate went up to 4.4% from a 50-year low of 3.5%.

The real unemployment number could rise to 15% or higher.

Last month's actual job loss was likely even larger because the government surveyed employers before the heaviest layoff hit in the past two weeks. Nearly 10 million Americans applied for unemployment benefits in the last two weeks of March, far exceeding the figure for any corresponding period on record.

The service industry took a massive hit. Hotels, restaurants, casinos, department stores, auto factories, movie theaters, administrative offices, warehouses and other service based jobs are wiped out.

The U.S. added 23 million jobs throughout the 2010s. Now nearly all of that is at risk of destruction.

Things that make you go hmmm....!

1. Donald J. Trump becomes the third U.S. President to be impeached while in office. He escapes being removed from office by the U.S. Senate. The Senate rejects witnesses and evidence. They quickly acquitted Trump. The trial offered extensive evidence. Republicans weren't convinced by the evidence and voted to acquit him. This acquittal assures Trump will ask for help from foreign entities yet again.

2. The Democrats have rallied around Joe Biden in the race to replace Trump. The only candidates that are running are Biden and Bernie Sanders. Most state primaries are postponed until further notice. The Democrats feel comfortable with Biden. Biden cannot do really much. He is pretty much waiting for this to end so he can return to campaigning. Trump can't campaign either. He was hoping to rehash the Ukraine controversy which got him impeached.

3. The U.S. has nearly 500,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. The disease has spread across the states and many individuals are dying from it. Trump is blaming Barack Obama for his failure to get the ball rolling on prevention. Trump deregulations have finally taken a toll.

4. Brick and mortar stores are shuttering in suburbia. JCPenney, Macy's, Pier 1 Imports, Forever 21, Hallmark, Kmart, Sears, Walgreens, Walmart, Kroger are closing stores. Walmart and Kroger are no longer operating stores on a 24-hour format. The coronavirus has changed the dynamic of operations in superstores. They are closing stores at midnight and 1am to eliminate workers. 

5. No one is seeing the results of the Job and Tax Cuts Act passed in 2017. The tax cuts are not showing massive success. So far, no change in the wage gap between the middle class and wealthy. We just passed another trillion dollar stimulus to help Americans. It won't save the economy.

6. Folks are working one or more jobs to stay afloat. Now they're laid off as well. Conservatives have claimed that Americans who use the safety net are lazy. They now see the impact of Americans being laid off from their jobs (at no fault of their own). They still are trying to make the argument that folks who are now getting these checks are going to demand more. A measly $1,200 isn't going to help Americans spend. It's going to help them one time with bills and rent. They don't realize that many Americans are working more than 40 hours and are often staying longer hours or working a second job to pay rent, mortgage or vehicle expenses. Insurance rates are up due to Trump rolling back regulations, eliminating the insurance mandate of the Affordable Care Act, and private insurance companies aren't paying for natural disasters and human based disasters. 

7. Trump and his administration did subliminal cuts to food stamps, housing credits and disaster relief. The Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Trump administration in their attempts to cut the safety net from immigrants who have American born children and working class families who are struggling to find food in area affected by food deserts, blight and natural disasters.

8. The Supreme Court has postponed many cases. Some of the most controversial cases involve women's rights, LGBTQ rights, land disputes and executive powers of Trump.

Nonetheless, Republicans will conclude that Trump's economy is great. Democrats will conclude that Trump's economy sucks. None of them will offer much other than the same old tired talking points about tax cuts, raising taxes on the rich and fixing roads and bridges. The same old shit but from a different face.

No one can wait forever for changes. Congress is made up of old, white and well off politicians.

