Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Tale Of Two Representatives And The Course of Civility!

Rep. Keith Ellison
Rep. Keith Ellison is an African American Democrat from Minnesota who is a Sunni Muslim. Ellison has spoken out against racial profiling within the Black and Hispanic community. He was very vocal against the "radical Muslim" hearings by Islamophobic Rep. Peter King (R-New York).
Two Minnesota representatives are once again embroiled in a controversy. Congressman Keith Ellison is an African American congressman from Minnesota. The Democratic congressman generated a little bit of controversy after he retweeted a comment from a follower about U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann is a controversial figure in U.S. politics. After suffering a major setback in the Republican presidential nomination race, Bachmann now focuses on her chances at retaining her congressional seat. After Minnesota legislators approved a controversial voting redistricting, Bachmann is facing an opponent within a heavily Democratic district. So instead of competing in this district, she takes her case to another district and hopes on a long-shot victory in a district that leans Republican. Her latest brush with controversy is the comment her fellow Congressman Doug Lamborn (R-Colorado) used during a radio interview.

Conservatives up in arms over Rep. Ellison's retweet of a supporter's view of U.S. presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Now let me tell you something about this controversy.

For the right to get riled up about this Twitter posting is funny. There's plenty of extremely offensive things online conservatives say about the first Muslim to be elected in U.S. Congress. Nevermind the fact, that most online chatter from those in the conservative movement is far worse. Nevermind the whisper campaign about President Barack Obama being a Muslim, by those in the conservative movement.

You notice the pattern of disrespect shown to the president, in the mind of a conservative is considered patriotic by some! Even those in the media such as Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill Cunningham, Mark Levin and Glenn Beck parade themselves as patriotic Americans fighting against the perceived tyranny of a liberal government (aka Black president)!

Unfortunately, they're still stuck in the past. They still got a lot of work to do in order to catch up with the rest of society. The facts are shown that the Republican Party is having real trouble courting minorities, GLBT and those who practice in Islam.

Just about 86% of the Republican Party is solely white. The party is mostly catered to men. It's beginning to look like an "all boys club" with a few "Blacks, Latinos, Asians and handful of women!"

This controversy is ridiculous. This is grasping for straws again.

You got to admit, Mitt Romney does come off as a douchbag! And that's not a product of President Barack Obama or Congressman Keith Ellison. That's coming strictly out of Romney's own Republican Party.

Here's a taste of the conservative outrage! A reminder: To those who share bigoted views towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings. My question to you! 

For those who criticize President Barack Obama and Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota), why is it harder for you to complete a full sentence when you're upset over another person's criticism of a public figure? Why can't you figure out that this ongoing Obama Derangement Syndrome will eventually turn off the independents. You understand that this is another example of why those in the progressive movement call conservatives the racist, sexist, homophobic, Islamophobic, overreaching, condscending bigots they've made this group out to be!

Check out what The Fox Nation is saying! Be warned this website contains offensive language that's deemed extremely racist and insensitive.