Those die-hard Trump supporters will say that his leadership is successful. All the while, they find that their average wages are stalling. Many of these Trump supporters probably lost their jobs. Some are probably losing their homes due to flooding, wildfires and foreclosure. Some Trump supporters lost family members or got infected by the coronavirus.Trump supporters are concerned about their lives as well.
The safety net is being stretched to the brink.
Food prices, energy prices, rent, city services and college education have risen. With folks not working, the fears of being thrown on the street are live and direct. Folks are struggling to make ends meet as well as landlords, mortgage brokers and those who need the money to repair facilities.

Real Reason To Why Unemployment Rate Stays The Way It Is!























Let me remind you, that Trump and Republicans believe rolling back regulations and austerity are the key factors to a strong economy and job market. The Republicans are not in control of the House of Representatives. The Democrats now control the House and will push for an agenda that Trump will likely oppose. Republicans in the Senate will continue to pass ridiculous laws that hurt the working class and middle class. They are already streamlining federal judges that could rollback years of progress.

Trump and Republicans believe that trickle down economics (i.e. free market capitalism) is helping Americans. Really, it's making people work harder and we're not seeing the benefits of it. So far private equity firms are buying corporations and piling on debt. These corporations can't sustain the debt and are forced to declare bankruptcy and eventually liquidation. Many of our nation's largest companies and start-ups have equity firms investing in them. When the firms want their money, they're going to get their money.

With Republicans trying to dismantle the Affordable Care Act, many of Trump's die hard supporters are going to get a culture shock when they find out their health coverage from their employer is terminated due to the coronavirus and states pulling out of the Healthcare Marketplace.

The Jobs and Tax Cut Act and the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act has added trillions of dollars of debt to the economy. The results of the tax cuts haven't produced the stability. It's still considered a very unpopular law.

Trump is destroying the economy, causing uncertainty in world and is bring chaos wherever he lands.

There is nothing positive about him and the Republican Party.

Thursday, April 02, 2020

6ix9ine Is Out The Coup!

The controversial 6ix9ine is out of the lockup.
Takashi 6ix9ine is out of federal time out and is in protected custody on in-house. He was granted release from the U.S. federal due to the coronavirus.

The 23-year old former rapper was released quietly to a place in Queens.

"He's out and he's very happy to be released," said his lawyer Lance Lazzaro.

Born Daniel Hernandez, he was then a rapper, social media influence, and former member of the domestic terrorist group The Bloods. He will be tested for the coronavirus.

The former rapper "must remain at his residence except to seek any necessary medical treatment or to visit his attorney, in each instance with prior notice and approval from the U.S. Marshals and Probation Department."
The controversial rapper is on house arrest.
6ix9ine got an approval from the judge that he won't cause any trouble. He has completed 94% of his federal time out. The judge at first denied his request for early release. However due to the coronavirus and the possibility of it spreading around New York City, the judge had to reconsider the level of offenders to be release to in-house instead of being exposed to the possible virus.

He was arrested on weapons charges, racketeering, drug charges and possible criminal intent to murder. The former rapper had testified against his former manager Kifano "Shotti" Jordan and three other men who were associated with the domestic terrorist group Nine-Treys.

Hernandez has a criminal history that ranges from domestic violence, unlawful conduct with a minor, felonious assault, theft, and robbery.

They placed a "all-points" on him. In 2018, he was kidnapped, stripped naked and robbed of his jewelry.

That "all-points" means that 6ix9ine is a marked. Some martyr will attempt to murder the former rapper.

He ratted out notable members of the Bloods. Some include rapper Jim Jones, Cardi B and Trippie Redd.

The Gnat Swarms The Drain!

Troll was removed from the White House after violating her contract with the White House Correspondents Association. She cries about it and Trump's spox Stephanie Grisham gives her a pass.
One American News Network announced their White House press room reporter and illustrator Chanel Rion will return after she was escorted off the grounds due to her failure to practice social distancing.

OAN Network will be a guest of honor with Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham.

"OANN White House Correspondent Chanel Rion tells me that she has been invited by Stephanie Grisham to attend today's coronavirus press briefing, despite being voted out of the rotation by the [White House Correspondents' Association] yesterday for violating social distancing guidelines," said Jennifer Franco, an anchor of the Russian-propaganda/Trump-loving network.

The agitator had sparked controversy after she asked Trump a softball question about the coronavirus and accused journalists of  "siding with Chinese Communists, drug cartels and radical Islamic extremists."

These comments made the rounds. She was roundly condemned for these questions.

Rion explained in a her statement, "I spoke with Stephanie Grisham this morning and she invited me again to attend the briefing today as her guest standing in the back and I will be in the briefing room today if they're not physical complications with that."

The WHCA sent an email to its membership about the agitator.

Here's the current map of the coronavirus spread.

"We did this because a reporter for this outlet twice attended press briefings in contravention of this policy," the WHCA board wrote. "We do not take this action lightly. This is a matter of public safety."

ABC News White House chief and WHCA president Jonathan Karl said that she violated the terms of her agreement.

"In order to comply with the social distancing guidelines, and to take steps to ensure the health and safety of the press corps and White House staff, there is no room for reporters who do not have an assigned seat today, or on any given day, to be standing in the briefing room," Karl said. "If somebody is to be a guest of the White House, they should be sitting in the seats to the side which are set aside for White House staff."

She is an Asian American far-right agitator. The many tokens who sell themselves to the alter of Donald J. Trump.

The Unemployment Barrel!

The coronavirus displaced millions of workers.
Involuntary job loss due to governors ordering business closures in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic has gotten 13 million people out of work.

Who is going to take the blame?

With millions of Americans out of work due to the COVID-19 pandemic, who actually deserves the blame for this?

Donald Trump
U.S. state and territorial governors
World Health Organization
Please Specify:

Remember them days when Sean "Softball" Hannity was going on and on about how Barack Obama's economy put so many people out of work. Remember that the softball was complaining about how Donald J. Trump has gotten millions off of food stamps, poverty and dependency.

It was only last year and it was on his right wing carnival and bullshit mountain.

Please tell Americans that we're eligible for the safety net.


Trump issued executive orders affected the way Americans can use the safety net in the time of need.

He also is signalling that he's willing to stop the Affordable Care Act Marketplace.

On point, this weeks jobless claims rose to 6.6 million.

New claims for unemployment benefits rose to 6.65 million in the week ending March 28, according to figures released by the Department of Labor on Thursday.

It means that roughly over 10 million Americans have lost their jobs and filed for unemployment in the two weeks that the coronavirus started rapidly spreading across the country.

States like Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, Ohio and New York have the largest increase in unemployment benefits.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

On point, we have over 5,500 confirmed deaths from the coronavirus. We have no sign of the situation calming down. There are over 300,000 confirmed cases of individuals testing positive for the disease.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Bernie Playing Footsie With Whoopi!

Bernie Sanders popularity is tanking.
The Democratic primaries are pretty much on the sidelines. The two remaining candidates running for the nomination are stuck in limbo. The two and Donald J. Trump can no longer hold rallies due to the coronavirus pandemic. Trump may have single-handedly destroyed the U.S. economy and healthcare because of his failures to act on a crisis. He is not responsible for the outbreak of the virus.

However, he is responsible for the slow-paced and mixed messages being delivered to the American people.

Over 5,000 people have died. Over 250,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the United States.

The estimated death totals are alarming. It could be over 100,000 to 4 million lives lost to the coronavirus. I don't know if we're talking months or years. Who knows?

The coronavirus doesn't know a timeline. A timeline doesn't determine when the pandemic is over.

So far, we're in the fourth month of 2020 and this may be the worst beginning of a decade, ever.

I am getting tired of the online presence of Bernie Sanders' supporters. The  U.S. Senator from Vermont is still running despite calls to drop out of the race. He appeared from his home to do an interview with The View.

Whoopi Goldberg immediately asked him a question about why is still running knowing his path to winning is narrow. She asked why is he still in the race. Goldberg echoed the 2016 Democratic primary where Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and his supporters were reluctant to help Hillary Clinton.