  •   PresidentJeffersonDavis 10 hours ago
    There are certain things this country was founded upon and radical moolims was not one of them.
  • sabadoge 10 hours ago
  • I have heard that Mr.Ellison likes young boys.....well, at least thats what I heard.
    See a Lib can say anything as long as the explian it away or are a comedian.
    Oh, let the record show that Im a comedian.
  • willie281 10 hours ago
    Republicans will lose the semantic war, cause dumb people that would vote for Obama, look no further than sound bytes.
  • Think Right Vote Right 10 hours ago
    The lack of civility seems to be the doctrine of the left
  •  Civility for me, but not for thee. Seems to be a Dem thing, does it not? Had a Pub said it, the subsequent tirade would have burst eardrums.
    However, Mr. Ellison is b l a c k, he's a lib, and he's a M u s l i m. He can say/do as he pleases.
  • rippermac 10 hours ago
    The Honorable Mr. Ellis will need to make dramatic personal improvements to elevate himself to colostomy-bag status.  He is as contemptable as any other DEM!
  •  I wounder what he is calling Paul Ryan and his budget plan. The President Is treating Ryan and that is OK with the LSM.
  • henscolasc 10 hours ago
    Isn't it so wonderful... the progresso/socialist/communists say that they're "all inclusive", "tollerant", "caring"... all of those "lovey dovey" terms, when ACTUALLY, they are a bunch of eletist, closed minded, H A T E filled hypocrits!  Look at how many times they use the word H A T E!  HYPOCRITS TO THE EXTREME. 
  • canvasback1 10 hours ago
    Americans, do you remember the 60’s when it was power to the people and against the MAN? Isn’t it sad that these same people have become the MAN, and now it’s their power against the people, and what is even sadder is that most of OUR country is blind to this fact. We either stand and f i ght or lose OUR freedoms and dreams forever. YOUR choice, not mine. I already know what I’m doing.
  • In the 60s, wasn't it the Democrats who were "the Man?"  And the anarchist's were fighting against "the Man?"  So now the anarchists of the 60s are "the Man" and trying to preserve THEIR power over "the people;" the more things change, the more they stay the same!
  • johnnybags 9 hours ago
    He's a terrorist supporter...don't recall him ever having denounced any act of terrorism anywhere.
  • Sworn in on the K O R A N, not the B I B L E. Nuff said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Amen brother. First time that has ever happened in the USA!
  • shadetree24 9 hours ago
    this is one of the commies alan west was talking about.
  • anneinarkansas 9 hours ago
    These are really disgusting people.
  • 37golf 9 hours ago
    We're going to see more and more of this hysterical behavior as we draw closer to the election.  The com mun ist pigs know they're going to lose the WH and their strangle hold on the Senate so we can expect them at some point to even become violent.
    It wasn't enough that history tells us that their ideology is a failure, they had to force com mun ism on the American people and cause grief, suffering and loss to all of us.  There is only one solution for dealing with people this stupid and this cruel, GET RID OF THEM !!
  • bostoncelt 9 hours ago
    The voices coming out of the radical pure fear....HYSTERIA
    I truly enjoy it
  • lavanda vandy.lorenzo shea 9 hours ago
    Keith Ellison is a d o u c he b a g!

  • culturewar 9 hours ago
    This is the guy who swore his oath to congress on the Koran.  Exactly what founding principles of this great nation are contained in the Koran?  Exactly where does Islam play a role in the founding and development of this nation?  The answers are none and nowhere.
  • Stay paranoid and ignorant.
  • 10thgeneration 9 hours ago
    If that is all you got Mr. Ellison, better stay on the porch! 
  • darkstar007 9 hours ago
    ....................|  |..........
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  • nonminion 9 hours ago
    He is a muzzie and a progressive (communist), what would you expect from such a piece of pig sh't!
  • cliffojm 9 hours ago
    Typical liberal tactic...restating rumor and avoiding accountability and responsibility.  Minnesota must be SO proud!
  • bastids 9 hours ago
    Really? Really?
    This is your best and brightest?
  • No.  This is our dumbest and token Muzzie.  Kind of like our POTUS
  • soylatina 9 hours ago
    Where is decency in the Democratic Party? Vulgar and irrespective House and Senate representatives, hookers in Colombia, party in Las Vegas. This people do not deserve our tax dollars.
  • amazingoly1 9 hours ago
    This Minnesota elected "mistake" has shown his true colors many times and must be voted out of office in November.  We deserve better.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) is a controversial figure who ran for U.S. President in 2012.

Now after failing to capture the Republican nomination, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-Minnesota) utters out the infamous racial slur "Tar Baby" during a interview with a conservative website.

Courtesy of CBS News/The Political Hotsheet

Rep. Michele Bachmann charged the president with caring only about his re-election. She also called him "irresponsible" and "infantile" for failing to address the economy and energy prices.

"This is just about waving a tar baby in the air," Bachmann told a conservative Florida website The Shark Tank in an interview on Thursday. "The president is a complete and utter fraud and a hypocrite on this issue, with all due respect," she said, referring to the president's energy policy.

Bachmann has come under fire for using the term "tar baby," which is a phrase that denotes a sticky situation and refers to a children's story, the Brer Rabbit. However, the term is also considered derogatory toward African Americans.

Bachmann's spokesperson Becky Rogness says in a Thursday email that Bachmann made a point about Obama's understanding of oil prices that has "nothing to do with race." Instead, Rogness says Obama "has gotten himself into a sticky situation."

Throughout the interview, Bachmann's hit the president hard, calling him "infantile."

"I have never seen a more irresponsible president who is infantile in the way he continually blames everybody else for his failure to first diagnose the problem and second to address the problem," Bachmann said.

She charged him with being focused on one thing. "All you have to know about president Obama is filtered through a grid called his re-election. Everything he does. It has nothing to do with priorities of the country. It has nothing to do with turning around the economy," Bachmann said. (Watch the interview below.)

Trayvon Martin's Parents Work, You Idiot!

Another day, another ridiculous rant from a conservative agitator. This time this one works for the Miami-Dade County Fire and Rescue Department.

Okay, we're all upset over the controversy in the state of Florida. The city of Sanford became a media circus after an incident involving a young man who was a neighborhood watch volunteer and a teenager who was gunned down by this young man over an apparent confrontation. When the Sanford Police dropped the ball on the case, the national media and Civil Rights leaders got involved and now here we are. This became a polarizing event that not only crosses race and political standings, but advocates for the talk! You know the one that we had when we were children about the way we are in society.

This gentleman Brian Beckmann, the captain of Miami-Dade Fire and Rescue went onto Facebook and posted his opinion on the Trayvon Martin shooting. And let's say that it's not one of the most nicest I've seen.

Conservatives are really agitated with President Barack Obama because he spoke on the controversy. But that's nothing new coming out of the unhinged.

And for the record, Bill Cosby, you're no longer the powerful figure you've used to be in the 1990s.

Courtesy of the Miami Herald

Miami-Dade firefighter under investigation for Trayvon Martin Facebook rant

Private Facebook posting from a Miami-Dade firefighter blasting “urban youth” and “ignorant, pathetic” parents draws probe.

Read more here:

A Miami-Dade firefighter’s rant about the Trayvon Martin case — posted on his personal Facebook page — is drawing scrutiny from his bosses.

Capt. Brian Beckmann’s post, published for the public Friday by the website, lambasts the prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case and suggests “urban youth” are the products of “failed, sh*tbag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents.”

Someone with access to Beckmann’s Facebook page sent a screen shot of his posting to the website which is geared toward African-American issues.

The Miami-Dade Fire Rescue told Joy-Ann Reid, managing editor of theGrio and a Miami Herald contributing columnist, it was investigating the captain’s online posting.

Beckmann, told the website in a Facebook message: “I am a private citizen and have the same right to freely express an opinion on any subject that anyone else does. I choose not to embellish or alter the facts as your employer chose to do.”

Reached by a reporter Sunday, Beckmann said: “It’s under investigation. I can’t talk to you.”

The investigation and racially-charged entry on the private Facebook page is an example of how employers both private and public struggle to balance free speech and conduct that may reflect poorly on an employee.
Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project, called this kind of incident “one of the great challenges of the digital age.”

“Organizations often want all the advantages of social media to promote themselves and their missions, but struggle to figure out the boundaries for their employees. The law sometimes is not at all clear about where the border between free speech and organizational rule-making can be drawn.”

He added: “At the individual level, people are in a brand new world where they have to think about – and manage – a variety of ‘publics.’ In social media it is pretty easy for people to believe that some social media postings are more or less private, when it fact it just takes a few clicks for them to become very public acts with a big audience. It’s unprecedented. It’s unnerving. And it requires a new set of social skills to manage properly.”

Zimmerman is charged with second-degree murder in the Feb. 26 killing of Trayvon, an unarmed Miami Gardens teen who was in Sanford visiting his father’s girlfriend.

A neighborhood watch volunteer with a penchant for calling police to relate suspicious happenings, Zimmerman called 911 that night to report Trayvon, who had gone to a convenience store to buy candy. A scuffle ensured and the Zimmerman fatally shot Trayvon.