"Why are you still in the race?" said Goldberg.

"Last I heard, people in a democracy have a right to vote, and they have a right to vote for the agenda that they think can work for America," said Sanders. “We are assessing our campaign.”

As he started to protest, she asked, “Can you explain why you’re still in the race and what this path is that you see?”

“That's not quite accurate,” Sanders replied. “I worked as hard as I could for Hillary Clinton.”

Let me make this clear. Sanders failed to build a coalition that could have carried him throughout the primaries. It's nobody but Bernie Sanders fault for that. His supporters are insufferable.

They are have been actively trolling progressives and moderates online with rhetoric similar to Donald J. Trump's MAGA (Make America Great Again) cult. I mean it's a tragic result of following partisan hacks.

I used to follow Shaun King, Michael Moore, The Young Turks and Secular Talk. No longer I am following them. I am done with them. They have proven to me that their message is to destroy the accomplishments of the Democratic Party. Their goal is to sabotage the Democratic nominee regardless of who it was. The surrogates were willing to destroy Joe Biden, Michael Bloomberg, Kamala Harris, Beto O'Rourke, Pete Buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and Tulsi Gabbard.

Nina Turner, Cornel West, Briahna Joy Gray, Killer Mike, Ryan Knight, Cenk Uygur, Kyle Kulinski, Katie Halper, Krystal Ball and  Linda Sarsour are problematic. I had to drop a handful of these trolls for good reason. They are living in a delusional world where they believe that the "losing candidate" in the primary stands a better chance at beating Trump. They are hoping Trump beats Biden to prove a point.

They are driven by conspiracy theories.

If Sanders continues to fall behind in the delegate count, he will complain about the "establishment" trying to keep him from winning the nomination. He will not concede to the fact that Black voters aren't appealing to his campaign. He will not concede to the fact that younger voters didn't turn out in mass to support him. He will not concede that he burnt bridges when he took on Warren, Buttigieg, Bloomberg, Biden and Harris. His campaign was built on divisiveness and its Trumpian.

Trump won on being the loudest voice in the room. He might win again on this notion. But damn it, I am not going to support Sanders if he continues to allow these fucking idiots speak on behalf of him.

Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Adam Schlesinger Passed Away!

Adam Schlesinger, songwriter and founding member of Fountains of Wayne passed away from the coronavirus.

No one is immuned from the coronavirus. There were a handful of entertainers, politicians, people in the news and folks you may have known dying of the COVID-19.

At current pace with 335.3 million folks, we could experience a massive causality event. For ever 5 hours someone is dying from this.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have estimated that the peak of viral spread could reach 4 million with 100,000 to 250,000 deaths.

This is some real crazy shit going on. Everyone, including myself, LeReyna, our contributors, our wonderful readers, our families, our friends, our neighbors and yes, the critics are at risk of COVID-19.

John Hopkins University Medical Center has a map that shows the COVID-19 impact areas. Look below at the map and details to how this dangerous virus has impacted the United States and 145 nations.

Donald J. Trump, Mike Pence, Congress, the 54 governors of states and territories, Washington, DC's mayor, the city mayors, state legislatures and the junk food media are trying to calm a nation of uncertainty.

Mind you that the number of deaths have risen to over 5,000 with over 230,000 confirmed cases of Americans contracting the virus.
Schlesinger helped write songs for comedienne Rachel Bloom. 
Fountains of Wayne singer Adam Schlesinger was a causality of the coronavirus. The 52-year old entertainer was highly regarded for his work as a member of the punk rock group Fountains of Wayne and his songwriting for Rachel Bloom and Aline Brosh McKenna's CW dramedy Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

Bloom, the series star who recently had her child addressed the situation on her social media.

He passed away on Wednesday after complications of the coronavirus.