Zimmerman claimed self-defense and Sanford police pointed to Florida’s Stand Your Ground law in not arresting the man. The shooting has sparked dozens of racially charged rallies across the nation and sparked worldwide attention on Florida’s self-defense law.

Beckmann, a Miami-Dade employee since 1997, posted the rant on Wednesday, the night special prosecutor Angela Corey announced Zimmerman had been charged.

“Listening to Prosecutor Corey blow herself and her staff for five minutes before pre-passing judgment on George Zimmerman,” the post read.

“The state seeks reelection again, truth aside. I and my coworkers could rewrite the book on whether our urban youths are victims of racist profiling or products of their failed, sh*tbag, ignorant, pathetic, welfare dependent excuses for parents, but like Mrs. Corey, we speak only the truth.

“They're just misunderstood little church going angels and the ghetto hoodie look doesn't have anything to do with why people wonder if they're about to get jacked by a thug,” the posting reads.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Secret Service Members Dismissed For Sex Scandal! Puts President's Life In Danger!

Colombian Prostitutes and The Secret Service Scandal
When the president is out and about, he's assisted by the United States Secret Service. The president, vice president, their families, foreign leaders, diplomats, presidential candidates, and our U.S. currency are protected by the Secret Service.

A major scandal happens to fall upon the Secret Service. Twelve members were dismissed after word got to the press that some of the agents were involved with Colombian prostitutes. A prostitute from the city of Cartagena, reported that some members of the detail stiffed her of payments.

What has become a serious issue with President Barack Obama is primarily the disrespect of him, his wife and his family. It's not only the whisper campaign from his political foes, but it's those who work within his inner circle to protect his life. What makes this a major scandal is the fact that those members of the Secret Service allowed people into that inner circle. This thing should not of happened.

Strict discipline by members of the Secret Service is taken very seriously. Those who committed this act, have failed not only the president, but those members who are sworn under oath to protect. There's going to be heads rolling after this scandal.

The Secret Service is under the United States Department of Homeland Security and it's going to be an investigation into who authorized the inner circle and what areas were compromised by this prostitute.

Now onto the right wing! Every freaking thing that happens whether or not President Barack Obama is involved, these people find a reason to make an issue of the president and his family. The president can't control misconduct of the United States Secret Service. The job of the President of The United States is to represent the nation, sign legislation into law, conduct appointments to his cabinet, pick federal judges, and command the United States military as their commander-in-chief.

The president wasn't in Columbia at the time of this scandal. But somewhere in Republican Wack-a-Doodle Land you'll find comments like those I've posted below here:

harryshell03:18 PM
Apr 14, 2012
Since the amazingly sensitive Messiah always seems to side with the victims in stories like this, I wonder if the prostitute looks like someone in his family. 
JEB 03:07 PM
Apr 14, 2012

The Secret Service arranged to have a bunch of prostitutes for Obama not the Secret Service.

Conservative ignorance bares this scandal.
KrazyFlowr14 03:05 PM
Apr 14, 2012
Let me guess, the agents are white and the prostitute is a white hispanic. Clearly this is a racial incident of world importance...

raccoon 02:14 PM
Apr 14, 2012

Now we know why Obama avoids Las Vegas. Hookers will be paid. This will not help the Great Ofumduck with the hooker lobby.

VotersOfNY 02:06 PM
Apr 14, 2012

Were the hookers for Obozo?

stanfordstudent1 01:39 PM
Apr 14, 2012

obama is an embarassment to the White House..not these agents...

Posted on April 14, 2012 at 9:16am

This is not the REAL story because why would you announce it to the World? This is the World’s premiere security detail. Announcing this sort of thing only endangers the President and all others whom the Secret Service protects. Even if this ****** thing is true, which I doubt, it cannot be the whole truth. The boys saw something and needed to be discredited. They probably saw Obama doing something nasty.

Posted on April 14, 2012 at 9:51am

Secret Service replaced by the Black Panthers? That would be like having the center step in and play Quarterback. His ass would get sacked on every play…….I say put the center in!!!! If the coach is dumb enough to make a call like that, then don’t place any bets on his team, cause he ain’t gonna win!!