Schlesinger had previously been reported Tuesday morning as “very sick and heavily sedated” by his attorney of 25 years, Josh Grier. Schlesinger has been in an upstate New York hospital for more than a week at that time, Grier said.

An EGOT contender, Schlesinger was nominated for Oscars, Tonys, Grammys and Emmys. He won two awards out of the EGOT.

He won two trophies in 2018 for his work on the series.

He wrote the lyrics for Bloom's song, "Antidepressants Are So Not a Big Deal." It was also written Bloom and Jack Dolgen.

His Oscar nomination in 1997 was for co-writing the theme song for the Tom Hanks-directed film “That Thing You Do!,” one of his first successful forays outside the realm of his own music-making with Fountains of Wayne. He was also nominated for a Golden Globe at that time.
Fountains of Wayne are best known for the coming-of-age single, "Stacy's Mom."
Fountains of Wayne, the band he co-founded with Chris Collingwood, earned two Grammy nominations in 2003, for best new artist (many years after the band’s actual recording debut) and for best pop performance by a group for the top 20 single “Stacy’s Mom,” a cheeky MTV staple that became the band’s biggest hit. His lone Grammy win, though, came for best comedy album for his work on “A Stephen Colbert Christmas.”

It's expected by mid-April we will see over 50,000 people killed by this.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Alex Jones Screaming He's Broke!

Far white agitator Alex Jones is a broken nut.

Nearly 5,000 people have died of the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have estimated that the peak of viral spread could reach 4 million with 100,000 to 250,000 deaths.

This is some real crazy shit going on. Everyone, including myself, LeReyna, our contributors,  byou wonderful readers, our families, our friends, our neighbors and yes, the critics are at risk of COVID-19.

This is a pandemic.

The United States is leading the numbers of confirmed coronavirus cases. Folks from all walks of life are dying from this.

All the while, InfoWars is trying to promote the "cure" for COVID-19.

First things first, Alex Jones is a controversial figure. He was kicked off Twitter, Facebook and YouTube after years of promoting far-white extremism masquerading as conspiracy theories.

Jones is piling on legal woes. He was busted in March in Texas. He was busted on a charge of driving while intoxicated in Travis County.

The deputy who stopped him early Tuesday was responding to a family disturbance call, according to the affidavit. The caller said there was a "disturbance between the victim and her husband."

The driver went on the road intoxicated.

He was pulled over close to the incident and tested. He had an alcoholic level above the legal limit.

He was put in the county lockup and released shortly after. He will face a possible suspension of his license and mandatory testing for alcohol abuse.

The suspect is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law.
No one is buying his bullshit. He is forced to pay for slandering American families affected by gun violence.
Also a federal court ordered the far-white agitator to compensate the victims of the Sandy Hook massacre. The agitator had made claims that the victims of the 2012 mass shooting in Connecticut were "crisis actors" and the incidents were staged. It lead to many of the victims being harassed by his following of cultists. He tried to appeal the ruling in a last minute attempt to cite "First Amendment" rights. It failed and now he's got to pay legal fees for the appeal.

A federal judge ruled that Jones is liable and must fork over a hefty amount in damages.

Now he's also facing criticism from state prosecutors in four states. Hence forth the controversy involving miracle treatment.

One in particular is New York attorney general Letitia James. The first African American woman to be the state of New York's prosecutor ordered Jones to stop claiming that InfoWars products are able to cure diseases.

Jones was marketing toothpaste, dietary supplements, and creams as being able to prevent or cure the COVID-19 virus.

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube are getting aggressive with shitkickers. They are pushing conspiracies and fake products in the time of a pandemic. Laura Ingrown (Laura Ingraham) had a few of her postings pulled after she promoted a "cure" on her Twitter feed.

Sean "Softball" Hannity is also facing heat for his recent denials of calling the pandemic a hoax. He wasn't the one fired out the cannon. Trish Regan was fired out the cannon after she called the coronavirus panic an attempt to impeach and destroy Donald J. Trump.

Google Play had also deactivated the InfoWars app. The latest blow to a failed agitator who still wants to keep relevance. Apple dropped InfoWars last year during.

Jones is struggling. He owes spousal and child support. He owes millions in punitive damages to those affected by his bullshit. He might lose his driver's license due to his drinking problem. He is banned from promoting products online. He cannot get a social media account other than Gab and Telegram (for the time being). He's pretty much washed up.

Sooner or later, Alex Jones will be................I don't know. I don't care either.

Remembering Bob Owens. He was the founder of Bearing Arms, a blog devoted to gun rights and racial agitation. He was a far-white extremist who wrote posts about Black on whatever crime, attacked progressive activists, Democrats, Barack Obama and appealed to far-white websites like..... (I won't mention them).

That troll killed himself about three years ago. Not saying Alex Jones is heading that way.

But it would be one less pain in the world.

April Fools!

An American president still having trouble trying to calm a nation.

We'll see what happens!

I want to first say, thank you for reading Journal de la Reyna, Regardless of the outcomes, we will still be here for you. 

If anything does happen to me, LeReyna or anyone who contributes to the blog, we'll try to keep you informed as best as possible.

I am cautious and slightly concerned about the direction of the country. I don't see a light at the end of this tunnel. We may be heading into a depression thanks to the failed leadership of our president and the federal government. No one is safe. 

I live in Ohio. I was affected by the coronavirus pandemic. I am healthy and I haven't caught the virus yet. I am not afraid to die. I am not afraid of the virus. However, I don't know what plan B is when a family member, friend or someone close to you dies. You can't attend a funeral due to the fact of the coronavirus affecting large gatherings. It does make me worry about losing my son, my parents, my sister (and her child), my family members across the country, my friends and acquaintances who I know.

Millions of Americans are laid off in the United States. 

Thousands in Ohio are laid off due to governor's shutting down establishments that have large gatherings. I work at a business that has 100 or more individuals. I lost my job and don't know if they'll open up based on Gov. Mike DeWine's executive order. 

Whole Foods and its parent company of Amazon had a walkout due to the safety issues for the workers. Amazon employees also got angry at the way things are being ran. A few workers at both establishments got COVID-19. The employees demand better treatment for their Amazon drivers, packers, Whole Food cashiers, stockers and food preparers. 

Donald J. Trump has a 45% chance of winning reelection. 

It was a significant drop. I predict that Trump has a slim chance of winning reelection. He will likely lose Michigan and Pennsylvania. He will put North Carolina, Arizona and Florida in toss up category. Wisconsin is leaning Republican. Ohio is solid Republican. Iowa is likely Republican. Minnesota is likely Democratic. New Hampshire is likely Democratic. Virginia is likely Democratic. 

Click the map to create your own at

White House Coronavirus Action Team releases the report that 100,000 to 2 million people could die from the COVID-19. Trump continues to urge Americans to stay away from one another. The coronavirus has over 200,000 confirmed cases. They have confirmed over 4,500 deaths. It's rising quickly.

As April begins, we realize we're in a health crisis, a global recession and a possible economic collapse of the service industry. Every one is affected.

President Donald J. Trump, Vice President Mike Pence, Congress, the 54 state and territorial governors (including the Washington, DC mayor), state lawmakers, city mayors, and the junk food media are trying to calm a nation of uncertainty.

Americans are seeing financial struggles. The unemployment rate will certainly rise. 

The measly $1,200 that the government is giving to Americans is a one time deal. It's not enough to help Americans pay bills or feed a family. Even if they give $2,400 for a family with children, still not enough.

Those living paycheck to paycheck are going to be hit hard with bills for rent, mortgage, electric bills, water bills and credit cards. Not all states and territories made executive orders to stop rent collection. So if you owe and you can't negotiate with your landlord, you're on the street.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have announced that the virus could peak around April 15.