Posted on April 14, 2012 at 9:54am

Something smells fishy here. Well, after Obama fires them, I’d love to hear what they have to say.
But I imagine Secret Service agents are sworn to secrecy.

publius2011 3 hours ago

OK. So the guy told an off-color joke he shouldn't have.

Even I have a hard time pinning that one on King Barack who is, in and of his own, a bad joke.

cjbear1 2 hours ago

Who cares! It was seven years ago....and it is all Obama has is to distract and divide.
Sorry O....You will Go!!

rockthevote2012 1 hour ago

This c r a p would never happen under a Reagan Presidency.
It all has to do wih respect for the Commander in Chief.

capnjack4 50 minutes ago in reply to rockthevote2012

Neither the Military or his own SS have any respect for this clown

rockthevote2012 38 minutes ago

Isn’t it a wonder how the incompetence this asswhole President breaths around himself that someone hasn’t slipped through the crakes and put him to sleep permanently.
Just looking at the faces of these secret Service men I could read thier minds; they are saying we got to protect this ni**ar

31068 2 minutes ago

Obama is in Columbia, wonder if he used any coke when he is there. Hear that he is quite fond of it.
Didn't long take long for Obama to corrupt the Secret Service agents. Everything he gets near ends up in the trash can.

Let me remind those who are politically conservative or inhibiting bigoted views towards race, gender, sexuality, nationality, religion, political and economic standings.

Why is it always those who criticize usually the ones who failed at completing a full sentence?

It amazes me that our nation is so polarized by the notion of the first Black president. It's like they want to portray the president like he's a hoodlum and outsider.

This story comes courtesy of the Yahoo! News and The Associated Press.

Misconduct alleged against Secret Service agents

CARTAGENA, Colombia (AP) — Alleged misconduct by a dozen Secret Service agents sent to provide security for President Barack Obama in Colombia threatened to overshadow his diplomatic mission to Latin America.

On Friday night, a caller who said he had knowledge of the situation told The Associated Press that the misconduct involved prostitutes in Cartagena, site of the Summit of the Americas this weekend. A Secret Service spokesman did not dispute that.

The White House had no comment, but also did not dispute the allegations.

A U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak publicly on the matter and requested anonymity, put the number of agents at 12. The agency was not releasing the number of personnel involved.

The alleged activities took place before Obama arrived Friday in this Colombian port city for meetings with 33 other regional leaders. Secret Service spokesman Ed Donovan said the agents involved were relieved from duty and replaced with other agency personnel.

"These personnel changes will not affect the comprehensive security plan that has been prepared in advance of the president's trip," Donovan said.

The agency was continuing to investigate the matter Saturday, but had no additional comment.

Still, the allegations were an embarrassment for the president and his delegation while guests of the Colombian government. And the incident threatened to torpedo White House efforts to keep the president's trip focused squarely on the economy and boosting U.S. trade ties with fast-growing Latin America.

Obama was to hold two days of summit meetings with regional leaders before heading back to Washington Sunday night.

The agents at the center of the allegations had stayed at Cartagena's Hotel Caribe. Several members of the White House staff and press corps were also staying at the hotel.

A hotel employee, speaking on the condition of anonymity for fear of losing his job, said the agents arrived at the beachfront hotel about a week ago. The employee described the agents as drinking heavily during their stay.

The employee said the agents left the hotel Thursday, a day before Obama and other regional leaders arrived for the weekend summit.

The hotel's public relations chief had no comment.

The Washington Post reported that Jon Adler, president of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, said the accusations related to at least one agent having involvement with prostitutes in Cartagena. The association represents federal law enforcement officers, including the Secret Service.

Adler later told the AP that he had heard that there were allegations of prostitution, but he had no specific knowledge of any wrongdoing.

Donovan said the agency personnel involved had been sent back from Colombia to their permanent place of duty. The matter was turned over to the agency's Office of Professional Responsibility, which handles the agency's internal affairs.
Associated Press writers Libardo Cardona and Pedro Mendoza contributed to this report.


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