But again, we have no actual confirmation of when this virus will peak. Trump at first wanted America back to work by Easter. That is no longer an option. His advisers warned him if Americans go back to work and the disease still exists, the damage could become worse than it is now.

I don't know what lies ahead for America......

It's a level of uncertainty and lack of trust for our leaders.

It's good to thank the first responders and doctors who are working nonstop to save lives. But what more can you do? I mean these stay-at-home orders are driving people insane.

At current pace with 335.3 million folks, we could experience a massive causality event. For ever 5 hours someone is dying from this. Over 4,000 people have died from the coronavirus. It has surpassed the 9/11 casualties. The 9/11 terrorist attack took nearly 3,000 lives.

Americans have died of the coronavirus. Dr. Anthony Fauci and Dr. Deborah Brix have estimated that the peak of viral spread could reach 4 million with 100,000 to 250,000 deaths.

This is some real crazy shit going on. Everyone, including myself, LeReyna, our contributors, our wonderful readers, our families, our friends, our neighbors and yes, the critics are at risk of COVID-19.

It's expected by mid-April we will see over 50,000 people killed by this.

With the coronavirus pandemic, Americans are being ordered to stay at home if they're sick and those who are able to work are doing under tight restrictions. Many companies had to lay off millions because of the spread of the coronavirus.

Here's things to remember about the coronavirus.

1. Wash your hands frequently
2. Do not touch your face (mouth, nose and eyes)
3. Cough into your elbow instead of your hands.
4. Keep a safe distance (at least 6 to 10 feet) from individuals.
5. If you're sick, please stay home.
6. There is no treatment or cure for the COVID-19.
7. Follow state and federal laws regarding this.
8. Do not hoard items like toilet paper, bread, gloves, hand sanitizer, etc.
9. Use social media like Facebook Messenger, Google Duo, Skype or social media to connect.
10. COVID-19 can live on surfaces for more than 72 hours. Including steel, plastic and cardboard.
11. A pandemic has no timeline.
12. COVID-19 doesn't care about borders.

The coronavirus doesn't care about your age, race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, politics, economic or social standings. It doesn't care about anything. It's a living organism that causes mild symptoms that include: fever, sore throats, chills, respiratory issues, loss of taste or smell and other unknown symptoms. If you have a weak immune system or health issues, your risk increases.

Death does happen to at least 40% of those who are affected by COVID-19.

Healthy people can die from this.

If you need more information, visit the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention at

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Nickelodeon Will Cover NFL Games!

Nickelodeon will start hosting NFL wildcard playoff games.
Viacom-CBS Domestic Networks has decided to air sports on the children's cable network Nickelodeon.

It was confirmed that the National Football League will air 2021 playoff games on Nickelodeon.

Instead of a 12 playoff contest, it will be 14. So there will be two additional games in the wild-card round of the postseason.

The games haven't been scheduled as of yet.

So the NFL is trying to appeal to age 7 to 14 years old?

NBC and CBS will broadcast the additional games, and they'll also air in a couple of new places.

NBC will launch Peacock soon and its likely to be airing NFL Games on Streaming Video on Demand (SVOD).

NFL team owners voted to expand the playoff format from 12 to 14 teams on Tuesday. This will create two additional wild-card playoff games per year, which the team owners voted to broadcast on two of its regular broadcast partners, NBC and CBS.

Both games, however, also will be aired on different platforms. NBC will air its extra game — which will be broadcast at 8:15 p.m. ET on Jan. 10 — on Peacock, its new streaming service, and Spanish-language network Telemundo. CBS will show its game on Nickelodeon, the popular children’s cable station, via a separately produced telecast.

The Nickelodeon game, which will be broadcast at 4:40 p.m. ET on Jan. 10, will be tailored for a younger audience.

Note: Nick at Nite is a part of Nickelodeon and is treated as a separate entity even though its a shared channel.


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